gnlurday, Juno 16, 1017. T1IK DAILY NEWS AUTOINTOXICATIOKj ORSELF POISONING H. ggagggggV, HBa fBHi jvHIB siiai9HwXigggflAigggw' :raaaaaaaHaaaLHFHEaaMaf!r7U The Dangerous Condition Which Produces Many Well Known' Diseases. HOWTOGIMRD AGAINST HaaaHalaFf 4aaaA EKaaaaaaaaaH aflaaaaECaV7Kl aBaBaBaBaOLBaBaBaBaBM iPaBaF .15 T THISJROUBIE v BAaBKNMF YlaiaF'iifiLJtK 1 PC MnBaflPMsSsnK rPurr.A-Tivcs" tu wnirfai Baatt at,BaW BaJBBaBKk 'nBni4...':nnnnBnBnnfln!.l'm ''m Fm't MeJidn will Protect Yew Autointoxication meant self poison-lc caused by continuous or partial TSBBBVV'h ' '-B?MaLaaBviR flaahfea9aaaB9B9laVll 'KT!IbI or Insufficient action of ecvtiration, the lwels. BaBBBBaW J ' BLaaaamaaEvBfeL'' bRbLsBbhM ffiV i Bf Instead of the refuse matter passing aflaVaVaVaVaaw-BaaaVaVaVaVBkHaLl -BBBBBBsf lBHaBaVn JaW'sV IP daily from the body, It 1 !orUl by BVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVMaSaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVatTaVaki ' BlSMBswMsswBBWi hSl ' the Comfortable Shoes $tin are evtrwofkeJ, In their efforts to 'LPHBBBaBWaal -WkaKvTTL-aLaaaaaBBBaV'' 'W8t?' J for Business Men NBBBBBBBBBBBBBVi PBaWMBfTii rUl tl Mood of thU poisoning. ... JflK7-aaaac-aViaaBB(.i . i.1. .....jr I VaaVaWrHanSir'rUiriKaHnari'.; TCt1a: Iwnff(k MtHf intkit avy often The Buainesa Men are going to enjoy foot comfort Loss bf Indention, sad noses Disturbed Stomach. It may Appetite pro-daea this summer. They are going to wear FLEET FOOT Ilesdtebe and Mecpletsnett. WHERE IT 18 WARM ENOUGH TO BASK ON THE BEACH, Here is a typical scene of the WHITE SHOES; and save a lot of money, too. miy irritJt tkt KUntjt and brinr on hngllih bathing beach, wher.- everybody Appears to be happy. It will be noticed that the male Wherever you go this summer in town or country Tain In the liack, flbcumalUm, Gout, representation doe not Include eighteen and and the fair ellglblcs between the ages f forty-one at work or play at home or office you'll see and Kheumatlc Ialni. It ii the chief bather thin year must do without an escort. FLEET FOOT WHITE SHOES. eaosaof Eczema and kerftlhe tvkalt tyilty m nktallk t by the constant alrorp-Uon HON. T. D. PATTULLO TALKS They are so cool and comfortable In hot weather the blood of thla refuse Fruits-tilt Into f ttUI altvajl furt matter.Aula- WITH HIS CONSTITUENTS 'flcullie encountered by the flov- and cost so much less than leather. I eminent, first by the old Oovern- inbtUitio or aelf-polaonlnr, as Atkyoar ihoe deattr to thou IhefuB Unttf fled Foot you 'Frnlt-stJ?esH acts rUy on bowels, iUnliuued From Page One. jment hanging on to ofllce after kidneys and ikln, strenrthens the - ' 1 i the election, and on account of bowrli and tone np the nerroua system. clal Government ou the Songheeallne lealh of the Iloh.llalph Smith 60c. a box, 6 for 2 JO, trial site,25c reserve for the buildintr of afilna.'the late minister of finance. TIMBER SALE XM6. At all dealer or tent postpaid on and they have to atart from the ,r- Manson thought that. Ihe Sealed lender will be received by tbe rreeipt of price bf Fruits-Urea Limited, grass roola up to prepare their '"" llrr" Pnt by the Liberal Mlnlitrr of Land no laur than noon on Um iOUi day of June. HIT, Tor tbe pnr. Ottawa. Plant, and here t have a two Viy the wilderness was not elate of Licence X If , to rut t.m.OOS million dollar plant all ready, without its rewards, as otherwise feet of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and Hemlock WATER NOTICE Contracts worlU millions have.the ,,on' Mr. Brewster might not on an aret titotted on tbe etit tbore of Mtthleton Channel. Rtnr S, Coast Dlt-trtct. been iriven out In the eatt .Hm. have been secured as leader of I HtWltT 0S ATWtSTt Sat, l'8E A5D STORA0C and again, and how much has the party. He paid a striking Three tt) retrs will be allowed for re- TAit soTicr tbit Aruwr t turn, been given to Ilritisti Columbia? tribute 1 the business ability of mortl of timber. ' bote aiMmt U Tf 1 rort Iirvtt, Vteiona. It is nothing short of stealing, the the Premier. The Mineral Survey Farther partlculart of UM .Chief Foret ter, a lil'lj for a lifts to Ut and Public Victoria. B, C. or District Forester tt looks Act, Works, the Elections way it to me. We are really Prince Rapert. B. & JT. , bm ility evtic fret tr ano4 and In Hie hollow of the hands of Act and Prohibition were - I tore ahMii ) ten tut of ilr out of a MINERAL ACT FRED STORK'S HARDWARE spoken of bl Mr. Manson. He- utuaia Cmk. hlcb noi KMitbrtiltrlr few men back Katt and I think we Md train lalo Ortibjr Biy thooi at or will have to get up a Western garding the Lands Settlement Act, Certificate of NOTICE Improvements. arar Lot I ?. Cattiar Dllrttt he said that tbe big agricultural FOR CANNCRYsMIl parly and will have to do so for DourtlU" "Doorall FracUonal." and tbcai The 1 H Uttn-dun mil from amain t )xaU4 of imL our own protection. The question portion of the province lay north "Waterrront" Mineral atlmt, tltuttt in We have added lo our stock of valves and pipes a complete TW friir of in rrwrroir to t erttied of consideration for the West from Delia Coola and in the the Skeent sllnlnr Division or Ctttlar Dti-trtct line of Rubber Helling at right prices.-FOR it Ual It aervrwl. and tt IU Hood fs one of the most Important be. liulkley. Nechaco, Francois and Where located: -On Um welt lid of FISHERMEN ttesi ft acm of had. Tba witer will fore us at the present time. There Ootsa valleys and along the line bead of Alice Arm. A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy "for U ditrtd rrun ib itrtam at a poini of the O. T. P. Mr. Manson claim TAtE NOTICE thlt t. Richard B. MC ttci al or nrar tb ilini, and will tw is a perfect clique of men down trolling Spring Drass, Silver and Bronze. ed that with modern farming the ClnnU, Free Miner's CertlBcate No. tltt. mt4 tor oer for miaJor porpoM upon there. Ottawa Is bound to the C Varden Mines FOR THE WATERFRONT scUnr as stent for tb Dolly ta miiM Ortcnbti ai the runniran old days of drugery associated miu, I. It. and the C. N. 1U while the Company. Tree Miner's Certtflcatt No. 111-c. The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat . ud Tot Orocp. altofu near U brtJ. kr bf Booaau Creft. 0. T. 1. can gel nothing-. Just with farm work were past, or intend, tiny dtrt from Um dti hereof, paint "FLOGLAZE" A complete line or Ship Chandlery. passing. It was useless to expect to apply to Um Mininr Recorder for a look at Sir William .McKeruie This boiir at rtd on Um r round FOR EVERYONE oa trad dr of M(J.IIT. tbe Provincial Gov. people to go pn to the land with CerllOcate t Improvements, for the pgr. telegraphing or ebtaininr Crown Orant of Um ' stock pot t A fine of Hardware, Gurney'a Oxford Stoves. A nrr f Uli aolir and an trpliratloa the such prospects. Mr Manson drew eminent that G. N. It. was re-moved tbove claim. j prt :tai thrtlo and to tba "Wafer Act, We Seir Nothing But The Beat to the Jurisdiction of OU a rosy picture of the coming farm And rnrtbrr uke notic tbtl tctlon, an- 1 itit U1 tw BWd la tbo one of Um life in Hrilish Columbia, when der section St. k sit be commenced be- . lr rtrordrr at rrtaro Rupert. B. C taw a." tbe Issuance Of inch CertlBcit of Im. ; tKrU k Um kwtlralloa soar tx Returned Soldiers. electricity will milk the cows, and I im Um Mtd Wiur liMordcr or wit telephones and picture shows and pnteoents. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Mr. 1'altullo also spoke on Dtted this 11 th day of April. A. D. 117. uw C'tnrmiwt tt Wir Wft. rarlia all modern conveniences will be Jr. S. RICHARD B. McCINNIS. nwat kaildian Wtona, C. wtuun Unrtj what tbe Cov eminent was doing dan ttter Um im irpraranr of ttui and had In hand for the returned within reach of the farming com aauca la t hirtl awppr. munity. "They deserve It," said soldiers. This was in reply to ARTHl'M C HtY.MS, Apptteant. request from tbe Great War Veterans Mr. Manson. , "Under such 'Con Save the Food ana K. T. OUt.1, Atrni. ditions the returned soldier and Tit dM of lb arti poMitauoa of Utit Association, lie eiplained iwure la im rod. hit. the constructive policy of the many others would go on the Serve the Empire ! land. Hut," concluded Mr. Man Government in regard to techni "we don't want Ihe returned WATER NOTICE son, cal and vocational training and soldiers to become a political in The Average Canadian Family Wastes also the land settlement scheme i'ie amd storaoc al some length. A suggestion stitution, as was the case of the Enough to Feed a Soldier Tiq NOTICE thai Mtraas r. OImh. G. A. R. of the United Stales." ao tddmi u AUea Arm. B. C, had been made by one of tbe arvr (or a Ureaea to Uk and bm 10 soldiers that the Government eaue fri ptr second and to siora build some small fishing vessels, WATER NOTICE frt frl of aier oof or CVaratter Cms and Mr. I'attuIIo thought that alctj DivntstON AIIO USI oi aoaumtticrly and drains tnw u aiiuait M?rr about tt mile from there was some merit in thai TAKE NOTICE tbat Oeorre McRat, a4 of lb inlet or Alice Arm. suggestion. whose addrett It Skldertle. B. C wll itorwdam wlU pe located tl Um apply for a- licence to Ukt and dm lit r,tl7 outlet at detratler U. Tbe Woman's Suffrtuja. cubic feel per minute or wtter out ol rararlljr or Um mtrvoir to tM ervaled It Mr. K. II. Mobley next addressed Deader Creek, wblcb Bowt northerly and soonl and It will Bood about the meeting and emphasized the drtiat Into Altrord Bay, about II cbaint arret or land. TIm ir will tw dl from Um X E. corner of T. L Tbt ria from Um stream at a poiat abonl privileges and the responsibilities wtter will bt dlTerted from tbt ttream tl " dam. and will be tited for poer acquired by the women of the t paint about ten chains well from XW r atiainr dt earner of Let 4. B. C and wlU purposo upon Um mine province when the suffrage was tltbeiiei. "ib4 as Um Mitilda. rot. Monarch and extended to them, He pointed out b uted for power purpose upon the Itnd "The Kitchen mast help as well a . wnrr mineral clalmt. located on niutull described tt tdjolninr Timber Umlt 111 otauin. that "women shall bo capable of In tppllrttlon l leate. the Workshop ad the Trenches" TMt noiico n potted c lb t round being elected as members of Ihe Tbit nolle war potted on Um trounc Lloyd George, Itth dtr of Mtr, HIT. Legislature subject to the same w tbe I Its day of lannary. HIT. I expjr of thit tvciur and an applicailon conditions as men" and he hoped eopr, or tbis notice and an appurtUor Pwrtttni inerh and to lb "Wtier Act. purtutnt thereto and to Um Wtter Act UI be Bled In lb omn of Um before long to see women repre Itli wtu b Bled In Um office of tbt tlee recorder at Prior Rupert. B, C. sentatives on the floor of the Wtter Decorder it rrlncs Rupert. Ob INTELLIGENT economy in OblerUunt to ih nnlieailnn mir be House. He explained the 1-qual iectiont to lb application mty b Bled can do much Hied with in tid Water Recorder or wtib with Um ttid Water Recorder or with n C.mj. roller or Wtter Rltb, rtrtla-el Guardianship Act and the question tbe Comptroller of Water Ri(bt. rtrllt to prevent the threatened Rulldlott Victoria, B.O, wlUHn Ibtnr of the Returned Soldiers, and mrnt Buildtnrt, Victoria. B. C, w I tbit world famine the effect of high "jt trier tbe Brtl tppearane of thlt before going further, accused the tbirty dtyt trier th am tppetnnc of can counteract pricet Hon. Mr. I'attuIIo of cribbing the 'Jilt notice In a local newspaper. and can replace growing debt with systematic savistg. M. P. OLSKM. AcDllrtnL Tbt dtte of,tb Brtl publirttion of tbu Tbe dale of the Brtl publlrtlUw or thlt speech -lie had intended making. aotlr I rrbrutry tut. It7. Careful show that before the the nr it jdm tD(1 hit. Mr. Mobley dealt very extensively OEORUE- McRAE, Applicant. investigations war with the legislation In regard to Brrush hnuly wasted 25 oj their food and we Uuiadtaa ' evesi mining. Navigable Water Protsctlon Act. more extravagant. Public Servants. R. S. O, CHAPTER It. Prince feed Co. Mr. A. M. Manson In opening, This waste m not in a feW big things,but in many Kwle Rupert said: "I am very glad that IhU Tb Ortnd Trunk PtclBe Railway Com we used to think, too small to bother about such as cafei o. Bet asa. OS TMrd At. is a public meeting ami not n pany section hereby t or rivet in said notice Act.tbit deposited It tut, under wita of vegetables and fruit failure to make good use of dripping aasl left party meeting. On the 14th of tbe Minuter of Public Workt it Ottiwi. . I I ii "II . akit 1. t r.E0EIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Willi tutu VUvtl UUICIS) M Wttt UU.UI cu s tijr tmmj September last, when we wen, ind in tbe omc or th Dlttrlcl Rerltirtr WE elected In represent the people at f the Und Rerlttry Office, District of For the Empire's sake as well as your own, hunt u BtW cutout HANDLE rtnr tl Prince Rupert, ascrip StaeU A Rennlea' Victoria, we ceased to bo Liheruls tion of Rnpert,th tit and pita of lumber a mill these leaks 1 You'll be helping to relieve the food shortage saving Brlgas, Carry's Maekantla'a and became public servants," Air. tod other work prupoted to be built In your own money and putting yourself in a pos&oa lo buy CanasXaB and brilliant he rrlur Huperl nirbor tl Prtnc Manntni mado u speech Ruptrt, Qtrdsn and PUId Seeds. and t'liiptiatlted the fact Hint th Brltlin Coluublt. In front of Waterfront War Savings Certificates and help win the war. Mock "l, arcordlnt to re tU tried pltn of Also Fsrtllliara. majority of the members of the th towntit of Um said city of rnnc War Savings Certificates are issued Wa dAOflKKsAABsfiSsS e(2Sy HAY, GRAIN AND FEED Legislature wen' youlig men, not l.upert rerlitered In th aforenid land $50 and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face vaiW They but ,mc as Mo. Section T, business retistry Ml. Chicken Fowl A Specialty. professional He politician,told how (hut In- ND TAKE NOTICE thai trier tb ex-pirition cost $21.50. $43 and $86 respectively, at all Meney Orskr Peetw; intMi. or on month from tb dti af Offices and Banks, thus yielding over 5 Interest 9muU meed for less jnmi W Taka Ordsrs for Nursery lead of the HotlMV silting lb nrtl publiettlon of thlt notice, lb Stock. Hun an hour in the nfternoon, as Ortim Trunk rteine RtUwi; uuiany k, you can get your saoney back at any time. was Ihe custom during the. term will, under Section T of th ttld Act, tpplj 'l Orrt rrmaUr AtlSd T. of Ilia previous Government, th lo th Minuter of Public Worki tt hit (-mr in lb Clly or nut a tor tpproul present House worked Hum Hours tf lb ttld til and plan tnd for lettr nd conscientiously rrprm,eu M construe! th SH4 works. SUBSCRIBE FOR their duties Tills witaWinwn by Dated tl Wlnntptr. Minltoba. thli tltl The iaVtsoaal Service Board of Caaade, dey of rrbrutry. A. C KIT. business (he volume of put THE ORV.ilD TRUNK PAUriC RAILWAY OTTAWA. The Daily News through lite House during the CO Mr A?U, II. U. HANSARD, lolldtor.