CD 11IK DAILY HEW8 Pa("r,lay June o d( ! C EJECT TO PACIFISTS ' rnLLnuEB rvuMBi it nr G. H. Arnold HAROUN EL RASCHID London.LEAVING Julio GREAT il RRITAIN, AY HOWE'S PLU...b!MG A very interesting ncrounl ul NOTARY RURLK) quo of the builders of tin' Kmpll' . Iho .National Heamen's nnd Flre- SHEET METAL is ghett In a recent number of the IV m ,,av tnfcen prisoner, WORKS Montreal Journal of Commerce. I rederlck Jowell, president tif the' :v.'.r:l.p.'s:Kr.':1r: We wrile Fire, and .Marine The Journal nays: i James Iildfpeiideiil Labor parly, and xt w,fk ht, The part played by India in the llainsay MncDonald, chair-1 la the Oto MSHlONto Insurance, representing advance in Mnsnttnthmin rails man of the Labor parly, both TrM. Lt C ""ST Vow; (mlyltrqng, liberal com-mnies. 'fresh attention to Uie'part India members of Parliament, uhn wr SaVLIOMTS. f ' . , is playing, nnd likely ,to play in about lo sail for Petrmrrail. i CORMCSS. the future, of the Kmplre. A very An enormous dentniialrallitti ' "'" ' Ml 0.i We nell Heal. 1'state, and Just interesting pro.consul, Lord Cnr-mlchaoL, was held losterday afternoon in I V4 Miss.r t bll.f. M..!,,!, mataetel. ' how h a v e some real has Just returned to " i Trafalgar Square to amies! , kIM. PRIOIS ItiaHT, tll,cl SNAPS. Ak us about Knglund from the governorship WE3THOLME THEATRE against permitting Mr. MacDonald flRSTLASS. satistud cie,. the mi of liengal where his knowledge of and Mr. Jowett to proceed toj TOUCH is our aim. ocal News Notes Pelrograd on account of their PMONf S40. p. o. BOX 47 Indian affairs is proving of the T might there will be sbowu at r.iteer e on tit ti. We have apartments, houses utmost value to the Government. the Westholmc, The Evil Eye." supposed pacifist leaning. The d a Strtet. tUt U cw a,,,.. stores and offices for rent, Carmichael wns a mosl uncon and meeting was opened by the reading and SmmmimI Wharf Sa, of great ureal Clearance salt at OOLuJThn is a story power of the DR. KIROIrl and want more. venlional governor, and nothing . following telegram auiLDINO. i rnii sir ns 1 1 fin iriirii sunri. it pleased him more than to wander BLOOM'S. 141. I 19 IUII V ww from Captain Tapper of the Seamen's ', H. O. HELQEMGftf, LTD Hniah. It Is of a most lively na. and Firemen's Union: around ,the native, quarters of .Mr. O. Hanson went out to lure, and the scene of the story Is "1 have Itombay, Culculta and other large MacDonald and Jowell & Mexico. Thero is ifmlthers today. placed in a cities, travel on third-class rail prisoners. The crew refuses to wealth of local color from Uiat alawwas way carriages disguised as a na Great Summer Sale at- GOLD. land of sunshine and dark com. sail with them," J.L.HICKEY tii', and in other ways, keep in HLOOM'S 141. piexlons, tomalcs and jealous re. "Tke News" touch with the common people. venge. The Evil Eye" is certain-1y CONTRACTOft A Diiy BUILDCS In this way ho was able to learn Mr. A. J. I'rudhomme left this one out of tho ordinary, and DENTISTRY . amount about the Edmonton. anjjmmerise mdrning for CLASSIFIED AI)S. under-current of tndian political the very title suggests something Store and OfTlce li-'jr, and economical questions. Car Iieautiful summer dresses must minister. A Palhe uaiette show-l oaowM ago eanooai Sasb, Door and Miljr. the latest happenings over a a trtuAi.Tr ing hn'chael also served as governor bo cleared at OOLUULOOM'S Oak and Hard Woods f wide radius, and a Travelogue will dr. j. j. tno'.vn at different times or Victoria and knd. WANTEB. Australia. He was raised to the Mr. Jack Lindsay went out to also be displayed, which altogether DMTIIT ! : peerage a few years ago as a re his ranch on this morning's train. makes a splendid programme. 0 111 aIUl !, ThlrS AtMM We Specialise In Hard, WASTED Etperlrnced chambermaid for fowl aits wood Boat Ribs, Bath, sult of the good work he did in Smlibers Hotel, B. C AppIjrSavojr Ho Mr. It. O. Jennings left, this Doors, eto. ML. 7 tr. I'gypt, Australia, and in India. It LANO REGISTRY ACT morning for his mine near Ami. is, however, as, a governor of In. P'ale and Sheet Class and 5 UfTEUJOEXT PERSO.1 MAT. EAR ilia that he Is best known. bury. (Sectlona IS and 114.) Qlatlng. SIIO monthly corrtspondlar Tor newi-Hixn; MO m ISO monthly in Pre Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Lipsett went Corner Frasse and Sth Great Clearance sale- for two P.a AppUratloa Ao. tlil-l. riuat is IS. Price Rupert Dairy Jt. tune; espertrnce tioneretiaryj do can- out this morning on a fishing vaiainr; uiJeet surcrated. Send for weeks only. Everything? must go, trip. TAkE .10T1CE that appllcaUoa baa been UMBCR UW AAMACaMT RHONE GREEN 2C9 particulars, national Pre! Bureau at, GOLDHLOOMS. 141. tuade to rttittcr The CorporaUoa of the room 1174, Buffalo, fl. T. uty f Piioco Rupert la the Province of F. O. BOX 444. Mr. II. II. Hansard, solicitor for tin tun Columbia, at ovnr la fre ander FURE HOLSTIEN MILK The Dally .m delivered the O. T. left this morning for FOUND lw Til Sale Deeda from the Collector of CRCAM trrirr. i ienl ir iih.iiIV Ottawa. the City or Prlnc Rapert. beartas date the j lib day of December llll. or ALL A.1t' BUTTERMILK FOUND Ladjra Vanity Bar. Apply DaUy ftl.OCLAR thai ceruia parrel or Uact of j LANO ACT newa omee. U. Captain Mitchell, of the Salva Uad and prcmUea altaale ljlnr. and betas PMONf tST P. O. MX tion Army, returned to Andimuil la the Municipality r Prtoca Rupert, mar j Sheet Metal Work msecLLANceus SKEEXA LAJID DISTRICT DISTRICT or this morning. parUcalarly known aad deacrtbed aa .'"lorlh j SJI Ore ere FrwapUr AttaMed To. COAST. RAMOt fill it,. ra .r f i. Taks,notice that we. Cke MUlerd rack-In (ID. and Tl HI) Block tlfhteea Hatina; been In tbo IUt I ttv The Hon. T. t). Pattullo left on RAD U ATE HURSK (CM B.London) Termi R. McKay, Proprietor. r Company, Limited, or Vancouver, oc i Hi. Section On (li. Map StI. become moderate, apply O. Boi SIS, or cupation cannerymcn. lat'Ad to apply for this morning's train en route for ' acquainted a cA-ern You are repaired lo cosltl the clata melSml of FbotH 41. pertnHtlon to leate lb folio In i de-aertbed Prince George. outCtUcgcaao-.-i land? . ... .r the Ui purchaaer wlthia lhirty-nv boat, aa oel by Eattero shcr Uj rroca the date o' the aervic or UU , FARM LAMM Comroenctnr at a pott planted at the Mr. Carruthers, provincial gov ooUc (hlch mar effected by pertonalj PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. toutheatt corner of Lot 117: thence south ernment engineer, went up the ervire or a directed), and yovr atieauoa) i Gasoline Tanks, Pipo I Chains to low water mark: thence aorta-westerly OMOOfl AXD CAUrORMA RAILWAY CO. ia called to aectlon It of the "Land Iter j tt chain foUowinr low water line,this morning. fitting nnd Plumbing, AAXT LAMDS. Title to aarne revetted ttry Acr' .with amendment, and to th mark; tbenc nortb chain to the Grand Mi United State act of Cooirtu telkmiar etiraet Uwrtfrocni I by General Teaming and all lines of Sheet Trunk ratine rlcbt-of-way; thence outb Mr. C Eatnes, of the provincial dated fun t, til. Two mllllou,-three -aad la default or a caveat or certlOcat' chains iald eaiterly follovlnr rlrtt- hundred Utouttnd acres, to be opened f-way to the place of betlnninr and con- police staff, went out to Halmoral wT li penden betas Bled before the ret- I D0ME8TI0 v, : Metal Work : far borne trad and sale.' Timber and lalrunr tl aerea. cannery this mprning. Ktratlon aa ovaer or the peraoa entitled ' Prompt Attention aiv . . ' arrlcoltural liodi, eoouinlor soma of COSSE MILLERO PACU5Q COMPA.tY , Oder urh tat le, all perton o served ' BLACKSMITH COAL fcet land left tn United States, Now U LIMITED, 114 Mr. Harry Foote, late of the O. vnth nouce, .... and thoto claimtaf ) Work man hip Mm opportune time. Larre map (bow lUruuih or tinder them, and all person Carat u I AtUntlon to Flano April Ind. 1117. I. Ffd Ritchie, a tent. T, P. staff, left this morning for , isr lands by section and description of talmiat any Inter! la the land by vtr-iSe and Furnltura Removals. H. LETOURNEAU sou. climate, raUfall. elevation, etc. I THE MATTER Or A.I APPLICATION his home in Edinburgh. of any unrr filtered tsttmaicnl. and Paitpald one dollar.. .Orant Land Lo-eatinr ' jU clatmior laureil the G2l SIXTH AVEVt'K for the luue or a freh certiOcaM of UUe perauaa any la RHONE 03. Co., Bot tio, Portland. Oregon. ror Lou One (t) and Two (t). Block Mr. John liergman, who has and by defcenl vboae title 1 not resit-tered Ihoni Ulack S2S P O Ik x lit Eleven (tl), Section On (I). City or been at Ocean Kails lately, left under tn p rot I loo or thi Act. Prince .ball be ror ever eitorped and debarred .. Rupert. Map Sit. Ales M. Maoaoo. for Smithers this morning. w, K. WlUien. M I.L NOTICE IS MEREBT OIVE.1 that It la . frota tetiiot up any claim to or ta rcpei n my Intention to loe after the eiptraUon ut I be land o otd for late, and the WILLIAMS MANSON of one month from the Oral pnbllcaUon Mrs. Jim Hunter and family left fleiiitrar shall rettaier lb person entitled i.Boe i iio"iira Barrlstars, Solicitors, Eta. bereor, a freih Certificate or TlUa for the this morning for Olscom, where ander tuch tai tale a owner of the " above mentioned lot In the name or the they will spend the summer. land so Ud for Uiea." omit to Loan Atlantic Realty and Improvement Company A.1D WIILhEAS apUcalion baa been lot lift United. blch Certificate of Title wa rude for a Cerudcai of Indefeaatblo Title Botsonu Bkwt rrlii, ftufrrt. H f l&oed oojne tOtn October, ISIO, on ap Mrs. C. M.Jacobs, who has been lo Um abovcDenUooed land. In the nam plication received the 10th October, IttO. in town for some time, returned r The CorporaUoa or the aiy or Prince J and I numbered S44-L Ituperi: - - this morning to Skeena Crossing. May llth. im. . . A5U WHEREAS Oo lntlruns the UUe Land Reriitry Office, it appear that prior to the fotirieenta day Prince Rupert. B. C Mr;s. Ourd, of Vancouver, is H. P. MACLEOD. paying a visit to Prince ttupert:)D id land were sold for overdue Stuart J. Martin Je. 0t DUtrlct Reilitrmr. and -Is the guest of Mrs. Du Ver- ttiM), voa wrrf taorinreo tnereor, net. FlRTIICn TAKE .10TICI tnat at U ame tint 1 iball effect reiiitratloa ta t&trlitttt A53AYLH Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Nelson left lijnuaoce of loch ippUceUon and lo a Certificate of loderrattble Title to the THE Uxl!fWXUUa for their home in this morning HAZELTON at. C. thi laode lo the nam of ln0 above cor J7ni 6cuts OfttTet W Baskatchewan, having arrived poratloa anl'i voa uk and proaecntei from Ketchikan, . Oe prvprr proeeeilinn to eaiabiub four sisMsmiAirs knm rlaln. If anr, to I be tald land, or to The olttwttt established Assay icn propoaed acUoo . prevent oa my part. - - - 0 t Cvl S 1- fc 7 la-. 1V8 Wanted Hoard for two child. Office in the North. Merae Pawae. tuted at tUfl tad lUftttry Omce. Prince ren, aged 0 and 8 years, for July Rupert. B. C. toll tta dajr of becemben el. S M I. If I 1-Z ka. Si is at the and August. Father V. 0. III. Meeae Power. f front. Terms arranged. Apply II. r. MtCtXOD. CjL 6 1.2 la. If I la, 2S-S DUtrlct Keintrtr of Title. Meeaa Pewae. Daily N'ews Office. tf. Sunlight i fo rredene Srnattner, Ea rare C L. rreeman, C r. H. Bid'. LAKEUE HOT SPRINGS For Further Information The sale of home cooking held . Edmonton. AMrta. in the fled Cross tent yesterday ;;hotii. Apply to under the charge of Mrs, Stanley 0CM TO mTI OW WH STM W. C. IVILLISCftOFT Parker and Mrs. E. Parker realized i Soap Motor" Stage will connect the sum of 182.25. ptpcu p i nunitiu t I wilb. trains at Terrace. Prince Rupert, B, C. 0 I EE 11 OL LU11 U TTILL All the ladles in the Seal CoVe HBHSBwaaBBama The inducements offered with common Kicllat.Trirt Lata.PUkkif In LakstM district, who nre interested in SANITARY AND HEATING soaps cannot make up for tbe purity of Phone Oawaiaetlew with Tarraaa. (led, are earnestly requested CNQINEEns Sunli'iht Soap. It costs US more to make Rms 9J4 pT Jy FREE to atlejid a meeting in St. pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use Peters Church on Monday, June AQsnls for - It, (or Sunlight pays for itself in tbe clothes ror further parUculars, spply to' 18th, at 4 p.m. t it saves, ft docs not wear and rub tbe i. MUCK eOMSMrrOKC, awaatr. I McCLARY FURfVACCS fahritM as oo: a soaps do. One of the latest arrivals in awevwalM FLUMBINO tt.OM .town, which is a source of Inno-: pmrMj arte every eHJSMMBC FOR r w. cent merriment, in the children. Is I and WapWJM I lwMilRvUMI9frTf-TwMw jthe coll which arrived at the Pa-! SHEET METAL WORKS The Daily News iciflo Transfer's the other day.1 Phone 5, 831 Hfcond Avenue. ism Borne of the old timers say that Night phones 070 thi Is hut the second one born Inl and Illue 270 Prince Tlupert. The right work, at tho right Hy time, and at tho right price. Letterheads NOTIOE A HOT BATH THE Envelopes Statements TAKES NOTICE that we. Albert MINUTE YOU WANT IT Cards, Etc. d McCaffery, Limited, of the city a hJ beet aiateUtlea v accustomed to Plane 98 of Prince Ilupert, li. C, merchants You are OLD WATCH cold water instantly. FREE. have applied to the Dominion getting Think of lbs -isfactlou Government for permission toj wittml i - i 1 1 tow, ,. . of getting Hi build addition to wharf I an now The News M Press situated on Lots Three (3 , and, Water in the same way in f Four Iilock "F", abundance, regardless i), City of Pfiaekf of All ptscriatisH Dm Prince Itupertsaid lots are owned . . ttrtt M M how much has been uiea hy the Provincial (lovernmenl) and ' Mat, Im tmt L,u aw before. leased to us, Il ttwtte, mt HOT WATER LIKE MA0I0 P.O. Bm 89 ProKram I'lahsf couslruction of said) IM -.,U Catalog addition are being suhmltte lo' a u ms n- Harry Hanson Dudrs the Public Works Department "Ml.hlH Hot Water Beryice bringi Posters,etc, Dominion Government by the! Im W. ma you this convenleiic-RHONE I provincial Government. J 395 tALliKIlT A MefiAFFEIlY I.IMITFli MUM to., MM & f, Vtl 4 P.O.BOX t'lat 1 22nd May, 1017. J2' JjJW O-vt -1, (l.u kVJa, a.