1 V t The Daily news 1.4 VOL Vllf. NO. 12. PMNCK RUPERT,, B. C, MONDAY, JUNK 18, 1917. VI KHICE FIVK CEN1 RDSS ANSW LL 10 UAVfc 5 EPARATE PEACE DEFINITE PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY SOLDIERS' AND WORKMENS' DELEGATES INTENSITY OF FIGHTING HOW TO RETAIN OFFICE RUSSIA GIVES " 1 tTfBBSBBBBBal CHINA IS ALL FOR ANOTHER YEAR , i'tSBBBBBBBBBBMIBBBB IS INCREASED BY ALLIES Ottawa, Juno 15 Tlie Toronto IRREVOCABLE , LINED UP FOR BRITISH, FRENCH ANO ITALIANS INCREASE THE PRESSURE News,the strongest which meal invariably of the presents Borden PLEDGE TO WAR QBBBflBJMB.JBBBBBBbBm A CIVIL WAR AGAINST THE ENEMY ON EACH FRONT GOOD PRO. Government' word, reverts to the CRESS MADE BY ITALIANS STRONG AUSTRIAN question Can the government, by . JBBBMBMBMBJpBBMBaBjBBMBBMBj bbbbbbBbbbbBbbbBBH POSITIONS CAPTURED making use of its majority in the stirring Proclamation Finally Six Provinces Have SomWnss' fsr House of Commons and in the Disposes of Separate Peace Active Resistance to ilDrcUl to Tb JHllj . their fire both in the Alsm and Senate, extend the life of parlia Talk Will Continue r LtbskbtbWHbvEbtbtbi Government at Psklfi London, June 18, Heavy fight-jchampagn regions, and all in- jraent afler Hs We has expired? With the Allies. eivil War Rsct. ing Is In progress In Belgium, but dicotlons point to the resumption ' 1 Ul ,nuH,w w, 4u" I details are lacking, as no reports 'of the French offensive In those 030 lne Irden Government 5ftu: to The Dili 5tw.) SLaBklBBBMH (Special to Tb Dtlly News.) . . ... . . .... .. . .. kilt. I A imritrmm urllh t h iinanfmniu rin. f have yet ween puiniaiieo tuuay. insecmrs. iierun is expecting sucn,-"'"-" . pelrograd, June 16. A stirring New York, June 18. The six France and also on the Austro-'a move by General I'elain. In the ,enl ot u,e Canadian Parliament procian,ation, which places the Chinese provinces of Kwant Tung. Italian fronts, the Fntenle forces Meuse Heights, the French sac-are ana me subsequent rauueauon cndi ot tne Workmen's and Kwang.si, Kivei Chow, Yunnan, also on the aggressive. Home 'cessfully repulsed several raids by the Imperial Parliament both goiters' Delegates on record as reports considerable achievement 'against their lines and inflicted of which are required under the irrevocably opposed to a separate Hunan, and Shei Chuen have co by (he Alpine troops. Strong po-'severe losses on the raiding par-nitions British North America Act and peacef na8 been adopted by the, aBBJMwWWlT aHHgSJSMJSJSjpj. ordinated plans for active resistance were captured from the lies, which were made in connid-Austrians keep itself Indefinitely in office by counci today. This proclamation 4 to the Government at Pekin. at Corno Cavento Inerable force. means of its party majority in nag been prompted by the Aus-f LIEUT. FANNING II is now considered certain that Eastern Trentino at an altitude of i British Official, both Houses? Itrjan effort9 to iure Ilussia into a' General Count de Jongh representing unless the rebellion Is brought more than ten thousand feel. 1 The British troops attacked Put a tnird way, tne question geparaie peace. the Belgian army at the under control at that ex. once, fcveral Austrian guns were taken, again today to Ihe south of Yprea is Can the Dordn Government( nU8sia will continue in the war. memorial services at Kensington Attacks were made on several and made substantial gains. Sev--iher play hob with our National Con- say8 Tereschlenko The Minister for Lieut. Fanning,.a young Irish, tensive military operations will' Italian positions in differ- eral counter attacks were made stltution whenever il likes, for'of foreign affairs has given a man, who joined the Belgian fly. ensue, and that the whole country ml sectors .which were repulsed, upon the new positions eslablish-Frsnch the purpose of dodging a general denniU, statement of Ilussia's ing corps, and was killed last will be plunged into a civil war. FronL el south of the Ypres and Com. election that is going to send it picy. lo lne noot Commission, month, has been awarded the The French are Increasing bles Canal. back to the tall grass? t Mo K(nB tn Qr.ec Bow. highest French and Belgian decorations. TONAKEACCIWLATEI While the News lacks the nerve' Aihens, June 18, The former to say plain Yesl and, Indeed, King Constantine is out of Greece WEALTH CONTRBUTE GREAT EXPLOSION ANOTHER AIRSHIP argues that there is danger in now The Military Club, which BRITISH RECRUITING any precedent which conflicts wa8 lne rendezvous of the Itoyal-wlth IN MINNEAPOLIS RAID ON ENGLAND the language of the constl- t offlCers. has been closed by the STATION Hi BOSTON Ottawa, June 16. -The impres. tulion, il bints that "great mer-'Aeg. Commissioners. The food sion prevails that the parliamentary ?t-ll to Tt Dll7 Vrrtl W The nuir ."ew. gencies may over-ride all regu- illualion imDrovinir. situation, in so far.as the fate Minneapolis. June 18. A lire Londun,June 18. German airships' lauons anu conditions (Sprrlal lo Tbe Dally Mews). of tbe Governments selective ntrh was caused by a terrific ex. made another raid on the In other words, the News, hav- N0 SETTLEMENT OF THE ew York, June 18. A British conscription bill is concerned, has piosion in the (op of an elevator eastern and southeastern coasts ing inside information, wouldn't ALBERTA COAL STRIKE recruiting station waj opened In been clarified by the notice by of the Daylcy levator Co, destroyed. be at all surprised if the Borden! Boston on Saturday. The Scots. Hon. George P. Graham thai, he early morn, of.F.ngland lhahuHdiufcj.tf'lt orsjnday Oovurntuonv-U-HMl it on as'Mlf ipruj i Th tnit r. hneW llttnynnrThllaUelptila have wiU:ravevprobablyonjmotiQn It canlarnedT The loss of the ing. Oh? 7pplmwiT brought Ueerale measure to teiave on . caie-fry. June 1 8-The attempt begun recruiting a Scots regiment. to go into supply, a resolution property is estimated at 1300.000 down after the raiders had drop, the impending doom. The News t ,,etle u,e coaj gtrike has redoes The Jamaica negroes in New'York calling for action to make accumulated and the wheat was valued at $50,. ped bombs in Kent. The damage ot forget that the Borden ,utled jn faUre. The coal oper-Government are also attempting lo form a wealth contribute to the cost of the war and that the resources 000. is a Tory government was slight. alor rejecl the proposed agree-and unit to fight with the British of the country should be that a Tory government be-'nienl The absence of a clause forces. REVOLUTION IN SPAIN CONSCRIPTS HAVE NO lieves in the ruling class ruling preventingthe abrupt stoppage of so. organized as to ensure the greatest possible assistance to the RCpoRT TO with as little interference from work is lhe rock; 0n which the ONE TO GERMANS LOSINQ THREE in the and reduce the Empire war the ruled as possible. In October, negotiations were shattered. The SUBMARINES A WSEK London. June IS. According 1917, at which time its year's ex- :iucreage of wai?es anj u,e ap-lenslbn cost of living. The resolution, to Information received here from Ottawa. June 18, What looks lapses, the Borden Gov- 'poinlment of a commission to which undoubtedly is the production hole has been discovered New York, June 16. Arthur H. of the committee of five unofficial sources, It Is learned like a large eminent will have done Its worst Inake future revisions of the scale ap that revolution has broken out in in the conscription bill. for the common people for six were ncccpt?j. Pollen, a British expert on naval I pointed by the Liberal caucus lo Spain. All the submarine cables The bill declares that the Government years. Taxes were never so high,; gunnery, whose articles in Land draft a resolution, will not be in- and the overland wires have been food never cost so much, graft TROLLING CLOSE SEASON and Water are credited with hav-produced in any form in connect by proclamation may ing helped lo force the reorgani- t0n with the consideration of the cut, and informs, out-; telegraphic' prevalent or so no out" man liv dnnfH II till was never so ig NOW WITHDRAWN xation of the British Admiralty, DjH as a party measure. It will lion can be received from Spanish "shall rageous, as It has been under the that the men so called out arrived in New York to give as be considered and voted upon points, A alricl censorship ex-ts ;"onlen Government. The Gov. As stated in issue of Sat. fail to report our in report.", and If Ihey ... ,. . M ' a series of lectures on the war. when a suitable opportunity pre- Portugal, Ihey are gullty of desertion" and 4UOk "a" i,:o"'"""'"' uraay, me weeKiy close season In Interview Mr. Pollen said Lol. an gents itself, quite apart from the shoes. Sir Sham Fuse, II-I.I- i i,t vnri. imnriion. paper ..,, was ncuded in the Fishery the British Admiralty was using bill, with the object of putting be-every GENERAL NEWS ITEMS has been discovered Allison, lhe lloss Hlfle, and a bun-(He(ruaUon8 foP trolling, will be inenL II the sub- means to overcome fore the country what the Opposi- mended other scandals, now shapes this season. This is thai there is no one for the withdrawn marine, but whether the danger tion believes a conscription bill (Bpvrui to Tm Dsily Jii. to ask another " year's reprieve., ii-.i i -ronort ir. The'up lhe flr.. VMr in which there has V41IS Vwf UW V v w wV I diminished not would make t - was or should include. The French traniMjrt Annan endeavored to nniL 11 l refused, to sandbag been reffualian3 regarding troll- has Government in the final material no difference This means that the principle hat been sunk by n submarine In disassociate itself from the Mil. constitution anu steal one. lngt wnich csn oniy be carried on outcome. in far it of conscription so as the Ionian No lives were me uear oiu evvs wouiu sea. In' ioo..when weatner permits. Strong It has gone lo such lengths cheer- "From what I have been told by applies to the man-power of Can- lost. this and .ii.-iin ihi iha Miiiiin on see done quite r,nrnnbiMnns were made tn lhe those in a position to know," Mr. ada for service at the front, prob. The Belgian Mission has now .-.,- ha9 nothing to do with y. As another famous Tory Department of Fisheries at OU "the Admiralty the Pollen continued, ably will not be challenged by cached the United Slates. the VIial ,s lDe consmuuon .tawa and In xltff of lne fact that nDDiication of measure. ' has captured or sunk three Ger- 'Opposition in the House and the Mockholm SM?lallts say Uiat, t, n.lmlnistratlon has been ueiweea inenasT ia us less w-;the weather automatically im week since the t'erniany has made an offer to ,.., ,n tne i,ands of the Minis- cii moments, tho News is wont' oses a c,ose 8ea'son weekly nl man submarines a members will vote as they please, and in one the anti-week beginning February, It is quite probable.that Kussla for a separate peace, . i,.,..-., nnil there arc nro. 1 epatiato on me Deneuis oi reaj.. an(j other considerations' believe 'eonscriptionists I the was for average may move a through the Swiss Federal Coun for him to pass all Atx. the Department has withdrawn visions elL ...... I. in irnla llml I Ail sin Irv I ti I one a day. I had notjearned be-'six-months' hoist for the bill, but r the enforcement of lhe weekly thorily and responsibiuty on to fore I eft Kngland what progress this would not be a party move, U..nsal LnnMlt whilA till Im LUIISUIIIUiatO UVUUIUCUli UO - B close this an season year. had been made with the would be voted down the newjand il by North But the Im'l forget to see the lal, ,l,b ale n,aChlnery provided for'!" America Act. This information will.be gladly tconscriplionists of method of destroying U-boats by on both sides fairy story. "Snow White." Ini. mfln from service n rt limo the Borden Government received by those engaged in the mint as they left their own the House. A six-months' hoist seven acta, featuring Marguerite rui, lnl lne British Norm Amer-lllark. finning and will clear machinery Industry, u , tlicre no 'motion it has looked waters, but I believe that may reasonably be the News to Gnomes, dwarfs and fir-Drovdeii Ihem Act, is prepared the of tne irollers, for gathering up up position successful. The Germans for from French-Canadian mem- !. A great treat for the child, r service, nothing for applying the whey out of it out of the who- are now assured that their proved aro putting out three submarines ,bers on either side of the House. to.l Jlritish North America I 'en. Weslholme tonlghl and j eforcing the law and no Act, mean activities are within the law. oul r l,1o Horden Govern- a week, which about equals the morrow. Admission 10 and 5cts. other designated au-nt boartla or destruction of lhe craft by the PHH4 ARRIVALS thority for tho men to report lo. rnont. WANTS MORE PAY The favorite household Coal Is Another interesting paradox is British." Ladyimith Wslllnoton. Rhone 15,' Maa u ..M.B.. vm 'the News' attitude on Canadian Ottawa, June 16. Ilobert Bick The Kidsvold has arrived with Frinc Rupert Ooal Co. lf.irr I home rule. Ordinarily the News vrdike, M. P., has given notice of PEER GYNT 22.000 lbs. Halibut! Itolfe, 22,000; itui to The luiir Ne). lis prepared to sacriflco large a resolution In the commons that Star. 14,000; Director. 17,000; 'quantities of Canadian home rule he will move that tho pay of sol On Wednesday, June 20, in the Jllelgeland. 85,000; Mayflower, 5.. WESTHOLME ing to the Government figures, to an Imperial Council on Down- diers bo increased from 91.10 to Presbyterian Hall, at 8.30 p. m-loOO; Cora, 8,000; Niagara, 8,000; ..vr fnnr And n i.nif'Ing Street. In fact a centrallxed 92.50 a day, and that the pay of the Wednesday Music Club will .Nordland. 7,000; Margalice, 10,- OfUtA HOUSI miiiinn nilve. of the Centrat Imperial Government with the ofllcera be raised in proportion. render an adapted Prose Heading ,000. whilo the Carruthers Is In Powers resident In t autonomous overseas atalus from Henrik Ibsen a famous'with 40,000 lbs of all sorts after now Fairopean TONIGHT AND TOMORROW is drama "Peer Gynt," with musical short trawling trip. tho United States, whittled down to Ontario site, Attraction extraordinary -Mar ,a Famous Playera present its heart's desire, as it is the guerite Clark created a great sen accompaniments by Edward Grieg, Dainty Little SUN AND TIDE Borden Government's. But when sation in the great fairy play, to which all Interested are in Just arrlvsd, MM tons of I it's a case of keeping the rotten "Snow White," lhe greatest pic vited. . ooal. Phons 11S AlssH e) Marguerite Clark Tuesday, June 19th. Borden Government in office, the luro of llio reason. Wcstholme An admission of 25c. will be aRsry. Kun rises 3:3 a. m. News is all for homo rule. "Per. tonight and tomorrow. Admls charged, and proceeds will be de In Her Masterpiece Sun sets 0:11 p, m. ditlon take, the British Parlia. (ion, 10 and 25 cents. voted to the IleturneU Soldiers "SNOW WHITE" High water . .0:30 a. m. III. 20.8 inent." says the News in effect. Fund. 144. LONDON CAFE Low wuter . .7:15 a.m. lit. 2.7 "We'll do our own extending.' Mr. Lowry, who has been here In seven big nets. High water . .1:1: P.m. Ill, 18.1 Such is the logic that emanates in connection with obtaining Corporation of ths City of Prlnos AM GR4LL A great treat for the children Low water .7:11 p.m. lit. 8.2 from the knightly editor of the site for his new flsh packing con. Rupert. TK4N Avenus Toronto News, The suggestion NIW TtlirMONI DIRtOTOftV Mr. nd Mr. Sidney Rrew In cem, lefl for the south yesterday Ths City Is sbout to poMK s mw Prmst SsrviM of ths Bssi Queen Mary Chapter, I. O. I). K., is bo hostile lo lhe Canadian cun He expects to bn back again soon Tclf phone t!rrry Rtquu for bhw COMEDY will hold a Tag Day on Thursday, stltution, that 11 might well como ttlun. tJtlitloM oi ehsar to tins, w!U thrs Is to sat at sH Admission 10 and H cents. Juno 21. Queen Alexandra Rose from Sir John WlllUou's employ For dressed lumber of all kinds Im rrrtlvea up to rrldty tter. Jim tt, uM mutt tx In wrltiot. sJ4rMe4 to U Day, Proceeds for tho hospital. (Continued ou page three,) -Albert McCafTsry. Phone 1U. ftipertuitrnkiit of Vtiuues, City HL