TUB DAILY NEWS M'lar Jurti- Ih ihi an i it loubt he would Hi. and Finicky Appetite rcs.auiely accepted it In Hie The Daily News hate Fussy? Tempt it with a Il(,pe "f .burning a sinning re TKE LEADING NEWSPAPCR IN NOKTHtRN BHtTMl COLUMIIIa light, nutritious food that i avnirnV J PwUi.heJ Dad? d Wwewly helps you to shake off the The Herman retirement, which Guaranteed Largest Circulation shackles of a Winter diet. i... hM.mr general before u a writ as before our .Miles, from " Eat Shredded Wheat Bis. HEAD OFKICE Arm ! the banks of the Alsue cuit with berries and cream l)lly iNVwn liulldln;, 3rd Ave, I'rn ' Itupert. 2J.ll Telephone 98. In ihe starting point of ttid lib. or milk. Two or three Dis .......n i.r our national soli. rUANKlKNT DISPLAY ADVKItTIINO 50 mil per inch. - iContract ,!- fmJt. anA crccn In conclusion, General r olivine. rate on application. vegetables make a nourish' says:- ing, satisfying meal at a i,.r thirty months the Drills! DAILY EDITION jjjia' Monday, June 18, 1817. cost of a few cents. Ready-to-eat bulldog has been tightening hit no cookery, no musx"!"' and sharpening his 'reth He is nw biting, an win noi re. kitchen CONSCRIPTION Than there is to be an appeal worry. lax his hold neuter. In Introducing the Compulsory tribunal and above this again Military Service Hill Into, will be a central appeal judge. Mibst.'nes In our life are so Parliament, the Prime Minister This unfolds a vista of illimitable placed. paid that the Government would j possibilities of complications Our every action can be clearly welcome any suggestion from j and delay In the course traced. the House, which would improve of which a very considerable the measure. The chief army will escape compulsory point to be determined by the! military service, particularly if Salvation Army. supporters of the principle de- the list of exemptions not WRI GUYS noted by the bill, says the Vic-, clearly defined as it is not in Public meetings, Tuesdays, toria Times, Is its practicabil-J the bill. How far would those Made in Canada. Thursdays and Saturdays at p. Ity for quick and effective enforcement provisions facilitate to com. in. Sundays at 7:30 p, m. with the least pos- pulsory military service in in England. It can be done in sible disturbance throughout j those districts of Canada where Canada at least as easily as it "The Daily News delivered by the country. In considering, opposition to it is most pronounced? was done there, but obviously arrier, SO cents per month. this' it would be well to bear In 1 The loss through such complete mobilization Now THREE Flavours mind that the details of any exemptions would be startling. must Involve, first the registration COAL NOTICES such measure should take note Would it not be much better to of the human resources of SKEENA LAND RECORDINfl DISTRICT-STRICT of conditions peculiar to Canada, have complete registration, an the country. OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS i We should remember that arbitrary list of exemptions, g Get a package of the new "Juicy Fruits that James Mel alt of Take oolite j, whatmight be perfectly applicable one tribunal only and selection A TRIBUTE TO BRITAIN rrtnee Rupert, ccupatloa RMrcnaol. In See what a joyous, lasting to Europe might be en-, by ballot? Moreover, accord. tend to apply lor peraiaaloa to proapect tirely inapplicable here. The Ing to our Ottawa correspond, A fine tribute to Dritain's won rr coat and petroleum on the weat roatl flavour has been crowded lniled Staes recognized this ent, the bill, while prescribing of Graham Island Is the tfctMty or Weal derful effort to free France and saliant probability and adopted heavy penalties for classes the world is paid by General Fon. rler.Gommentinr at a poit pUated one mile in to give you a great, BIG a' measure which, we are convinced, which do not report when called ville in the Matin. He reviews outh cf soalbeait coraer of C l SSST: 5 cent of refreshment! would be more appropriate upon, does not state to whom thence south 10 chains, tbenee rait 10 package the war's greatest miracle the to Canadian conditions they must report, and provides raal a, thenre nortfe Of cbalna. tbenee raining of a Hritish army of 5,. weal 10 chain te point of coBttarnowenL than any other compulsory absolutely no machinery for 000,000 in less than thirty JAMU MclL'LTT lU rWW- MADE tS CANADA service system in existence. enforcing the order. Instead iUfths. March II, HIT. Aaitln Brown, atoL The .New Zealand system is it seems to have been disso battles Httpf Right! After referring to the patterned after the American ciated entirely from the control SEEERA LAND RECOStSMNdl DISTRICT of the Somme and how the Hritish CSiAALOTTK ISLANDS ISTRICT OF QUEEN arrangement put into force by of the Militia Department or helped to save Verdun, General Lincoln during the civil war. j from the Government itself, Fonville adds: Take aoUce that Tomer RothwtU Mullen, .Li our judgment, any mea. J for that matter, as far as its ot Victoria. B, C. oeeupaUoa mercbaai. ra Under the terrible Hritish guns, sure of compulsory military1 enforcement is concerned. tenda te apply for permltatoai to prtxprcl supported by the Irresistible pres fur eoal and pelreJewaa ui the weal coast service in Canada should call' Finally, however, before any sure of the infantry, the enemy cf Graham Itland. la vicinity of Weal titer. for.the registration of the man) compulsory military service fled without venturing even to Coajnenctac at a poet planted one mile power of the country as a pri- . measure, no matter how criti-cism-proof offer battle. oat of the aoetheaat corner of C L essential. Only in this it be made SI7I. tbenee weal SO a-heins. Uamce north mary may cu If he felt that he ws strong SI chain, ihrace eait 10 cbataa, thence inventory of the its be enforced in can an face, way can enough to win the engagement outh 10 chain to potal of cuouue strew at THE FLAVOUR LASTS human resources of the country Canada, it must have company. TURNER ROTIIWELL MCLLE5, be bad, and without that inventory It will have to be accompanied Martk II. ISIT, Aotuo Mrewn. arroL COAL NOTICES Chew It alter meal I it would be impossible by measures calling for the or every to put Canada upon a war basis. ' ganization of the Dominion on hum umb reoordiro pistrict SKEENA ISTRICT LAND OT QUEEN RACORDISM CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS tr u Such registration would enable a full war basis. There must STRICT OS QUEEN CMANLOTTI ISLARDS the selective boards to deter- be nationalization of the country's Take notice that Atne Brown, of Vie mine at a glance the classifies- resources all round, as Tate niice. .. that William Duoa. or Vie tort. B. C. ocrupauoa wtdew, lolenda te B tort. icriM4o aeewtmiant. intmd. apiWy for permlaaloa to proapect for coal tion of teh nation's man-power' practically every public body in la apply for perntortoa to prajert rm and petroleum 04 weat ceeat Of. Oraham and where to look for the men Canada which favors compulsory eoal and petroleum oo u weai ruul . Itland, tn slctnlty of Weat rim, Spring Schedule for the various war services. military service admits Graham Ulaod. la rlclallj of Wat rtwr. Coanmeoclnc at a poet pUated te iuik. Connor Del at a poll planted vo mile nr It woud enable them to ascertain, and demands. If the nation toulfc ut the soatfceatt corner of C. L avaUt IfOll.ot tftcmce Ue autbat wel SO corner chain.of Utrnce C. L S. t. PRINCE GEORQB too, how great a strain conscripts men it must conscript tSTl. tnwie wort $ chain. Umic ai north IS cbalna throe eaal 10 cbalna. For Janyox Midnight, eoM'Ht the industrial channels of the wealth. It must nationalize I a r h.I n thBM mouth SO rbilnf thar thence eoetb SO cbalna, to pout ef coca For Ocean Palls, Vancouver, VIcLorls and cat at chain to point of dmownmatii country can stand in the loss its essential industries, WILLIAM 01X05. mencemenL AO.tU BHOW5. Boattls, Midnight, Juno 21st. of effectives. Moreover, we are which means the conscription March tl, HIT. Amun Brown. areaL March II, I SIT. Auatin Brown. eacnL 8. 8. rRINCC RUPERT confident that unless there is of excess profits as well as of For 3 wan son Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria, and registration (here either will be labor. One form of compulsion SKEENA LAND RECORDIRO DISTRICT IKE EN A LAND RICOROISMI DISTRICT Seattle, Midnight, June 24th. ISTRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE INLANDS great difflcuty in carrying outj must carry the other as tSTRtCT OT QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN the provisions of the law fairly i a logical complement not only Taae nolle that Joseph Rowat, of Prtoee Take nolle that Edward Pkkard. ot For Q en Charlotte Islands, June 20th. br the law will 'be enforced 1 because it is just and reasonable Rupert, a. C occupation prospector, la. Let Acre lei, occupation tnruaeer, Intenda tend to apply for permluloo to protpeel PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE most unfairly. Such regislra-j but because it cannot be la apply for permlaaloa to prorpect for (or coal and petroleum on the weat cot it Wedeeeeey ead Seise at 11(SO a. fee SNra. PHaee 0eaet ay M. one' coal and petroiewm oa the weal coat I of tion could be completed in carried out unless it does. This of Graham Ulaod. la tieinlty of Weal aaekateeSi Orakam laiand. In of Weal ner. ", talealaee), maklaf eeoaealle Ikeee fee K flt day in Canada, as it was In the U what bad to be done in England, rter- ConaneBdof at a aUiAitj poat planted one mile eeet end teeth. .SJlaad Irala eiaey TeSa( it 4 a a. United States. I and it was done before Cocuoencuir from a poet planted cm KHith of U aoutbeaal corner of C L Agoncjr All Ocsan Steamship Lin. all to u til of lb ottlbel corner of C L. The bill provides for too! conscription was introduced I9CI. thence south IS chain, tbenea tail t47s tnenc weal SI chala, tbeoc north For Information and reservations apply to many avenues of escape from , there and in no other country 10 cttaina, tbenc north so chain, teenc 10 chain, then eaal SO chain, tbenee City Ticket Omcs, 5t Third A van us. PHONE 260 aouth SO chain to point ef cooamencemeoL its operation. It sets up too' in the world were property weal etiaina to point of cocnnvrneeineBL EDWARD PICEARD, many courts of appeal. First! rights and vested interests so JOaEPH ROWAT, March II, 1117, Auaua Brown. srcnL March 31, HIT, A tut in Brown, ereou there is to be a local tribunal. deeply entrenched as they were SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT SKEKNA LAND RECORD nJ DISTRKTT (STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT OT QUEKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MWKML ACT MINERAL ACT Take notice that lobn WUIiam Ooaa, of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Victoria, B. C, occupation mercbaat. In-lero Take nolle that tame Ray, of Victoria. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTSEH to apply for permlaaiun to proipecl' B. C, occupation hotel proprietor, Intend T C W. Calhoun': Certificate of Improvements tut eoal and petroleum on the weal -coat! Ut apply far pemuaatoat to preepect tar Lowest Rates o all Eastrn To nt Take notice, wbereaa I bar done and of Graham I land tn inliy or Veal rtrer. cwal and petroleum on the weal coaat of via Steamer to Vancouver and thr c3d to tie done aeeeaatnent work on the SIOT1CC CcoimendnE at a poet planted two mUes Oraham laiand. tn Tlctnlty of Weal rlr CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Mtdnitbt Fraction mineral claim, allotted Cariboo Mineral Claim annate lo tDa outh or the aovlbeaat corner of C L. Commenctnt at s poal planted at the on the IHiaoce rtrer. about fourteen mltea.Skeena Mininc Division of Caatlar OlatrlcL t7. thence weat SO chains, thence aoutb auutnweat comer of C L. SSSSt thence Maal and Bertli IncluJtel er Slr,r rrom the bead of Alice jtn. tn the Skeena ' Where located: -near bead or Alice 10 chains, thence cut SO chains, thence weal SO cbalna, thence south so cbalna, tnlnlor dlrlalon or Skeena dletriet, aiaeea- Arm. B.C. north so chain to point of commencemcnL the ue eaal SO chains, tbenc north IS Princess May for Granby Bay and A lies Arm Friday 11 p.m. ment work, rr ISU, ttl, and ISI6, and, TAtE NOTICE that I. i. ma RltcbU. JOIt.l WILLIAM OOSS, balna lo point of coutmenccfuenL hare ptld for aald work and recordlnr ,Fre Miner's CertUleaU o. JJtlC, actlnr Marcn II. ISIT. auatin Brown. arraL JAMES RAT, Princess May for Vancouver via Ocean Falls, Sunday 6 p.m. tame the sum or 1107.10. Cnlesa you pay a asent for W. A, WUIlama, Free Mlntr'a March II, HIT, Auatin Brown. sresL 23rd. UICNA LAND RECORDINfl DISTRICT Princess Sophia for the south Saturday, June me the lum of Slot.10, for your aharc Gertuicau !fo. lOltC, Intend, slaty daya ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS of the aald aiaeauqgat work, toarlher with from the date bertof, to apply to the SKEENA LAND RICORDtNfl DISTRICT the lost of' tnla advertlaecnent. I shall, at .Mtainr Recorder for a Ortlflcat or la-1 ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Tike notice that Itoilyn Duke, of Port J, I. General Atretic the etplratioo of ninety (SO) daya front jproreraenta, ror the purpose or obtalninr PETERS, land. Or., occupation noul proprietor. Intend Take nour that Frederick Morrach. of the date hereof apply to the minlnr re-) Crown Grant or the above claim, B.C. Street Third Aaenue. Prlnco Rupeil. to apply for permtaaton to protpeel Vlcturla, B. C occupation aaleamaa, to C ner Fourth and rerder at Prince Rupert, t. C to have ' And rurtber take notice that action, tin-year lor coal and petroleum on the wetl coail lend to apply for pcrmluion to proapect Uitereau In the Midnlfbt Fraction ider section IS naual be commenced before of Graham Ulead. In the rlcialty of Wr fur roal and petroleum on the weal coaat mineral claim veated In me. In purauaoee the laauance or sutb Caniflcate of Im- rlrer. of Graham laiand. la riemity of Weal rter. f the prorlalona of the mineral act.. provemenu, Coouiienclnr at planted one mile Cuauueuclb; at pual planted miles a poal two Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C tbla-ltth. Dated tbta STtts day of Marcn. A. D aoutb or the southratt corner or C. L aouih of the soutbeaal corner or C L. day of April, If IT. Jr it i 17. It. C PHILLIPS. 1. FRED RITCHIE. Afenl. 97 1 1 thence south SO chains, tbenee weal 1971, thence eaal 10 cbalna, t be ace aouth Safety First l SO chains, tbenee north SO chain, Utence 10 tbaln, thence weal 10 chain, tbenc ,.Ji.MmilMr raal SO caaina to point ot Cbtniueocetuenl. norths 10 chain to point or commeneenirnL R0SLYK DUKE. FREDERICK M0EHSCII. ml"mill' " March II, It IT. Auatin Brown, artnL March II. HIT. Auatin Brown. nscnL Shubert" "Shits to SKEENA LAND RECORDINfl DISTRICT SKEENA LAND RKOORD4NR LaunchAficeB. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS mSlUmnt A La . him tA Take Of.llra that Oliver Brown, of Vt Take notice that John Booth, or Lo ... . , lorla. B. C, occupation maeblaiat. Intend Antelel, occupation contractor, Intenda lo i m il FOR THE SALT LAKES Mr . to apply ror pertuliaUio to propped for apply for permiaalou l traapect (or cull kmtii Iiary Flae Dey frem roal and ttroIuni on the writ coait r and petroleum on the weal coail or Ore- 10 . ft. arabain Itland in vicinliy or Vt rier, urn iiiaon. in vietniiy or Weit rlr. A. B. SHUBERT.Inc.KI,u. JiA. RETURN PARE Zfto. Comuieiicinf at pual planted two mitea Ctnimenrlnr al a poll planted two mllei south of it aouthraat corner of C L aouih of tli sontheaat comer of C L Call S7ti thence south SO ctialn. tbenee weal StTIt thence rail 0 chalna, thence north SO bains, tbenee north SO chains, thenci 10 W. t. THOMAS, Fheae. chain, ibene weat 10 chain. Uwnc Ml. rail IS rhain ti point of eommenreroetiL south 10 rbalfta to point of tomtnencemenL OUVtH BROWN, JOII.1 BOOTH. Subscribe for The Daily News March It, HIT. Auatin Brown, ateni March II, HIT, Auatin Brown. eaenL EMrKESS t Ut't'Lt. WrllBtttALK B4f TRIBilTOA F a 0AW8ON PRINCE RUPlItT, B. o.