TUB DAILY NEWS MBasBjSaSBBM MBSIMpwjljSMBef 10NLYMU, &tMajBBBftjSflEflB ! 9B-5seMSSSMSSSPRj'C"' LssMHtssiBSMaTtSSMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY THAT HELPED. HER vsESavaaaaRBslsVa "'D?BBKRKt frult-a-tlw AgcMfl Proves Its I SsSffsjQSjsjpjassjMBBM bsmhsjhB. jSHja 'xbbmsssjhhhhhhhs I xlrwrdtotry Powers a Itociio), Qc., March, 2nd, 1915. "I Into rrrdred the most wonderful latent from Uklnf. "Prult-e-tlTes''. Iniffcred 'or years from Hkumalltm b ' change of life, and I took every fcsi Jy obtainable without result. I aaMaSfdSTlBttS U, J "Fruit atltes" and It yu the oo t medicine that really did n good, HaawMBiwBMatf JsbB dHlfl r!BSBBBBa y0i I am entirely well the Hheu. jr...-m la disappeared, and the ter r ;a pains in my body are all gone. I I, e tbat other, who suffer from luch -eaalo dUeaae, will try 'Truit-a. ' t,. . Mini mi ISA IK HOCIIO.V. fcc 'LiaiaiaiV' LiaisSai IM a bo , 0 for $1.50, trial site, 25c. At all dealer or ent postpaid by Fruit-a live Uinlteil, Ottawa. ijjjj Where You Cannot Prophesy FIRE a LAMM VtTIM. PREPARE ! CIRCUIT NO. 1. . B 11 lib St. tnd Jrd Aft. Sat IS- tb 81. tod Jrd At. 14 Sift SL and Jrd Are. even the best-informed man in government or Mi IB -JorKlloo f I t, lad tod NOT circles dares to attempt a prophecy of or Ird 1 A. Av., between ltd lod conditions after the war. Wc hope for the beet lib Sit. kno Houl). meantime wise men are preparing now for anything. i 17 HI Ave. tod Tib 81 (Ceo- inl Houl). How? HARRY LAUDER FLAQQED PARTS WITH A tl NOTE . CIRCUIT NO. X. The picture dhows the famoiia comedian who delights in being By regulating their expenditures according to their i 22 Ird Ave nd Ird SL (Pott the butt of "thrift" joke, flagged in London in one of the numer-ou actual needs rather than by their prosperity by huebending Ht omc.22 ird Ate. n-1 McBrlde 81. flag day. The t note is not diftllnguishable in the picture, the surplus and by investing to the Umk ia Canadian Vy ar but the phntographer vouchee for it. 2 III Ae. and Meirit SI Loans that help so mucft to maintain presem prwvpenqr. -tod Ave. and Dd SL ai 2 tad Ave. nd lilt II SERVICE FROM ALL Money saved and loaned to Canada by CanacSaas It a twofold M 27 a. T. P. IN WINNINO THE WAF. safeguard for the future. The lenders wiM benefit &trx CIRCUIT NO. . from the excellent interest return and absolute sexrkr and because the interest thus kept in Canada wiM faeJp to indirectly 31 lib Ave. aod Fallon SL , Thousanda of letters have been Has 22 Borden and Tutor lit. (received keep business good after the war. by the National Service a 4 lib Ate. na Fulton sl frtifiratM aim laaurl in denonAev a as- sui Ave. and cmi av, I Hoard nf Canada from men and Bi 7 lib Ate. and Dodr Plae TIMBER SALE X 829. Jaetvictjjp tJons of $25, $50 and $100, repayable in three years. At the women aiking what they can do to Bt a U Ate. tod Ttwrepton SL i f nl rn A1 I ran ..... . i tin.!., tKanewdl n'i I li a U'M Plaw mnn eatnl Durcsase micea oi mijv u out w itra.u,, Sftlrd ttndm wUl b rclved by the."" ' over 5J& intercsL Buy them at any B CIRCUIT NO. 4. Miaiiier ef Ud not iir ibaa noon o,woman in the Dominion can fost Utbce. 41 lib Ave. and toanertoo u tad ar of iir. hit. rr um pur- jeerve by saving." At no time in Pltc. that of Urenre ill. i rot ".'the hitor- of the war has there Service Board of Canada. a i 42 -U Ave. and McBrlde SL feel of Sprare. nr. Odr tad Hnalock . The National lhrifL Set 44-ltb Ave. and Orrra SL , (a .rrt Mat ird mi Soolb BuUark Deen suc" neceaslly lop t 44- 4th Ate. and Bull SL Ann. luate 2. Cut it dkhicL National economy I essential to OTTAWA. Bi 44 Tib Ate. and Cherts. two ti irr wui i aiiowrd tor r-. victory. Your dollars may turn Mi 11 Tib Ave. 4 toant SL oxnti oi iittbrr. lUe 8Cae lnal Wj break lhe 0cr. rrtbr ftrUcuUr of Um Chlrf rorrtur , viriori. B r . r DLtrltt rort.ur. Prtace mmn line, hvery cent you save npn. B. & ;means thet much more money for i ,!,e conduct of the nil ..m.Vd war Stop 1914." TIMBER 8ie v "WATER ACT, aMBSBBBBBBBBM bul essenlia expenditures. Con- THE BANK OF sW irodrr am t rrrtued by oa'sider every purchaee before you SCI ORE THE BOARD OF nVF.3TI0ATI0?l Mtnitirr at Land t uur thta nooo on conclude it. Hemcmber that lux. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA tn 11 Miller of til Stream In tb Haiel. for u i sad dy of Jair. HIT. pur-;urjrt anJ thoughtlemines and ex-Sr--r ton and Fort rraer W'tler Dutrtctt. JhJL22?& travag.ncearexrime..a8aln-ttha a MeertMO r ttm Botnl or iorurtuon Dominion Soota hUle which netnlj every dollar atll be beld al ta Coart-boui at Htxeltoo Statement to the o.a ara tutti on ?ioirs wvw. ' Cotit DuiricL Remember that on Monday, tb tint Uty of July, 1117, at Government (Condensed) brniiock Arm, rtnrt l. you can spare. 14 or luck in tn rorenoon. To i. jri will t tuwed for r- for while ying 30th April, 1917. )nen are you you rutVtTraUr. of cwf rorttur. only aaied to save for them, tn Um Mttter of aU Stream tn tb Wince luaiLmta to tmc puslm vwtona. a. c. or Dutrift rorrttr. Print ; Prove your patriotism by invest-nuperL Rupert Water DUtrlcL A metunr of tb Botrd of InvettlaaUon Mm la ClrcaUtl 8 S.24,4T b. c. iing In the Government War Sav- will b beld at tb Court-bout at Prince MeMlU 44.T4V0 TIMBER SALE X 895. fnga Cerlirlcalee. Your nearest Rupert on Wednetdar, tb lllb day of It OU LWhnWae MT.1 money order post ofllce or bank July. 117. at 10 o'clock in Uw forenocn. o.a44,T Set ltd iadr wui b4 rclrd by Um aells them. A-2. At tbet meUB( all (UteiDenU of Minutvr of Land aal Uwr Utta nooa oo claim to water privilege under Act pasted Asarrs lb lth Uty of Jon. 117 for lb pur. ; rvanstrrs MAILED PI5T before tb tttn day of Marcb. 190. on of Uernr XII. to roi l.llf.est Cat H4 j4 la cat any of Uiete itream. aU objection tbrctn. TO AID CONSTANTINE tad Htm-1 BtUtra . frt of Sprure. Odtr, ImI ... SI040.110 and I be pltnt prrpared for lhe um or ln attatud oo ib ettt (bora : " arta luck cm an It milk ItllNRMl ttld Board, will toe a b open for Uupec a Ni ClrtvUtle 14.44 il MtUiirtoa CbtoiMl, Rtnr S. Coait Dit Heme. June 1,8. A telegram Uon, MttrsMMtt, auakia! IrttL All Interested ar enUtled to Tbrea il) year will b tllowed for r from Ilerlin says the Kaiser has person 4 aUtar SMurHlM 1S.0OM7S xamln lne, and to 111 objection Call t4 thwt Lmhi 7,714,44 mottl of tinitr. addressed the following message tbereto tn wrltlnr If tbey deem BL Cwrrwti L4n4 ead Die rurtnrr ptrUrultr of U Calf roretter. to one of the Greek diplomatic Objecuon will be beard rortbwlui If U a4 lhr AmU ,A1.07 Victoru. B. C. or Dlttrltt Toretter 11-al representatives abroad for trans, lhe party objected, u ba received sura- B. C. Bank lrlM 2044 Ptiac RupvrL clrnt nolle of tb objection. mission to former King Constan. Tbe Board at tb ttld mectlnr wUl Act. S703M.110 Navigable Wale re Protection tine: brar tbe claimants. wlU determine tb the Comfortable Shoes r. s. c, chaptoi us- "I have heard with wrath of the qutnUty of water which may be used under infamous outrage committed by each record aod tb further work which Tb Orttd Trunk Prtfl Railway Com. ar necessary for such us, and wUl Ml lor Business Men ptoy brrrby tivrt noUca Umi II bit, under our common enemy upon your date for the Bllnr or pltnt or such work e oii. nf lha ttld ArL dfDOfltrd wttb I dynasty. I assure yrni that your and for tbe commencement and completion The Business Men are going to enjoy foot comfort ib Miniticr of Puwi work al otUaa. jeprjVatiui can be only tempor-wd of ucb work. la lb. offlc of lb Dittrttl Rf it.trtr rnailMl flermanv And wberea there may b pertont w ho. this sumaer. They are going to wear FLEET FOOT Prince Rupert Feed Co. f u land Riiry orate. DUirtd eBff; further le aid nt from or Almighty be for the I lib dty or Mtrcb. I0. wer WHITE SHOES; and save a lot of money, too. not RuperL t Prtnc Roprri. a drttrip-iwilh bolder of water record on lb said p. o. M eoe ni4 lion of in and plan of lumber mm fiod, will restore you to your stream and yet have not Bled mtcmenu Wherever you go this summer in town or country ind ottr work. prpo,d "J." throne, of which no man by right of thctr clttmt with lb Board of lnvesll- office at work play at home or you'll see or RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Rupert btrbor l Prine J CtUon, ucb persona ar required to Die, rob The armies of Oer-Block can you. irttib Columbia, in front of wtwrrroni on or before the tlth day of July, ISI7, FLEET FOOT WHITE SHOES. "I". arcordia to rtrUieied plan of many and Oeriiiany s allies will a statement, a required by section ill WE HANDLE tn towntit or tb id tlty of Print t wreak vengeance on those who of tb "Water Act, tM." Tbe form They are so cool and comfortable ia hot weather Steele Brian. Kennies' nunn retlitfred. In tn tforeuld land naif,,.,. uru..,, llicuirilllj, . , , ' (.o. id ror lrrirttloa and .la. II for other and cost so much less than leather. a No. l, Section 7. ; be from Government rrrutr -fit purpose) may obVtlned any RUchenile'e Perry's and their criminal hand on We you. nr in !, Oarden and Field Seeds, pirttion ASDTAkC of on notice montb tbat rrom tb dtu of J hope to welcome you in Oermany Tb rlalmt A rent of In riparian tbe Province.proprietor who Ask your$hoe dealer to thow you the full line of Fleet Foot Also Fertilizers. i ne em pubiittuan of thi noiit. nt ni0 earliest opportunity. A bav Died, at required by section 6 of lb w xvz : "Water Act. 1111." statement of claim to MAY, GRAIN AND FEED sr.jswsr- rr water of any of the said tlretmt wlU b ,,. IK- uiniiur of Public worn it ui iniKinu' iun h ii,i.i.i.i. heart al tb tarn times and place. Jlllli) Chicken Feed A Specially. cor in lb city of otuwa for approval Htted.it Victoria, B. C, tbla 7ih dty of r3k jr ,f tb id P'Q ,Da r "" Salvation Army. June. 1117. We Take Orders for Nursery work, to conttrutt lb ld For lb Board of lnvettlratlon. Stock. nurd at Wlnnlpef. Mtnltoba. ibis Slat J. P. ARMSTRONO, dir of rebrutry. A. D. lltT. Public- meetings, Tuesdays, i II, Chairman. Oretr e.mlf M4 t. Thursdays and Saturdays at p. II. aouMr. WATER NOTICE COMPAJIT. II. HA.tSABU, frMfiiijiijjjrwnff'ffffff' m. Sunday a al 7;30 p. in. DIVERSION AND USI I HtNitY see ATwttTS sat TAkK NOTICE tbat Oeort McRaa MINERAL AOT a I tote address ts Skldetal. B. C- wtl apply lor a licence tn tak and ut tic HARDWARE cubic feet rr mtnut of water out ol FRED STORK'S Certificate of Improvements. Demsier Creek, which Bow northerly Ad drtlr.s Into Allford Bay, about tl chain NOTICI from ibe N. E. corner of T. U III. Tb FOR CANNERYMEN Doulj" "Pouitll FrtctlontU" and water will U: diverted from tb itream al We have added to our stock of valves and pipe a complete . Waterfront" Mineral Claim, allual In a Pilot about ten chain west from H.W CANADIAN WOMEN lino of Ilubber Helling at right prices. lb Skrena Mlnlnr Dlvltlon ol Ctttlar DIs corner or Lot I, B, C Fisheries, aod wit SHOULD KNOW THIS inn. b used for powar purpos upon lb land FIRST"HHk Istae BEST Mfflt FOR FISHERMEN Wher loettedt On lb writ lda of dittcrtbed at atlolnmr Timber Umli III "CANADA the best good, that money can buy for head of Alice Aran. In pplicUon to lte, Jst bv IJd st'd by Your Crecer. Taa Covcrnmtnt Bulletin A of complete stock IT COSTS TH E SAME. 305 Hit tbe N. 1 stery- .NOTICE Rlcnard B. Mc tb ,P0"' Silvr an Hronxe. TAKE tbtt I. This nolle was potted on f fount trolling Sprlnh Oinnl, rre Miner'i'CfriUlcal Ho. tllOt. on tb nib dty of Jtnuary, lltT. I titvtKtaroanitciusut aaata FOR THE WATERFRONT aclio a treat for lb Dolly VtrUen MUm copy of tbl nolle- tnd tn appllratlot cttt4 at VMtuK-iaaitT Uroantal wKUcrMM.ckltlX.aa finf Bptt4 The celebrated Maple Leaf l'alnt. l"nai Company, rre Miner Certiflcti No. Ill-C, purtutnl thereto and to tb Wittr Act -Otoakiiatuh hnttiua. Intend, tlity day from tb data beraof, 1 1 4 wlU b nied In Ik offlr of lb completo CONDSNSM BtLK0MLr. LOGia.ir-A TmsAYLMKR palut "I K (44jr to in Mlnlnt Recorder for Water (Wordtr it Prior ftuperL ot A FOR EVERYONE CrriHKat of liuprottruentt, for tb pur jtrtlont to tb ippllrdlon my b DM Avutaa,ONT Caaaaa ' A no stock of Hardware, (lurneyM Oiford Btoves. po of libttlnlnt Crown 0int of tn with lb id Water Recorder or wlta 4bov claim in coieptroHer or wtr hum, rarua We Ssll Nothing But The BeL A ad runner Hi nolle that itHon, un-dvi ment Butldw. Victoria. B, C wlUUi aetilon 'tl, UMttl b commenced t thirty day after lb Brtl tppraranc ol for Hi Itiutm of uca Certintti of lai. thi nolle in a local nwtppe, rffiriTORk'S HARWARE provMueni. Tb data of Lb arsl publication of tbU Paled IbU II lit dty of AprU. A. D. til?, nolle I rf nary list. HIT, Advertise In The Dairy News - lr, s, Richard b. Mcoinnis, OSORUE MCHAE, AppllctnL i j j j t$ "