Wednesday, Juno 20, 1917 THE DAILY NEWS 31 Years Older Han The Ilia mid thefts of valuables ifrmi, Diitnle house.., followed Dominion of Canada lialurnlly the huge fine levied ifV Saves Eggs flly town nm! Village on any.! (he name implies, evt ry or no pretext. j AS The HnnkofHritish J- nally, the devastation of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder makes it North America was 1'nardy. duffnp; the recent re-' possible to produce appetizing and wholesome established long before the tn- iienl. wn'ncfompllhfd with cakes, muffins, corn bread, etc, with fewer eggs at -nee n 'thoroughness and n than are usually required. Provinces united and kesliality .which tto "military nd- became the Dominion of ivaniiige" eould Justify. Tho "scl- In many recipes the number of eggs may be reduced Canada. The sound, 'ciiuiir snvngery" (to tie a para-l and excellent results obtained by using progressive management tvhich nerrnitted the defile- an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Baking mi-:.i ui places of.'worship is tooi has made it Powder, about a in place of each w hich a power fresh in the public mind to need teaspoon, egg in Canadian finance makes desr iptioit. SufTIco it that such omitted. The following tested recipe is a practical it the bonk for your uttei degradation of mind, such illustration: ! mental squalor, would be absolutely SFONOC CAXZ account. I rvp (" DIKBCTIONSi Bert water an mif incredible n a nation which H cap watte mil(reap aplaa thread aa4 ad ta the THE BANK OF pi i'ii'd itself mi' its civilization, I MHttrbaater.whtteaafaua,beatific aetll tha mtatanUfatd. SIS tofrlhaf thraa 'had the world not been prepared t tapom Dr.Prl' B.lto tma.tha Soar,aalt and baking powdr British North Pewave beat jrollrt-(intlltklckaad Httle America a for it by a series of outrages I cap Beair at a time Sear mtatara aad tt yalli Tt YEABB IN BUSINESS. SIGNS AND PORTENTS whuh It would be difficult to I ttaepooa .H rtnc aharnately after each taarhrt addltloa.afaca AddHcapeald mirt.r. atlr CAPITAL AND RUB PLUS. S7.BB4.ae4. Tommy: "What arc you thou tin forT You ain't won tills parallel in the annals of bar. H e-UB eld water water aad fla.erlnf. Ml ll(Mlr aad I traapoon flaaarlna bake la moderate eeao ao.boar. blooming battle.1 lun Hut von prlonr I arm dot vim poot barisrn. ' PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH The old method,catted for six mgf ad no baktnaj powder enough for me. ami it?" Lolulon Uslly firanhic. Hut Ihe very savagery which W.J.SLITHERS,Manafler was intended to terrorize has only BookUt mf rectpa which aaaoamla la mt aad ether etvenMve iftaredleBte rnaUed frea, Addra aroused throughout the world a I St.Lawrrac.Boulevard,Sioatraai. "WATEn ACT, 1914." SCIENTIFIC SAVAGERY feeling of horror, and lias caused THEORLYHEDIGIRE Bf.rO HE THE HOARD OF l.tVESTlOATIO.1 every right-minded man to fee! LONG PREMEDITATED that a nation capable of such In lb XilM of all Stream to tbe Haiti.' things must be robbed for eter too and f ori Frearr. Water Diiuicu, of its power for evil. Prussian A MtETlo of tb Board of InveiUraUoa (Hy Francis I). Oriersoni . THAT HOPED HBl )ride must be ruthlessly humbled will tie held at the Court-bo. at llaieltoo oo Monday. Uw tlrd day of July, ttlt. at The aniiy of romancer em so that the world may resume Its BAKING POWDER 19 o'clock la the forenoon. tiloycu by the Ocrinan Oovern- Teaeeftil commerce, and that slow , 'Fnill-a-lives Again Proves Its ,u ... . inent to cene ut to their own but steady progress towards Rupert water DiitrieL duped people and to the neutral higher ideals and true fraternity,' Made from Cream of Tarter,' derrreel from Extraordinary Powers A loeeiuir of tb Board or Inveitirauon world such garbled accounts of which has been thaim of sincere, iu Mia m in iMri-mse at prince tnejr gf)jng9 ag ,nay be deemed statesmanship since .the true Made in Canada No Alum Ilncnos, Qce., March Sad, 1313. of has been, meaning democracy "wnv eapeuieni nue tu a ui totx. 117. at IS eloU In tbe forenocn. received the most wonderful "I tare realized the ,ualinn with the many atrocities by nations. M from Uklng Frult-a-Urea benefit At tbe meetinn all autenwnu of committed by their armies. The 1 SuHcrcJ ht years from Rktumeium f-.r'.frinrst conils of a fiat denial that MINERAL ACT WATER NOTICE Navigable Waters PnHdsjiJon Aei. a 1 ebanse of life, and I took ctery "ch thinks ever occurred. hen CertlflcaU of Improvements. r. s. a, CMAsrni ii. rfsjrJv obtainable without results. I any of ibeM Hream. all objections Uxrtw. " and Uw pun prepared for tbe ate of tbt irresistible proofs have been ad-Mtd DIVERSION AND USI tricil Fruit-sUves" and It wat the NOTICC aotrd. win tliea U open for Iwpee- dnerd. however, they fall back TAKE JIOTtCE that Oeorre MeRaa. Tbe Or and Trunk' PartBe TUIIway Company- only medicine that rm did good. I III-- Ilia i..ll.t.l If ... "Doorall;" "Dourall rracttonaL" and how tddrei I Skldraate, B. C- wlv hereby sivecnoUc thai II bai under Now I am entirely well the Kheu- Alt brum .tltl..4 I. i miuciiwui q "Waterfront" Mineral aalm. altnat in arptr for a, licence to take and um ISS SeeUoh 7 of tbe said Act. depoalted with maUam ha ilJaappeared, and the ter-i.lde eiamioe tar, aad to 01 obJecUona meir sreonu line oi aeience inr trt gkeena Mlalnr Dlvtilon of Caailar DU-tncl. cable feet txr minate or water odt of Uw Minuter of Public Work at Otuva, in body are all I tbertio is wrtunr if taey deem bl claim that auch horrors were no Iiemater Creek, which Cowl northerly and ind'tn the offlce or the Dtatrtet Rertatrar fains my gooe. Where located: Oa ttw well aids of ot-jreuoo win b beard foru.iia if their original but drain into Aliford Bay, aboat It chains r tbe Land Retiitry Office, DUtrtet of part vt plans, that others, who suffer from such hope bead of Alice Arm. from Uw 5. or U tit. Tb rrince Mm E, corner T. Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a deserlp LiUeaaJor diseases, will try 'Trull a ZJZ'Z1! !wrre measures forced upon them TAk'E .tOTlCE Ibal I. Richard B. Me- win water be diverted from Uw lire am at Hon or tbe site and plan of lumber ntll tree". Madams ISAIC ROCIIO.Y. Tb rd at uw said meetinti iu hy unexpected developments in Clanif. Free Miner'a Certificate Ho. 11304, a plot aboat ten chain weit from .t.W and' other works propoaed to be1 built la c a bot, 8 for 12.50, trial site. 25e. bear Um elaunaau. win dttermia la the military situation. The sec- acUnr a a rent Miner'a for Uw Ceruocau Dolly Varden Xo.Minea 911-C. enrner of Lot I, B. C FUberle. and wtC Uw Prince Rupert harbor at Prince Rupert. Uoaauty m w.ter wiaca nar M d unoer aimpanr. Free be ated for power purpose upon tbe land Brltlin Columbia, m front of Waterfront At all Uculert nd meUloj fulile the or seat postpaid by Fruit g ai as Intend, alxtr diy from Uw date hereof. earn rmify moa innoer wore wdicd . deacrlbed a atUotnlnr Timber Umlt 111 Block T,.aeeordinr to retlitered plan of a tites Limited, Oltaaa. mIi"''" to apply to Uw Minlor Recorder for a Is to leaae. tbe towoslte are neeerr roe (urta ue. and will application or tbe ,aald city of Prince Uiate for um oiiar of plana of men work the oerman authorities nave Certiorate of Improvement, for Uw par Tbl notice iu polled on the rroanC Rupert re tillered In the aforeaatd land and for Uw eoauDeaeemeat and compUUon throughout the present war made e of btlnlnr .a Crown Oram of the m the tllh day or Janaarr. It IT. J renitry jnre ai ,to. ttt. Section 7. abov claim. of UU ootlce and AXD TAKE ItOTTOE copy aa appUeatiot that arter tbe ring ALANni sr mat. ad't.we.a.arb.p.Moa.wno.''' t Mu prominent And further take notice that action, an puriuant thereto and to tbe Water Act plratioa of ooe month from the date of Ufor. uwlttb day of MareA. not. were non-belligerent in occupied tcr-aJder der aectlon St, mail be commenced before ISti will tw Died In the offlce or tbt Uw Brat pubticaUon of thla ttouee, Uw CIRCUIT NO. 1. of water record on the Mid rilories and holding them as the uiutnce of luch Cenincate of Im. Water Decorder at' Prince nopert. ObJecUona Grand Trunk PaelOe Railway Company m IS I til SL aad Ird Are. tream aad yet nave not sled mttineou hostages. For this they had pruvrraenta. D. to Uw application may be Sled will, under Section 7 of tbe laid Act. apply ' of A. It7 Dited Ibla tlth April. dar with) the laid Water' Recorder or with to uw Mtntater of Public Work at Us aei 14U (L aad Ird Ave. kf latlr elaun wiUa Uw Sard f loveaU- t,.., . lhe,r 'an RI CHARD MCOHMS. s.i 14-iui St. and Jrd At. ration, utb ira. art reoaired to Bl. ,UM Prf1"1 If t. B. Uw Comptroller of Water Mrht. Parliament offlce to Uw City or Otuwa for approval Mi IS Janruoo. of tit, tod aad on or before im taw day of tatj, ttiT, created in 1870, when such host-a - BsUdlnn. Victoria. B. &. within if tbe (aid lite and pla and for leave Ird Arts. itaiemeaL a reqaired by secttoa tti age were shot to terrorite their thirty day arter Uw Oral appearance of construct tbe laid mrks. s ie- lit Av between tut aad of Uw "Vter Art, llll." Tas forma rnnntrvmnn. Hut since. 101 i thev FHONE BLACK 32S. 'bit notice ta a local newipaper. Dated at Wlnnlpec Manitoba, this I t it tut St, (knoa HoUll. (.H IS for Lrrtnikto and No. tl for other ... alded to the Tbe data of Uw flrtt publication or tbU day or February, A. D. HIT. S.i IT III Ave. sad 7lb SL (Ceo- porpe may b obtaiiwd frm any Oot- several P-?m notice I February tlL ISIT. THE GRA.1D TSUJtl PACtnC RAILWAY iral Hotel). eeiuneoi Area! la U rrovuwe. mouern nooa 01 norror. 'ine in- pencil jaod aundry CEORUE McRAE. AppllCanL H. M. BAJtSARD. Solicitor. tu iua of ripartaa preprtewrs.wbo'vaston of Helgium even the fler-bate 1 1 ' oied. aa reqaired br secUoo of uw cotourr no. a. f Chancellor was forced to "Water ACL IS 1 4, autemeou of claim to , r, a.i 12 ird At and Ird SL troal admil a "reach of international Satisfaction Guaranteed water of any or ttw a!d tfrana ui te Advertise In The News oraeel. i Daily mi tl IM Am and Mr Bride SL beart at uw aam time and place. ,law, though he attempted to jus-naied t4 lit A. and McBnd SL ai victoria, a. c, una tw day of tify it on the ground of military it ttod Ave. aad tad SL lea, hit. Inecessily. Hut even that excuse Tor ID Board of lovesuratloo. a i is fad A. aad (it St j r armtro"o could not be put forward to ex- n -a. t. r. 1 1. chairman, plain the massacres or innocent ciftcurr no. a. ! unarmed people and the destruction si Ita Ai. sad Fulton SL of their property carried out a at sordra aad Taylor Sta. in cold blood with the object of sa Tta Ate. aoj Fulton SL striking terror into the civilian SWi j. sua Ate. aad Cuooi Are. population. And if proof were Be 7 ita Ave. aad DJ Flaee Bei SS ia Ave. aad Tbowpaoa SL needed that such acts were deliberately contemplated by the Ciacvrr no. 4. authorities, it is provided by the SALE X 929. Bai at -Ita Ale. and Emmeraoa TIMBER fact that, although these horrors Mare. at tta Ave. aad MesndelL sealed tender win bo received by uw were perpetrated aa early a t9tt. Sai as tin Ave. and Oreea SL Minuter of Land not later taaa noon on certain sections of the German 44- sta Ate. aad Paul SL ttw tod day ..f Jaiy. isi7. for uw pur troops wcro found to bo equipped 44 7tb a. aad Iberia. ruae of LJreaee xsts. w cut " with special toola'devised for the Kai I4ltui At, aad Teas SL ... run pa Kinv nm1 raniil ilf rur I inn oa an area itoiei on souin veouocft ' - Arm. Itanr a. 1 DiitrieL ;oi ouiiuinga anu gooas. Twt t sear win tw allowed for re- The crimes committed against mutal oi umber. have been described as ... .... .. women ft.I Fa. .t u . onner rrHrn.r wi u """,,. . i , . ,., ..... . ., Vlcturta, B. ' . or DtiUicl Foreater. Princ " iuin u uui ui u ic HuperL C. ruuians wuom tneir commanuera Prince Rupert Feed Co. TIMBER salk a so. iwcre unable to restrain. This is .abaurU. Overwhelming testimony o. a ssa. aoa Tbled . 'has shown that the soldiers were .1. a.-.,... m ill IS Irl.t b Uw RCCEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Minuter of Land not later than tvo on not only encouraged, but inciteJ uw tod day of luiy. isiT, for uw pur- to 8ucli acls by their onicers, who WE HANDLE Zr.)cZ?ZX "i'nr themselves participated In the Steals A BHgas, Rannlea' oa an area Muated on jioeick nnr. south outrages. The women who were Ferry's and Mackenzie's Brntmrk Ann. Ranr I. coai Dittncj. deported from .Northern trance, Where You Cannot Prophesy Two t year will tw allowed for re- 0lii,nsii,v to work in Oermanv. Garden and Field Seeds. ru'rtbVr'iwruc'uUrs of tbe Chief reretr. ere in reality Intended as the Also Fertll Iters. victims of their as PREPARE ! victoria, b. c or Diitnci roreaur. Prince oppressors, HAY, DRAIN AND FEED iwperL a. r:. 1 those eventually permitted to re- CMcken feed A Specially. ',ave lel,- TIMBER SALE XS95. I In her naval operations, tler- even the best-informed man in government or We Take Orders for Nursery se.ied tender iu tw received by Uw many has been equally deliberate. NOT circles dares to attempt a prophecy of Stock. Minuter of Land Dot later than nooa on jn ino giuk(nK of ships she pro-nw conditions after the war. We hope for the be- isih day of !. IT, for Uw Pur -j Htep by 8top A nril shp "all Orr. PremsOf IM t flue of Licence a , w cui i,ii - meantime wise men are preparing now for anything. iiernilUil iinii-tiellleorcnl rrflwn feel of spruce, iur, duhw - -i to escape wun tneir lives anu How? wuch belongings as they could By regulating their expenditures acccdukg to their tiusiuj uuiirii. uut thrown(rnuuaiiy iii.s and actual needs rather than by their prosperity hy hnshsnrting Restraint was off, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE even hospital ships and neutral the suidIus and bv investing to the Uaait itt Canadian War vessels were sent to the bottom Loans that help so much to maintain pressnt prosperity. FOR CANNERYMEN without warning. Money saved and loaned to Canada by Cwdiwu Is a twofold Wo havo added to our stock of valves and pines a complete Her use of poisonous gases safeguard for the future. The lenders wiM beweil (Mreew at right prices. was no. hurried measure of des. absolute secwity aad lino of Hubber Helling from the excellent interest return and FOR FISHERMEN iteration, but tho result of pro. Indirectly because the interest thus kept ia Caaada wiH neJp to A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for longed solentillc experiment by keep business good after the war. her of bespectacled professors trolling Spring lros, Silver and Hroiuc Kultur. Canadian War Savings Certificates are issued la denomiasy FOR THU WATEHFRONT Tho confiscation by authority, tieaa of $25, $50 and $100. repayable in three years. At the The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Vamlahe -Spec al boat not by Irresponsible individual purchase prices of $2130, $43 and $86 rewxive4y, they yield paint "Fl.oniAZK" A complete line of Ship (.handlers. of private property, rifling of over & interest, Buy them at any Beak or Meaty Otdavr FOR EVERYONE Po Ofike. A fine stock of Hardware, (lurney's Oxford Stoves. Kck c an are altuated on Uw il I hoc ( We Sell Nothing But The Best. of tflcl.Matbleaou Cbatuwl. Rant I, Coail Dl The National Service Bowd of Cttoada. Tlirv (j) yviri will tw allowid for rs OTTAWA. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE uwval rutllwr of luiiber,partirular of IN Chief r or iter, Victoria, n, c. or DUtrlcl rorir at I'rlnre rtuprrt. B, c IT.