HIE DAILY KKVVU Wednesday Jtltlp 2n , LIGNITK BRIQUETTES i . . -",. G. H. Arnold Winnipeg, June esBveaas -!8r Professor Local News Nolcs Guaranteed To AT" ROWE'S PLUMBING Satisfy AND ftuttan, of the Canadian Advisory t www NOTARY PUBLIC Council of SclenllDc llesearch, flllKAT SUM M Kit BALK AT SHEET METAL WORKS told thQ convention of the Canadian OOLbllLOOM'S. Manufacturers' Association Tho " Sunshine " Furnaco gives healthful, st, lu,K cmIv;,",,u' POfl MNT that the problem of utlliiinp the Mr. M. Shendy went out on the warm air heat and plenty of It. Furnished completely, flvo-roomed vast deposits of lignite coal in train this morning. When Installed, according to plans WITH the OLD ALU MSHIONtO TNI IATIST t,l bil0'' Saskatchewan as n source of fuel ro-DATt flat, Waldron Apartments. for Western Cnnnda. had practically Ilr member "Peer Oynl" to'nfght furnished, by our heating engineers, WOW MleuUiu Heady about June been solved. As the results In tho Presbyterian Hall. , it is guaranteed to give absolute sat- 2511. ..S...;, 9BMB of ,the efforts which had been isfaction. , Write for free illustrated r feclerr. Steves . made by the llesearch.Council, a Tho Prince John will leave to booklet. Six.roomed house, fully process had been found which night for the Quen Charlotte Is miOIS Jitl modern, 3 bedrooms; 1015 .would successfully convert those lands, " riftSTLASS. A SATlSru" CUI Third Avenue ...... 9M.0O. TOII(S) It OUR AIM. present lignite deposits Into Mr. H. McDanlels arrived back ;h",m o. ao4 briquette rorm for fuel purposes ... Five-roomed cottage, ?28 ,n cU afler a- lrlp Lotblnlcre Street, electric" at a cost equal to two.thlrds of1?a,n LU,e SUNSHINE FURNACE . SUMU ..... that the the south. MS O.'wumwl ' light; water .. ltd.. now paid on prairies for Wh.rf anthracite coal "Pound for of Port Mr. It. O. Cunningham, H. Q. HKLGEMON, LTD pround, these briquettes will eon Essington, was visiting tho city Lhrnelln tain as much rnnl.' heal Prnfeaanr power ns nntlnn an yesterday. For Sale by Steen .ft Longwill !declared. NEW SUPPLIES of SUMMER I The professor also staled that GOODS at SALE PIUCES, at J.L.HICKEY Dominion Government had been GOLDDLOOM'S. U Tin. DasiV No-laVC j'advlsed by the nesearch Council will be held in the llorden Street v 1tMJr J to adopt the process and establish Mr. and Mrs. Tom Saville. of School. This is the first function CONTRACTOR A BUILDtfj a plant as soon as possible in Prince George, left for their home of the kind In the oily and Is a Prince Rupert Dairy CLASSIFIED ADS. Saskatchewan m.rl.ii ntilnnnl a how nf the nro. Flore and Often li.lures, to commence oper. there this morning. usota niw ausAatsiEsrr ations. press or high school work In thej Bash, Door and M.,n Mr. O. A. Clothier, of .New Hat city. All parents and those In. PUNK HOLSTIEN MILK Oak and Hard Woods r .!) WANTED. NOTIOE ellon, arrived in Prlnc llupert terested in the school arc cordial-1 kinds, cue AM off last night's train. ly invited to be present. 1.1TEL1J0E.1T PERSON MAT EAR.1 tut vnTiri? ikat i UTTCIIMILK Ws Specialize In Hird. I DiDcn:too monthly lio to correspondent lie, mot)lair for la news f,V McCaffery, Limited, of the city Mr A. W. Carter, of Oceanic LAND REGISTRY AOT wood Boat Ribs, 3ih, time;, ,eiperience uaneceasary; bo can- 01 J'rincc llupert, U, tin mercnania Cannery, was paving a visit to PMOig as; r. o. box sm Doors, sto. vaesinr; mbjeeu; jwre- SeoaV forgave applied to the Dominion Prince Rupert yesterday (Sections .ft and lit.) II Otters Proeirtlr atted4 To. flats and Sheet QIass uii EUfflS !"J, y" Burt,u; Government for permission to ly AppUCAtlon .. 144-1. mine lilt, build an addition to wharf now Mr. F. S. Elliott, of the North TAKE NOTICE thai' application las been R. McKay, Proprietor. Qlsilng. FOUND situated on Lots Three (3), and ern Pacific Hail way, is in the city aiaJe u rertsicr te. Corporation of the Comer Fraser and Cih da. Four (k). Block "F", City of for a few days on business. Uty of Prtoc Kspert la the proftnee of British Columbia, at onr la fee under PHONC ORKEN 2C9 Mr. F. W. Holler and Mr. H. D two Tat Sale Deeda from the Uueter of - .--w,.... !) ihe Provincial Government and the cur of Prince Rapert. beams date the PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. P. O. BOX Ut. Mattingly, of the Surf Inlet Mines, MISCELLANEOUS -j leased to us. 1th day of December II II, r ALL A.IO' are paying- a visit to the city. of! 8I.VGILAR thAI certain parcel or tract Plans of construction of saidi ' SSADIIATE Kl:Rj(C fry II liiuVinl T.ml ' . . I land and premises silsate lymr. and beiaf nxxirtie. apply p. p. Boa sis. or addition are Being supmuieg 10 Mr. George Kerr, of Durns Lake. m the Munlrtpality of Prince RoperL morel General Teaming l'uouc worss parucalarly knows and described at North Pboos jme uepanmeni.iefi jm. morninir for Port Essinir . Weiurly Se.enty (71). fel of Lou tleies Dominion flnvrnminl hr thm Sheet Metal Wm rami urn 'jpenvinelnl finvurnmonl. ton. where he will work with Mr, (ll. and Tele (It) Stock Elfblees D0MC8TI0 It. G. Cunnfngham. Ml.. Section One (I), Map Oil. BLACKSMITH COAL moo asd CAUroiwu luutAY co.'ALDEHT &. McCAFFEItY LIMITED You are required In cool.t the claim HAJtT LAJtDS, TlUe to iim TtTttmi Dated 22nd May, 1017. J24 Mr. Justice Morrison arrived or tbe Ui purchaser within thirty ne I Careful Attention to Piano Having been la the Ket i Ur Si United SUtet bj Art or Conrre 1 on the steamer this morning from days from the date ' the senlc or thts and furniture ftsmovals. become acquainted with a tu ' fettd ioD t. lilt. Two million, thro Province of British Columbia Vancouver, lie will take the oUce (shich may be effected by personal era melhcls of oulfit'Ucf rssbe f hundred U)onAOd acres to t opened' DCPAfTTMRT or LANDS) as sertlce or as directed), and yosr aitenuos boAla, sa used by Caster rr bootetteAdA And aaIc Timber And J NOTICE size here this week. is cslled to section It of the 'Land Kf PHONC S3. AtrlcnltnrAl Undt. cootAlnlnr .0Bf,Bl! . istry Acr with amendmenu. and to the orerdne PAmenu oo ArpHeAikm. to Mt land left In United SUM. How U p,1P,h, rmwn I rvi. m nnti.h rinmhi. Wanted Hoard tof two child- follosint attract therefromi Gasoline Tanks, Pipc- m opportune tunev uw mtp ow X0TICE u t,tn Mat. under the j ren, aged 6 and 8 -years, for July -and In deftull ef a cateal or certiorate. fittfng and Plumbing, ut Us pendena belov Bled before the ret' h ZZiTLrZZZ'.ZZZ .2 ?r?n?,?0,." "-S? and August. Father is at the IttraUon as owner of the' person rfl tilled and all lines oi x " ' - i Ati arpeai aci. any penoo do am doi i FREE- rronl- Terms Apply uiwvr such ut sale, all so served PoAtpaid om dotur. orant ,LAndi Lo-ii. nnd.r -soidierf Homeaiead AtL arranged. persons roruaoo. urevon. t,,(- to complete nil application to pur- Daily News Odlce. tf talis notice, .... and those clslmiac : Metul Work Uroutb or under them, and all persona cnaae. either by payment In fall or tj tne Prompt AtUstlon a- kulr interest Is the land ir t-isiniAr any by At. H. wtmoo. 1. telecilon of a proportionate Allotment, There was a large number of I Workmanship lue of any unrerislered ustrunient, aad t. Lis mar, br provtnr nl Intereat and partnr W. WHUami. a.A- tourists and travellers on the a3 persons claiminv aay interest In tbe up la full the balance of the ptircbaM r5HWJiossi WILLIAMS MAN4GN price and taiea before the Ht December, train last evening who immediate land by descent whose title Is not red' H. LET0URNEAU obtain Crown Orant if ly transferred their baggage to lered under the previsions of this Act, marflsirs. Solicitors, Etc. 1117, a proof au- , VateW VI i s than be for ever estopped and debarred 21 SIXTH AVEM'f factory to the Minister of Lands' is for the boat for the south. oner to loan Dished that such person Is suffertnr Injury from settlnr up any claim to or Is respect Pbons I51ak iH 10 Dos 1U -a sit' Of the land so sold for lates, and the Doi IfIS Ihrourb absence of noUce or otherwise. Mr. F. Ilaiet Jones arrived on nri.trir shall rrrutrr the person o Hi.r"f Start Pnc , And further that the interest In un : Bnv.rt. C completed applicauons to purchase held by the steamer this morning on tilled sirier such tat sale at ovner of tbe ; r any person on Attire Serrico may be pro. visit to his parents, lie leaves land so sold for tates." AND WHEREAS aptlcatldn has been lected by notification to the Lands Depart for Toronto soon, wfiern he will made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Till pitdi oi mnui wai sucn is ou person J0'" lne lWn to the abovemeatiooed lands, in tbe seme P8' DENTISTRY Acue Serrtce and by the fllinr of proof ,mP'(rial, of The Corporation of the at of Prince of the interest of such person. further Informs Uon will be furnished on The rendering of "Peer Gynt' Ruperti AND W HEREAS on mvesUrtUnf UK atle CJtntWM ANO SMIBOC request to the Deputy Minister of Lands, reading and musical selections It appears that prior to the fourteenth day A IHWUTT Victoria. B. C al t,e Presbyterian Hall tonight or September,.!til. (the uatfl os tlch Publicauon of this notice rltboat ao- on. j. s. smowN by the Musical Club promises to the said lands were sold for overdue will not be tborlty paid for. Tn. Sep. IS. laics), yoa wero a mortraree thereof, .ecsmrr be a great attraction. Don't miss rtATKER TAKE NOTICE that at U OSti Uml BtMk. TKM Ai LAND ACT it. ume time I shall effect rtristration la nyarsuance of, such application and Isiue SiEE.IA USD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Mrs. J. P, Des Hosiers and a Certificate of Indefeasible TlUe to tbe COAST. fUMOf FIVE. daughter arrived in the city from Mid lands In the name of tb above corporation Take notice that we. Ovate MUlerd Pack last unless you lake and prosecute Saskatoon on night's train. Int.Company, Limited, of Vancouver, oc the proper proreediois to establish your cupation .canoe rjroicn. mtmd to apply for Mrs. Des Ilosiers is the daughter claim, ir any, to the said lands, or to permission to. lease U foUowinr described of Mrs. Curtin of this city, and prevent each proposed action os my part. Stuart J. Martin Undai was met at Pacific by Miss Curtin Dated al tbe Land Rraittry Office, rnoee CommeDClns At post planted At the Rupert, B. C, this 10th day of December, southeast corner of Lot 1 17i tbence'soatb K. D. tilt. Mr. F. It. Taylor, of Winnipeg, I ASSAYLH S chains to low'water mark; thence north' II. r, MACLEOD. westerly tt chains folio wins; low water has arrived in the city and will District Reelstrar of Titles. mark; thence north I chains to the Grand make Prince llupert Iris head To freaerte Scbatiner. Esq. HAZELTON B. C. Trunk Pacine nrbt-of-way; thence south nuarter. henceforth. He will act care C L, Freeman. C P. ft. BMr. Edmonloo, Alberta. as train agent on the new train of.way to the place of berlnninr and con- Tha oldosi sUbtlshed Assay lalDlni tl acres. which will be put on within the Sunlight COSSE MILLERO PACKISO COMPANY next few days . Offloo In tht North. LIMITED, JU STEEN & LONG WILL AprU ind. Ht7. J. P red Ritchie, s rent. The Colts baseball team have IX THE MATTER Of A.I APPfJCATlO. returned from their trip up to for the Issue of a fresh certificate of title Alice Arm and Anyni "Borne ball SANITARY AND HI ATI NO Soap for Lots one (i) and Two (t), Block games" took plaee. Although ENGINEERS LAKELSE HOT SPjUNGS 22 (.!:. ..0B U' ai' ' the Colts were in Ko6d condition.' I Map 1 HOTEL the standard of 'ptay was high The inducement offered with ooeamoo I .KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that It is Agsnts for OPH TO OUWTS ON STM 'my Intention to Issue after the eipiration and the Colts did hot win either soaps cannot make up for tbe parity ol JUW McCLARY FURNACES of one month from the first publication game, this trip Sunlifht Soap. It costs US more to make Motor Stage will connect hereof, a fresh Certificate of Title for the . pure soap. But it cost YOU lea to use aoore mentioned lota In the name of the PLUMBING (or Sunliiht for itself ia tbe clothes with trains at Terrace. Mr. F. L. Iluckley arrived in the it, pay Atlantic Really and Improvement Company and it save, it doe not wear and rub tbe (Limited, which Certiaeale of Title was city this morning and left for tUceHont TrNt utA.rufelaf r la LaSaJm' i AD thai 9 A-tt) srlati'isSsB 9 I I'i'i A I A we An fen ar- Prince George. He Intends to SHEET METAL WORKS Csbriea as eoauBoa sosaps do. Pha 0actla with Plication received the toth October, 1910. open up the mill at Kyax, which Phone 831 am Tters? land Is numbered IA4-I. . . . , , 5, Second Avenue. a Bam S4-M par day May Hth. 1(17. . (nu siuuu luie so lung, unu is going Night phones 570 Land Reiittry omce, right ahead. Operations will and Ulue 270 for further pArUculin. tppljr.Ao Prince Rupert. B. C be started very soon to get the i 4. BMUOCa MNMTONI, UiMe. II. f. MACLEOD, ,mlll in shape for producing lum The right work, at the right it. to. District,Rtflitrer. 1er time, and at the right price. On Friday evening the flrst high school graduation exercises Letterheads Babft Own Soap A HOT BATH THE Envelopes SUtementA MINUTE YOU WANT IT Cards, Etc PbsmSS You aro accustomed to getting cold water instantly. Think of the sat-isfaction risNsssiAirs knsinb of getting Hot Tke News Jk Press L t Cri. 1.1 Meese Is.Pewar.tjf J la, 1I-1S abundance,Water in the regardless same way of In oh a S-4 la, S B 1- la. how much has been used h'miki ti Ail LWiBttMi Dm Meete Pewee. 1S ktl I la., before, HOT WATER LIKE MAOI0 r.e. in. m Programs CsUlogs Fop Furthsr Information Harry Hanson Dodgers Apply to 1 Leaves Uie skin lomittrrhow I Hot Water Service brinn Posters,etc. M tender eofi white aroiuat. B you this convenience. W. E. WILLISCnOFT I Ited. I'eifcct fur nursery and H 398 PHONE P. O. BOX eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei prince Rupert, B. C, j Albert 5sUhej. . Mewt!t! 1 JJf sfstsf.stjl