THE DAILY NF.W8 Tit: Thrv will have to create Your Liver .n, ... lunnrh of tile SCTV The Daily News 0f iKnai imenl of Sedition IMF. LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NCJKTMfcRN &HmM Otll. tin has Important work to do. Under n..i... h Henri lloumssn in illl PabtieWI Daily ad Weefely favorable conditions It doe Minister and Armani! La. WRIGLEYS Guaranteed' Largest Circulation It well If sluggish,relieve it with tersne be Deputy Mlnlsleiy- Vic. head nmcii BEECH4fti torla Times, A. New and iMily News MulMIng, 3rd Ave, Prn rt llui-en. H O vTert-ihiiii. hh Salvation Army. m fi8IKN T DISPLAY AliVKHTISINO 50 .vnli per infa'T.niiiract rules nn application. PILLS Public meeting Tuesdays, Thu-sdsys and Saturdaysiat 8 p Tempting -nidayi at 7:30 p. ni. Ui4 Safe W As Miti to lU in DAILY EDITION Thursday, June 21, 1017. Tlio Dally Newsr delivered by T6 for the propagandists. Snare a, net. &0 cents per month. THE COST LIVK est. A government which was The May renorC of the De out to protect the interests of them Into the Government service. COAL N0TI0E3 partment of Labor lias been the people would protect the Id not arrest them for issued and in it, It Is shown pepolo nt large from .this sec-lion, sedition; do not suppress their rtNA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT that the cost of the average which is getting rich at newspapers. Ulve them highly TSICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND weekly family budget increased the expense of the community, remunerative Government Jobs during that month from 517.31 which include; (tie Widows, nnd the papers will stop automatically. Tk noura that lame Mclalty. or to $18.37. This budget cost wives and families of the men Hut it was a great rnoce Rupert, ocev?aiioo mercnani, in- only covers thirty staple foods, who have risked their lives in pity that this loyal plot of the r...irndt,nal lo and apply twtroleum for ptrmiMion on the 10 Wetl proapeci mail fuel and rent for an average the trenches. Minister should have been dis. or urabam Itiaod In tbe vicinity of Weil family. .11 does not allow for With conscription of the closed in Parliament. It should river clothing, or the thousand and food supplies oi the country, have been kept a state secret, ummenclnr at a poal planted one mile aouu of aoalbrait comer of C U tl7 As one little extras, and nowadays the man who was conscripted for ho doubt Mr. Sevigny was ihfnre aouth IS chain, tbrncs teat I toothsome necessaries too, which would at the same time would know trying to entice Henri' Hou-rassa rbamt. thence north 10 chain. Utrnce as the name at once occur to, the practical that no unfair advantage would nnd Armand Lavergna to writ 10 cbalna to point or tommeacetarnL housewife. This budget Just bo taken of his dependents by the payroll, too. ' March II, HIT. JAMES Auttlo MCNULTT.Brown, anL implies. covers the bare necessities for soulless corporations. Hut tl)is Mr. Sevigny's methods, how continued-life. can hardly be looked for until ever, are not altogether origins SKEENA LAND RECORDINO) DISTRICT Delicious.long-lasting. This advance of $1.03 per Ih representatives of these at, with him. He owes his own ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE IILARDS week Is the sharpest advance food barons, and cold storage position in the cabinet to a The noticeable for a long time, and speculators are removed from similar order of tactics. He, Take noure that Roalyn Duke, of I'orl third of the occupation hotel proprietor, la-leode Uad. Ore, so far as the month of June where they can make arrange Dr. Illondin and Mr. Patenaude, la apply for permlaaioa to preepect has gone, there is nothing (o ments to suit themselves. With who has Just resigned, were for coal and petroleum on tbe wen coeil Wrigley trio show that the increasing in a government which represent quite as violent against the of Oraham laland, la tbe vicinity or Weal of refreshing crease will not be maintained. ed the people it Is safe to say idea .of recruiting for a Canadian nver. Coaunenetns at a poet planus! one mile And yet with it all. Sir George that conscription would have navy a few years ago as aoutb oT the aoatbrael corner of C L confections. Foster, speaking in the House been in force long ago. Not Citizens L'avergne and Ilou-rassa 7li tkenco aouth 10 cbalna'. tbenc weal of Commons, pronounced that necessarily that partial conscription are today against re 10 chain, theneo north II chU, thence Good for teeth, the problem of the rising cost relating to military cruiting for the war. That Is rati (0 cbalna M point of commeneenM'nL nOSLTN DUkE. of living was. one beyond ad. service only, but conscription why they were chosen as cabinet March II, 117. Auatin Brown. arenL breath, appetite, ministrative control. And his in the full sense of the word ministers, but the motive digestion. statement on the question received tif all the resources of the underlying the choice appears SKEENA LAfD RSCOROIN DISTRICT the hearty applause of country, whether it be Ihe pro lo nave been different, li we ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS the members on the Govern, duction of the soil, or the pro may believe Mr. Sevigny. They Sealed Ttaht ment benches. It matters not duclion of men's hands, or were entering inlo -their re Take C,tire occtipaUoa that Arnet widow.Brown,Intrude or Victoria. lo Kept Rthtl to gir George Foster and his brains, either in the shape of ward, ftenaud, according to apply for permiaaion to proapeel for coal colleagues that the pension of foods, manufactures or money. the Minister, was appointed to and petroleum on weal coaal of Oraham Chew H mfier 150 month to a soldier's lilaatl. In vicinity of Vei river. Three of a kind per be muzzled. Hut it Is going to Cocnmenctnr at a pott planted two mile-aouUt Kewp Ibem In nlad widow and family does not attain HOW SEVIGNY DOES IT cost the taxpayers a fortune if oT Ihe aoutbeaat' corner of C. i. every meal to that minimum which Paul rtenaud was the editor Mr. Sevigny's methods con 1001; Ibenco wetl (0 cbalna. ibrnce the Department of Labor says of Le Francais Parleur, a Quebec north ( cbalna tbenca tail to cbalna. bare Uxoce aoutb ee cbalna, to point of com HAtm Of CANADA for sub. been a family requires paper which had pub COAL NOTICES sistence. The soldier's widow lishing articles against recruiting. tueoeemeaL AONU BROWN, OH SALS WlttUm CDKTECTiaKS ABE SOU) and his family have got to wait, Suddenly ihe articles SREENA LAND RECORDINa DISTRICT March II, 117. Auttia Brown. anL while prices rise still higher. stopped and the reason thereof I STRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS The Flavour Lasts I It matters not that the wage was revealed in Parliament. SKEENA LAND RECORDINN DISTRICT earners and the poor folks with Mr. ftenaud had been given a Take notice Uut John William Ooet, of ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS stationary salaries have to pay Government Job. He had been Victori. B. C, occupation nxrebut. In-icade la apply for prmilon to proapeel Take noUce that Edward Plckard, of these enhanced prices, 'nothing appointed accountant in the for coal and petroleum on Um meal coat I Lue Aartlea, occupaUoa esstneer, Iniendt matters so long as the Inland Revenue Department by of Oratuun UUnd in vicinity of Wl fiver. W apply for remiatioa to proapeel for Commeoclnr at pott planted two mile coal and petroleum on the weal cue it of Schedule speculators and the manipulators, the Hon. A, Sevigny, the head Spring eouta or tbe soatacatt comer of C L. Oraham laland. la vicinity of Weal river. the big firms trusts of that service. and, S9IT. thence weal to cbalna, thence eoulta Comarndnc at a poal pleated one mile and combines, are allowed to Mr. Sevigny denies that Mr. 10 cnatne. tbenc rut IS cbalna. Ibenee tooth of tbe eontheeit corner of C L. 1. 1. FRIPICC OCORQC rake in their surplus profits. ftenaud Is against the Allies in aorta It cbaiae to point of ccenmencecBenL tt7 tbenca weal SO cbalna, thence north For Anyoi Midnight, Juno 20th. JOH.1 WILLIAM 00SS. 10 chaina, Ibenco eaal 10 cbalna, tbence For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and These are the friends of the the war. The attacks upon recruiting, Mitrh 11, HIT. anaUn Brown, stent. aoutb chelae lo point of CMnmeacemeoL June 21 L Seattle, Midnight, Government. These are the he says, were due to EDWAAD M CLAUD, the Government between March II, 1117. Auaua t. 8. FRINCC RUPERT people represent. a personal feud the KEENA LAND MCORDINO DimilOT Brown. artaL They certainty do not editor and Sir William Price, I STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS For I wan son Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victor!, and represent the people of Canada who was trying to raise a regiment MEENA LAND REOOROINS DISTRICT 8eUte, Midnight, June 24th. as a whole. These food in Quebec. Still, the Take notice that WlUUnt Dlaoa. of Vic ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN barons have been permitted to Minister says, he thought the toria. B. C, occupation accountant, Inund For Q eert Charlotte Islands, June 20th. to arbly for oermlaatoa to proapeel for Take notice that Jearpb Rowal, or Frince so arrange prices that commodities should be stopped, so he paper coal and petroleum on the e(t ruait -Graham Rupert, 8. C occupaUoa proapeclor, la-unda PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE which have to be its editor the Govern-payroll. lo apply rr permiatloa to put on laland. la. vicinity of Vfeat river. proapeel Mfeoeeadaf aad Set area r at 11 tSO a. at. fee laLWt. Frlace OMrie. a-mmUm, transported to Great Britain, Commencine at a pot plantea use mile for coal and petroleum on the weal Baeaattta aad WlMisea, anakl eaelee theee fee as aetau 'are there sold cheaper than, in Ingenious and subtle Mr. eouib or the aoutbeail comer of C L of Oraham laland, la vletnuy of Weal Met aad aoeth. .Briead train every T4t at 4 a. tb 97l. ibrnce north 10 cbalna tbence can ner Canada, with all the I He Is born strategist, Aooncy All Ooean Steamship Lines, even cosj Sevigny a 10 chains, tbence aoutb (0 cbalna. thence Cuuuencinf rrom poal planted ooe - of tlirqe or four thousand miles and his methods are so weal cbalaa to point of commencemrnL mile aouth or the aouuweai comer of C L. For Information and reservations apply to . transit added; Such a state of simple that we wonder somebody WILLIAM DIXON. (i ibenco aouu (0 cbalna, tbence eatl City Ticket Office. StS Third Avenue. PHONE IM 0 cbalna. thence north 10 chain. Ibrnce March II. 117. Auatin Brown. aroL aJTairs, could only be arrived at did not think of them be. meal (0 cbalna to point of cocnmencemrnL with the connivance of a gov fore. Confound the National. JOIEFM ROWAT, SKEENA LAND REOORDINw DISTRICT ernment friendly to the jnler- 1st propaganda by laying a trap I STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE I(LANDS March II, 1117. Auatin Brown. aavnL MEENA LAND RECORD! M DISTRICT lake notice that Jamee Ray, or Victoria, MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT C occupation hotel proprietor, Istende ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to apply for permiaaion to prospect for 50T1CE TO DELHfQUE.1T PAI1T.1ER Certlflcata of Improvements oal and petroleum on tbe weal coait of Taka notice thai Frederick Moeracb, of Lowest Rates all Eastern Toint o H C.W, Caloount Graham laland. In vicinity of Weal river. Victoria, B. C occupaUoa aaleaman. In- Take notice, whereat I bare done and Cutumenclnr at a pott planted at tbe lenda to apply for permiaaion to proapeel via Steamer to Vancouver end Iht eaaeed to be done aaeeartsent work on tbe NOTICE touibweat comer of C L. ; tbence for coal and petroleum on the weal coaal CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ,.Ml4alrbt Fraction mineral claim, situated Cariboo Mineral Claim annate In tbe wen 10 cbalna. tbenca aoutb It cbalna, of Oraham laland. la vicinity of Weal river. Meal and Berth Included on Steamer a tbe IlUance river, about fourteen mllea t keena Mtntts? DtTlsluO of Caeaiar fiialricL thence eaal 10 cbalna. tbeoco north 10 Coauineacin at a poal p lasted two mllea from tbe bead of Alice Ann, In tbe Skeena Wbere toca ted t .tear bead of Alice halo I to point of comtnencemenL eouib of tbe aoutbeaat comer el C L rainlnr dlvUlon of Skeena dUtrtcl, ataeae Arm. B.C. JAMES RAY. t7l, tbenca eaal to cbalna, ibenco aouu Princess May for Oranby Bay and Alice, Arm Frldsy 11 p.m. men! work for 1114, im. and 11, and TAKE NOTICE thai I. J Fred Ritchie, March II, 117. Auaun Brown. arcnL 10 cbalna, Ibenco weal 10 cbalna. tbenc Princess May for Vancouver via Ocean Falls. Sunday 6 p.m. nave paid for aaid work and recordinr rree Miner! Certificate So. 1119 C acting north so cbalna to point of commenccmcoL aaaoe tbe lum of 1107.10. t'nleaa you pay a aeenl for W. A. William. Frea Miner! SKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT FREDERICK M'JERICll, Princess Sophia for tha south Saturday, June 23rd. t tbe aum of list.10, for your ahare Certiorate No. 111 C intend, aixty day! ISTRIOT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS March II, 1117. Aottln Brown, arenL of tbe said aaaettinent work, tofetber with rrora lbs date hereof, to apply to tbe tbe coat or thia advertleenent, I aball. at Mininr Recorder for Ceruncate of Improvement, SKEENA LAND RECORDINO)1 DISTRICT J I. PETERS, Gcncreil Airent the eiplratloa of ninety (00) daya from for tbe purpoee or obtaining Take notice thai Turner Rotbwell Mullen. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Ike date' bereof apply to tbe mlninf recorder Crown Oranl of tbe above claim. of Victoria, B. C. occupation merchant. Intense C nee Fourth Street arwl Third Avenue Prince Kurerl. tl.C at Prince Rupert. B. C to nave And further take notice that action, on. to apply for permiaaion to proapeel Take notice that John Booth, of Lot fntereata In tbe be commenced before for coal and petroleum on tbe weal coaal yeur- Mldnlrbt fraction dcr aeciion II muat mineral claim vetted In me. In purausnee tbe Uauanee of such Certificate of Inv of Graham laland. In vicinity of Weil river. Ancelea,for occupation contractor, Iniende lo apply to coal pcrmiaiion protpeci for Comineoclhr at a poet planted ope mile or tbe provlalou, or tho mineral act; provementa, t and petroleum on tbe weal coail of Oraham Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. tale I lib Dated tbia t7tb day of March, A. D. aoutb of the aoutb ail corner at C L In Itlend, vieioiiy or Weal river. 171 thence weal 10 cbalna, tbence north dar of April, 1117. Jy II 117. It 1 cbafeatv First Commenelnf it a poal planted two ml!l C 10 chains, ibrnce eaat SO cbaioe. thence H, PUILUPS. I. FRED RITCHIE, ArenL eoulh is chain to point of comnaeoceweoL aoclh of the aoutbeaai corner or C. L t- TLHM.ll IIOTIIWELL MULLEN, 07i ibrnce eatl 10 cbalna, tbence north March SI, 117. Auatin Brown, ascnl. (0 cbalna, thence wen 10 chaina, then aoutb 10 cbalna to point of commencement. -Shift to Shubert IOHN BUOTII, SKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT March II, 117. tutiin Brown. ireoL ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LaunchAlkeB. Wfh '"Hk v j-bmmmmmmVL c - 1 I Take notice thai Oliver Brown, or Vic IHIIlHi l be toria. B. C, occupation maehlnlat, Iniendt DENTISTRY SALT kWrl Mir FOR THE LAKES to PPly for permittlon to protpeci for very Fine Day from C(l and petroleum on the wetl eoatl of itvir WEST AUSTIN, 10 a. m. Graham Itiaod In vicinity of Wetl river. OtinwWM AND RHIQOII I MORS A. B. SHUBERT, Inc U i RETURN FARC SSe. CMuntencIni at a pot I planted Iwo mllea A BFEOIALTT aoutb of Ilia soulbeaal corner of t U DR. J, 8. BftOWN 7I; Itr-nra aoutb 10 cbalna, tbence weal Call 10 chaina. tbenca north 10 chaina, ibrnce DENTIST W. i. TMORAO, Flveae, BMWMMMlMMsaJMkf?SMfpjjTjRj eatl 10 cbalna lo point of ciniunrnceinenl. DMeei aana) Nleek, TKIrO Aveaee Oreee Ml. OUVIM BROWN, Subscribe for The Daily News March II, HIT. Auatin Brown, arm I. IWHOHiALE aHSTRIsHJTOR F O. DAWRON FRINGE RUPERT, O. Jl