i The Daily W1 .'ItS' W W B- i X vol. Ul! NO, 118. PRINCE RUPERT. jjt C, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. PHmK FIVR OK MAMS ARE AFRAID FOR S AFETY OF L AON PROGRESS OF FRENCH FORCES THREATENS THIS POINT ON HINDENBURG LINE BAN CROWN PRINCE ItfAKES WHY ORGANIZED LABOR OOD CONTROL IN PROMISE OF SHIP STRIKE Df MRI1N OPPOSES CONSCRIPTION .4 THE UNITED STATES BUILDING FOR RUPERT RAILROAD SHOPS SERIES OF ATTACKS ON FRENCH j Ottawa, June 18, -The first fine )l to Tb Dtlljr Kew.i The activities of the joint com (SpeeUI lo Tbc Eiily .lews). jcarele rapture having passed, Washington, June 25. The in it lee of the Hoard of Trade, the Copenhagen, June 25, -Two- TO iREVENT FURTHER ADVANCE WHICH WOULD 'the Borden Government realize iLI. I. .ill MENACE control bill administrates food (:Uy Council and the Trade, and "Vho;:0 t" UON, THE CROWN PniNCE . THROWS 8TRONQ rORCES LilUk MJKZ T 11 d LUI1HL1 IIILIUI1 All U W - AOAINST FRENCH LINES WITH LITTLE SUCCESS t i,m.r n.-.iiv ii,t ii S'v,nK President broad au- Labor Council have apparently state railways struck yesterday to BUT HIS PROGRESS IS BARRED would not be a good election cry.'tnority to control the distribution Dorne fruil, as on Saturday a tele- enforce their demand for a nlne- As the days pass Uie. conviction,of food, feed and fuel for war gram was received from the Im- hour day. Hitherto the men have fpritl i Tbe VMir .Vs.: grows that the British Govern- purposes, and an appropriation of nerial Munitions Hoard to the been working an eleven-hour day London, June 25. There is CRT AT BRITAIN WILL ment drove a hard bargain when. ft.s, 000 000 or ... enforcement .t..,i ... n, irj., vv..v.and- declare it is impossible ,to litUe major activity in any of the! HAVE A BEER POOL pruiiiimru iTtrimrr ixirutii i ....I ..In.lnl.Uallnn I.-. I...ri continue work for such lonir year s extension of office even If ,,r of San Francisco undersUnd thathoUr8 on the preSent food ration. tr theatres, except along the passed by a vote of 3G5 epeu: id ra Dnr hi. he didn t have a unanimous Par- tne i'rince uupert suipuuuaing which is quite inadequate. .In committee of the House, an l'ie AUne fr mi of region in or-iliern I,niidon. June 25. The State liament at his back if be. in re- . . . , , n plant is idle. The Union Iron f ranco. Here the German turn, would give them selective works enquire if a two years' GENERAL HIM ITEM will solve the drink problem by the manufacture of liquors, was Uju i'rince engaged in a scries conscription. lease would be considered as their adopted by 132 to 114. As a result. of attack! ou the French liuei a pooling nf the ber supplies. There will probably be a long food stuffs will be per-in.lled intention is to build twenty-five (SpecUl to Tbe Dally Itvwt), The IlritMi Government will have debate on the subject, because ut twelve thousand ton freighters., Moscow, -The American Com si ng (be western end of the to be used during the war control and will distribute all nearly every member of Parlia- The Imperial Munitions Hoard;mission received the assurance alcoholic f. the manufacture of Cbemin de Dames, where the ,i ,. i. . ... mpfil will want In nut himself on . stale that they will consider a from the proletariat of Russia front protecU the Oer-l man minors equuamy over me - . ' - ,,, beverages lumog proposal from the Union Iron that the Allies will not be de-Works I .(II I i. rurtress of Laon, which a - or to build at Prince Rupert (serted. Russia la ready for great r.ihcr advance would, menace. tiiliin ill tirovonllnir. lrwal .hnrt. .. j .l. MCUl VTDATl7rV . wvmm w ii a in a v xit-fMi iiit pii lanaLiiin i m w wm n m .n frcicht cargo steel steamships if sacrifice. h.sl - w hum w a m a m w sv iDeitsacnir tu a rf. The partial application of afterwards. During this long de-. AM DAIITAN 17DAMT lne Union ,ron Works can effect Stockholm Anti-British prop-Un k -.t. Plate rontrol at Carl is e and En- bale public opinion will have a DALaAII rnUHl arrangements with the Grand aganda is begun here bf T. S. iwisuiy i lie immuut imiut. field, where it has been in force' hanc lb "yslaliie. It will have. Trunk to utilize the Prince Rupert Gaff riey, former American Consul Jhrre. on Friday, a considerable . 22. at Munich,-who has reached here. - - ' .. nc London. June Important jdanL m bliailto ucviug nuciucr Viint... i.f. Uie French line fell ir nuiiif miir iiraui, biiuhi . . . . j . . . . ... J , . . . i, u-.t i - .-...ii. 1 ,i h. i,.. ireeaom canaua nas enjoyeo lor developments are loresuaaoweu me imperial .Munitions uoara ic uctiares nei "ere rcprrseui- i loe nanus oi uie uerm.u.. , . ' "." U ,at fifty years 1s worth sus- on the Macedonian front, follow- aso communicated with Alfreding the cause of Irish freedom. 3 rridsy night serious attempts fenenciai ai; mese' lao puces, ine , . lh nceJg f lh abdication of King Con- V. Smithers. chairman of the ParisAlthough the fleet I made by the Germans to d- r c In short, whether the end Justifies .tantine if the.HuIgarian official Grand Trunk, giving particulars greater than before the war. more . h from this salienL but the nness Is steadily decreasing ,. , . , .h- i. V,. cu Lhin. s hin if vn,. u l-snch Are was too oiucti for lte mrouni ra.u. iome,time during the debate'Hritlsh without pressure of their era slated in reply that Mr. E. J.Uo feed herself. Munitions are furmy, and no further progress someone will suggest a referen- advanced positions east of the Chamberlin, Ihe d. T. P. nresl-'meanUme the chief need, ussmsde. Artillery fiKbttnff AMENDMENT TO HOIST dum- Organlied labor is in favor struma River, on the extreme dent, is wiring the Union Iron Athens, June 25. Twelve :-jed all day on Saturday with of a referendum It is not likely eastern end of the front, and pro- Works asking that they send rep- Greek ships have been sunk by svsie tioleuce In this and some OtKVlLh blLL Ij rAlLUKt that a referendum will be granted nounced reconnoitring activity by resentatives to Montreal at once, submarines since the 25lh April. j j.r sectors of the French front although it was done in Aus- the Entente forces along the Var- where all plans of the drydock. Their tonnage amounted to31,- Huaalan FronL , n,. , 51 Th ii-rrett tralia because the chances areolar is true- machinery and plant are, ,542 and they were valued aF4,- i v v" , . i .. that a referendum would defeat u has been pointed out fre- This information will be re- alZ.uou. . ... .... . ri i itit. c selective conscription. Many peo- quently by military observers' that ceived with particular interest by" M fighltiiK vi..il again soou hill causing' much T talk'in pie talk conscription who would virtually the only practicable the people of Prince Rupert. The fiEIHiABY WANTS " is ender way. the ntrml t, ,. nV.i- vole against it. A referendum route for a successful advance to Union Iron Works,, of San Fran-'. MW OF AIMTMA -silions of Russia contmue to i -"" of the would probably reveal the fact cut the lines of the Central Pow- cisco, is a thoroughly reputable 1 the receive support T. -.-Hill ..uti ......i "ii.-r.r,,."" lo ... i: r ii that Ihere are other provinces In ers in the Halkans and reclaim firm, of first-class standing. They London, June 25. Increasing uf Ihe watioa seem to be in-inHmff Canada who are no warmer for Serbia, is up the Vardar Valley, apparently want to lease the plant friction between Germany and tit. their morale, and art linn. Albert I "eviirnv and lion P eons5riptlon than Quebec is. Also along the railway line there. The here. The Imperial Board of Austria is indicated by an article tx'j ready to attack once more. II Hlondir the two French Cabl- il wou,d Pr,ibab3r disclose the present activities seem to point Munitions will give them con- in the Frankfurter Zeitung. which demand is general t.nrjHcrt tbe ,-,-.nlli frnin Onphe lliai winariu is uui iiraii as 10 an ouensive uj ufsucrai oiuiii tracts, il is now up io mo urauu u. hit ,be army move again without "! " " 0,.-1-- warm as advertised. in the only likely sector tnat em- Trunk Paciflo to arrange ror tne peranum? a suermania irreueiim. urtber delay, and the sign, show -"d Wr membera JMin Just here is the place lo con- bracing the Vardar area is im- leasing of the plant. After which comprising 10,000,000 Germans, Liberal btl itils demand cannot long be The tradfet the impression that Que- tninent. Should this have been it may be expected that work will living in Austria. x bec appear. to be disposed. to vote 1.. k. - r 1 1 nn . K . 1 .i 1. 1 i, HaA.,iJ w. - .v.n.J . Th rutu'innniir n rtriiiia thai ftiA nulcd. , Mill v, i.i-i i't v liar 1 a 1 1 17 1 1 miij , i :a urciuru uuuil il. muuiu a uaiuiai i &. aurau, - - Mac,HWV Italian FronL V in ,,nl other Provinces in doing move for the British to relinquish residents of Ihe German inhabited fa - ... a -rv .m ika llsiltnta say mey are wihuik uuuj 'i!rnhhrn rnn. ii. ,h..,i.,ui crmnnH hp hnlii uurtTunLtie TiiriTM . sections of Austria cannot be good aia . " lUTJ'Zni...'h r Wilfrid Uurier rFfe amend-rend urn ,Htu,c nf,y I,er cenl of lne en" long the Struma and withdraw Austrians and good Germans imiruitnl The Harrette tlilmonl in lh Krrllh.neakinZ In Ilia hri.f c-ahAnil noir lh river. AI lha UValhnlnm Thpalrw simultaniKmslr. It intimates that . ment will receive no .......I A. Tk.KA n n 1 1 ri I(a 1 ,t k... .. nl 1.A I n 1 In f.nl I A il.kl Ik.... ...Ill 1. I. n .r. r.f ItlPftLA i 1 PPITI 3 Tl Ift ,Illirl iDIl hi flf Allft uh iinporiaiH oeisiiia ., .- , ij-j,..... ...nilliTX. frOIII ,ulr"' HVtw uiii iiv ,- lllfrCUJ sirrilKlurilllie wo iwkuic lllliv nitric uc Diiumi jhc u( - ---- Utigara, The imporUnce of this ni.U. .t. .-... - -- '- -" born in Quebec. Faclude the Brit- right flank for defensive purposes the greatest of photoplays called tria should become German, and V rn Is mpbas.ied ib today's ""f "r ul L ihal Hh-born from the enlistment while the offensive stroke would "The Slave MarkeL" This is a that Austrian Poland should be lanounceineul. The Austrian Cllher SlUe Uie HOUSe, when figures in all the Knglish.speak- ie delivered by the centre. An photoplay masterpiece and in it included in the rehabilitated king Hie loit some of their heavy ar-Uiery. it U certain taken.lo be swamped ing provinces and count only the aggressive move, it would seem, appears the great star actiess don of Poland, though it is not as well as other serious the vote is other hand the Indica- Canadian-born and it will be has been made possible by the Pauline Frederick. This is a suggested that the German parts tones. The operation were of On the found that Quebec did her bit pro removal of the menace to the combination of great strength of Poland should be included. the treat magnitude. lions are A '""' rata almost as well as Ontario or Allies from the rear which existed and assures the patron's of the This is the most pointed ex amenUllieni will J'fii il,. nil,,." -""n nrnvinii Allmnch Ihe as I6ng as Constanline was on Westholme tonight something out presslon on the subject yet given receive the support of I EXPLOSION IN HAVANA Should , li n the Greek throno mnd his pro- df the ordinary. The play lUelf in the semi-official German press. all the French Liberals, a con number of Liberals from and again for the enlistment German advisers in control of the is a wonder of construction, and though a considerable number of 8tlsl u Tfcs Pi.jr Jisws.1 siderable - figures by provinces of the Greek military situation. n is one of the finest productions suggestions have been made lte- Havana. June 25. V tremen- "ZtoanLrJi Canadian-born it Im. always, on itotU the Russian army arid the from the studios. The story also ly looking toward Germany's ex- A-us explosion in the magaiine of and a the Governments one excuse or another, withheld RU8Sia navy are giv ing more Is one that will appeal to every- pansion at the expense of Austria banai fortress across the bay servatives.... . ,:z: the information. evidence of aggressive intent. Re- one, and the caste headed by after the war. from Havarta look place last nighl joruy A referendum on conscriptio 3 cent German and Austrian state- Pauline Frederick is of the first . it 9 o'cK 'i The force of the ments have instanced increasing order. The whole programme lo- HWSTIAN BBIKUHMC hock shotik the entire city and the second reading Is laken. be young men between twenty ana activities by"the Russian military , night is superlative lo a degree,! LJEBTlHrm 00HIN8 m person was killed. It was considerable number of thirty-five Ihe conscriptable age forces In various sectors, notably and is one which should not be 1 taught that an attempt was belug cause Liberals a who will have voted for against the n . .measure.I It a would S & Volhynia and Gallcia, where the missed. The Christian Science Society raiilu lo release the military, "I";.- IuIum wil, lhen vote for ceruin.y una organ.reo i ,.uor great HrusilolT offensive was in of Prince Rupert announce, a free prisoner ro.inned in the fortress - ;,. of hill Up to Ba'- "reanuru aoor ..u full swing at this time i year ago.1 The funeral of Oscar Peterson, lecture on Christian Science by ki nu evidence h been found ..... lll0UBhl lhat the .on recoru a agamsi con. The Russian naval arm also has who died.at the general hospital Virgil 0, Strickler, C. S member Pointing lo this conclusion. j " V conservative, would vote ? r . " been so largely in evidence in last week, took place yesterday of the Hoard of Lectureshlp'of i . a 1 . , .....!,.i .1,111,1 llalknn waters that Berlin an- from the parlors of Hayner Bros, the Mother Church. The First The favorite household Coal is but today 11 1 nAinces It has-been found neces- The service w;a8 conducted by the Church of Chri.t Scientist of Bos, -tdysmlth Wellington. Phone 18, the ment.majority of them ";J J tIer Horden was "We will abide sary to carry out extensive air Rev. Canon Rlx and a large num. ton, Mass. The public- is cordial- "rlnca Rupert Coal Co. ! referendum. raiding operations on Russian ber turned out to pay their last ly invited to be present at the t i. fint'A.ninnni... haa given provided you will appoint u food Da$e., ja (,! ttrea. respecls to tho docfaiod.who v,a lecture which will be delivered in g 11(1 uuin .very well known in the city, the Westholme Theatre on Tues-Wreathes GERMAN CROPS RUINED were sent by Jklr, and day. June Jd, at 8:30 p. in. 58 VESTHOLME r;Xu.' .u ;S ui m .n r,.t.' .Mrs. Jacobson, Mr. R. Morris, the! - (Sperlil la 1h Dilly Nwi. iwn Sen Kiierm..n- Union. Mr.l Mr. and Mrs, Ja. Nleholson, of orcsA HOUSE .ondon, June !5-The erons nml Mm. llesner. Mr. J. Drew, and Monlreal, are vislUirs to Prince TONiQHT ONLY a wee or iw ilnn flnvArmiionl nmn1lil U'llh .11 ...... n .n I..... i....n ...I.. ,.. i..i....i...n -.t lf. t.,l...... Runert. it iS llOt CUslOinary lO COIIimeilve "" nM hiiuuhj uaic urrmmn. .u, l..in-'llliui H uim rrttiiiuii,t Fnniou Players presenls cni.irlnv morning sittings tin. lu" ,,,uu f""1"" couuiuuh n eu iy urougtu. au inteust) neat The pall hearer were .Messrs. a. AiiH'rlrn n Greatest Slur Ill Government legislation has might not mean conscription, be- still prevails all over the greater Jacobson, J. MethoL A. .ui..!....irati, Jusi arrived, SfC Una f lump til introduced cause the referendum would have pari 0r oermany. Troops havo C. Johnson, J. Drew and A. Hogan. coal. Phona AIWi Paulc Frederick been to. ..saa ay "Yea'or m the 4 in.bargain.11 been called upon to.. lop the fur-1 Caffsry. riinnPEAN FASHIONS mouui ne on. u is lacis uxe mose ther progress of the forest fires. SUN ANB TIBK POPULAR IN JAPAN Pt a referendum out oi 'The Sim MarkeT the question for the Borden Gov- BRITISH RECRUITS IN U. 8. Tuesday, June SOth. LONDON C ATI i ii w ti p"' w'-i 'ernment. They are bent on con-'r.,vi. Run riies............3:21 a, m. Photoplay .Mu.terplete. June 55.-The Japanese :rrJptlon and a referendum might tHcil to TIm Duly Ntwi). Hun sets ,. , 0:10 p. m. AM BRILL auopilIIB wrnn-ril. -- New York. June t5. More than High water ,,.5:33 a.m. lit. IS.4 Takra Avsnua TOPICAL BUDQET V,1',V.n..i n.niliinir nilro nndl The ultimatum of organlned two thousand British and Cana. Low water .. 11:30 a. Hi. lit. 6.7 Promat Sarvlaa of th Baai TONIQHT ONLY more, (it.i""i . has caused onu of avor seem, iq d "ii you nave uian sulijects in lUf United States.High waler ...fi;2tp.m. lit. 17.8 thra U ta aai M tM ha. most promlilns rkets of conscription of tnai, power you have unleervd for enlistment! . Admission 10 and M cenls. v rid to oi.n up to 1-Mronean "iut have con.criptlon of food at the Drills recruiting station! Pop dresssd lumbar of all klnaa BCXl ffR LAMM ioiTd Americn flrmi. ttioniinued u pig. thrcs.) f.era. -Ah.ri A Moeaffsey, ptiaaa lit,