TIIK DAILY NEWS ..,tri that it Is solely dun to the Banish Kitchen VVovlc lAck of trucks nml cn'(ne that The Daily News and Worry and save your ample food supplies novo not been THE IJLADINC NEWSPjJXR IN NOKTHMtN BRITISH COLUMBIA strength for the strenuous obtained from llbumanln. Homo Comfort in the Hon PublUhed DHy umI Weekly support Is lenlUiHhli 'statement Guaranteed Largaat Circulation days of Spring ond Summer by the undoubted fact thnl the when the body is mnking nn Herman government Is making The Sunshine Furnaco chases chiUs HEAD UKPItiC effort to throw off the toxins desperate efforts to borrow trucks from coldest corners and Insures I'Nily Nes Iluildlnar. 3rd Ave, Prince" llupert. H.C. Telephone 08. of a heavy Winter diet. and locomotives from Holland and comfort In tho homo throughout utmost rkMKM IMSI'LaV ADVKItTlrilNtJ 60 re-nt pe tnrri, i ion tract Shredded Wheat Biscuit Denmark. the winter. Don't rtr in application. is the best food tonic because Buying Up Copper Oolns. buy any fumaco it supplies everything tie one phase- of the extraordinary or heating plant until you have Investigated shortage of oils and fats la lllui the merits of the DAILY EDITION Monday, June"r23, 1017 body needs with the least u-ated by the extreme scarcity of "Sun-thine.'1 tax on the digestion. It is o .iai. Such war soap as is sill , available has reached a price vtm-making, energy-creating THE DEBATE knows this and Is acting accordingly. food, contninini?nil the nutri. '' prohibit its use by all save When Sir Itobert Uorden wns wealthy. Of sub the course a How anyhoiy with tive elements in the whole negotiating with Sir Wilfrid even a stitute has been evolved in the Lnuricr for a Coalition Govern casual knowledge of German wheat grain with just enough t.-rm of sand I The Dresden city SUNSHINE FURNACE policy can think otherwise inent. he proposed that the comprehension. bran to keep the bovels fathers are so enamored of tin LOBDOR TOtQNTO our passes healthy and active. Two of tubstitute that they have made a & comrutsory Military Service Even if thero were an inconclusive . a tUUATOON IDtfositoV Law, after H adoption by Par peace, Canada, like the these Biscuits, with milk (laltic oulracl sand for to a retail regular to supply their fol if For Sale by Steen & Lo2.gwil. llaincnt, be withheld from en. United States, would have to make n nourishing meal at low citliens . forcement pending 'its nppro. work and sleep with her arms a cost of a few cents. Made Among other raw materials the beside her. Great Itritain val by the people in an election. suffering today because she did in Canada. shortage of copper Is perhaps the, 8ir Wilfrid's nmendment to the most serious. A new order for not stand alongside France in present bill calls for a refercn 1870 with all the resources at as the sun shines, there will be the commandeering of church Spring Schedule dum to the people on the ques her command. serious trouble i n Canada bells is now in force, whereby tion. The chief defect, it is Whlio in our view Sir Wil within the next year. each church is compelled to give 8. 8. PRINCE GCORQE pointed out by the Victoria friil s proposal for a referendum up all bells save one unless they For Anyok midnight, Juno 20th, Times, is that both proposals does not meet the situa are of historic or artistic value. For Ocesn FrIIs, Vtncouvor, Victoria tnt would take up too much time. tion, his complaint that he was RAILROAD EQUIPMENT An appeal for bronte articles has Soattlo, Mldiilghl. Juno 21st, 11 continues; "The soldiers not consulted before the com IN GERMANY WORN OUT elicited little response, but or 8. 8. PRINCE nUPERT overseas who are most directly piilsory service measure was ders have been issued to selie all For Swanton Bay, Ocoan Falls, Vancouver, Victoria, in concerned In the Issue would prepared is entirely well found copper roofing and lightning rods. SoaUlo, Midnight, Juno 24th. have to be given an opportunity ed. Sir Itobert Horden's con. London, June 20. Germany German ngonl are at work In 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN to, record their and this has relied more upon machinery(Sweden buying up copper coins. views, duct in this respect Is highly For Q own Charlotte) Islands, June 20th. would be a difficult and labor, censurable. His apparent that than any of the belligerents. It our proceeding. It would be he never inU'i'ded to consult will be an ironic nemesis if she COAL NOTICES PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE should owe her final overthrow Weeee4et e4 aeteedsr at 1 1 iM a. m. fee SmlUiece. Rrlese Oeerf. I. some months before' a decision his political opponents at all aent4, aeeSateeei ad Mrlla. weSlng eetlee there fee all eeteu could be reached, and in the when he made ihe proposal In to the failure of machinery. Evi SStlftA LAND RfCORSIRa DISTRICT eeel eeetN. ,Mi teetn every Teeeesf at 4 a. m. meantime the Canadian army the first place. He intended to dence that such may be the te ISTRICT Of QUMM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Agoncy All Ocoan Staamshlp Unas. in France would be fighting keep Canada's participation in is accumulating The causes are For Information and reservations Apply to with rapidly thinning numbers. tho war a private political af varied. Lack i of lubricating r... . fats.. Take notice that luxljn Duke, of fort City Ticket OfTUa, Bz Third Ajinua. PHONE 260 This system of determining a fair, to continue the fearful mhu a Kruwiiitc scarcity oi suit land. Ore ocvupatioa hotel proprietor, to able metals the chief. tends to apply for permissieo to proepect are policy is proper in lime of record of blunier, ineptitude among fwr coal and petroleum est the west coast peace as long as it is not abus-eds and worse which began at the The transport is playing a leading of Graham Island, la the vicinity of West but in time of war it is be. very outset wbfa with an' eye role in Germany's war efforts river. side the question. It costs the solely to political effect he decided needs no emphasing. Hallway Cucnmenclat at a post planted oe mile eutb of the soutarait comer of C L trucks and locomotives CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY lives of brave it ore.es. many men; to hold at arm's length all SSJIi tbenee south SO chains, tbence west exposes others to frightful but that sorry collection of in senlial elements of transport, but SO chains, thence north to chains, thence suffering. capable Crothers, field and In both there is great dearth and east SO chains to point of cosumencemeai Lowrst Rates o all Eastern Po.ru The theory that a nation can the restin the direction of serious deterioration, A promi ROSLTN Dl'KE. via Steamer to Vancouver and tins conduct the tient German newspaper has as March 11, ItlT, Aastm Brown. aeenL CANADIAN PACIFIC IUILWAY a great war on this country in the greatest K basis of peace conditions is, crisis in its history. SKtCNA LAND RICOROIN DISTRICT Meale and ftefth Inclurf.d Mhitix ' ridiculous. A nation at war It was only when the anti-conscription COAL NOTICES ISTRICT Or QUEUS CHARLOTTE ISLANDS assumes a condition absolutely! demonstrations PHncsse May for Oranby Cay and Allco Arm Friday 11 p.m. antagonistic to that of peace.1 broke out in Montreal and else, SKCINA LAND RtCORDINQ DISTRICT Take be tire that Acnes Brown, of Vie Prlnoats May for Vancoutar via Ocoan Falls, Sunday 6 p.m. Urta, 0, C. orccpatiuti widuw, tnteada to STRICT OF QUICK CMAHLOTTI ISLANDS It cannot exert all its where power that, characteristically Svi4y for permusioa to prospect for dual Prlncoas Sophia for lha .south Saturday, Ji.no 23rd. unless it does, and if St does enough, he wavered and then Take notice mat John wiHUia Ooss. of and petroleum on west cmsi of Oraham uot exert all its power, 'it is ' sought Laurier's co-operation cisru, 0. occupaUua mercnaaL U bland. In vicinity of West nver. tends to apply for permission to prospect Cotnmenclnf at a post pleated lo saile- I. General J. false to itself. Its Government to help him out of his predicament PETERS, Aerm wuut of tne suutheatl corner of C for coal and petroleum a tbe r-it coail a. mut lead and act not talk, after the conscription of OrabaiB IsUnd la vicinity of West river. ISOIti thence west SO cbelnv tbrsce C f- Fsarth Street sl Thltti Aenue I'rinc rtupevt. B.C compromise and dodge big bill had been fully drawc up. Commenctnr at a post planted two miles oortii to cbains tueace ea( csaisu. Issues. It must march at the Liberals who differ from Sir south or tbe southeast corner f t L. isc ssstt hi cnalna, to potal of com head of the people, not .behind Wilfrid Laurier's view on this SS47. tnence west SO chains, tbeore south mrocemeoL AONES chains, tbeore eu: chains. Uieace BROWN, them. Imagine France holding question do not do so with any north 19 cliaina to point of commencement. Marcii 31, 1917. AusUa brovn. srtnL an election or a referendum confidence in the leadership of JOHN WILLIAM OOSS, in August, 1914, to determine Sir Robert Borden, but because sunn si, ISI7. Austin Brown, arenL ISEENA LAND RfCOROIND DISTRICT wheter she should call' up all they favor the principle Involved r irnncT or queen charlotte islands SREINA LAND NCCOMOIMO DISTRICT her conscript classes I as part of -the larger STRICT Of QUUN CMARLOTTC ISLANOS The defence of Canada is : principle of all-round conscrip Los Take Ancelea,notice occupation that t4srd eaatoeer,ricktrd.imends of How do being maintained in Flanders tion for war purposes and be. Take nonce that William Dliott. of Vie U iHig fur frtaiuwn Ut pwepecl for and France, and ny, other1 lieve that once it Is determined lorta. B. i ., eccviMimn accottaiant. Inunds coal and petroleum on the west coail of you do conception is a ghastly lllu-f the question of leadership will to apply for permlsskm to prospect tot OraLaiu Uland, in vicinity of West nsr. fuel and petrtdrsm on tbe west coail . Cuaanencloi at a post platted one mile sion. What would happen ifj settle itself. Sir Itobert Uor each bake day. Craham Island. In vicinity of West river. suulb of tbe sou thee.it corner of C, L that line were broken? Ger-I den could not last six weeks at Commencine at a pest pUotea one mile SS7j Utciue west SO chains, tbence north Do ycu get perfect many woud be mistress of Eu. the head of a National Govern-ment. tuitih of the southeast curner of C. L SO chains, tbesce tail to cnaiM. tbence broad with and SSTI ttienee north SO chains, tbrne tiii euuth SO chains to pel at of tcouneneemrnt, every batch 7 rope, with France as bet' He has bej the greatest SO cbalns o?sc; Siii OS chains, thetice EDWARD P I CLAUD, No base she could isolate Great' OustttCi6.net CIt'jr in tho Wrt of question west so rnains la point ef coanatrncemcnt March 31, IS17. Jm Srs-sHj ttnu about Rrilain and force a peace ofi this country's Lest efforts in WILUAM DIXON, it if you her own choice or challenge the war, but to the solution of March 31, if7. Austin Brown. arrnL UlSSiA LAND RtOORDISHl DISTRICT use MY flour. the immediate security of this 1 these numerous internal problems ISTRICT Or QUIEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Thoy teat SKEENA LAND RX CONDI NO DISTRICT continent. The United Stales j without which, as surely ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAKOS H O Y A L. Take notice that Jesrph Row:, r rnnce STANDARD Take notice tsit Jsowe hay, of VlctcrU. Rupert. B. C occupation prospector, tetrads over at the mill MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT to srply fer permUsloa to prospect B. C occupatlui hotel proprietor, Intends for coal and petroleum on the west coasl by actual bread to apply for permission to proipect for XDTICE TO DELINQUENT FARTHER coal and of Oraham island, in vicinity ef West making with Certificate of Improvements petroleum oo tne west coast of Te C W. Calbouni Graham Mland, In vicinity of West nver. riven various "wheat Take notice, vrbereas I bate done sod Uiounreeisf from a post planted one at Cuuunenclnr post planted at the sample. Only eaeied to tM done assessment work on the NOTICt lull auulh of lha tautliml nmr of C. L southwest corner of C L tsss, tbence grain that MtSolrbt Fraction mineral claim, situated Caribou Mineral Claim situate In tne eel to chains, tnence south It chains, tttt tbence ea resiss. tnenes east! tbe finance about fourteen mile chains, tixuc uurtn SO tbence makes delicious liter, Skeena Mining- Division of Cajiiar District. tbence eavt to chains, tbence twrtb is .- chains, from the bead or Alice Arm. In tne Skeena Where located) Niar bead of Alice baina to polut of commenccmenL util to chains to point r.f eufnmtncuiKiiL bread is pur nainlnr dlvlilon of Skeena dlltrict, essess Arm. B. C JAMES BAT. JOSEPH HOW AT. chased. That's ment work for tail, ISIS, and ISIS, and TAKE NOTICE that U I. Fred Rlteble, March 31, If 17. Austin Brown, stcnL March 31. 1017. Auaun Brown, setet. why ROYAL kare paid for said work and recordinr Tree Miner's Certificate .to. StttC actios saxis tbe sum of 1107.10. Unless you par a stent for W, A. Williams. frte Miner's SKEENA LAND RECOROIMQ D I STRICT STANDARD we Urn sum or tlOt.SO, for your share Certificate No. ItllC. Intend, slitr days SKEENA ISTRICT LAND OT RECORDIN4 DISTRICT ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS is so uniform. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS t the said assessment work, toretber wltb from tne date hereof; to apply to tne QUEEN tbe cost or tblsi advertisement, I sbaU, at HUiinr Recorder for a Certificate of Im-tbe eiplratlon of ninety (10) days from provemeots. for tbe purpose or ottalninr Take noUce that Turner Rotbwell Mullen. Take notice that Frederick Moerscb, of ASK Y0W UtMCI tbe date hereof applr to tbe mining re- ; Crown Grant or the above claim, of Victoria, B. occupaiton merchant, m. Victoria, B, C, occupation aalesman. In-ttuds carder at Prince Rupert, P. C, to nave' And further ttke no lire that action, on-jreur lends to apply for permission to prvpcl to spply for prm!ssioa to proipecl (1) Interests In tbe Mldnirht fraction der aectlon Si most t-e I unmrnceJ Before for coal and petroleum cn tbe west coast fer coal and petroleum oo the west coasl mineral elaim vested In me. In pursuance the Issuance or suet! Certiorate of !m-f of Oraham Island. In vicinity of West river, of Orauaiu Mland. In vicinity of West river. tbe provisions of tne mineral act. provements. GummenclDf at a post planted one iiitle Ctxuuencinf si a post planted two miles Vancouver Milling & Orain Co., Ud. Dated at Prwe Rupert, B. C, this llth Dated this tTtb day of March. A. D south or tbe southeast corner of C L. south of tbe southeast cstt.r of C L. day Of April, t17, ly II (SIT. It SS7I) tnence wsst to cnalna, tbence north 1171, tbence east 10 cbaiiU, Ihetfe south VANCOUVER.NIW WUTMINSTTJI.NANAIMO.VICTORIA H. C PHILLIPS. J. FRED RITCHIE, AreDt. to chains, Uwnce east to chains, tbence so chains, thence west 10 cnaini, tocw south so chains to point of eoiiunenceinenL north 10 chains to point of eoniiuencetueai. TL'RNEH ItOTIIWELL MULLEN. FREDLRICK MULII3C1I, Msrrb ti, 1017, Austin Brown, a sent. March 31, 1917. Auilln Brown, stent SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT SKEENA LAND REOOROINA DISTRICT Safety First ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS STRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Launch AHce B. KhiVpw thee d.w U Uh Tike notice tlial Oliver Brown, of Vic Taks notice that John Booth, of Los i t ur IIMM. toria, ti. C.a occupation niachinut. Intends Alleles, occupation contractor. Intends la I Hln In fihuberf FOR THC SALT LAKE Ut apply for perralisiou to prospect for apply for permission u pruipeci for cusi like Urrl bowel tW Wuf M d-tjSl vers fl Day freai i-.;il sod i-elrolcum on tlie west cvsil of sn4 pelrok-uin on the wait coasl or Ora. 10 a. m. orshain Itland In vicinity of West mrr. ham Island, in vicinity of West river, laid A . RETURN PARK Ha. al S post planted lo miles Comuicurlnr sl s post planted two rnllci ICbiiiiiM-nrlnv tbe soutbesit corner of C I. south of lbs souibssst corner of C L WHI ff ke I HeS VtSf" M csil south tO cUslus, thence wetl Still tlienr esil to chains, tbeuce nortk Uuk e.knl- t mM Mill" I J. ISO chalne, tbence north to chains, tbrnce 10 chains, thence west SO cluins, llnv THOMAS, Pkoae, Oreeq M1 rait It chains to point of eomuenremcnt, south to rliilni to point of coinmencruienL A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. RgS5.I,gS OUVI.ll BHOWN, JOHN BOOTH. March 31, 117, Austin Brown, snL March 31, 1117, tustlo Brown, treoL EMPRESS COFFEE OAfstOLKtALC DISTRIsMJTOR F. Q. BAWSON prance RurfT' ft o