The Daily News 0 'if f J ' .4 "V: VOL. VIII. NO. 149. MtlNCE nUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1917. VHW.K FIVE CENT BlITfiSi RMD HUM y NES 01 WHOLE jj 1 FROM BELGIUM TO ST. QUENTIN GERMANS ARE KEPT ON QUI VIVE ALL THE TIME PRUSSIAN NERVES ARE KEPT VENIZELOS EVOLVING NEW REVENT ON EDGE ALONG BRITISH FRONT RETURNS TO STYLE OF AER0- GERMAN CR THE CAPITAL1 PLANE IN U. S. GERMAN PRESS IS UNAPHSMHIS THAT THIS YEAR'S BMP WHO. ALTHOUGH NO MAJOR OPERATIONS IN PROGRESS, BRITISH C BELOW THE AVERAGE SHORTAGE OF Fl TROOPS ARE KEEPING UP A CONSTANT PRESSURE BY STUFFS IN CENTRAL EMPIRES SEBHMJS THEIR CEASELESS THEIR RAIDING OTlASP ON CANADIANS LENS IMPROVE The People Receive Their Former Spied Will be Sacrificed for a PEOPLE EATHtG WILD PLANTS Premier with Acclamation Heavy Armament and General i from (SpceUl to The DtHT JWws). J ?rtui w Tin Dtiijr fw.i .raid made in the darkness served Ruth On to HI Embrace Invulnerability Attack. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS rinrfnn. June 26. The food London, June 26. -Although the to keep the Prussian nerves on situation In Germany Is trying in ofllcial statement report "little edge, and many casualties were ' (JpM-u; M The D-lly ytmt.t (SpeeUl 14 Tbe Daily Jlewil. (SpeeUl to Tbe DU Sews.) the highest degree. There are activity," the Hrltlsu are keeping inflicted upon the Germans. . Athene, via London, June 26, New York. June 26. A high London Mr. Winston Churchill very serious possibilities of In up their pressure day and nigiu tnecie or ine , gtaled lhal lne , d ff)p a more aggre.give ternal troubles within tne next ttx along the entire front of one bun-, on' ""f As he United Stales will soon evolve a policy. He. thinks the navies weeks. Only a miracle willave dred and twenty mile, they oc- effect. .Xi uJluJ the vessel which new style of aeroplane, wherein should dig the Hermans out. lhe German croos from failure. cupy. An unusual number of from Salonica to speed will be sacrificed for heavy ,loumanian prisoners taken by(The continued drought, after tbe raid, have been rrled ou P ""'""JS. and general Invulner- inclement weather earlier In the S5blli; Iaeus. the port for Athens, he armament, tl)e (5ermans ,u0-er cruelly from Virtually every ,lSS!llVlLiLZ received a great ovation and tLe ability from attack. , treatment. Were only half. spring, and the intense heat Kium Ui Ht. Ouen in. rhe resump. embrac6 h a huge fleet of torpedo equipped cIad iiuring lhe winltr, and for wave the country Is noir suffering, lion of the offensive is probable, snatched from thr German leader, v i aeroplanes is Admiral Fiske's so. llav, hail aimogt no food. has ruined a great propor n wanwian. - . . ..,... vni..iui hit on of the submarine proDiem, Socialist leader Schiedman tion of the growing crops. ... i i.mmI. Im.i- n A Arimorv ruin- iuuuhj- ....- - "... The Last night & nutnoer oi uk-bi r, -u..c , .. . f 7Imi. Th. be the answer to the i t All the German papers unite in enterprise, were carried out .nc-jling Is continuing In progress on Sllf. neetVrefusa, LZl"' .Utement that only a very cessfully. One or these opera- ine wisne rum. - movement backward? to leave the safety of the pro- ' . Jmoderale return can De e I Rhflm Is being bombarded by the Thr" Ciech wjment. in lions was rather Important. The lection, of the fortresses at Hell.' lh,8 8ea8on The shortaice HUewhere wKh the - - deserted to the flussians. A ,- nvn .prlnn The Canadian troops were, bu.yjGerm.ns. goland and K'.el. ... ... transition ministry has been throughout the night, anu SUC-excrpuo.. u. - An,.lrrf.m. June 26-.Klng .human supply Is, inadequate, and gripTqui'tn, prevails. I formed in Austria under Dr. von plight. ceeded In increasing their jcaltle are in even worse Constanline of Greece has bought TUIDCTV ArARfHISTS on the environs or wn . onuer, """7" ""iV magniflcent Chateau Char Serdler. I Vese tables are lacking, and the -'the THREATEN THE GOVT.I Premier Hughes says that if fruH crop Is reported to be an the voluntary system fails in utter failure. The people are Australia, conscription must follow. dr'iventlo eat wild plats. SUI W Tlx D4IIJ newf.) Pelrotrrad. June 26. Fifteen The fate of the United Stales RAILWAY EHRCSTSRS . Ilussians, who lived In America, dry bill as a war time measure TO RCSWS HS SAajABA Lens, thus drawing cloer 10 me oeen ri uu . 1(1 n. M ti a gay. -inai ConslanUn ...' ih leaders in a group- will soon be known. The decision mining capital. Klsewhere many and fighting. Is still In Prc.s. T' fl, th. anarchists, which the Government re9ls wlth lhe Senale. Ottawa, June 5. In the Senate " - hvn hwn ntt.mntinir for rtavs lO Senator Lynch-Slaunton offered General Pershing's force of WOULD TELL RUSSIA TO (IS OPTIMISTIC protecting powers. (persuade to abandon General Dur- za.uuu American. . soioiers 1 1 wm in 1. for second reading his bill amend. rinur FIMT. TALK AFTER REGARDING RUSSIA TAXES FOR WOMEN . .novo houe. he.Wv -TK?y. have all probability hold fournilH-tf-- ' n'u v j; , barricaded themselves in, and are trenches between the .WlfclU-1 lit....-- all ri rrtnr.: or-.- Canadian .) I P'1 Tbe I4,, of the drinking vodka, with which Ibey western'railways shall reside in Canada iir b T bny .. ... . . At the second reading French sectors in the I - t II 4 IV the cellars be ... I mA Italian I'nri. JUI1C Oj m, niuru i ik. -mmril are well suDDlied from land all directors meetings June v front. nwspaper Home. here ay. that the Thomas, the trench Minister of mfHlng ,asl nighU whereby wo. of the house, and ar issuing tli phi In Canada. In suDDort of the . . .. ..v. . ...MimiKnn. uhn has lust returned .- .u.n.u f- ihr-atn to the sovernment. Death proposed measure, which he said .....i.. ik m . nirniii.i 11 iii&iiiuni - BACK nuir tuuuiu wv . - - men arc n iw ..m-j cnn' CHAMSERLIN COMING the policy of blackmail at I'etro- from Hus.ia. Is Inclined to be a municipal vote, and being placed to capitalists Is the motto oh would apply chiefly to lhe Grand -r., ii that freniied optimistic regarding the events upon the same basis as men, the front of the stronghold. Montreal, June 22. Mr. E. J. Trunk, Senator Lynch-Staunton nussla should be told "No." Firsl there. He dlares that there lquton of the payment of road Chamberlin, president of the claimed that because the Grand ... . . , ... ..f n ipnar.l, nACA and. ... it. .:1 1 Mnv Trunk had been managed by a flKnt, and Ihen lane up iuv iai.- " - tax came up. n VETERANS WOULD Grand Trunk Railway Company, believes that a new Ilussran of-(Inan nVng n the city who did board of directors in England, it inr wno 19 soiag away ror a nonaay fensive is imminent. not carry a trade licence, and MAf AVC ALIUlJ A1ICMC WAD nUWV If as soon-as Mrs. Chamberlin. who had failed to realize the advantages T. P. O'CONNOR IN NEW YORK who was not a property owner, has been seriously ill, is able to which should have been FEIN I. oayment of the more fully recognized by the pio ANOTHER SINN was liable for the Winnipeg, June 21. The fol- travel, has denied the rumor lhal flxr'U t Th Dny .). REBELLION IN IRELAND -r,.,1 This was the minimum .neer railway In Canada. He con- - - lowing resolution was unani- he had resigned the presidency. . ,.. ... - i: . New York. June 26. Mr. T. P. ....Kflrniiiiii for a munic na vote. v.. . . .iv trasted it wun me oanauian O'Connor, accompanied by Mr. (Pmii to Tin d.iij of women - ; .., thrU8h niih lillc'nc unuer- me uirecioruio u. . 26Illot. Xtr.amT Canadian o a r d. which had ti r-i. I 1 1- -1 1 tti.mK.r if the Cork Ireland. June 11 .. ...n. I... nrrivi-d i.'nlav. here caused the troops, retard to tbe vole, it was Uanaaa. nuuuajr, tnMK;AVAi . mnrtt.nmrnanr1 nir nn. here.IIFU7 Ul The noted Irishman" ' will w to use machine guns ou rioters, brought out at lhe council- meet Whereas every man-In of Canada living BRIDE ELECT HONORED .itinn. He emressed the belief lay the real l.sue. before his race. The d.sturbances lasted for some lng thal women, by the passage of J olePction of tne Unjon that had the Grand Trunk board ... . 1 In m at Mn.l nnn rlnlap via. killed Ikl. .m.m nn hvlnuv will alltO u"Jt . been composed of men living in lie win go to va0Hiiu u.i.r - "' : " Jack is in duty bound either to On Saturday afternoon, a linen locat- where the line was few days. Hi slay W We U"" ""W wuunueu. acquire lhe same responsibl ity fl fj) an(J nrniPCt lne liberties. shower was given at the home of Canada, dispersed. . Ini II.m i.nvmpnt nr Hie ... . ... -d. it would today be the most States I. Indeflnite. cr-.d l .n.tlnn in onmtll lloff It Wft held lL .. ' . . . lroad3. BRITISH AND OERMANS PRISONERS'. ? , "7,, v-T ; VhVi flahllilr for "e same pay and conditions as monlh. ine rooms preseiueu .a o DIICUSS ai-ruuairr motes at tne - men i ..... . - Ilk ULUI ..... ....II ....llnni Itiov UAFd with AWrCrpmS. LECTURER eSSWHI tpcul i tb Dny ."- - ' " decide to wlUIe Ih, pink and white color Mr. 1). J. Wiiliams, superin- !.n o" aTmau a, the authorities may The Hague, June 26. The . ii... iru . itmiiA : . . lirt nifL necessary in aiuuiK 10 hcupiiib 01 1110 u.iu.. i""' "" 1 The Christian Science Society llritish iiiUston headed by Lord 'nui"V" .:,r... " v PW. al anJ inereuy .g01 a "Vn. ' .nreltUr carried out by a centre(of Prince Ilupert announces a free Newton has arrived here lo dls-cu. .Mine. spe. . u u., v. vt(le, although It was the lowest V'. "-" . .m.u.i ' r n., n.u.i lecture Christian Science by on In COnneCUOn Willi l nerciu.c w ivm v. ..u with lhe German delegates, 1,1 ca."V.. ... . .. 1. nn.i qualincation for a vote. The tax nnm,ninn Oovernment be' The most Interesting feature of Viril O. Slrickler. C S. member headed by GenVl FrJedricli, the IZ. , IT:l1:. &yreryr'?:1"C , hereby requested to tntc the occasion, however, wa, a Lr he Board of Lectureship of in both -..v.- --. - lliey VUieU Or IIUI. It" . . -II 1! lil. ll .....r. ,.ilh...... numa-l.. ,..-. rl.....V. TKm l'l..l question of war prisoner, - ill ill. 11 i r 1 1 riiiiurn.iiiin ikuii.v. -. itiu u .....- i.iiiiii ii. .id a i.e. HK.Innnll.lAA ll.'lnr. Ill... I MH I'llV I countries. liaiiuuuiiiii'3 ii.iuo .wi , , ihnl l,Hi. n.NAli ha mntunti nl IN THfl DOMINION HOUSE (SprcUl to Th tlT . nilnii n .1 1 1 111. 26. It is under- H. Hainvllle. the Postmaster William U. uameron . ,,. , . ....i ...,,, unuer con peieiu mm myai oitcr nrr, aim ..i. v.u..., ...w... .i.u..i ihnl Mr. J. TnZfZ . be promptly utilized who NOTICE of the peace. can sen.edth1refr,ents. r.M..iu.n. Imt res iancd He tP justice The Returned Soldier. Associa ' Can'w pose, conscriplloti. The debate It women are liable for the lax, P" "JJl l. . tion will hold an afternoon tea. at on the conscription bill I. expected Among the arrival,Mr. and on Mrs.the tho clty h?. a right to collect It ZZSZ " ' f iutCKPeOL which ihe will be many rafllee. et. Narbelhoiig were read for the . to last several days The was . li moms on Third Avenue It has been moved by the- Government lleiinie O.... Frlck.on... I and V. I1. Ho-i second time, and there were no -J J (beJ tll cnU Word ,, bee received in town on Wednesday, the 4th of July, lhat a lloyal Commission mans. These geniieiueu. ure representative, present from the '"k-- .!L V-i..H- i. fr, r Kerein. He is now in the evening, they will give a of Ihrce be appointed t InvKtl-aatii wre-ieainu.t.rt7, Group womeQ of tho cUy wn0 aro toe ...........,.; "", .i.ii..i l In the St. Andrew' Hall. nf rlnlms oil the river. ue puv iu m j - ------- tha II. C. Fisheries. Th wilt start development work J JIV't.L llX rl muneration whatever, and that llackpool,the fatnous holiday re. Keep this date free and come .to " T , . ...'.Lnriiv. ; : i. ....i the proper authorities lie required-son in Lancashire. m neip (u ug,.. Pome time ago, ... - Vj ery wu ... - 1 to provld th.t au alien enemies camp under canvas there, and at it... -ii mi tit ii ooo. air. a property holder,, nor tiie no$w 7. Juai arrived, MB tone f lump Ul L HIT Ulll ' lo bear Ihelr they have Prince Ilupert II. II.A nll.lll HUT lleport- from the lush Properly r..ii. should be compelled times, lloilges applied or mo : ge.80P of a trailo ,ictnct eoal. Phone 11AIert state the ii.'. full share of the wur burden." .weather too. iMM.ks. The finance on Salmon river thot, from tho di9Cusslon 1 in rmineil of the cy Caffery. is Improving a. the work r-.nlulloii has been for- Hu met Dr. Wall In London rMwiinmended thai tho'property -.. meeting, will, therefore, i lame. ; .,,. n,,iv who used to be in the ho.. 1 pltal here. "If you walk down the SUN AND TIDE Strand, you can generally meet LONDON GAR 'all your frlrnds. I have landed Weilneday. June 27th. there without knowing a soul and limn the ."",amount allowed had been-Ihul V. Toil.Ill on V."hi. property'"","'"'at gentle m constable u ,u.ra requests arouml tt.i Sun rises. .... .3:24 a. in. have met twenty Inside of van Third Avenue and ue Fish Creek, I .. . Kim ..I. . ;0:3t) n. in. hour.'' he writes. Prernet tervlee of Mm Beet reduced every year inai 'town, tie 1. a dtmcull man to : 1 In could not do lhe work profitably mm ran frnm .ull wnur ..6:3ta.m. Hi, 15.5 Dr. Kergin expeeU to there le to ee a M News. The favorite household Coal U 0 Low water n-ort. i. Ill 'fl 7 ViirmvA for snmn IUm and th Ml the IHOO offered. It wa. agreed I tq,for retain the service, of Mr. L.dyamlth Walllnoton. Phone 18,1 For dreaeed lumber of all kind High water . .7:1 1 pm. HLiif,6 will probably be again .eat to the B8XES FeVR LAM (. prince Rupert Cwit Ca. .' Albert A McC".ry Phone Low water ,18:17 p.m. lit. 7.0 tropic on duty. ii