THE WEATHER Twenty-four hours ending 5 a, m., THE DAILY NEWS ..Friday, 8 a.m. May 29. o MAX. oPer- MIN, TEMP. BAR. IN, RAIN pti ae ated 86.6 445 90.188 | 44 ; “ ae ale eet, a (Fe ct Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist \ JUN 5 - ———— ose iececteereneniguaslet ‘ tik ——— Ja DL. UI, NO. 119 prince Rupert, B.C., Monpay, May 29, 1911. ~ OP Ia, 8. Pi Pein ania lblieas BORNADO IS SWEEPING OVER THE MIDDLE STATES FRE TERROR AND DEATH SWEEPS THE CONTINENT ne are Killed and Twenty, Including the Denver Ball Team, Injured in Railway Wreck---Six are Burned Alive in Holo- caust at San Francisco---Three Killed and Twenty Injured by Destruction in Tornado in Illinois. | Chutes, the largest outdoor amuse- | of a violent tornado which. visited ment park in San Francisco, was) this district last night, three per- destroyed by fire early this morn-|sons are dead and a large number (Canadian Press Despatch) r, May 29. -At least nine a , ee ss 8 st me {BASEBALL SCORES IE encase _ Northwestern League Spokane 8, Vancouver 4. Seattle 4, Tacoma 0. Portland 8, Victoria 2 STORM PUT STOP TO FLY- ING All Competitors in Big Paris Event Had. to Descend (Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, May 29.—All the com- petitors in the big Paris aviation contest had to descend after the | first lap of four hundred miles on | account of a terrific storm which is | raging. RED CLIFF ORE. BY RAIL SOON ons were killed and twenty], { ' ha total with dR . ® < severe 4 5S ave 10s are t > ‘ é ; =s. red by a terrible train wreck ing and several persons 1ave ost | are in the 10spital with injuries. | ; : ni their lives thereby. Three bodies| Buildings were overturned and} he Burlington road this morn- ; ; ce Tk ; f doll cé : : ave -“ ake » s,| thousands « é é The East and West trains at oo te from gt dm "i ou _ ; f dollars of ¢ umage | ‘ e ‘TS are § -| done f ev at . head-on when running at|9%¢ three others are still un 1¢ by the visitation weed, Scenes of great horror | #ecounted for, i ; | In addition to the loss of human | Twenty Others Injured Bed Nine dead bodies have] : . fd ; 7 & \ llife, a valuable collection of wild| Granite City, IIl., May 29.- -At} overed, and there may be|"": ae ; ee? animals has been burned up. |Granite City the tornado swe pt! i badly | nong those who were ; ae s 7 { are the members of the} Railwaymen Killed |ball park while the place was| = tt i wit 5 | . . Wer baseball team who were| Charlotte, N. C., May 29. A} ae blowing down 5 Petar ar } : : ( Z ; > ps > which | ng home. Their car was|double engine and train crashed | f the stand. In the panic which |followed twenty were injured so} and prac-| through a trestle bridge near here | in}last night killing both engineers | land the firemen in the fall. ed to. splinters, I severely that they had to be taken injured ) to the eee ly every man is way. | BRYAN’ s RESOLUTION Six Burned to Death May Tornado Kills Three May As the 29. Peoria, 29. result The | “IT Am Not a Candidate for Pres- ident,'’ He Says )DY OF GEO. McLEOD ce FOUND NEAR ESSINGTON ortunate Man Has Been Missing Since Jan. 14th Was Lost in a Blizzard, and Had Evidently Died While Seeking Shelter in Crevice When it had not reported at n Francisco, | not a candidate for President, anc never will be again,” was the | today when interviewed by your | representatoive as to the possibility | of Democratic candidate for President his accepting a nomination as The frifandiee leaves for Hazel- ton to-morrow afternoon: PLEASED WITH HIDDEN CREEK Important New York Firm Quotes Favorable Report learned | the Jan-|of snow. was of that ter being missing since l4th, the McLeod of this he dead body entertained he he was given up for fears after quarry were When on | not lost. Port Essington several days did covered morning c turn up, Port Essington The crevice trail between the rock quarry. body | : | made along the his body, but without success. The discovery this morn- ing the clear. He had evidently for shelter the there cold. blocked Search for was crouched in a as if | trail from a storm, of etiorts ing protection ld its own tale the un- made reason a crawled The properties at Hidden Creek regarded more confidently in New York every day. Thompson, Towle & Co, “Very en- couraging reports are being given out by the Granby management as to the Hidden property, upon taken last to save} |. . : into hfe in a blizzard, 7 ; ifrom cLec me quarry left Port Essington had : the crevice, » mush to the quarry he morning of January I4th, on the trail had left a storm him, The | which turned with a heavy fall} Port Essington for interment. te man’s u died snow and drifiting the entrance to that the seekers unable to find crevise, are The id, who was an employee up say: . so in were he which November. “As a result of development, both underground and by diamond drill, it is estimated by the Granby engineers that they have already about 4,000,000 tons an option was into a ody has been brought into blizzard, TERRUPTED PREACHER TO APPLAUD THE SERMON put in sight of ore, which will average 2 1-2 per cent copper, at the Hidden matic Incident i in the Empress Theatre Last Night Treasure property, and this ore An Incident With Very Pretty Story Behind can be transported and mixed It—The Poem Touched Him with the Granby ores very ad- Yan Rarcusy, dear! Hear!” A few years ago the C. P. R. was wad ee : building that famous tunnel near 1 ”) me _~e © ut eee Field, B. C. Hugh MacPherson| WILL SPEAK AT KITSELAS 1 1e Empress reatre N ek . r | We » of the hundreds of men ight, when Rev. Boo Wy] Was one 9 i a luring th Sai toh working in the camps on the job. sy ne —s u “7 of . e course oO 8 , ; On re ath y i on ats He was a big kind hearted Scotch- reat Neciprocity ues | c we fn poe a , ‘ ane im Walter Foss wheyra man, made outwardly rough by eA eect te ce years of rough life. None, he of at UO ss, ex-M.E. House by the Side -of the me Yale-Cariboo left). at: ooleven : said were rougher than he. Then young Sky Pilot, this morning by train for Kitselas a ¢ ‘ : there came : TSS Padin a Hie Most everybody in the build-|focn from 1 Presbyterian college | Where he will address the Liberal ured to look in the direction and built his .house by the side Association tonight on the question whence . : pee. A , f reciprocity. | Lee me herb came. | of the road to minister to and help |‘ I Nan responsible for the ex- : : | TT . Xl the men working in the tunnels, fA tion sat in aback seat He was Rev. F. W. Ker One day MILE IN | THIRTY-FIVE : SECS. py a dog beside him which Hugh MacPherson received word ed up at the sound of his that his wife had died. This was Bob Burman a New Record *'s voice and barked. The Cia eatin. Then to make in Automobile Speeds eyes shone ; , , ; ye a a ae with enthu- matters worse he got his leg brok a niiendioance econ eck © was a tall gaunt man.| 4, Qther troubles came. The (Canadian Press Despatch showed the cult of a miner young man in the house by the Indianapolis, May 29,—Bob Bur Moneer, Hugh MacPherson side of the way played the real| man established a new record for I of this. friend ae