THE DAILY NEWS IS OPEN FOR *11 “*Fixins’’ The Pioneer Druggist PHONE :: ; ; ™ PANAMA CANAL MEANS” MUCH TO PRINCE RUPERT OUR SODA .FOUNTAIN. Pure Ice Cream with all Sthe C. H. ORME London Daily Telegraph and an Authority on the Panama Canal is in Town—May Give Lecture on Subject Here Mr. W. H. Magee who is in|completed at and in England. while here. ments this afternoon, LADIES’ HAND BAGS We have just received a shipment of the newest styles and latest designs in ladies’ Velvet and leath- er Hand Bags. We es- pecially invite you to call and let us show you our Dew woods, 2° es C. B. WARK Jeweller Clarmont Rooms Located on Sixth Ave., near Fulton Three to five minutes from cen- tre of business district, Nine- teen newly furnished rooms. Hot and cold water, bath and telephone. Newly furnished. Under new management, INSPECTION INVITED 5 audience waited, but now the cence | | looked anxiously heayenwards as| veillance having promised to stray FRED. STORK —General Hardware— Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware SECOND - AVENUE o-¢- 4-4 @ 0-4-4 @{seekers by the waterfront. His ER RE Rs RG Eh RENEE eS ek SN WANTED A local representative is wanted for a territory tributary to Prince Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- gated nursery stock grown by the Oregon Nursery Company, Oren- co, Oregon. Liberal terms, Party must come well recommended. peer mer meres ADDRESS revere somes Oregon Nursery Company Orenco - Oregon What Are You Eating? You are a long time dead and a short time alive, so you might as well eat the best } Groceries such as we keep, They're cheap too. A big new stock. Eat Fruit ard Fresh Vegetables this weather, doctors say this, and join it’s logic. Ideal Provision House Phone 190 Third Ave., near Sixth St. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY COMPANY, Ltd. PAID UP CAPITAL $250,000 —OFFER FOR SALE— Farm and Fruit Lands —JOINT OWNERS AND SOLE AGENTS OF— Fort George Townsite Massett Townsite Townsites HEAD OFFICE;— 606 BOWER BUILDING, VANCOUVER, B.C. Local Office: Sixth Street Alder Block — scow in tow there was no water Me dir Cen CuES in her. But when the Rainbow approached the wharf there were a three feet of water washing about Methodist Church Had an Anx-/the horses’ legs, and the animals ious Time of It Last Night j|were getting scared. To add to — the difficulty it was not possible Wayward are the ways of the|to make a landing at once as wild and woolly west, especially|the wharf was occupied by two the waterways as, Rev. T. S.|steamers just at the slip. Bob Bartlett discovered last night.| Hanna took the scow as quickly Here in Prince Rupert-an audience |as possible to the Foley, Welch & assembled in the Methodist Church | Stewart wharf where just in time ten minutes before eight o’clock| the horses were got ashore. to hear him give an address. IN SLIPPERY PATHS Eight o’clock came. There was no preacher. ,, The audience sat} Police Raid Last Night Rakes in quiet. Eight ten came. Still the Three Doubtfuls office-bearers were growing un- In the dim dawn this morning easy. They went to the church, Chief Vickers with Sergt. Phillip- door and scanned the horizon|son, and Constable McArthur east, west, south, north, seeking|swooped down on the realms of the missing divine. He came;the underworld and_ unearthed not. Mayor Manson arrived, but| there three notables by name no minister. G. W. Hill, Arnold Hall, and Now news arrived that he had|/Frank Tolley. These worthies left Port Simpson where he had| were assembled in the police court been visiting, at 3 p.m., in a gaso-| later and warned sternly. Hill line launch. At the word. ‘‘gas-| vamoosed on the Prince Rupert, oline’ one of the office-bearers|the other two are under sur- though the expeced the reverend|no more down the paths to de- gentleman to arrive that way. struction, At last round about nine o'clock there came a glad cry from the PRINCE ALBERT IS SOME BUSY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Reverence had been sighted urging that gasoline launch with all kinds of exhortation to get in before dark. Once ashore he lost no time in reaching the church, nor was his address in any way in- jured by the delay and exposure to the perils of the deep in a erratic gasoline launch that chose to loiter by the way. 5 boat like the North Rend meant heavier work, reduced speed, and clever handling yet the work did not hinder the Prince Albert from making her good record. Two Extra Trips During the previous week the Prince Albert made two extra trips one to Goose Bay and one to Stewart 420 extra miles, and loaded 100,000 feet of lumber at Queen Charlotte City. Your clothes will need pressing after the holiday, Panatorium cle- aners will do it. Send your clothes down to us if you are going up river. ‘Phone 4. 2t Ps aac ee asia Bie Tennis Club to Organize FOR TWO YEARS A meeting is called for next Tuesday night at 8 o’clock in the a Rist i eee be Net old Presbyterian church for the minster Today purpose of discussing the organ- ization of a tennis club. All Mike Dudan, the Indian who | Persons interested, ladies includ- ed, are invited to attend. was sentenced by Judge Young to spend two years at Westminster for criminal assault went below today in charge of Provincial Police Constable Harvey. Secretary Wanted Applications will be received for the position of Secretary of the public school Board by the und- ersigned up to Monday noon. Duties to begin Ka June lst. Cc. H. SAWLE, For row boats and launches} 117-119 Secretary telephone 820 green. Davis’ Boat House, THREE HORSES ~ ENDANGERED Scow Sprang a Leak While Crossing from Digby Island Owing to the seaking of-a scow in which three valuable horses Does Your Watch Keep Correct Time 7? o0eeoe If not, get a standard RAILROAD WATCH movement fitted in any style of case you desire. LADIES WATCHES in gold filled and solid geld cases, O0eoe Advertise in ® . Bob runs the Rainbow gasc: ine 3 Daily News launch and when he took the were being brought over from Digby Island yesterday, Bob Han- na who was. towing the scow across had an anxious time of it, R. W. Cameron & Co. Official Watch Inspectors for the G.T, Cor, 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 Mr. Wm. H. Magee, Special Correspondent of the about the = sare the city now, has lectured and] time as the Grand Trunk Pacific written extensively about the Pan-| Railway, and will mean a great ama Canal, both inthis continent|deal to coastal trade, its bearing {t is possible}upon the future development of he may lecture on the subject} Prince Rupert is very great, says The Board of Trade}Mr. Magee, who looks for the executive are considering arrange-| time when fleets wil be sailing from Prince Rupert direct to Eu- As the Panama Canal will be|rope by way of the Panama Canal. mon ground. To put t cash payment and easy terms. all sections. For quick sale, see me —_— JOHN DYBHAVN Open Evenings Do away with this. laundry. White labor only at - Advertisements Classified - One of the best services the modern ne There buyer and seller, employer and w wspaper gives the public is in the classified adve orker, landlord and tenant, and a host of others ! is modern convenience in reach of everyone the News will Pp | cent a word per ‘insertion, Minimum charge of 49 cents. j ice of a rate to a nominal pr Advertising Column for today. Here is our Classified mst ee es Lost and Found | ICAN SELL | | ee a re 9 sr os Pt Stikine Land Distriet—Distriet of Cassiar aah lot ps Section 6, Tor 8 ona small F Elegant rooms; newly furnished, The | B. C., oecupatic Bulkley Block, 6th Ave., near Fulton, 109-1m | for ee to pure mc mt ee esos ers rrr Listings of houses and lots wanted in| es | west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains to point | I have parties who want to buy proper- ty in Sections 5 or 6 if prices are right. | Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs, Bowron, Somerset or lems. aacaink ba Rooms, Third Avenue, between Seventh and | Dated Feb. 10,1911. CHRISTIAN A. TERVO Block, upstairs entrance, Third Ave. | Several good 5 and 6 room houses with bath, $35 Oxchange Block We have two cosy hougekecping rooms Right in town, H. F. McRae & Co. 115-tf New 7-room house on Ambrose Ave., partly fur- nished,rent $25. Apply on — or Box 874. | chains, thence west 110-116 Nice, clean, bright outside rooms, Bulkley Block | py, April 22 6th Ave., near Fulton, 109-1: House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17 per month; back of rink. Apply Law-Butler | Take ne Nice furnished rooms single or for housekees Apply Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Av Help Wanted | Pub. May 13 eee he ein Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St oun ten to take cosy rooms in the | Pub Apr. 7. lock, near Fulton. 109-1m Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. O4-tf Wanted—An A-1 solicitor for the most liberal | Prince Rupe Fraternal Orders in the world. Call room 28, | Empress Hotel. I. F. Madlem. 108-114 | deseribed lands Wanted—500 good men to join the Order of Owls. | Call room 28, Empress Hotel. [ rtiserment columns, meet on com- reduce its Watch it grow. i | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ; T { Stikine ke notice that Christian A Tervo of } \ % yn customs officer, intends to apply | hase the following described land: , at a post planted about three- | | Commencing a north east from Glacier Riffie | » east bank of Stikine River and on the | 7 At 3055 For Rent aad on the bg Bayon h of a little creek, thence | corner of Lot 30 t east 60 chains, thence } south aide east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence | ef commencement and containing 160 acres more 1i7-t Pub. April 7. Nice Furnished Rooms, Apply Mrs, Kirby, Alder ' 117-124 | Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Queen Charlotte Islands e notice that J. H. Murphy,of Vancouver, M. Helgerson, Limitgd, phone | p, C,, oeeupation commercial traveller, intonds | olli-tf to apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands ! for rent. | Commencing at a post planted about seven | miles west and one mile south from the mouth | of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence north 80 | 40 chains, thence south 80 | chains, thence east 40 ¢ ins. : J. HW. MURPHY Dated March 17, 1911 Numa Demers, Agent Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Cansiar at |, Mary Carin of Stewart, | 105-108 B.C. — on married woman, intend to apply | | for permission to purchase the following ed » . near | Commencing at a post planted two (2) mile | May 3-1mo | south and (2) two miles west of the forks of the | | White and Flat rivers, thence 80 chains north, | thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south, | |} thence 80 chains east | Dated April 20, 1911. MARY CARIN 3. Frencis 8S. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District —Listrict of Queen Charl otte Take notice that Catherine Harrison, of Calgary | | Girl Wanted at Reilly's Bakery Lunch, Empress ; Theatre Basement. 114-117 | Alberta, occupation spinster, intends to apply, Patronize a white | District Manager for first class Health ard Acci } lanc dent coeerenee bao agg ' ; mepts. Special salary and liberal commission , 0 Apply to J. L. MeComb, Health and Accident | of Stanley Creek, where it empties into Naden Department, Empire Life Insurance Company, 511 Winch Building, Vancouver, B.C. 114-120 | thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains north, for een to purchase the following care Splendid induce-| Commencing at port planted about 6 1-2) mal ‘aslo | miles west and half a mile south from the mouth Harbor, Graham Island, thence 40 chains south ne thoroughly domesticated, good | and containing 160 acres more or leas. Dated March 17, 1911 | thence 40 chains west to point of commencement x C. C., Daily News 114-119 | | ' CATHERINE HARRISON Numa Demers, Agent Land Disiriet-—Distriet of Coast that I, William John Corley of . B, C., oeeupation rancher, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following | | Commencing at a post planted at the southweat corner of Lot 3068, Range 5, Coast District, thence F. Madlem, | south 20 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence | | north 2° chains, thence west 40 chains to point | of commencement, containing 80 acres, more or 108-114 | eames omes es commed | Assignment June 1, 1911. W. T. ROBINSON, Assignee, Skeena Land District—District of Coast Ran Take notice that Jack Bedford of Keighle following described lands: the southerly limit of lot 3989, Range 5 Coast along the southerly limit of lot 3989 «toresaid and the projection thereof in an easterly di-ection timber limit 32501, thence in a southerly direction along the last mentioned limit 11 chains more thence in a westerly direction along the last men- tioned limit 80 cheina m< or less to the easterly commencement. DatedMarch 8, 1911, Pub. March 25, JACK BEDFORD Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range e Take notice that I, Clara May Little of Prine Rupert, B. C.,, occupation spinster, intend to apply tor permission to potebees the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north west corner of Lot 1735, Range 5, Coast District thence east 40 chains, thence north 25 chains thence west 31 chain’ thence north 20 chains thence west 10 chains, thence south 45 chains to point of commencement, containing 112 acres more or less, Dated April 4, 1911. CLARA MAY LITTLE Pub. April 15, Take notice that Eldon 8. Detwiler of Berlin, Ont.’ occupation doctor, intends to apply for nds: Commencing at a post planted at the south- west corner of Lot 1928, thence east 30 chains more or less, thence south 45 chains more or iess, thence west 30 chains more or less, thence north 45 chains more or less to point of commencement containing 140 acres more or leas. Pub. April 15° Skeena Land District-—District of Cassiar Commencing at a post planted on the right forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, containing 640 acres more or less. THOMAS MACGOVERN Dated March 25, 1911. Sidney Frank Wright, Agt Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar of Stewart, B. C., occupation journalist intend to described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about seven miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less, PERCY FRANCIS GODENRATH Dated March 25, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub, May 17. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, James Millar Johnston of Stewart, B. C., occupation sturekeeper, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one mile north from the Naas river and about nine miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commence- ment, containing 640 acres more or less. MES MILLAR JOHNSTON Dated March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Charles A, Vaughan of Prince Ru , B. C., occupation merchant, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseri lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south bank of Exchumsiks River and about four miles from its fi with the Skeena River, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or leas. Dated April 21,1911 CHARLES A, VAUGHAN Pub, April 29. Skeena Land Distriet— District of Coast ‘Take notice that I, Mra, John Corley of Prince Ruper;, B.C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lends: Commencing at a post planted 40 chains east and 120 chains south from the southwest corner of lot 1788, Coast District, Range 6, thence south 80 chains, thence east 40 chains. thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains more or less to the point of commencement, containing 320 acres more or less. ups . JOE , Date Mar, 20, 1811 IN (Lottie) CORLEY Pub. Apr. 4, 1911 Skeena Land Mictriot—Piatatet of Queen Charlotte a ‘Take notice that Geo. H. Laux of Prince F B. C., oveupation barber, intends to a Rupert, to purchase the following described Commencing at a post planted about les west and one mile south from the moors [ Beaaly, Craak, aden Barbor, thence south 80 wes! chal » ¢ peinet eee te ee nence north 80 GEO, H. LAUX eecs Dated March 17, 1911, Pub. April 22. Numa Demers,JAgeut Board Wanted Notice is hereby given that bids will be open lena Dated April 8, 1911 Pub. April 29 WILLIAM JOHN CORLEY for the sale of stock of Simon's Fair to the high- est bidder. Stock consists of Crockery, Glass- ware and Hardware. Bids will be open until WANTED—Room and board in private family |B. ¢ X.M.. Optimist Office. MM |apply for parmission t: purchase the following oes emer omer ese srmes esteemed | 115-tf Box 154, Prince Rupert, B.C. | ) Fire Insurance fp et tee eee eile chains west, t LAND PURCHASE NOTICE 4 ys Yorkshire, England, occupation over-looker, in- tends to apply for permission to purchrse the Commencing at a post planted at a point in the | easterly boundary of timber limit 38329 and in | se es se Pe District, where the said limits intersect, thence : . ee ee es Oe 80 chains more or leas to the westerly lin it of or less to the northerly limit of timber limit 36775, | limit of timber limit 38329, thence in a northerly | direction 11 chains more or less to the point of | | By experienced man and wife as cook and helper in mining camp or country hotei. Apply H. L. 8 st rs rs ss rs Boarders Wanted | der meeemerermermererms rms emer mes ries | Home cooked meals and nicely furnished r for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, Seo Bldg., 3rd Ave., between &th and &th Sts Private Board by the week or month cooking a specialty Miss E . between 7th and 8th Sts., phone 171, 89-tf | ands Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range 6 | ke se Fs Pe Fd Ps Ps Ft permission to purchase the following described | a Better eee A classified advertisement is a real estate sales } and does not often count enough “to Dated March 31,1911 ELDON 8S. DETWILER | in the net result . | John Campbell, Agent $150 Cash buys two lots facing the Park fine soil 5-tf H. F. McRae & Co Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish Take notice that I, Thomas Macgovern of | ed in the Bulkley Kooms, 6th Ave., near Fulton. | mile north east from Glacier Riffle and on the east Stewart, B. C., occupation miner,intend to apply | toe permission to purchase the following described | lands: bank of the Naas river about four miles above the | ‘ bsp eter nee thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, | thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, | fo tee re pst Pt | All kinds of second hand goods bought and sold. F. M. Crosby, Third Ave., between 7th and &th | B. C., oceupation customs otheer, intends to apply | 117- Take notice that I, Percy Francis Godenrath | No. 8 Star Cook Stove in perfect condition, pipe apply for permission to purchase the following | | Household Goods. Rooms to e let. Evjen, 7th Ave. and Taylo Take notice that the partnership consisting of | 7 Isadore Grossman and Morris Soskin, carrying on | business in the City of Prince Rupert, under the name of Grossman & Soskin, is hereby dissolved, | as of the 22nd day of May Grossman is to continue the business and to col- | lect all accounts and assume all liabilities. Dated at Prince Rupert this 22nd day of May, | 1 12 Municlpal Notice Applications will be received by the undersign- | 5 p.m, on Monday, May 29th, for the | Rupert, B, C., cecupation real estate broker, position of City Auditor. Salary $25 per month, | intends to apply for permission to purchase the Full particulars from the City Clerk. S. O. E. B.S. is the purest and best made in Seatttle, This cream is used solely in — 4 | | | Skeena Land District--District of Coast Range 5 | Take not ce that Murdock McRae of Vancouver occupation real estate broker, intends to described lands: | Commencing at a vort plapted on the sou.b ( bank of Exchumaiks river about Ove miles from ta confluence with the Skeena river, thence 40 20 chains north, thence 40 40 chains north, thence 4( 20 chains south, thence 40 40 chains south to point of chains weet, th chains east, the chains east, thence | vi eter i aden Niacland PEN Ferenc commencement, containing 320 acres more or leas ee a, WwW cap ) April 2 ¢ of $2,500,000.00, See us for rates | Dated Aped 3}, 193%. Realty and Insurance Company 70-tf ; MURDOCK MecRAE| The Mack | pup. May 13 Skeena Land Distriet-—District of Coast Range 5 | Take notice that 1, J. Harold MeKean of Prince | Rupert, B. C., oeeupat on blackam th, intend to} Situations Wanted pote, gh ng te mong yp lew semen: fhe ne a descr bed lands Commencing at a post planted about three and / one-half miles d stant in a south westerly direction | from a blind slough from Observatory Inlet where | classified advertisement is a tireless work-| the same touches the Ind an Reserve, thence west and seldom fails 80 chains, thence south 50 cha ns, thence east 50 chains, thence north 80 cha ns to po nt of com | Young lady, thoroughly domesticated, good plain ashen ‘ . j Apply Box M.C., Daily News Office mencement, containing 640 acres more or less 112-t¢ Dated Apr! 14, 1911 J. HAROLD MeKEAN Skeena Land District-— District of Cassiar 95-97 Take notice that 1, Alice M. Knouse of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted about two mile south and two miles west of the forks of White and Fiat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence | east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains Dated April 20, 1911 ALICE M. KNOUGE Pub. May 18 Francis S. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast Range 5 Take not ce that I, John Ivan Peters of Prince Home | Rupert, B. ¢ occupat on clerk, intend to apply Gleeson, 3rd | for permission to purchase the following deserjbed } Commencing at a post planted about three an | one-half miles distant na south westerly d reet or from a blind glough from Observat Inlet where the same touches the Indian Reserve, thence Real Estate west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 50 chains, thence south 50 chains to point o commencement, containing 640 acres more or less Dated April 14, 1911 JOHN IVAN PETERS Pub. May 13 stikine Land District-—Datrict of Cassiar Take notice that Sydney Hodgkinson of Tele graph Creek, B. ¢ occupation clerk, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described land Commencing at a post planted about a quarter 109-1m bank of Stikine River, thence east 20 chains |thence north 40 chains, thence w 20 chains | thence south 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 80 acres more or leas Dated Feb, 11, 1911 For Sale SYDNEY HODGKINSON ri Pub. April 7 A. Tervo, Agent Stikine Land Distriet-— District of Cassiar Take notice that Christian A. Tervo of Stikine Tf for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a port planted about 18 chains stoves; all for $10. Apply at zorth west of the customs warehouse at Stikine, Room 23, Fraser and 7th Streets, seven to eight B. C., thence west 20 chains, thence south 26 117 ; 17-wi chains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 20 Apply Mre chains to point of commencement and containing : » | 40 acres more or lees. t. near Summit, 9 | Dated Feb. 13,1911. CHRISTIAN A. TERVO . Pub, Apri 7 4 ueen Charlotte lalands Land District —Distri { Notice | Q mie tan District —Distriet o | Take notice that I, J. G. MeNab of Prince Ru- rt, occupation general agent, intend to apply | or permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the sov b-east corner of Section 3, Townshp 2 Graham Island, and marked J G. MeN., 8. E. Corner, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of 14-121 | commencement. - | Dated March 8, 1911, J. G, MeNAB | Pub. Mareh 25. Wilson Gowing, Agent 1911, the said Isadore | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Queen Charlotte | 5 Islands | ‘Take notice that George W. Arnott of Prince | following deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted abou: seven | miles and one-half mile west and one mile south from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, Dated Mareh 17, 1911, GEO. W. ARNOTT Pub. April 22. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. | Pm. on Monday, nt : , Grd te > Uullalbe The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 818, Sons of| ‘Take polos that. Joka Hepler ee tract e Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons o ake notice that I, John Hepburn of Kit-! ~ ‘pig, d for + th England, meets the first and third Tuesdays ip | sumkalum, occupation farmer, intend to appl en npeapeciieation ont: btained & be 7 each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. for permission to purchase the followng described | of Mr. Wm. Henderson, ree!’ rks, F. V. CLARK, Sec., lands: toria, B.C. at the post oifice, Grand P, O, Box 812, Prince Rupert | Commencing at @ post planted at the northeast | this Department. + that corner of Lot 3983, thence east 20 chains, thenea| Persons tendering are notilied © hp —a een ee south 40 chains, thence west 20 chans, thence will not be considered unles ie thet a north 40 chains to place of commencement forms supplied, and signed . vised , Pubs mie JOHN HEPBURN signatures, stating their occupa the actual wb April 38. | residence, In the case of frit | ag platy nature, the nature of the occu} fir must keena Land District--District of Coast Range V | residence of each member of Take notice that Charles P, Otter of Prince | given. nanied Y Sy Rupert, B. C., occupation surveyor, intends tu Each tender must be accom)” ay unk, PAT pi described lands: southerly of the easterly limit of surveyed lov | 8954, thence in a northerly direetion along the | TRY IT TaBh,, sopteining 5) saves mone or leas. ate arch 8, ‘ JHARLES P, Phone 350 | prite\tareh ao. 7 Skeena Land District Rupert, B. C., oceu s pation mine of oe per misvion to purchase th. 7) %ends Pea side of Exchumsike Riv. its confluence with th: 1-2 miles west from Exehy chains north, thence 40 » Chains south, thence 40 o) commencement, contair lom. Post marked “ii M_ Pub. April 29. }of Toronto, Ontaric | to apply for permissioy described lands slough southerly to px } taining 160 acres more }of Skeena District ' ;} (a) The name, addre i above or below th« a GEORGE ! "HH } Mi Age P.O. Box 285, Prince t ie Notre—One cubic f ~ equivalent to 35.71 0 7 4 Pub, April 29, 1911. od “Tender for Pu Numa Demern Agent | peagsngorees, Tene lt apply for permission to purchase the following | cepted cheque on & chartered : | the order of Commencing at a post planted at the north east | Works, equal to ten per cent , corner of surveyed lot 8984, Range 5, Coast Dis- | of the tender, which will be forfe trict, thence in an easterly direction along the | tendering decline to enter Ih! % ce che southerly limit of surveyed lot 4991 and the pro- | called upon to do #0,0F fall to COM ot jection thereof 40 chains to a point, thence south | contracted for. If the parallel to the easterly limit of surveyed lot 8984! the cheque will be returned itself ream ar 0 aforesaid 60 chains more or less to the northerly| The Department does not b!' , limit of a timber limit (No. 42563), thence west | the lowest or any tender. Second Ave. next to Optimist old office | 40 chains more or less to @ point in the pro eetion | projeetion of the said limit and along the said | Department of Public Works, Fruit and Candy, wholesale and retail imit 60 chains more or less to point of commence- Sam Gowen, Prop. OTTER | Boos if they insert it without 6 LAND PURCHASE yon Distriet ot ¢ —“~ Take totice that He iY Macar ‘ona ; they Sat Commencing at a post | Dated April 22,1911, 4} NRY ‘Mac ; ART Np i" Skeena Land Dist; Take notice that | Commencing at a pos 20 chains to Hell Dated April 6, 191) WILLIAM Mi Pub. April 29. Coast Land District —p Take notice that | Porcher Island, o tend to apply for the following for« at a post planted aly location post of jot land, thence in a following high wat thence west to low northerly following 1200 feet; thence cast mencement. PAUL BRENDLER Dated March 7, 19 “th First insertion Ma ——$__| LAND LEASE NOTICE Skeena Land District —! ‘ Take notice that William Muntord Rupert, B. C., occupation promean, ee to apply for permissior = the ae destribed lands Commencing at @ post plants e south of the Indian Rerory: t cut one Goowe Bay and or cant ‘ then south 80 chains along 40 chaina to Goose Hay, the 80 chains, thence weet 40 cha post, containing 320 acre rr m= Dated March 5, 1911 WILLIAM MUD Pub. April i6. Skeena Land District r af Take notice that Rupert, B. C, 4 apply for permiasion lands Commencing at a of a mile from the Int yn the said Gibe ch. thence east chains, thence w mencement, contsir Dated 20thMarech, 1911 Skeena Land Distr Take notice that Rupert, B. C., occupa to apply for permins described lands Commencing at south of the India “ Goose Bay on the east » a north 100 chains along ag thence west 60 ¢ r thence 100 ch chains more or lees to aning 0 more or lem Dated March 4, 1911 ME BABINGT Pub. April 15. Water Notice Notice is hereby e ae cation will be made er Part V.d the ‘‘Water Act, 1909 t tas! license in the Queen Chariotte Divm of the applicant is George 1 Victoria, B.C (If for mining purposes) Free Me er’s Certificate N (b) The name of the trea source (if unnar scnpul is) Ain Lake ar (c) The point of Ain Lake. (d) The quantity of (in cubic feet per te pose pore (e) The cha works, dam, flur engines, plant (f) The premises is to be used (ck near mouth Air vie ue River. Masset Int (g) The purposes f t ¢ wae is to be used is f even ment and mill oper (h) If for irrigat land to be irrigats giving (i) If the water er or mining pur} we place where the ra turned to some nat a the difference in alt a point of diversior At or near mouti 150 feet below la (j) Area of Crow: occupied by the pro (k) “This notice wa f pone 26th day of Apri ’ rp mission tion will be made t ‘ on the 20th day of M (1) Give the names Saal any riparian propric! ¥ who or whose land affected by the pro tenders addresse? Sealed the Honorable th ‘ tender 4 jer, — i ore R, C, DESKS uk We sd Ottawa, April 26, 1911. for this ave ¥ Newspapers will not be paid thority § artment,