“Somes THE DAILY NEWS. pare 7, section 1, $2,500 each; bal. (a 3 years ‘at 7 per cent. Two lots, block ., section 1, $5,000 pair 4% cash, bal 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per cent, Two lots, block 22, Section 5, $1,650; $500 cash, bal, 3, 6, 9, 12 months Two lots, block 2, section 5, $4,500. Equity cash. Fine view lots. One lot, block 6, section &, $1,500. $300 cash, 3, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent. One lot, aioe 28, section 5, $525. $225 cash, . $50 every 3 mont S,.at 7 per cent. One lot, block 11, section 6, $2,250. Half cash, bal. 6, 12 months, ‘at 7 per cent. One lot, block 17, section 7, $800. $200 cash, bal. 3, 6, 12 months; with cabin. One lot, block 16, section 7, $650. $300 cash, 3, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 17, wenne 7, $1,600. One- third cash, bal. 1 and 2 years, at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 42, section 7, $550 each. % cash, bal. 6, 12 months. Three lots, % cash, Two lots, block 8, section 7, $650 each. % cash, bal.6, 12, 18 months, Two lots, block 3, section 7, $5 50 each. ™% cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per cent. Four lots, biock 3, section 7, $3,000. % cash, hal. 6, 12, 18 months. Large corner. Three lots, block 37, section 7, $1,600. % cash, pal. 6;> 82; 18 months, at 7 per cent, Two lots, block 28, section 8, $1,000. One- third cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months. Cor- ner. Two lots, block 28, section 8, $850. $250 cash, bal. 6, 12 months. Two lots, block 49, section 8, $400 each. $50 cash, bal. $15 per month. Five lots, block 10, section 8, $275 each; bal. $15 per month, FOR RENT. Store, Second avenue at Sixth street. FOR SALE. Cabin with four rooms; eT ee ee pj} — ~E at) + A es es | ee ee rs es, “The News” Classified Ads. | --THERE ARE NO .‘DEAD ONES’’ H ERE— ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== - || | se. £34 Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident :Plate Glass Employer’ s Liability Contractors’ and Sereonal | Bonds Policies Written Direct Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. CLUB KAIEN ISLAND BALL (Continued from Page 1.) Jeremiah H. ah H. Kugler, Ltd. WE BUY EVERYTHING We Pay Highest Prices for Brass, Copper, Lead, Rubber Boots, Solder, Dross and Bottles Prince Rupert Cash Store 735 THIRD AVE. NORTHERN B.C. LIQUOR Co. The Leading Wholesalers of Northern British Columbia Exclusive Agents for BUDWEISER BEER Little's NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF Dunn Miss Marti enough to be present, among whom were: Austin, Mrs. J. W. McNeil, Dr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Miss Burritt, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, Miss W.E Rowley, Miss Clemen Mr. and Martin, Miss Mrs. F. 8S. Milligan, Miss Brooksbank, Mr, and Johnston, Miss Mrs. Elliott, Miss Flexman, Mr. and Brown, Miss Mrs. Barbeau, Miss Sloan, Mr. and Mrs, Fulton, Miss ode Moor, Miss Mobley, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, J. R F. H. Rogers, J. H. Bainter, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, Clyde Dowling, Mrs. F. W. Scott, J. G, Carl, Mrs. G. 8. Noble, W. A. Anderson, Mrs, P. W. | Robinson, C, F. Hazlett, Mrs, James Keeley, Frank McMillan, Mrs. and Vaughan, Charles Miss Mckeen, Mr. Enoch, Miss Baker, Lee Davis, Miss Grace Wark, W. H. Gleason, Miss M Roerig, J. B. Kimball, Miss Carrigan, Mr. Gen, Miss Petersen, C. B, McRae, Mr. and Mrs, Beatty, J. R. H. F, Macken, L, C. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs, Arneil, T. H. George Kearney, Graham Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, F. M. M. H. Wilson, H. P. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs, Crew, H, O. Hugh Allen, J. D. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Mr. Nelson Newcombe, Captain Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Mr. F. G. ckerson, Mr, Harris, Mr. and Mrs, Kissick, Mr. Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. Haltby, George Forster, Mr. Willtams, Mr. and Doyle, Mr. Mrs, A. B. Morris, A. J. Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Chisholm, Mr. and Waugh, Leo Mr. J. J. Harrison, Mr. Ross,{ Mr. and Mrs. St. Amour, Mr. Robert. Linnell, Mr. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Partington, Mr. and Helgerson, H. G, Mrs, Stalker, Robert Eckerman, Mr. and Jardine, Charles Mrs. Melliar, Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, Earl Po As Alexander, T. M. Sturgeon, Mr. and Noble, Arthur Mrs, Scott, Joe Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Holtby, L. Thompson, James H. The gowns were most beauti- ful, among them were noticed those of Mrs. Clements, black lace; Miss Manning, pink shot messalline and-lace; Miss Kelly, beaded net over yellow satin, lace land pearl trimmings; Mrs. Mob- ley, brown messaline; Mrs. Chis- holm, rose chiffon with embroid- ered pearl trimmings; Mrs. H. yellow messaline with gold n, pink satin and chiffon trimmings and | Miss Dowling; Craig, Mrs. | De carls; Newton, black net over red silk; satin, wh sati Burritt, blue Mrs. yellow ite lace; n; Mrs. coral Ce ee oO ee It Is The Trained Man or Woman Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! gx them a business training. AC BREE It is the nearest business college to Prince Rupert. It’s fees are within reach of everyone, Its tuition is versonal, and develops the ndividuality of the pupil. Room and board is cheap in Nanaimo, The pupils are away from the distrac- tions of the larger cities CPR SS aC CA) C. E. Perry, Principal To fit your son or daughter for a business career you must give The best place to send them to is the : Nanaimo Business College i eee SSeS Our shorthand course includes tuition in The Ben Pitman System of j Shorthand Business English and Let- ter writing Commercial Arithmetic Office Routine Spelling Typewriting Penmanship HOT OE OEZ Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE Nanaimo, B.C. and + BOP PALI LL AL ws INL oe ! HAGEL RIE ay ee UES) It May Mean all the Difereace Between Success and Failure to ‘You 2A tet Pe es rt ee =a ert ere F F or Rent Bas eet eet ee For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, freshly eee hoe ag clean, only $10 per month. H F. McRae & t-f TO RENT—2-room cabin, partly furnished, #8 a month. Apply 115 Lotbiniere st. 12-18 ree Insurance OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. etree ere Wanted No Maternity nurse open for engagement. Box 2159 News. CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking. Mrs, Apply tf Chas. Percher, 820 3rd avenue. Phone Red 294, WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially also bedding and cheap furniture range, O, box 105. for about ten rooms, P. 9-tf FIRST class lady stenographer wants em- ployment in law office or general office; best of reference. Address box A100, News. 13 es ss aera Business Chances ms ee et tt me me MARRY—The Ideal Introduction Club leads to happiness. Strictly private, high class and reliable. Best in the West. Address 1. C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. CU. f24 9s 9 ed Ps Ps rs Ps ele Lost and Found fe rn tes ee es ss FOUND—An Irish terrier female pup. Owner may have same by paying for this advt. at News Ofmce. 298tr between the wharf Apply Knox Hotel LOST—A gold watch, and New Knox Hotel, for reward. ON New Year’s Day, a large amethyst pin on Borden or 8th street. For reward, Miss Gleason, 840 3rd avenue, 12-15 LOST—A red leather pocket notebook. Finder return to The News and receive reward, 12-18 Prince Rupert Lodge, |.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening members of the order in city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N, G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. All the Nel- lace Mrs. Irish embroidery and ermine; silk, Flexman, Dunn, white and pearls; Mrs. son point Mrs. and lace over andesprete over blue satin; Sweet, black velvet yellow satin; Miss Gleeson, gee and net; Miss McKenzie, shell pink satin; Mrs. Bainter, black net and satin; Miss Milligan, yel- low chiffon over paisley silk; Mrs. Brooksbank, white lawn and Miss Brown, chene, blue satin trimmings; Mrs. Sloan, white embroidered | net over taffeta and jets; Miss El- lett, white crepe de chene; Mrs. Partington, rose crepe de chene; Miss Fulton, white silk; Miss Moor, maize satin; Mrs. McNeill, white net over pink satin; Mrs. McRae, white satin; Mrs, Ander- maize satin, gold trimmings; Carol, creton lace; Mrs, Friz embroidered crepe de chene; Dawson, figured chiffon champagne satin with car- nations; Mrs. MeMillan, appliane net over satin; Mrs. Ward, white satin; Mrs. Sturgeon, champagne silk; Miss MeMillan, blue and white chiffon; Mrs. Ross, black jet over cerise satin; Mrs, Bry- ant, beaded net over apricot sa- tin, amber trimmings; Miss Gen, blue mesalline, pearl trimmings. pon- lace; son, Mrs. zell, Mrs. over WILL TALK OF THE NORTH F. H. Mobley Will Deliver Inter- esting Lecture Wednesday. Of the many splendid addresses givesn last year the Presby- terian Club the by Mr. F, Mobley was among the very best. He himself has ‘whistled bits of ragtime at the end of all crea- tion,” and loves to tramp the wilds where the cariboo calls, and as he talks he imparis the thrill in one of God’s great out-of-doors to his audience. In his address, ‘‘Mushing It,’ byterian Hall, Mr, Mobley will again give some reminiscences of the northland. The general pub- lic is invited to all these lectures, rose crepe de | on Wednesday night in the Pres- |} ee eee Fresh FLOWERS By 8.8 8rd Ave., Law ARCTIC STUDIO, Butler Build’ PHONE GREEN 336 M'KEEN & HUNTER Horseshoers Carriage Repairing General Work FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET Phone 59 Red . Prince Rupert tomorrow a. m. + Pe ae Ee OS EEE MFO Ob 1911 The Bank of British North America 75 Years In Business. 1836 Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Business Men’s Banking Money advanced to finance your business. : Local and foreign Drafts bought and sold. Notes discounted. Collections | promptly made. Letters of Credit, Money Orders and Telegraph Transfers issued, payable in all the leading Cities of the world. Prince Rupert Branch— F. S. LONG, Manager. INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE NOTICES [N THE NEWS Do You Want a Buyer for It: > Try the News Wan ant Ad. Wa ay. It’s a Good One It Is Not Too Late | & To send your New Year’s present now. Why? Because we have a few exceptionally cheap bargains left. Th. East is a long way and you afe flourishing in Rupert and wag too busy to worry. Don’t hesitate, but come today where Far Eastern and Oriental goods will be sacrificed at Easton prices. BIG FURNITURE STORE Phone Second Ave. and Sixth St. Entrance on Second Avenue. Read The Daily News And Get All the News | Co | | | if | Reg. 35c pr. Now - - - Extra Heavy Ribbed Wool Sox, 25c Now . Reg. $3.00 Suit r ¢ - uy @ ring Sale jf . Y De ¢ . , 4 x = eee aati ee, Poa —__—_—_——— OF ae eer A ST + 5 , 7 ' + ; 3 r cS ( + A . ¢ , Right now is the time to buy a New Y Suit, Overcoat or Raincoat... During § our Annual Clearing Sale you will find it here in the style you like at the price you wish to pay e $20.00 Overcoat Light or Heavyweight Now - - $15.00 $25.00 Suit Now - - $15.00 Men’s All Wool Ribbed Underwear, - $2.00 Sale Starts Wed. Morning Men’s All Wool Sweater Coats Reg. $3.50 Now - -_ $2.50 Second Avenue Pe Te Se Oe ee Oe Oe Oe OE ee Oe EE OE EE EE EE Ee a ae oe DEE OE PEP es es artin O’Reill Second Avenue