_ ouT OF WORK TODAY? Try The News’ Want Ad. Way. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist THE DAILY NEWS NEXT MAILS For South e rt.......Friday 8 a.m. ..Saturday, 9 a.m. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912. TAKE TRIP TO WOODWORTH LA NO HOPE OF SALVING THE WRECKED STEAMER GRANT OAPT, CROCKETT, WITH CAPTAINS BABINGTON AND BROAD- HURST HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE WRECK— VALUABLE GEAR MAY EE SALVED BIT EY BIT. months old. They were installed in May last. Captain Babington, Norman Broadhurst and Captain crockett, with Diver Clarke, ex- amined the wreek over the past week-end and returned last night to Rupert, bringing with them a little of the Grant's gear, which visiting the scene of the of the U.S. fishing steamer which went ashore from inchorage at Banks Island, tin Crockett reports that it it be profitable to attempt e the vessel she lies. vy is in nine fathoms and as tern just clears at low|has to go into bond, being United “a » four fathoms. Pitehed| States property. ; i at a bad angle the hull Examination of the wreck re- aad oss a huge rock which has|vealed the fact that a moment more would have saved her, only just as Captain Crockett got her going ahead the propellor struck the rock and stripped every blade off. It was one of the instances of real hard luck that befall sea- men so often, the plates seriously. As nt was 44 years old at the f her wreck, will not h raising, though consid- ilue, only partially cov- insurance, is represented she equipment, eck will probably be sold ae Marine Superintendent Here. as she lies, and for a ‘ with appliances to Captain George Robertson ar he salving of the gear|rived by the Princess May the Crockett*believes there is|other night and is to visit the hance in the wreck. marine station at Digby Island. Captain Robertson is tendent of the Marine department Victoria. shing steamer the Grant superin- deck, few} at winches are only a ine on boilers J << on nome MINING LEADER PASSES AWAY Together in Belfast. al to Daily News. Jan. #47: Winston - ind John Redmond are J. & Hobson, Well Known as a speak here in support Prominent Mining Expert for Rule on February 8th. Years on the Pacific Coast, Has Unionists are dumbfound- Just Died at Victoria. move, and at a meeting Mining men throughout the provinee, and amny in Prince Ru and dent of the Provincial Mining As- until it was disbanded, a widow and three sons sociation He leaves HOTEL MAKES CHANGES Popular Hostelry Adds Pool and Billiards. WINSTON CHURCHILL Extensive alterations have been made in the first floor of the Premier Hote! and some fine bil ht aceepted the challange.|jjard and pool tables added to the \ time is forecasted on that) equipment of this popular hotel. we For Sale. t—Plain gold band pin.} Five draft horses, from 1,400 return to News office for|to 1,600 poundds, cheap. At G Ot | Rupert Dairy. 6t Prince 5 MUCH-NEEDED BEACON IS PROMISED FOR FAIRVIEW CAPTAIN GECRGE ROBERTSON, MARINE SUPERINTENDENT AT VICTORIA, REMARKS THAT IT IS CERTAINLY NEEDED AND WILL BE PLACED BEFORE LONG ON THE POINT. “By Jove, you'd better say thal and hear what they'd replied Captain erring to the needs of the | ct around Prince Rupert for | is and light te aid incoming Outgoing shipping, Captain | ee Robertson, superintend- | {the Vieloria Marine depart- | |, said this morning: | down below, say to youl” Robertson gaily. As marine superintendent he has expressed himself as being well pleased with the work of Mr. Certainly a beacon is needed Jennings, engineer in charge of Vairview Point to assist the} tye pew marine station al Digby ! craft running to and from | Island, but he could not throw ! ce Rupert. It should have} ,ny jight on the appointment of pul up there before, and you the resident superintendent there be sure that it will be put} yor, : before long,” : Whoever he is, he will find You can't promise is next eomfortable quarters ready for , or the day after tomorrow, ‘plam? The News re- ! him,” smiled Captain Robertson, asked Auction Sale Prince Rupert Lots. Well, hardly, There are the All property owners who desire ds of the whole coast to think hesides, yo uknow.” But, isn’t Prince Rupert har- more important than most of rest of the coast?” suggested to sell their lots quickly and at will please write me information, gE. GAMPP, 2t fair prices for full terms Sales monthly. box 842. and ii. } ) * reporter, innocently, pert, Hazelton, Vancouver Victoria, today are noting with jregret the death of J. B, Hobson, NUNC. passed BWAY a Victoria. AS|\., he undertaken as early as pos ne of the most famous mining | ipje py the city. To achieve this experts on the Pacific Coast, nd it is vcessary for: the party here his ski had been seen » spend the night at the lake and al a number of years, M up betimes in the morning. to | | bsonu was exceedingly popu- |} rit. the trail; : Fe He took a great share in the | Mayo Newton declared that he irly development of the Cariboo] uid lose no time in getting the mining district and was presi hydro-electric achamea started? ind this trip is evidence of his determination to do as he said. } - | MERCHANT’S NEW IDEA HOLD-UP CITY TAKES ACTION | | Harry Smith, Leading Storekeeper of Stewart, Gave Pink Tea. Vancouver Organized Crime—25 New Policemen. Special to Daily News. Vancouver, Jan. 17.—Eyvery ef- fort is being made to put an end to the holdups which have been | At Stewart the other afternoon idea was by Harry P., pioneer merchant of a unique and attractive successfully launched Sinith, J, Stewart. He gave a pink tea, in~| winter. Mayor Findlay, in all the leading ladies of Stewart to the affair, and enter- tained them royally. As an after- viled |business men, has. decided noon event of this kind with a|deal strenuously with the state|}and Alderman Dybhavn_ consti- host instead of a hostess ‘the of affairs. Twenty-five members| tute the board. They visited the | scheme is decidedly novel. will be immediately added to the} new city hall and all work in-| = tht Kinda police force. | complete for the city, making, For row boats and launches a lclose inquiry as to details, and | telephone 320 green. Davis boat Prince Rupert's leading hotel—} will act on the strength of the house. Savoy. COUNCIL OFF TO WOODWORTH Mayor, Board of Works, City Engineer and Assistant, With Alder- Against |New Public Works Board In- Evidence that the new’ Publie Works Board means business Was seen yesterday in the careful rampant in the city during the | investigation the re-| personally to| of the city. swear in special constables and|/ Morrissey, |information obtained. TAKING HOLD spected City Works Yesterday. members of the Alderman Maitland men are Mushing It Over the Trail Today WILL BE ABSENT OVER NIGHT Ata % afternoon Newton, with the members of the of Works, Morrissey, Maitland and Dybhayn, 30 this Mayor | Board viz., Aldermen also as many other members .of | the City Council as could be pre- vailed on to make the trip, start-} for Shawat- } Woodworth Lakes, ac-} ‘companied — by Engineer | Davis and Mr. Mason, his assist- | ed in a gasoline beat lans and City ant, The intention of the Mayor and | is to make a thorough |} of the conditions af- scheme Couneil nvestigation the hydro-electric fecting Following the examination of the} pipe line proposed and of the | lakes, there will be meetings of the Council to press on with the construction work this spring, The question of whether or not To be visited this afternoon the shores of Lake Woodworth] leagues. of the City Council, are to be cleared has to be gone} into, and it is possible that in} the supposed their zeal to attend to this work | adcine oontraots thoroughly Mayor Newton and his |~ BAERS Nae colleagues may mush. it right | A better trail exists, now to around Woodworth Lake in the} Woodworth Lake than there was footsteps of the citizens who nig . | SHOE HOUSE FOR RUPERT ae | Cc. P. R. TO SPEND $20,000,000 Extensive Improvements Planned | Big Manufacturing Concern for This Year. Locate Here. ———— | Special to Daily News. Mr. Fred Renworth, for many | Montreal, Jan. 17. Before }years a travelling ae : : the Ames-Holden Shoe Company, af gr “ef ig . leaving Montreal tonight for Bet nia ad Rupert to estabe Winnipeg, J. C, Bury, view prest=|jicn permanent headquarters for dent and general manager of the} jis western lines of the CG, P. R., who Owing to the large business ex- has been in conference with} pected from Rupert, Skeena River President Shaughnessy for the!and Buckley Valley points during last few days, has announced that|the year, and in order to be in no less than $20,000,000 will be} close touch with the trade, the spent by the company on ‘“m-| Ames Holden Company is follow- provements to the system west of the Great Lakes during the com- ing year, The main line will be} headquarters of operations double tracked all through the|Northern British Columbia, congested districts as soon as z =. Br possible, A second track will be Mr. Mobley's Address Tonight. laid in British Columbia between 2 uf ae Ponight the Presbyterian and Hammond, also the for salers by making Rupert in Vancouver portions of the prairie provinces. Hall Mr. F. H. Mobley will oN Considerable extension terminals his address 08 mugaing. , will be made in Vancouver, Fort rhe general public ts pay Eee * William, Regina and other places, collection will be taken for thy New terminals will glso be built elub, ; during the summer at Coquitlam, } Notice BG Anyone having tickets on Chas, raffle kindly noti- Don't miss the Puritan supper|Schly’s picture at Melntyre Hall Wednesday at}fy A, 0. Morse, secretary I.W.W,, any time from 6 to 7:30 p, m,, or]as original list was desiroyed athletic meet afterward. All for|through fire. 40c, Come from your business, Given by ladies of the Baptist Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Church, 2t Phone 4. company. ing the lead of other big whole-| or proposed! but to travel round Woodworth SHAWATLANS FALLS. by Mayor Newton and his Lake shores this weather will be no eheechako’s job, and no one particularly envies the Mayor and when these citizens made the trip, | Council their task. GILL RETURNS TO TOWN to|J. &. Gilmore Says Weather in Rupert Best Yet. “They can all say what they for|may about the climate down be- but give me said J. E, Rupert Gilmore on the Princess accompanied by “Gill? has visited low, time,” his arrival yesterday, every upon May Mrs, all Gilmore. of the important southern Brit- ish Columbia cities looking for investments, but© has followed the general rule of many of our old timers by returning to his former field, He expeets to go into the Buckley Valley in the course of the next couple of weeks, where he has extensive in- lerests, Mr, Gilmore reports ‘that Duff Pattullo has left Victoria on a trip to New Orleans, He says Geo Morrow is one of the busiest men in Vancouver these days { Many Mules Coming. In order to hurry on their work Pp. the firm of Foley, in on the G, T. Welch bringing is & Siewart their horse mules to supplement A hundred mules will ar- live by the Prince Albert on her | next trip and will be transported uy to the of opera ftions atl onee, teams, scene river made | various works | sponse to the requests of leading|in progress in the central section | Chairman Alderman | RUPERT'S WATER SUPT. INGENIOUS THREE-WAY } came pone j}two, and thus halves the expense | Intention is to Make Thorough Investigation of the General Conditions for Hydro-|*#me time the cost of pipe, Electric Scheme—Party Will Sleep at Survey Camp Shawatlans Lake WILL BE FEW | / col- | } | | | | | = = PATENTS A NEW INVENTION TAP DEVISED EY OLE T. CROSBY TO REDUCE COST OF LAYING CITY BRANCH SUPPLY PIPES BY ONE HALF. An invention which will exactly halve the cost of installing water By means of a cleverly design- ed three-way tap, which is the erux of the invention, Mr. Cros- by arranges to supply two lots with water from a slightly larger branch from the main. The branch runs between every two ends at the lot line with the three-way tap, and supplies the two private pipe lines to residen- on each lot. Mr. Crosby’s supply pipes to private residences Prince Rupert has been per- fected and provisionally patented by Ole T. Crosby of the Water de- partment, As superintendent of the city water supply Mr. Crosby up against many of the hard problems that confront all cities, but whieh are eniphasized lots, ces in Prince Rupert. Here, where| patent tap allows for the shutting | the lots are small, as the city|off of the water from both hou- }builds up it would require in-|ses together, or from anyone of numerable excavations to allow|them at will. A quarter turn of supply pipes from the city mains|the tap-kep does it, The sketches lin the street to each lot having|of the invention show it to be me or more residences. Where] very simple. Anyone might have there is as much rock as exists in| thought of it, but Ole seems to | have been the first. Prince Ru- ;pert city council may adopt it |when the time comes, and Ole is sure it will save the city thous- of dollars. But he al- ready being approached regard- the|ing it by other cities over the | States and the Dominion, townsite the cost for a pipe, however is considerable. The idea by Ole makes work of| ands Prince Rupert of each cut perfected excavation Crosby, do the Is of excavation, reducing at cussion. But as regards late sessions I am of the opinion that the closure clause making the session end at 41 o'clock each night may be very well ineluded. Should the business under dis- [Sarna necessitate further at- tention another meeting can be held the next or any subsequent night.” Applause and Council approval. LATE SESSIONS In Amending Manson Procedure Eiylaw to Allow Fuller Discus- sion, Mayor Will Include Clos- ure Clause. “Is it your intention, Mr.| REPRESENTATIVE OF POPE AT CAPITOL Mayor, to annul, alter or amend the existing Procedure bylaw in- | troduced by Mayor Manson, and} in force during last couneil ses- |} 2” asked Alderman Clayton | if Mayor Newton last night after | the Mayor had his | principle of free and full discus- “If so, I trust you to include in it and sions enunciated sion facilities, will endeavor to insist on the application of} the closure. Tam in the position of one who by little family con- siderations is oftentimes com- pelled to awaken rather earlier than some of my colleagues, and} when the are | prolonged midnight — it works rather a hardship on men | like Laughter and | cheers from the audience, Replying with a smile, Mayor | Newton reiterated his desire to all possible lattitude con- |sistent- with business in the dis- of questions of import- council sessions beyond Inyself.” give Rey. Bonaventure Cerretti, who lance. “I do propose,” he said,|is the Papal charge d'affaires at \“that we go together in council| Washington, by the departure of jcarefully through the Procedure | Mer. Falconio for Rome, to as- | bylaw, making such amendments|sume his new duties accompany- las we may see*fit in support of} ing his elevation to the cardina- lithe principle of free and full dis-| late, aaa “BY COURTESY OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RY.” TRANSCONTINENTAL RIVAL OF GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAIL- WAY CO. GIVES A PICTURE CHALLENGE RIGHT HERE IN PRINCE RUPERT cussion St Those who saw the fine film|of a challenge to the Grand exhibited in Prince Rupert last) Trunk Pacific Railway in this ex- night “by courtesy of the Cana- hibition right in her own citadel, as it were, of the enterprise of one of her greatest rivals in transcontinental railway ambi- tion. “By courtesy of the Cana- dian Northern Railway” is a deli- cate little boast which any G. T. dian Northern Railway Gompany,” illustrating the big iron industry an dthe huge wheat elevators at Port Arthur, Ontario, must have felt the thrill of expectation that lsame day not far distant may | make a film like this and better,|P. official must appreciate, ; |passibly, of Prince Rupert, In the great sense the film Busy waterfront scenes with} shown last night at the Empress hurrying steamships -plying to]}is a challenge to the G. T., P. In and from the wharves, huge|/a smaller sense, too, it is a hint steam cranes handling pig iron|which Prince Rupert might well with electro-magnetic gripping | give the company itself. What about those moving pictures of Prince Rupert which the G, T, P, took for publicity purposes last summer in our city and along the line up river? Shouldn't Prince Rupert people have a chance to see them, too, “by courtesy of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co."? apparatus, long trains freighted with wheat and iron products and towering elevatorS storing and pouring forth the food supply of nations are the heritage of Prince Rupert, tooe,.and will be here per- haps sooner than the most san- guine expect, Meantime, there was something Mh 4 au Pio ae \ tees yi} We a Tae i } i i ty H ¥ Th Be i . ¥ ij + 1 } i? ag Whe haa? i 7 By A i.