ouT OF WORK TODAY? try The News’ Want Ad. Way. tive Lib ; razy x/ DL. Ill, NO. 38 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, of Being Made Knight of the Garter CONFLICTING RUMORS AS TO PREMIERSHIP 0 COMPLETE NEW CITY HALL; TENDERS IN FOR FINAL WORK DOFING ESTIMATES, PLASTERING INSIDE, BRICK Bale |; AND COMPLETION OF VAULT NECESSARY—BUILDING WII-L THE DAILY NE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist erview With Joe Martin, Leader of Radical Wing, Who Says Majority of Liberal, Members of Parliament Would Prefer to See Lloyd-George, Instead of Sir Sir Edward Grey as the Successor of Asquith FEBRUARY 14, 1912. ¢@ NEW DISTRICT ASSESSOR Mr. Ed. Edwards Rerives from | Revelstoke to Take Up Duties. tationed at Revelstoke, that district, in charge and is an old SUSPECTED ' |Heinous Crime of Having Mowitch | | Out of Season in City Charged‘! Against Two Ry nanere—Gt00| his Bail. be lice The chief vouches excellent qualities, in Rupert is bound a warm one, force, Ed.’s” welcome 80 | This morning Peter Boravich Church Choir Entertainment. Keenly Contested aidake Baseball Match in the Auditorium Last | Night—-Crescents Won Out, | 32-28, Ten Innings. — The Creseents tussled to a sh with the Teddy Bears at the Aud ium last night in a of indoor baseball. | HAVE HANDSOME STUCCO FRQNT—CONSIDERING BIDS. jc € th : inh ter nine innings e score sLOoot wing are the tenders for! work, vault lining, chimney, $580. Jat 28-28, and a tenth round was B plastering and other | Orders have been given by coun-|Played, in which the Peddies the new city hall: For] ¢il resolution that this work | ail oe a t pis Che Anal HEMTHS nized iron work, Steen &| to be pressed on at speed j wel 32-28 in favor of the Cres- $222; also Letourneau & ee imine: seem ath : 1, $230, (Lowest tender to| ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT | Throughout the match play epted subject to signature was of -varied clisracter,” the ug to terms of specifica-|Choir of Presbyterian Church to Peddies cone their utmost to as- Roofing, tar, gravel and| Render Musical Program. |#a!! vulnerable points in the f, N. D. Sweet & Co., $600. | Cres ents line up. But the bid; to be accepted subject Ponight in the Presbyte rian |' escents he om theie ayes in fact, signature as above. Plaster-|c barhse ens! Sp saihh’ avetiiin , | maint ained a fair lead until the brick work, ‘etc.: following Jac iad whale hakete ds ‘ *llast few innings, when the Ted- s are referred a bso aenhi. bright concert and entertainment) dies pressed them hard and to for consideration: D. Mm.| Wil! be given by the members of | geod purpose, Nion, plaster work, §$4.956:|the First Presbyterian Chureh| Judging from the noise made, th Bros. & Co., $4,595; F.| choir There will be a musical | tbe crowd seemed of huge pro- A 074 includes. stucco| Program of the best, and other| portions, but as a matter of fact mt and concrete wall For| forms of entertainment in keep-J tere was only an average al- , eg chimneys and lining the! ing with the excellent standart PHOue nce though with excellent HM with brick, also fitting the} set by the Presbyterian. Church,|!une power. rhe closeness of anew, F, Shaw bids $675.| A small levy of 25 cents is to be/ this game means greatly en- Christiansen, plaster work,| made in aid of the church social| hanced interest a the work of } ey and vault lining, $1,275. schemes both ‘teams in future, and the Kinnon, lath plaster and ce-| next meeting between them will $2 600 George Smith, | Posters describing big sale attract a big crowd. Rov. *. Ww. Miney and vault lining, $775.| quoting prices, etc., are now be- MoLeod, whoae ppaition as ath- ‘hur Quinn, brick work, $685.|ing distributed. If you don’t get lcle-pastor of Prince Rupert is me) '! Bros,, brick, chimney, vault}one let us know and we'll send assured, was prominent amongst aj g, $650. D. M. actA brick| you a copy. Wallace's. 2 the fans and encouraged his own ’ side, the Crescents, vigorously, PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO There are now ninety men at work on the Woodworth Pipe line in the city limits. Two adjourned cases of contravention of health bylaw are heing heard in the police court. The “Royal Visit Bandstand’ opposite The News Oflice be- s to look like a plank sidewalk. Jack Hilditeh receive a pretty valentine from Mayor Newton, Jolliffe left with loads of jolly good grub for those ship ‘recked mariners, Capt. Barney Valentine from “Crip,” Johnston ree eives a boneless herring as a Distinguished ‘Family. No less than a column of space telephone house, 320 green. Davis boat |Mrs. 8. T. bi . (WO LADY TOURISTS FROM BUROPE, Came prepared to encounter forty degrees below zero when | they landed from the Prince Rupert this morning; were surprised by the sunshine and balmy spring air, believing this to be a north- ern land of perpetual snow. a8 devoted in the Seattle Sunday Among the passengers on the!J, C, Neilson, Rey, and Mrs, R. W. limes to the daneing of Baby : , ..|Gurd. E. Edwards, ‘I’. J. W adman Seecamp, who is a pupil of Pro- Prince Rupert this morning were A . a manne es oo. . "3 fessor Hamilton Douglas, son of| Mr, and Mrs, It. ©, Hyde and chil Yule iL. aacvei Ww elisa R. our present popular finance min-|dren, Spokane; Mr, and Mrs, 8, J. Maan ga RE eens y i ister and acting mayor. a | Gilmore H. Kk. Newton, Mrs. J. T. An MAIS: J. E. Mahon, G. Peters, iWalker, H. J. Benbro, Thomas|W. R. Mercer, Mrs. Brown, J. H. | Take advantage of the sale on | Stewart. Jar Bechan, Louis|MecLean, P. Heise, Mr. and Mrs. | Blankets, Comforters, Pillows, | Bechan, Mrs. A. L. Brown, George] F. Tamote, Mr. Norris, Mr. Serle, letc,, al Wallace's. a | I Danford, MissM. Smith, Tom Hall,|P. Chester; M. Jones, J. Brown, J. iMr. and Mrs, A. F, Freeman, J. W.| Morrison, H,. Hollins, Amos Ne- For row boats and launches | McInnes, 8. Gallinate, Mr. and|nard, J. F. Gage, W. Lauder, T, J. yd, H,. Fagan, Grac e| Dusnich G. Dennistad, Miss 'T. B. | Morris, Db. S. Milne, Mr. Nethaway,' Reid and Miss Ruth Raymond. Ed. Edwards, newly appointed] rrovincial assessor for the dis- rict, arrived by the Prince Ru- pert. Mr. Edwards was formerly} friend of Chief Vickers of the city JOLIFFE” IS SENT OUT TO SEEK MISSING MEN @PENING OF BRITISH PARLIAMENT TODAY - reign Secretary Sir Edward Grey Racsives Distinguished Honor VENISON 1S. STEAMER W GOES AFTER | ee NEXT MAILS — For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m. PRICE Five Cents LIAM JOLLIFFE THE LOST BOATS |STEAMER NEWINGTON was ON HER WAY UP, BUT MEETING COOLA SHE De A steamer for the relief of a jmen believed to have been ship-| wrecked off Graham Island left} | here this morning with abundant} stock of supplies. The steamer is the William Jolliffe instead of jthe Newington. Captain New- | comb of the Jolliffe says he was G.N.R. FLYER IS WRECKED Fast Great Northern Train, “Ori-| ental Limited,”’ Leaps the Rails | at Deyon, Near Devils Lake—| Many Killed and Injured. tanadian Babes” Despatch: aione apolis, Feb, 13.—Accord- hing lo a telephone message re- ceived here tonight, the fast Greal Northern passenger train, | the Oriental Limited, has been wrecked alt Deyon, three miles east of Devils Lake, with several killed and at least thirty injured. The train was eastbound when it leaped the metals. All available doctors and have been rushed to the of the acei- dent. nurses scene reason is that we're crowd- to handle the big spring stock now fast arriving. That's the cause of the big sale at Wallace's ot The ed for room THE WEATHER. l'wenty-four hours a. February 14, 1943: 9.753; max, temp., 50,0; 39.0; precipitation, 5 ending 5 Bar »| min, 1.10, Tom Hall of Vietoria, the high speed traveler for R, P, Rithet & Co., arrived by the Rupert and will go up river. That all his pievious record trips will be broken is safely eonjectured, temp., “New Lot of Ladies’ " neckwear. Wallace's. Knox Hotel Raised. In less than five hours a force fifty-eight men yesterday raised the Knox Hotel to the new street grade. There was a man for each jack screw used in rais- big building, and the work of ling the | baby potent THE JOLLIFFE BOUND FOR MASSET AT BELLA PUT BACK. CITY ENGINEER WILL REPORT land Veder Militeh were taken in| — Special to Daily News. as their leader, and he has hopes|state for foreign affairs, was|Cherge by the city police, handed} Rs er ante the Presbyterian | spoken by the Newington at Bella ee Mayor Mentions That Com- Feb, 14-—The lobbies| tat this may prove to be the Out-| cesatiy “honored at. the moeting | Ve? from the provincial police, een : Ai pete cae at/Coola yesterday morning, her mittee Has Left Reduction of House of Commons were! °O!M®. f the rrivy council last night and charged with having venison! lurch hall tonight at Fulll¢ aptain stating that he was under Staff in City Engineer's Hands : The speech from the throne, it Ms ee ’ é ne alae | in their possession. Under the a 3 al prograin, ete Admis-| orders to search for missin g —Col. Davis to Report. this morning with dis-/\. iq, will be read in the House|/ be King conferred upon him the|/game laws this is a serious of-|S!0" 25e. boats off Graham fsland. Cap- — hed visitors ana there Was | of Lords this afternoon by His/distinetion of making him a|fense for deer meat has been out = See tn tate jtain Newcomb replied that his} Asked this morning regarding il hurry and bustle con-| Majesty in person It was ap-|Knight of the Garter. He is the}of season for some time. goth; Get one of the descriptive ad-| boat was one of the government|the meeting of the special com- . ipon a reopening Of a|/proyed by him last night at ajfirst commoner during the last|me> were released on bail of|vertising posters of Wallace's big| fisheries protection fleet and he|™ittee appointed to attend to the parliament, The 6al-| meeting of the privy council over|bundred years to receive this!8106 each, and will be brought|sak There’s great economy in| Was on his way to Masset any-jProposed reduction of the City filled before noon a ; honor. ip later. jit for you. 2t |how. The Newington then re-|Engineer’s staff, Acting .Mayor preferring to patiently lager to Victoria. Douglas mentioned that the re- ither than risk a chance of tain Newcomb brought his|duction would be less than was 1ining a seat later. vos to the Prince Rupert dock| anticipated, only one man’s serv- obbies and committee ‘1 o'clock this morning. He|ices being likely to be dispensed d the house restaurant ae on board Mr. Coovert, the|Wwith. He stated, however, that cipal subjeet of discus }oil expert, and J. E. Tharp, and|the matter had been left by the g members was the after Shipping sufficient supplies|}committee to the discretion of ed retirement of Mr. As Whips, Stones and Clubs ‘Used Finely at Raine Depot, Sask., When met #! possible needs of althe City Engineer. Gol. Davis premier, It was gener- jlarge party of shipwrecked mar-|said this morning that the mat- eded that no great sur- a Few Cars Arrive---One Man With Skull Fractured iners he pulled out again for|ter would be dealt with in a re- d be occasioned if Pre- Masset. port by him to the Council on Asquith should retire short Canadian Press Despatch. of the-province of Saskatchewan|/the Grand Trunk Pacific,” de-| —— ——__———- Monday night. Meantime he had pt a peerage while he tegina, Feb. 414.—The outery |/ast night, there was such a rush|e¢lared T. P. White, car service] CASE DISMISSED nothing to say about it. ind that Sir Edward “Grey, amongst faremrs for more cars on the part of the farmers Lo se- agent of that road, when inter-|! OI Teather ik p ee ween etc be deep in the teitenkd ? thale’ toma ima ee them that a fight among awed in tits cemhrd. “oUEk boars Blind Pig Charge Against Pro- DAILY NEWS GETS IT the King, should be | MEET : ; them for possession ensued,| °° ° eo . . prietor of Yakima Decided. — ; }grown acuter than ever durin} Whips, stones and clubs were|Point along the line we have an | piso ceria City Printing and Stationery Sup- table Joe Martin. j}the past day or two, and continual| used by the combatants, who were|ample supply of cars located. The} Upon the-~ resumption of the ply Tender Accepted. f this province and clamor is made by every possible|™mostly foreigners, with the re-|(pouble is with tle farmers. They | case of John Dulovich this morn- Tees beral n ber for East St. means of communication with the) Sult that one man had his skull/are unable to fhresh. We ean|ing the police court was crowded. Tenders for thé printing and ras, a suburb of London, railway companies for cars. The} fractured and may die. Two hun-|moye their grain just as fast as|The charge was having liquor for|supply of letterheads, envelopes, the acknowledged leader of shortage is declared-by many to|dred cars are needed to carry|they bring it in.’ Mr. White|Ssale or barter upen his unlicensed|etc., for the city hall were opened tadical wing in the} JOSEPH MARTIN, M. P be worse than it ever was owing) away the grain from this district/{hen produced a number of re-|premises, and Mr. Williams ap-|!ast council night. Following are ilked freely of the = ; ; to the increased area under wheat) and the railway sent only about) ports showin gthe cars on hand] peared for the defense, The con- the figures: McRae Bros., $62; situation last night. He which he preside d, the first one|!@St season. thirty. at the number of towns on eT a was that = aie — plc Ae an aoa lis opinion that @ ma- Farmers Fight for Cars. G. T. P., all of which contained/Which liquor was found by the}and The Daily .News, $59. The the ap et conta ee carats his return from India. It When a raae exo arrived at] Mo Shortage Seye.@. ‘tT. #- reports on cars on hand equal|police when they made the raid|/cohtract is awarded to the Prince disappointment the} '?™' hes upon Home Rule, the dis-|paine station in the northern part “There is no car’ shortage on|to the number of cars asked for,|Sunday was no part of the de-|Rupert Publishing Company. f Sir Edward Grey to| establishment of the Church of |fendant’s premises, and this be- orenperrompremnantoentitengpinin sie ship, if Asquith rm Wa manhood suffrage and “ling sustained by evidence the ‘ To Rival Rupert? he laid an emphasis| other subjects that are to be dealt ENTS VS HOW OUR LOVELY CLIMATE IS DEFAMED. |charge fell to the ground. Vancouver, Feb. 14.— (Special. Mr. Martin’s opinion| with the: coming sessid of j r $$ —Sir Donald Mann announces : ty of the Liberals | parliament Big Sale Event begins Friday|today that great ship yards are h prefer Lloyd Georgt Ss Edward G sec i of TEDDY BEARS this week, ends Saturday night.|likely to be established at Port : Wallace's. 2t Mann. PUT LIVE BABY IN THE STOVE Awful Act of Morbid Mother in Halifax—tinfant Five Weeks Old Instantly Cremated — Mother Charged with Murder. Canadian Press Despatch. Feb 14.—Ada McCar- James McCarron, has that her when the feel- her. The. child, was put into a stove and in- The mother and then that the kidnaped. She with murder. Halifax, ron, wife of confessed today she put in the stove ing five white stantly did it in came over weeks old, hot blast burned alive. nine days ago, made had charged fear up a story been is now W. E. Huger are city. Mrs. the Mr. visiting and in Curacoa Arrives from North. The Pacifie C steamship Curacoa from the north this afternoon with seyeral pas- séngers for this port, among whom were Robert Ashland, former hotel man, who will main in town for several days. The Curacoa also brought six horses and wag ands sleighs, besides other cargo from Skag- way. oast arrived ons See our eee: for of the special prices during big sale. Wallace's, 2t some FORTY-SIX LosT Result of thé Collision of Two Japanese Steamers. Special to Daily News. Nagasaki, Feb. 14.— sult of the collision between iwo Japanese steamers reported yes- terday forty-six sailors and pas- 4 : . AS @ Fe- was speedily accomplished with- iout mishap, sengers were drowned, both ves- sels sinking, re- Ni i rf Pe ih Ue rr) i oa ya ey ij