ih (hye i" 4 ' F | : aA t ri #) Ai i Os THE DAILY NEWS Auction Sale| « igs PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE to be held in THE EMPRESS THEATRE Thursday Eve., February 15 at 7. 30 Get a map and look seca up while wonther i is i good SECTION ONE. Lot 8, Bik. 46; cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot 9, Bik. 29; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months. as 2-room cottage; 18 months. subject to lease, Lot 26, Bik. 29; % cash, bal. 6 and Lot 61, Blk. 3; 4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 12 months. 18 months. SECTION TWO. Lot 63, aoe 3; ™% Cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot 17, Blk. 7; equity cash, bal. 1, 2 18 months. and 3 years from November 29, 1911. Oe 40; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot 27, Bik, 2; equity cash, bal. 1, 2 ‘wy i and '3 years from November 29th, me oe oy % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 1911. s. Lots Y heh 6, Bik. 5; equity cash, bal. 1 Lots 11 and 12, Bik. 13; 1-3 cash, bal. 2 and 3 years from November 29th, 6, 12 and 18 months. Lot 7." Bik. 5; equity cash, bal. 1, 2 por 94 ob" 47 4E cea, Sat $50 every Peat. years from November 29th, Lotte months, sm . 4 ‘cada’ ‘Gas hums ibis, Deeks and’ years tov 33° pik 37 ‘ponte. ay 6 and a from November 29th, 1911. months Man's Years Sureiiy joneky Del. vue Lot 34, Bik. 3; % cash, bal. : and 12 ios 91; Blk, 10; equity cami batt, s (05,5 Uk. Ys Mh, iceshy Del. ¢,, $9 and Sechie years from November 29th, Lot 6, Bik. 7; % cash,yal. 6, 12 and bau. 2 ands arith thi ate: Lot 12, Bik. 12; 1-3 cash, bal, 6 and Lot 82, Bik. 20; equity cash, bal. 1, 2 Lots 19 and 20, Bk. aoe eer ee and 's years from November 29th, Lots 24 and 22, Blk. 24; % cash, bal. 2 and 18 months. SECTION FIVE. Lot “5. Blk. 29; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lots 12 and 43, Bik. 2; cash, bal. 18 months. :, $ and “13 months. % Lots fra a i3fe, Blk. 34; % ot 8, . 8; cgsh, bal. 6 and 1 cas al. years. “mes 8 Lots 12 and 13, Bik. 36; % cash, bal. Lots 16 and 17, BIk. 17; % casb, bal. ; vier Ee a7 ee bah & shot 6, 12 and 18 ‘months. ot 19, Bik, 38; aay Des 2 InOnwES, Lot 7, Blk. 18; 1-3 cash, bai. 6 and 12 eee tine ae tee! ast anes months, 8 months. Lot 9, Bik. 22; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot 4, Blk. 38; 4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months. 5 per cent off deferred 18_ months. payments for cash. Lot 7, Bik. 38; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lot 10, Blk. 22; 4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months. 18 months. § per cent off deferred oe > Sere % cash, bal. 6, 12 and payments for cash. S montas. Lot 4, Bik. 25; $1,243 cash, bal. $25 Lot 3, Bik. 39; 4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and er month, no interest. Has 4-room 18 months. : n9uUse. Lot 4, Bik. 39; %4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and Lots 1 and 2, Bik. 36; cash, bal. 18 months. 6, i2 18 and 24 ie, Has 5 see fh Bik, 39; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and cabins renting $7 per cabin. 8 months, : Lots 19 and 200 Bik. 39; 1-% cash, bal. ee o, ae L9; %4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 1 and 2 years. yer cent off de- 5 months. . L ferred payments fk caste ar 67, ee 39; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and ot 17, 42; 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 5 months. and i8 months, Lot 4% Bik. a 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 Lots 23 and 24, Blk. 19; % cash, bal. end 18 months. 6 and 12 months. f Lot 20, Blk. 46; %4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months. SECTION SIX. 5 6: % cas 42 4 Lot 41, Blk. 7; 1-3 cash, bal. 3 years. eric et seccemue aay ees She Heth Reds 11; % cash, bal. 6 and 12 Lot 22, Bik. 46; % cash, bal. 6, 12 and . Ry é ynths. Lot 16, Bik -i8; % cash, bal. 6 and 12 Sr eS ae al, 6, 12 ¢ eee Has 2-siorey building, 24x wade oe Pork econ vel, 6, 12 end 6, plastered. Store below. Six liv- % the clothing business. * They are the staples : and like all other staple > lines are handled on a s very close margin of \¢) eer ae e shes aschvshrshechyshssesehree Oysereur sey, profit and are therefore better for money any kind the suit value your other For than clothes, who. wants a WEAR our of $15.00, $25.00 Blue is the very to be of man to showing $18.50 and Serge best anywhere, We to give every Suits value found guarantee, these satisfaction in particular or your money will be cheerfully refunded. SEE OUR WINDOWS Sloan & Company Ltd. Sixth Street Alder Block ea SESTESEESSESEESESEES SERGE SES HESS ESE Sees HERES ,) ses ssessesies EEE : : = Subscribe For The Daily News |) 6 ” | REAL ESTATE NEERU A S & ews lassi 1e S. jj) | x, 2 |} Lot Block 28, Section 1, $2,800, Easy CA { } terms | icine ii he Lots 48 and 49, Block 17, Section 1, ASK UNCLE Jeppy | $8,325. Quarter cash uae | F Lot 30, Bloek 16, Section 1, $3,000. Half} —— cash 1 if —— n nt A Word or Each Insertio ee Luaes 51 and 52, Block 16, Section 1, #31,000, Gord terms . ¥ " Lots 23 and 24, Block 23, Section 1,} bie THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— $30,000 pair 6000. ese | Lot 9%, Block 20, Section 2, 00. $202.50 EE ee ec ees rs ee ere BE sk PPP wt cash ‘ - ee ESE et peer sesrmnsrms emer eres Se ee eS eh BY al iP any her oF aot ak bal “s et te me mere er er ere 4k ORE } 18 and 24 months ; One lot, block ‘ i ° | LAND PURCHASE NO?T1CE it yRh and 16, Block 9, Section 5, $2,100 cash, bal, ¢ ' For Rent da ~|Lot 11, Block 32, Sction 5, $1,000 dae Rupert will Have in the Early on one commencement, containing ,40 — =. | tw 13" Block Pe eccticn 7, $600 s2oo0| VN lot, b kK Spring and Summer , eRe Ee ees LEMUEL FREER cash, sod : "| cash, bal. ¢ . . tig , Lot 3, Block 21, Sction 7, $525. | One lot, block . i PRG Insurance Pak dan 3, 1044,” i f, Block 23, Section 7, $600, Terms.) cash, bal. 6, 12 Another storey is to be added b | . iaieieet aks ial oe and 2, Block 26, Section 7, eens a Me , g > * ae erred | Shoe stric jistrict o Soas as) Ss. as 6, 1 to the New Knox Hotel, which will re _ Skeena Land ig AA t Lot 6, Block 5, Section 7, $537 ry 91,4 1 ne lot, block ase z : ga ¢ OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just ‘Take notice that 1, ARO! INE JOHNSON,| Lots 40 and 41, Block 6, Section 1,100) ‘ As pal ; |give this well known house an] "getuomente “We wie every known class of | ake notice Re ay iO esd paE PRC lh addition of twenty-four rooms,| Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co | \onian intend to apply for permission to| Lots 33 and 34, Block 23, Section 8, $450) Ben te a ' \ é pure e the following described lands j each Easy terms . % cash a jand other improvements in the eer are armmarmmarmnrmeede | PURE nencing at a post planted at the|Lots 8 and 9, Block 20, Sction 8, 8750] One lot, block s building have been contracted W d / southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south pair. Half cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3) cash, ‘bal. eas : 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence; years. | Two lots, block 4 for. One of these is the con- ante north 60 Chains to the southeast corner of| . Stock in the can Laas Building a)" "880 cash, ba : , : ot. 3062 ence 0 chains along|Investment Company, Ltd., a 1.00 per ; )struction of a large SILLING POO | rer seer ere oot » tine of Lot 3062, thence. north 20 share. Call at our office for prospectus “wo etn 1 y r ‘ ~ 3 . a , TAN’ .< | chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence|and statement of earnings for the past) ash, Dé ‘ overlooking the harbor—a sort Of] wanrep—a general servant. Apply Mrs. chain a ag we Se Oe aS hes ‘oe tae | paar | Two lots, block $300 & observation room where guests ag cor. 3rd ave. and Hays er 3065 to point of commencement, contain- | 875 cash, bal, $15 | : cle, 5 acres yre or less > lo " . will have all the pleasure of the 1] Be 580 Bers MOKROLINE JOHNSON —INSURANCE— eda hale Gie bet $376,9 lis » arlor , ‘ine teorge| TWO gentlemen can have board in Scotch ote! asa “i ash, be ; I | ladies parlor on the Prince George family; comfortable home; piano. AD-| rateq pec. 93, 1914. KR. Carr, Agent. ff & Gi bb iis enta without any danger of an attack ply P. 0. 27. * Pub. Jan. 18, 1912. Cc a ery 1 ons festaurent on | oh estaurant on S¢ of mal de mer. The work of al-| cLeanine ss ressmaking. Mrs. ; THIRD AVENUE and ¢ 1 ; ; PR Lider a ocd oto Sone | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Farm land at Lak teration is to begin at once. Mat ee Range 5, - FOR RENT itachi tals ap iaeadladatahti x ; Take notice that I, Michas Beganis, cook, , YANTED — Res utft, especially | of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- Store, corner S« Choicest liquors and cigars— y Saban dec toda and iesap furnitare mission as purchase the following ar | street Savoy ; s. >» O. box 105.| scribed lands: | pedi te SDOUS sen rocns. ” Commencing at a post planted on the | due meted ai? north side of Williams Creek, at an the int, . Siac. 90 tion 2, $1,35 =MB E sewing. 12 4th} Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. Ry. crosses | One ot, oe 20, Section " Got-to thennne prices on many E ae RY and plain sewing <3 33 Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains $408.75 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. j ere u I, at Wallace’ ia. be hes from the ‘creek shore, thence south 30|Two lots, Block 20, Section 2, | §1.000| mi e lines at allace’s big sale, a Seer mere | Clidins, thence east 40 ae thence north | each; $392.50 cash, balance 1, 2 and gir oe Friday s wee 2 | 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to point} years e inning Friday this week. t ° h | of commencement, containing 120 acres,; One lot, Block 22, Section 5, 8th avenue I Phone 317 ————$$_____—— Business Cc ances | more or less with 7-room house and cabin, §2,600; MICHAS BEGANIS. very easy terms z Buliding on First Avenue. e a ~+ Fred E. Cowell, Agent. two lots, Block 45, Section 5, $800; haif| y The new building being erected SS Sagi ae Dated Oct. 21, 1911. = h, balance 6, 1% and 18 months; 7 Phone 150 . » MARRY—The Ideal Introduction Club leads Pub. Dec. er cer ae as on First avenue between the Knox to happiness. “Strictly private, high class | Ra Two lots, Block 27, Section 5, # ach; an ? sar stele 1< and reliable. Best in the West. Address | Skee and Distci-t —™istrict of Coast, half cash, balance 6 and 12,.months; 7 | jand Windsor hotel by Jule iC. Wilson: bor i776, Vencouver, B.C. eena Lan Velie per cent : a e@ nsurance COple Seguen will be occupied next 124 Take notice that I, Louts Caleris, driver, | TWO lots Block 27, Section 6, a1. 10 each; | th A cigar store and poo | of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- half cash, 12 and 18 months; ¢ per) I montn, A cigar store an ] | Reread fission to purchase the following de Block 9, Section 6,| i | room will oceupy the ground seribed lands ° morith: easy terms} M : Commencing at a post planted at the ber month; easy | floor and the upstairs has been Lost and Found | southeast corner of Lot 1720, thence south lo Section 6, $900; half) A neatly arranged for apartment [ao CHeTES: ence west <0. spats, aatios | 4! ‘Block 6, ‘Section 7, 700; ‘halt nee eatly arrange api ES 6 | omer rere rarer north S) chains, thence east 40 chains to UN , Blo 6, Section 7, $700; half) Emp! | : be S Ce | point of commencement, containing 320 cash, balance 6 and 12 months; 7 per) Contractors’ 2 OUND—Silver watch Sunday afternoon] acres, more or less. cent . i | a Ter Comes from Yarmouth. near Little's News stand. call #31 41n| LOUIS CALERIS. wash, 6, 13 nd 19 ea oer , . y 5 ; . 9 > owe m7 cash, 6, 12 an 8 months | r W. E. Newell arrived by the ave 21 Dated Ont: $1. Seti: E. Cowell, Agent | Do ble corner, Block 34, Section 8, $700;} | & | Pyincess May from Yarmouth,|Lost—one diamond sleeve link between| Pub. Dec. 9. oat cant ee Pee ‘months; ac ea ty x LASUYAaNCe ue ci ‘ eimai A corner of 8th ave. and McBride and Cen- | Em Pe ge os AO shebes. fo Sate os de COMPA Nova Scotia. Mr. Newell will tak tral Hotel. Rturn to Peter Black, Cen-| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | A!berta farm, 160 acres, for sale or trade) cote the position of accountant for the tral Hotel, and receive reward, i | Range 5. one een ™ P.S.—H , s ‘. Take notice that I, Dagobert Auriol, o7 Westholme Lumber Co, He 18 | qermimerermermirermerercrmermermede | Nanaimo, B. C., occupation miner, intend| LOTS IN Bb Sper pie Ba, SECTION OF |stopping at the ‘Saints’ Rest.” F Sal to apply for pee to purchase the or ale j following describe ands Pts aes Lots in Fort George, right at the boun-| _ 3 ‘ — ae Commencing at @ post pianted at the Saeen PHONE 301 7 southeast corner of Lot 4484. thence south daries of the G. T. P. Reservation on OF YUKON GOLD Feet treater ere | 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence Bs PONY EXPRESS . . . ‘ north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to r eer ct FOR SALE—3 Collie pups. Apply Drexel} 7 ancame : 4 ; 4 5 5 polat of commencement, containing 160 Th. COLLART SYSTEMATIC MERCH Inkstand and Pen Presented to; ots, city, ®t | acres, more or less, Sir Wilfrid Laurier - FE ERT nit bednt Sole Agent | Baggage, Storage and I ernie TENDERS WANTED Date Nov. 10th, 1044. r s Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. | oe . = . * Pub. Dec. 9. z | Seventh Ave. and Fult de Ottawa, Feb. 8.—Sir Wilfrid —- | ' Bex 805 225 6th St. Phone 381 | Sever Laurier was the recipient of a Tenders will be received by the under-|Skeena Land District—District of Queen | sey Sts f *f tl | ri signed up to 5 p. m., Feb. 19th for the] Charlotte Islands. unique gift rom 1e people O1| painting, outside and inside, of the new) Take notice that Ellen Marion Young, of aan | y Territor on F. 7. | re_hall. | Victoria, B. C., occupation spinster, intends LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, |} the Yukon Territory, when F. T./" "Specifications at oMce of J _W. Potter,| to apply for permission to purchase the | ran . él, Congdo C0: exo >. present-| architect. ERNEST A. WOODS, | following descrilsed lands Seno ee songdon, K. C.,, ex-M. P., pr | . ’ gt City Clerk | Commencing at a post planted at the ed him with a solid gold pen and southeast corner of Lot 1552, thence west|Skeena Land District District of Coast} Workingman’s H : ——— 0 > no “aS sr of Lot 1553 ence lange f inkstand made out of Yukon gold. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Fe sin Eee ht ea a NY Aegan bath ee Take notice that Eathileen Agne worM Free Labor Bureau in Connection The gift was suitably inscribed Take notice that the partnership here-|P0!nt of commencement, containing one | tr ccuy ! ends t vee Pt . 178 ey as a recognition of Sir Wilfrid's] tofore subsisting between Thomas Stewart ie a afer roe Stee See eee é 3 ae GEO BRODERI F ; and the undersigne known as the Hays ; 0 . . nt ! - anh : work in opening up the Yukon.|Cove Fish Market, carrying on business on Be anebal ¥a4 “phe ‘ o oe of " sats x } Sixth avenue, at the City of Prince Rupert, Dated Nov. 15, 19114 ee dist distant 13.7 WAR RISKS TAKEN jis hereby dissolved as from the first day Pub. Dec. 15. 1911 bains south from the orth west ¢ rae c AI AGE nf ;of February, 1912 ’ Ce , she said Jot, thence west 60 chains more | "ARTAGE amt @ ( ak i) » tha will not be re e@ eas ) e eSBs i r ' } oem | sponsipiew “ror "any' debts” Incurred hy Skeena Land District-—pistrict of Coast, | tivs.d0 Mi cntehs asad ce Bua ar Fell LINDSAY’ STORAGE i i Thomas Stewart relation to said part lange 5. Stee” intents mekias nd ne 4 to Shipowners Insure Against War | toy atten the sald first day of Feb.| Take notice that I, John Argtractis, car- | !\ r Slough easterly and northerly %0 with Germany. lruary, 1912 ; penter, of Victoria, B, C., intend to ‘apply | Polnt of | commencement, GP. Transfer Agents Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th} Av perauesion to purchase the following KATHLEEN AGNEW Ont e.* Seep day of February, 1912. escribed lands: Augustus W. Agnew, Agent i ; : ee ty His Solicitor, Lewis ; ore, | 4 ; ¥ - : . Pub. Feb. 10 ef ey oor |e oe, ERS! Saree oe geet egtioe OFFICE =H. B Roche ' cover the risk of war between | PURCHASING AGENT. | ba x from thence stertront, thence south | thence west one hundred chains, more or ew find no one Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| less, thence north ninety chains, thence d Han tony knows yet. He says it is about|]* a Range 5. | ast to the beach, thence along beach to econ . ee an ‘ -) | ake notice that I, Sampel Belltees,| point of commencement, containing six the fourth or fifth stampede to} BE WARNED, RUPERT gardener, of Victoria, Intend to apply for | hundred and forty acres’ (640), more or| Ay) kinds of New the same stream during his permission to purchase the following de- | less. ie | Goods B : ; scribed lands ALFRED M'GREGOR, " Yukon experience, but may turn| Toronto Can Now Lay Tracks on Commencing at a post planted on the| George Young, Agent. M. CROSBY 3rd Att se enn Poms ‘“ north side of Wililams Creek, about ten Dated Nov. 15, 1011, nd ath out good for all that, Her Own Streets. chalus "back trom" the ereek’ Banh, and | Pub. Dee. 18. 401% | F. M. CRE 3B ; ee abou ty chains southeast from where | : $ 4 : the Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. right- |= DEMAND MORE PAY Special to Daily News. of-way crosses Williams Greek, thence | Skeena Land District*pistrict of Queen | oe Toronto, Feb. 14.—The act of south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, | Charlotte Islands, ’ : oe thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 | Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, e Eight eenened Thousand Coal legislation under which the city Shains 0 point of commencement, con- | Of Saanich, B, C., occupation farmer, in 1a 4 WHS . te aining 160 acres, more or less lends to apply for permission to lease the Miners Threaten to Strike. Toronto may proceed to ets SAMI EL BEILTEES following described lands: seandiehiciciiemetier struct stree ‘ar line , in the ‘red E, Cowell, Agent. Commencing at @ post planted at the! ‘ truet treet car lime ° withir Dated Oct. $1, 1911 . | 50 utheast corner, being arnt one mile 10 ht London, Feb. 414.—A_ confer-| boundaries covered in the Toron- Pub, Dec, 9. | € ast of the “northwost corner of Lot dad? Prince Rupert 0 ge, “ve ence of .the representatives of|}to Railway Company's charter Sa tiie ae ae oe uth boundary 0 , } aa | Lor 1550, thence weet to the east boundary | No. 63 800,000 coal miners in the| has gone into effect. This means Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, | of Lot 1550, thence south along the said | s : ; Take notice that Frank Furey, of Seattle,| boundary to the southeast corner of said k l “dt rd held here 2 he } | nitec Kingdom, hels ere yes-|that the city is at liberty to n= | apply ' occupation chainman, intends to| Lot 1580, thence west along said boun- | Meets in the evening Aina : Sar Fn le pia apply for permission to purchase the fol-| dary to the east bo ry of Le ve ay, ( I d th s aug ate ; . 7 purcha the fo ast boundary of Lot 1549, a terday) onfirmed e decision to! 1ugurate the Banforth avenue | lowing describedglands: |} thence south along the said boundary to Every Tuesday bring about a stoppage of work/car line and provide a service for Pen oon A @ post planted about Bix | the borth boundary of Lot 1552, thence | 4)) ynembers in ¢£ .OF 2» Mines ‘ . . as | es cast 0 ne Naas ver and about) east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552, ° in all coal mines of Engiand and | the people of East Toronto. ; Seven miles north of Alyansh, thence north | the north to the northwest corner “ot city are ; leighty chains t . Wales on February 29, unless in elghty chains,’ weet alain’ cana rier | Ot ement, containing ex hendied 00) | the the meantime an increase in When a love letter is read in| °f commencement acres, more or less | vy. G ag ore ‘ FRANK FUREY | I y iHnT J GLA® wages is granted all the menjecourt every man thinks nes H.'P. Rutter, Agent, | mins ee ete A, DI ea j}underground, |wouldnt’ write one that gushy. Peted Oot gar 1888 Dated Nov 16, 1011. : w. G, BA : e ° ° ‘ub, Dec, 15, 1014, “wo saci FE er ts ee ee ee rs tt SSS Exclusive Offerings j | —in “Not what we atch Bi but what we want. ”.. Merrick. The News W ay is a Good Wa, Way a Nr aie