f 7: - paiLy NEWS \\ a leading Paper bh. nn met Ae aLive *, i 19 PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1944. — . ———— ———aE ee ary oe SAYS: iit tt com oud ng from humidity those Raster hh, i anythipg on ne re es PRICE FIVE CENTS ATIONS ON BRINK OF A GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR DNDON PESSIMISTIC-REPORT THAT BELGRADE HAS BEEN OCCUPIED-RUSSIA WANTS TO FIGHT DECKING PLANK ROADWAYS AGAIN BEFORE CITY COUNCIL ERMEN DISCUSSED FAMILIAR ToPIC INFORMALLY AND DECIDED TO MAKE PERSONAL INSPECTION call WORN OUT ROADWAY The Mayor the at do it if had the question and) Ald, Maitland ouple of the aldermen be over the debates > pes ol Ald. Dytbhavn favored Fifth Avenue to MeBride decking penis plank roads { said they tan ‘ i Couneil in It m un ly was suggested all go out walks and be om a report next Council meeting Basso-Bert the most mical he would not support plan It would not be property tha a live prepare Mon yet at | day's Ald was They | and uld be , other roads | to the The | wise of Attention was drawn to the d of going | that of the needed d ing the ‘ ty ouneil ! same econo sho plank ceable. owners degree th some parts new and the that that we a part of i there a i. mie the Ald. Dybhavn and presented a motion Aver Fulton including Tatlow, nue Fast be Was til the a Ald mud sills an aldermen all rk would have either pron Opinion as verer of the brac |! the inasmuch «timated sub ! : aty ount be ‘a gen. words plan, ounced to what fact Mor that Sixth to McBride and Fifth Avy decked. The mo withdraw: rs make a per thougt al was of disec it done un T issey laws per by a live ; ie um ight the! d belvey vt the t ventually ouneill vest M ‘ hue : igation ested that rriseey the declined pedestris I to in out- a little every = he the every claim uns on over! road KAnOWS plank the aldermen thought to have the fire auto wed how many planks it McBride eck bridge ral funds is | posed to tap the city main ER SERVICE FOR 5 eet as eres QUARANTINE STATION! 8 ot Pavk Avenue This caie ed to a@ six inch at Avenue and the line will along the avenue to Point where a four inch oint main will cross the harbor to the quarantine station. Over on Digby the main will run the to the hospital island, rhis whole line will be put in the Dominion Government but a subsequent date the city will the government for f the line which will used to supply sections three and fou! That is the reason the big main is put in ‘ a. he ad then esti qi urnment, m was given " lar ! Crescent ion District ‘Qaginese tn- vcted to Make Prepara- tions continue Fairview flexible er in charge Publie Works has received the line ver bridge epat iad pipe atio pe ine ten- to Digby will draw by iter at n on retmburse that Portion o eity supply. ] ” "SRR eRe e ‘he city will start to pay for LUSTRATED LECTURE * | ie Gas wane eae */tions three and four have been Woodside, M.A., # put on the market It will be he Land of * paid for in sections as utilized by Burns,” Thursday * the olds uly 30th, at-the @ The deal is considered a very n Chareh Hall, * good one for the city and will be ie, East Musi- # a bie advantage to property in ! in addition. *) sections three and four when - * | they are put on the market, * erro el SS Coast Oakland, 1. Los Angeles Portland, San Francisco 4; Northwestern 5: 9 ’ 5 Ballard, 2; Tacoma, 1. ' ER A HOUSE Seattle, 8; Vancouver, 5, Spokane, 3; Victoria, 5. 0) = N | G H T American New York, 6; Cleveland, 2, New York, 10; Cleveland, 6, Boston, 8; Chicago, 4. OME SW ” Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 5, . EET HOME Washington, 9; Detroit, 7. | National Five Reel Photo-Drama Pittsburg, 0; New York, 4. "unded on the Song That Chieago, 3; Boston, 8 ves Every Human Heart Bt. Louis &: Philadelphia, 5 | Gineinnati, 8; Brooklyn, 5; 13 Dhin Howard Paynes im jinnings, - ’ oe Ortal son m @ visualized in a You should hear Rev. Mr, 4gnificent fiv rt a prod i ope Woodsides'’ lecture ont rhe Land uction lef Seott and Burns,’ at the Pres Mission byterian Chureh Hall, Thursday = 165e and 260 evening lt is a lendid travel Children, 10¢ lecture by one of the best lec- "9900 cccnncooooooooooosonoes| \\il'0l's in British Columbia, and look said repairing plan any fair other. fact roads agreed to be differ- was SAFE WEIGHED TON STOLEN BY THIEVES Robbers Then Used Dynamite and Secured Two Hundred Dollars Daring burg- dsay and after mh stole ton, station, veighing a ry and deposit- safe in the rail- the corporation safe was dyna- To necessary to m oof the door this was done l nd { ish removed. t was rtiv it : wall, b It is got aw red dk P.R the | head of The the been mated that the robbers | with nearly two hund- as fortunately the in official had remitted of the i irs etatic cal police are case, but as yet nothing ined to the where if the midnight robber® sed that they had d made a - as abouts It waiting getaway pp auto a i at clean cl day's sales to the} working on | has | 165tf | has the fresh cream flavor. 173-5 Special t Berlin, highest s« The Dally News From the is learned that a break Germany and Russia The im- pression is abroad that the Kais- negotiatior with the Czar failed, Belgrade Occupied London, July 30,—-Aeccording to The Times, diplomatic relations between Austria and Russia suspended. A Vienna despatch that after heavy bombardment from the Danube gunboats, Belgrade was occupied by Austrian troops on Wednesday. British Fleet Sail July 30.—-Britain's fleet consisting of 28 14 battle cruisers and left Portland sail- under or July 30 sureces it between is impending er’s is have are says London, first battle battleships, 70 destroyers ing westwWard sealed ders. A general calling in of all the troops to cover the neighboring garrisons has commenced by telegrams About 1,000 men be longing to the four infantry regi- ments left Colehester by special train for Harwick and Felixtowe neighborhood» fully armed and equipped and carrying baggage supplies and ammunition. The war office insists that the move- ment is purely precautionary and that no measures of mobiliza- tion is contemplated, Europe More Anxious London, July 36.—-The day's events has brought no relief to the suspense nor there any diplomatic achievements to re- striet to Austro-Servia the war between those two nations The feeling existing through- out England and the continental feeling as retlected by the corres- pondents of the London papers is distinetly more anxious than yes- terday. Two events have made for pessimism, The direct nego- tiations between Russia and Aus tria have failed, Russia is mobi- lizing against the Austrian frontier four army corps, each of four districts, consisting of 1,280,000 men, The Russian Servia is resolve to stand by appears fixed, The Russian censor approved of des patches declaring that Russian sentiment was all for taking up arms. A manifesto by Russian Emperor making his policy clear is expected hourly, Russia to Stand by Servia 2th: “During the night Belgrade|in the very forefront of Canada’s | St. Petersburg. July 30.—In}]W8S bomberded with shells which|best. He preaches the message Russia es the die is east and|!®!! various quarters of the|with enthusiasm born of sincer- jonly a political miracle ean avert|t0W", causing great damage. Sev-Jity, and even at his worst is al- war. Russia will not swerve from|®’4! fell on the Franco-Servian|ways good. To see him in the its diet ation to support|®"¢ Andreviteh banks. Both] puipit is a sight never to be for- iServia. A partial mobilization is |!@"455 have lodged protests with|gotten. The tall man, whose already ordered and there is|*he German legation, The artil-|kindly face shows plainly the every ition that the whole|!ery duel is proceeding at Vich-|marks of the hard life he has milita achinery of Russia will |"itza about three and half miles|fought for his master, leaves an be soon set in action. An im_|40wn the river from Belgrade. impress that will remain indeli- perial manifesto is awaited to- Spain Assembling Fleet ble for all them. Now he declares night. Should, as is understood, Gibraltar, July 30.—Spain has the truth in quiet conversational Emperor Nicholas become gen-| gered every available warship manner, now he proves his state- eralissin the Russian forees, | ¢,, assembles ah nieario Isles is ment with emphasis, and again an immense war enthusiasm will|the Mediterranean. The battle- his clear voice rings and the face sweep over Nussia. ship Playo and several cruisers |®"°W® ete as be seee a All polit parties have sunk]|are proceeding from the Moorish mearere ~ a - ce em their diff es and the general|coast. The cruiser Estremadurn mont, — hae | " a attitude is jingoistic but a re-|and the torpedo boat Castro are a: with commen he solute ae red, “ Peation eeving for the same iaatane the folly of man in - ” ary Pa. 5 7a ee seeking first the things of the readiness to make sacrifices, Beiguim Getting Troops Ready j[yo.ig But look, he now leans Phe proposal attributed to Aus-| — Brussels, July 30.—The Bel-|forward over ti pulpit with tria that she will discuss terms|¢ian cabinet has decided to call|hands clasped, and a beautiful when Belgrade is occupied is Te-} out immediately three classes of|smile lights up his countenance garded as impossible, Tt is point-larmy reservists and military}as he tells of the wonderous love ed out that before the opening of} pnoyements in Belgium are being|of God. Here is a man, talking hostilities ssia proposed to} Dushed rapidly. By this evening |not from what he has heard oth- Austria a direct exchange of[499,000 men will be ready forjers say, but telling in unmistake- ee “eee yn | service. able terms the truth he himself rhe apes _ . at ee Endeavor to Localize War has experienced, pees) tact. considered} London, July 30.—Lord Roth- But not only in ogteny % has Diedehir ahdni@nenh schild, in an interview given yes-|™M?- Great wou fame, but } a terday, says he thinks the situa-|the nearer relationship of friend Servian Steamers Captured tion looks rather better but hej} friend, that one really learns Vienna, J }0.—-The Servians| goes not know personally of ony the wonderful power of the man. al 1:40 yesterday afternoon blew! developments in the situation, | He does not wear that stiff, saint- up the bridge spanning the River|4¢ the same time, it looks as if|!»: goody-goody expression 80 Save between the Austrian town|there were more chances of the|¢®™mon amongst ministers, but of Semlin and the Servian city Of} war being localized without |be is the most approachable of Belgrade. action, Belgrade is Bombarded RUSSIA AND GERMANY BREAK — BELGRADE OCCUPIED BY AUSTRIANS Highest Sources in Berlin and London Believe War Cannot be Averted---One Despatch Says Belgrade Has Been Bom- barded and Occupied--All Nations Mobilizing spreading to other great nations, The Austrian infantry and ar- The seriousness of the Euro | beats a heart of deepest love, and tillery are stationed at Semlin and] pean situation was reflected in|4% tender as the heart of a child, in conjunction with the monitors|the London Stock Exchange. and it is the great experience of in the Danube are firing on the British console dropped to 69%,|the writer to know that in the Servian positions beyond the}ihe lowest point reached since|ev. H. R. Grant there is to be bridge. The Servians retreated|the early years of the last een-|found a true friend indeed for with trifling losses, A small de-|tupy, ” every needy — To oe eee tachment of pioneers in co-oper- of Prince Rupert this would I say; ation with the customs officers Gorman Pease Message Give Mr. Grant your fullest con- captured two Servian steamers| . Berlin, duly 30.—The North | adence, and you will never find it laden with ammunition and mines| German Gazette says there is a] nisnlaced. He hates cant because The pioneers and eustoms offie- peaceful tone prevailing, An of- he himself lives to the letter that ers, after a short and sharp en ‘Rolal Russian communication is-lwhich he preaches, With him vounter, overcame the = Servian sued yesterday finds a lively echo Christianity is a “big’ thing, and crews and took possession of the jhere. The Imperial German gov- he makes one feel the greatness jernment shares the wish of Rus- vessels and the dangerous car. jsia for the maintenance = of B08, ful relations, and hopes that Kmperor Franz Josef will re~| fh vs - a veople will t ' ‘ ne ‘ « , turn to Vienna from Isehl to-da: ak a saaietaiall ees in ; i > and may then go to Budapest 4 , : \ pidiieniie : ® ge i quite i 4 ‘ee order to be nearer the seene of| Ae Ques S ie releson uM foreian affairs, Eastern Fleets Active Athens, July 30.—-The Austrian Shanghai, July 30.--The Brit. legation received the following/ish and German Par Easter: telegram from Nich dated duly [foots are reported mobilizing. INTERESTING CEREMONY OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. H.R. GRANT INDUCTED INTO LOCAL PRESBYTERIAN CHARGE FOL- LOWED IN DETAIL—ADDRESS OF WELCOME FROM LOCAL CLERGY Ek. Collison and Rev. J. F. Dim- mick and Capt. Edwards of the Salvation Army, delivered appro- priate addresses of welcome. At the close Mr. Grant responded with “winged words” and again convinced his people that they have secured the services of a big man. After the formal part of the ceremony was over a very pleas- Miss which ing program of songs by Nauman and Mr. Davis, were well received, and an excel- lently rendered reading by Mrs. Patterson. Rev. H. R. Grant EEE HEHE ° “a HATCH BELIEVES HE * CAN LEAD YOU TO IT * . . WILL WIN MATCH : ; here —) - e & ¥ idle * p $50, Which Was Promptly nen in the city and perhaps * @ those Whose occupations @ Cereeee ereewe e * are speculative have not the * Supporters . aie os ae a ; Al Hatch, who is to wrestle * Prince Rupert is not hard # Pete Sigurdson in MeIntyre Hall, * up—its citizens are all liv. #|54turday night to try and recov- Last evening was a_ proud * ing well and buying good #/|° the middie weight champion-|time for the Presbyterians. They * raiment and the choicest # ship of British Columbia, arrived|turned out in force to honor the * offerings of the food market, *|Yesterday and is staying in the}induction of their pastor, Rev. H. * Are you getting your share *|City with friends. He is training]R. Grant. and to welcome him * of the business? @| between eight and nine at theland his family into their midst. * If you Wimve got the goods # Windsor. and Pete is working out Rev. Dr, J. Knox Wright, agent * to offer, The Daily News can *|°™® hour earlier. of the British and Foreign Bible # lead you to the buyers It * On his arrival yesterday|Society preached an appropriate \* has more readers and a # Hatch posted $50 on himself at]sermon. The moderator of the rs greater circulation in Prince *|0: Lessier’s, and it was promptly] Presbytery, who also presided, * Rupert than any paper pub- #* covered. addressed fitting words to the le lished * Chet MeIntyre, who is both alpeople with regard to their treat- . e boxer > wrestler, has offered|ment of Mr. Grant. Other visiting to match with the winner of Sat-|¢lergyme c i Rev. G (eee ee EL Uoday night's contest. Rin, Rev. W. W. Wright, Rev. W. . , : The referee will be Frank Mit- The Prince Rupert Towing Co.,|chell of New York and Montreal. eee oe a general towing; the new crude oi}!He understands the game thor- = ltueg “PLAT. No. 1.” Phone Rea |°USHIY and is unknown to both jthe contestants. . 2 301 or Black 322. Address: P.O. | 3 An Appreciation of | Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Use “C année. First © bream," it atom | Crude Oil Motor. Written by a Member of His Late Congregation The translation of the Rev. H. R. Grant from Vancouver to Prince Rupert should be the cause of much satisfaction the to citi- zens of the northern city. who have called a man whose worth they can only as yet surmise. Vancouver's loss is Prince Rup- ert’s great gain and the pulpits df Prince Rupert have received a great addition in the “Sky Pilot.” As a preacher Mr. Grant stands men, In the great big man, there of the cause. He is @ man, every inch a man. He loves to wateh the baseball game, and at curling has made a name. He loves the joke, and loves the joker, and in all things he is practical, But not only in Mr. Grant has Prince Rupert gained & great ac- quisition, bul also in Mrs, Grant r1lhave they gained one whe will of all with whom she comes in contact. She is a worker and has a wonderful gift for heading the young, and is an admirable help to Mr. Grant in his work. Mr. and Mrs, Grant are blessed with a family whom the people of Prince Rupert will love as warm- ly as did the people of St. Paul's at Vancouver. Accompanying the Grants is Miss Stewart who leaves behind her in Vancouver a_ record of much good work well done. Her place will be hard to fill as an active worker in Bible class. Many hearts in Vancouver are aching because of the parting of the friends they loved so deeply. Men have fought great batties for their land and country, but no man has done more for the land he loves than the Rev. H. R. Grant who has raised men to higher heights and higher ideals. Indeed he is a sky-pilot. —H. F. Local Firm Got Tender The city engineer and pur- chasing agent reported to the City Council that the tender of the Pacifie Coast Pipe Company for wooden sewer pipe was low- est at $670.25, and Handasyde & Clayton's tender was $677.80. The Council decided to accept the ten- der of the local firm in consider- ation of the faet that there was only $7.55 difference. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, ERE REE ERE EE HH . * * WHY FISH WITHOUT BAIT? * * * H. G. Helgerson Ltd. be- lieve it pays to advertise. Yesterday they advertised in The Daily News a house for sale on Ambrose Avenue on lot 5. block 42, section 7. The result was a quick sale to one party out of seven who applied for it. The price realized was $2,400. Sooner or later everybody will take the tip. Advertising is the “bait” on the hook, and surely nobody would fish . a * * * . . * * * . + . * without bait. 7 * . * 7. * * ° + . * « * * * 7 * +. RRR SNAP LOT 19 BLOCK 14, SEO, 1, $16,000 TERMS, $8,000 CASH BALANCE AT END OF TWO YEARS; INTEREST BOX 71, DAILY NEWS win the respect and warmest love = OR