POPP C+ be | THE DAILY NEWS : ; LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | : tit ; i . : | ! . Rand, President, ne tages WAR TIMES!" ..... ~THE PRINCE RUPERT s) sepa. csae| AND DOOR OOMPANY, I : see ted the rifles and Manufacturers BUT YOU WOULDN'T THINK THEY WERE HARD TIMES IF YOU SHOULD VISIT J winery opening rriday ont ogy pment sn a few dave Phere Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings 8706 Ban Sy OUR STORE DURING BUSINESS HOURS I | M Kuster. ‘ 207-8-9) a } to & ‘ 1 tures, House Finish a Spec orm , number goune pon | gle Pace Rape Lit | Seapine She's Bae Won aay OUR S ALE aa | ae ri case in the County Ce | GROWING BIGGER BETTER AND BUSIFR EVERY DAY BECA lV .. ecm oko : rip Ui = ADA USE WE ARE GIVING our vs ave ey ROYAL BANK OF CA NADA | VALUES THAT SUPRISE EVERYBODY AND MAKING OUR STORE THE TALK OF THE TOWN. ONE MORE BIG WEEK OF THIS SALE TO GO, AND WE ARE GOING > . * Norfolk Rooms, Steam heat HEAD OFFICI MONTREAI ind cold water. Terms rv ‘ } ae . , | Capital . $ 11,5600 | TO MAKE IT A HUMMER. 6th Ave. and Fulton. |! seo Wa On Reeseve Pune 42,56 Se ates the hunting tris Total Assets 175 ,00¢ rhe James Carruthers cat Savings Bank Department — $1 Wii! « bis with £40,000 px By { ! s and an-| Branches Throughout ' : Ount soe Pee eae ee eevee hovie been discovered it tions With All Pa ' : ae a pI " comme J Agents Throughout the Wor SUIT MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS RAINCOAT es: kewine SRMIRMNIE TS Boe Mttagte Prince tuner tase Regular $25.00 for Regular $1.50 for Regular $17.50 for wen a po ge Be al e producing mor secececorroreococsoceseesel rw ladies o rines tuper re $11.90 $13.50 rly ned to atoning tat 2.0 00 ome cea a oo ae OO) rh shia “Win ik: sity a THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF 8. LIMITED | rt Mevers schooner, will be in tonightifrom| Scientists have figured that her fishing grounds in the Behr bout 3¢ 10,000 babies are bor $5. VENTURE ne Sea. She has been awfy for ! ‘ at a rate of ab Sails for Port Sim we ym, M B ma ia . ‘ several months. seventy a minute for Van * * * siniin-eanienaisiatites ia iainentiitias RAINCOAT 7 LADIES’ RAINCOATS d Ppokanc both came ta this|strecia with wan and off lampe.[1 gins gs Tn CHELORSI / morning about 2? o'clock Later | soon will begin a six months’ tes Var ver, Vict Beatil | J the Spokane eat Ww an f f electr ing awe - ; er — Regular $12.50 for _ Regular $10.00 for bode os eS rth and th { lighting Ageney: \ omnia ; eeeen, Sais Stoamere $9 65 : $6 75 ee > PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND ave 4 A . General Manager Morley Dot Prince Rupert Dairy Poerrreroceoroes = aldson. of the G. T. P., will ar a rive at 6 o'clock this evening from Phone Green 252 ————e yuver Viet i, Seat t the East. Supt. H. McColl, of Ed tai "2 ahien oe rrrrnne . die Gevichan, wt cnddenmetiy tit. Holstein Milk for Babies nttig ial ** * specially Bottled ‘ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawle, who TESTED cows @ 3 PHONE--3§ ; i SS have been spending a couple 0 ape na ' ; n ns ths in | sated Can a bs An invitation is cordially ex- ; ’ cage on is tended to the citizens interested ' : ' : . 2 9 .%) - 4:5 tendo during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 : Wednesdays and Saturdays whe ’ Regular 25c Pair Regular $30.00 for Regular $3.00 for s ro ea anaemia: row fn ode ns The Complete Household 2 FOR 25¢ $14.50 $1.65 nny ath mp ag yes Furnishings of a modern . . & g; ; 6-room Flat. Birdseye, maple and oak furniture, tug P.A.T. No. 1.° Phone Red ALF HALLIGAN Black 322. Address: P.O + BLACK CASHMERE SOX KING HATS + wega 4 oe ars ae to inspect the dairy premises WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE : TAXI . : ‘ * * FEEEEEREREEREE EERE EERE EEE 96. Ageney for the “Avance” | ¥# *|$ malleable range. Every- EERE ED REET Oil Motor iosur|} FIRE ALARM SYSTEM {3 thing practically mew. * al eecocoocoooroes cocrccumm : si : sal Ag . : Can be seen anytime at — Sakae Et ree le” clean : CIRCUIT NO. 1. ‘ the Angle Apts., 6th and ' i n 1 woods ' - s s wee the dhiet ob @ox 12—5th St. and Sra Ave s Fulton. Flat can be The ycelsig\t » the Gartiaiiis heels we ee cate ae ae ae coe | leased, if desired, cheap. _ quite a few su Gog 96-—sunctien of ist, 2nd and * | Also a Insurance Company get g game . | ; : oa wor tein ave, verweeo am ane 13 DQ) ft Gasoline Launch ee nda‘ : Mondag’were b Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) j ” A specially prep set of , — Bor 17—1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen 9 /$ Only 4 months old, at a on various plans nour . . . — days fort j ters and tine tral Hotel.) *| - . Bee 7 with be mailed y | P | yvoods were f of them. Severa ; : Bargain qraperty aeied ou } deer were br ght in but there|# CIRCUIT NO. 2. Name in full GERMANS CUT ‘GERMAN CRUISERS BELGIANS FLOOD were more complaints about the|$ Se #2—2rd Ave, and ara st. P. R. HARRIS ie aus Gaehecs , sather n game wes Sessa.) » 6th and Fultor te rance PACIFIC CABLE ___ SINK FISHING BOATS MALINES AND ee es ae Bor 28-—8rd Ave. and Mebride Si * a. s. ' - Bor 24—ist Ave. and McBride St * Taking © r NEAR FANNING IS. IN NORTH SEA > SLAUGHTER ENEMY| ies terrow ant tomoo sta. | Rip seotoa how tna tue at eS gen, who are to meet in a boxing Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th St z form of Policy, » —S dienes oa 5 e wii . ‘ ditions, specie (Spectss to The Daily News.) | (Special to The Daily News.) (Special to The Dally News.) Gntess Sere aturday night asec dete z oeck Le ties querenteed vale a } e 0 ra I : nd- - eitabie Vancuover, Sept. 8—The Pa-e London, Sept. 5.—The Admir-| London, Sept. ¢ he Germat wom, Ruse ' g at the Wi CNOUIT HO. 8. 7 ¥ ia “ peculiarly desir c Pp ' ' I " rman) cor last evenit Both boys wil ¥ {eo ca f ' ers cific cable has been cut some= | aliy announces that German |force left Brussels Saturday for hav , 1 : , { ' w th Ges 81-5 Ave. end Fulton St z | ae on ; Nir ‘paeve = sparring § parwmers Box 82—Borden and Taylor St : * ete crea eoonemneaan |eruleet have sunk fifteen British|the northwest to cut Antwerp’s|them this « g on 24- i te and on i : “ f )) _— = a "we s “ oats » N sea. |} com : I th the : ae Gor 36-—0th Ave. and Comox Ave a cy by the German cruiser Nurnberg. fishing boats in the North Sez mmuniecation with th coast @> DW RDS & gg eR ee ae Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge Pl 7 < A The cut is probably near Fan-| The fishermen were taken to Wil-|The Germans are bu g villages a ” “ D ’ 7 ' : oe * : . Box 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St TION KISSICK, E ning Island. lsemsshaven as war prisoners.|0" the way rhe Belgians have as “ u ne . © om li sa KISSICK The Nurnburg evidently elud- |The Germans have made a war !ooded the Malines distriet. The oo . “ = n atering ns Bes 01 pro = | f ed the Australian cruiser Austra-||evy of $40,000,000 on the Lille|!!ood caught a large ce of the or - oe a ae Ieee t A “" _— ae Prince Ri ‘BO aaial : and accident y slippe \ » ; lia at Honolulu and steamed 1.500 district Part of the British |(ermans waist dee} Their guns es 4 tiie, Ga + % oa aoe * Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride St. ¥ 6 ¢ ” 3): ene nner ‘miles south to Fanning Island. |{orce is now in Mauberge fortress |Were caught also. Then the Bel- for in tt 7 pital ae ‘ Ges <8-—-5& Ave. and Green St : WS The Nurnbuerg left Honolulu on with the French, being besieged | #!@ns opened fire with their artil-jo ¢ allies " * : * Box 44—6th Ave and Bast! St » September 1 with the Australia in iy the Germans and stoutly re-|!ery and inflicted | 88 On : Bos 45—7th Ave. and Enerts. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS. pursuit. sisting the floundering Germans The A hunting party composed of 5 Sp. COF--0@ Bre. ent Viens & . = . Sar low Barne . ; . wees as RR. iia | same thing was done at Tirmonde | ™ > Hoy Barnes, Jolin BLDC. | gg niaaindinainisinininninetinininiiié | — ‘THE DAILY NEWS LINER STRUCK GERMAN REPORTS _ | after the Germans had « aptured Oyclone” Scott and Lee Dell left FOR RENT | jthet place. vemeies i : , eos | PUK RENT-—Large furnished frong room, |) —————— | | 2 per mon App 0 val MINE - SANK | COEBEN aa } NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC alll, mouth Apply Box #7, pat | iatansliiain G AMAGE This is to warn the publie that BOXING FCR SALE (Special to The Daily News.) (Special to The Dally News.) patent is now pending for a pat- ome a - RN London, Sept. 6 4 Central] Washington, D. C., Sept. 8.—A jent on a cou I am installing in |! Mm SALI nas ons ‘s “ 708 > poore ‘ Su any 8 “oe |kitehen stoves and ranges. anc ‘ee ee a. 7 News dispatch says the Wilson|German wireless report says the | sa tae — » oa s > Frank Barrieau, of Vancouver, who is matched with | ide tan oat LO] liner Uno str 1 mine in the| Rritish cruiser Warrior is strand-|fringement on said coil. or oan? eae Hagen, will work out at 7:30 each night, and Romeo | FOR SALE.—Lot 18, Block 45, Section 6; North Sea today and went down. | ed probably as a result of a fight )ome having this installed, will be] agen, of Seattle, at 8:88 at the Windsor Hotel Gymncarum. $60 ‘ ash ‘and balapoe te cull Baap ot Bl (} k 29 The steamer left H Saturday ‘ , subject to be sued for damages | Frank Barrieau holds the welterweight championship an investment. Must have the money . aturday | with the Goeben, Which was es- anim Gee edaniicn mnades a a of Western Canada, and Romeo Hagen the welterweight Owner, 7.0, Box 80s tii s0eu with 600 passengers, inch ‘¢ &® caping from the Bosphorus. Price until Sept ; ‘I oda will championship of the Western States. WANTED SECT! yg . ‘ itil September 4! i : large number of Russian emi- The Goeben is Germany's larg-|be $15.00. The Reliable Plumber. | The contest will take place at the National Sporting a , grants. It is believed here that) est cruiser, She recently ran into HARRY HANSON i Club, Saturday, September 12. [FALL CLASS im Shorthand will begin most of the passengers were SaV- | the sosphorus to escape the Brit- Phone 489. } ; am, ant interested phone 77 ane re » ed, although many were | ish and should have been disman- , Ire ITION. As caretaker or cae of PRIC . 650 drowned tled by the ‘Turk ALLIES MAKE boarding house by experienced person v . ’ > 5. Highest references Bo yi. pally Re ; oe ea BRILLIANT FIGHTS | New ee y04-208 —- } |WANTED Two young gentionen for 70,000 PRISONERS |evenane sunerune cna wvoeornees) | KATEN HARDWARE COMPANY | °!2)*5cis.al alow ALL CASH GALICIA CLEAR!) Quiwory, Sept. 8 The Anglo. Bride , -™ $08-206 | Ll ' AND 300 CANNON ahaa French troops brilliantly drove|| T#IRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 f]} WANTED —rupiis for. business college, tn Prin hi £12.50 per month day TAKEN BY RUSSIANS are ence a eee back, the Geresane asap G5: Qapie Cmes, SESE, 958.50 Bee Se London, Sept. 8.—The Russian |t In a fleree fight at Thisselt Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Cease Leation, Seeond and Second Plumt $ } .G Apply bs ¥ ps have surrounded Przemeyl |) Belgium, the Germans lost hes ron re Supplies nae Giese Mirrors pi Box 99, Daily New oat (Special to The Daily News.) est of Lemberg, and the Austri-}3.000 men ' Oils | anges W A NT D Repre sentative ‘ ea b town, c : = wn OF ndies; wile or spare i: ) Petrograd, Sept. 7.—The Rus-j|ans’ last strong fortified city in s Varnishes Graniteware | build up business of their own and be G R. Nadi U0., sians in a battle yesterday and Galicia A squadron of German \s the handle on top of a new |. a aa ta pastas ore Kew ty today captured 70,000 Austrians Deaths Head were defeated and|sanitary sugar bow! is turned a MONARCH The *' Stay Satisfactory without capital, No experiepee neces ' "a — t! I } » j } the R al Rocur j aon : sary Write at once and get this won Nik VEN a Aareectaee ea ea ' 7 — : ougar sees ee derful offer The Merchants Premium Viti . and 300 nno I ie Lemberg vi | Poland. lusians @ eco a * hunny f \y ted Rang Association 4060 Gaseeia Bl, Saneoe in, Polan iu “ ‘ ie0 7 OU~ | -- ll ea aaieaeliae au i! ver Bb. Cc. Dept, B 205-207 —_— 6 G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ‘ 6 Ff. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) prince RUPERT