Tak DAILY — vu mewe | ye x GET THE LATEST war eee gain nee wrws FIRST Ee oe ae wet | IN THE DAILY NEWS —"* — ms mF e - - = —— —_____—__ wL. ' : PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——————— ea ——— a ee NG VISITS BRITISH TROOPS N THE TRENCHES RUSSIAN GENERAL RENNENKAMPF SUPERSEDED—-GERMANS LOSE MANY THOUSANDS AT LODZ a SS FLAY OF RUSSIAN GENERAL wow nussang_— sv. 2-+:++7 gam PROBLEM CHANCELLOR SAYS GERMANY . WON THE VICTORY « «| AGAIN TO BE DISCUSSED OWS GERMAN ARMY’S ESCAPE SNe ae ee ~ WILL FICHT TO LAST BREATH ALL vk . (Special to The Daily News) i* around in the postofice # me Thompeon, consulting —_— I Dy \ dispatch de-|# the day after some local #/engineer for the provincial gov- ipicetiomaine peayse OF THIS FAILURE HE WAS SUPERSEDED — CZAR \s cont fighting at/* merchant decided todo his */ernment is here to make @ re-| MOST OF SPEECH TAKEN UP WITH ATTACK ON BRITAIN—HE asoUT TO PAY A VISIT TO THE MEN town was elosely|# advertising through the */ port to the government on a pos- SHOWS GERMANY REALLY FEELS SHE HAS ONE AT THE FRONT. e Germans oOn|#® mails. If you have you # | sible settlement of the waterfront FOE—BRITAIN. ——— the Russians * must have noticed how */|The government holds some of cesses (Special to The Daily Mews) |Duke Nieholas heme f its licult situation.|# dodgers and “personal let- #/|the most valuable waterfront (Special to The Daily News.) proof of Belgium's guilt in being | rhe Morning | str: ategical scheme of its f ese 1 November |* ters” strew the floors. Go |property in the city and on sev- Speaking in the Reichstag to-|willing to surrender her neu- * stands that | cess and entained a wee f heavy |! t became ¢ ident on No-|# a little farther and watch *#/eral occasions an attempt was day, Bethmann Von Holwegg, the|trality to France but not to Ger- . pf has been | Aghting hat the Russians had|# the dodger which is sent @| made to get them to loosen up. Chancellor, said that Germany |™®"Y- Part of his speech was ape he was two | The arrival of the Czar at the | 88 1 victory rhe Germans|* broadeast over the town #*|The last attempt was made about weeks werdiek bb Mie test breath an indictment of the British pol- 1“ the position |front was to have been the oc.) wer t ed and pushed from) # or stuck behind the knobs #/eighteen months ago, when the ” : = icy being morally responsible for et in armies in|casion for the declaration of the|the rear but made supreme ef-|# of each door. Invariably *|Minister of Lands was here, and|'™ the war which had been forced the war. bola been hemmed) good news of the completion of|forts to pass Lodz to the east|* this form of advertising, aie agreed to attempt to solve the|on the German nation. The Reichstag was adourned to p This ibbed Grand| the Grand Duke's strategic plans.|@%d south. This effort cost them \* too, meets destruction. It *|problem. The government, how-| He declared he had written|March 2. heavily and they lost ten thou-|# is torn up or thrown to *!ever, like some people in Prince | sand men \* the winds. There is a rea- */|Rupert, thought this property rm IN POLAND KRUPP’S WORKS WERE ee * son or it The mails was going to be a mint right SITTING OF SUPREME AUSTRIANS FAILED TO j are flooded with cheap */away and consequently wante ISSTILL UNDECIDED BOMBARDED BY AVIATOR FIRST CONTINGENT sn oda uh chay_)evey an cnmguetyeuvted |” COURT IS RESUMED| CUT OFF MONTENEGRINS | OFFICERS RETURNING . got the habit of doing #|ent strenuous times will bring nt? eee a (peed & The ON Londom, Dec. 3—Rerlin reports * quick work with them. */the government to its senses The sitting of the Supreme (pects to Tye Salty Gees) London, D The inerfeas-j|say the Krupp’s factory at Essen (Special to The Daily News.) l@ the newspaper, on the # about their value of this prop- court reanes this morning at London, Dec. 54 pomnl-ooee th s in the vicin-|was bombarded by an aviator London, Dec. 3,+Sixty unat-|, other hand, has a legit! #jerty and enable the local people 10:30 o'clock. dispatch from Cetinje says that p of Y the arrival OT yesterday. Bombs were dropped apnea: sie Mme nis mate place. The people #*)to get what they need without Foreman Detine sagerves as ey _ ee ae oe ee oo re OE) i eee, Sat He eee eee most. coating mire want the news and inei- */|having to give all the money in the Grand Jury found true bills|trains have made continuoun ef- ph ere has beén!jator escaped unhurt. The ex-|With the first contingent, are |, dentally they read the ad. #|the world for it. in the three cases before them: j|forts to cut off the Montenegrin peal Flanders initent of the damage is not re-|S#iling for Canada shortly t '|# vértising. Don't waste your * A meeting is being held in the Rex vs- May—Murder charge. jarmy from the Servians. The be las than oMecial re-| ported oin the second contingent. They | te money on dodgers Put *|Board of Trade rooms at 3:30 Rex vs. Morris—Attempted | Montenegrins repulsed and then aris teports agree! are doing this in preference to}, your advertiawtnents in @lo'clock today, belag @ eseuuiins murder took the offensive and forced the yal | rthern Poland SAME ow STORY oining Kitchener's army le The Daily News. @| tion, bel@ese ie cennelt of nl . ES Harrie—Thett. ee to or The Aus- sl i flereely con- : ty [ee 4 eee eee ee ee OO H| Board of Trade and Mr. Thomp-| Before making recommenda- trian ‘losses were 600 killed and “ (apna tee waty wowey | AUSTRALIANS. AND TTT TT con. All members of the Boara|‘ion® the Grand" Jury wished to|wounded. The Montenegrin losses % sare report-} paris Dec. 3.—(Official W ZEALANDERS ARE Ly dire invited to be present. visit the public buildings in the|were 33. oD miles of Cra-iy)ore was a lively artillery ex- NE SENT TO ECYPT. KING IN THE TRENCHES hi se rae a Se le as . ee change eee at — a7 ~— ee mate a BELGRADE EVACUATED attempted murder case first. the same instant, fired. He ? “eat oo a oe er si apedinliins eceun: ati tak Ee ON MONDAY NIGHT The prisoner, Sam Morris, ajclaims that he fired at the ground MACE RUPERT CLUB hall ' . Shad aie London, Dee. 3.—The Austra-|% days with the British troops, -——- young negro, is accused with|the first time, as a warning, but WON MOORE SHIELD a ee lian and New Zealand contingents!$ went out on the firing line capes to aR : having, on July 15 last, shot Rod/that the following four shots oo . have disembarked in Egypt to| today Yesterday he spent Pe Loudon, Dee. * A dispatch in McDonald, G. T. P. section fore-|were in self-defence. According tN fa iniaiesio | " a assist in°defence and to complete | some time in the trenches rhe Mail from its correspondent! ian, near Telkwa, with intent to/to the evidence he was backing me! ae Pe ee marsa|their training TF cochveraing frectg eae the at Relgrads nam as a result ofl int or alternatively shot with in- into the bush all the time he was i inderers clubs, | ” s seniadie wi I$ men and questioning them. oa Aunt ck. hee tent to infliet grievous bodily|firing. He was arrested the fol- ° : night in the | London, Dec, 2 In the discus- Sate nel Hockty Siem} He found them cheerful and pe inolated and being ‘{-pre er j j rs = - a a ta ems Rupert elub.| . os : o} tone tn the Maes Of Fred Stork’s Hardware f./3 with a determination to stay % ait (cas wes evasia o hearing the indictment the about three miles from the rail- for the Moore | . 2 ithe ie. ie -- - . i$ with it until the Germans — “ —— : i prisoner admitted the shooting |road. : ‘ ; " iin ee ef kinnctor |. Ty Stalker & Well's Famous |? ..... thoroughly beaten. ated by the garrison on Monday | put claimed it was in self-defence.| Dr. Eggert gave evidence as to ab 4 ee. Gs ren “7 ae + aS Butter, 4c. tf| night, He stated he had no money to the serious nature of The wounds i a wan. held by amr or of-the Cen sat z sn an, 1 " seen - ——- —— | employ counsel so the Court ap-| inflicted; also Dr. Wallace, of a” . jeeeu of the War Oties, sold that nd pointed Mr. A. M. Manson to rep-|Telkwa, who first examined the centile: ee mepeorenip Ears neve Oe ~~, - resent him. injured man. jeoncern with polities and should The jury was chosen as fol- The following witnesses were Be ~ Brandt, | jot in any cireumstances be used| lows: James J. Walsh, John A.|examined and told practically the ey : Bsc. eee | Ronee Seen ema i Edwards, Douglas Sutherland,|same story of the affair: Nick a ittull ner ee. Beene... Se od Philip McDonald, Arthur Spurr,|Randoumos, D. J. Boetsis and } eas _“idone, he said, the government’ Clyde Rogers, A. H. Silversides,| Nick Stomoulos. meas i nares would abuse the confidence of the) | O. J. Kirkpatrick, F. W. Renworth,} Constables Fairbairn, Russell le, at i fat be culty Of Or Hal Peck, Lachlan McDonald and|and Doolittle gave evidence re- ‘ eet ~ {base action Walter Clayton. garding the arrest. ae Sir Stanley declared that ne) The trouble arose out of Mc-| The address to the jury had not 1 a had no sympathy with the view Donald’s objection to the way the|been made when the Court ad- be = aac that bad news should be yo) negro worked. He employed the} journed for luncheon. ¥ — ited. It was possible, however, | man on his section gang, tamping| — be less than halflinat there might be circum-| ties, and noticing him doing his hos ‘nd see them, OF) tances in whieh a full disclos-| work badly one morning took the : 277tf. lure of events might not be de- | shovel from him annd showed him Xmas Shopping pss * Jsirable and might even prove dis-| how it should be dene. Morrris Has Already Begun at ea al “oe astrous without any discussion asked for WARKS JEWELERS) 7 . a Phe government accepted his time on the spot but agreed On Third Avenue Cerone jJamendments to the defence of the} to work to the end of the day. se looked easeGaie Dance ‘ T : ht realm bill, defining oe pow * vs On settling up in the evening a over ~- aoe Sane + * e governmen j egare ) . thas ; : — a th ie a ms aad in mat. faevte mmean-ppereing the cost Wrist Watches, Traveling Mder {) . , of board and was eventually com- Sets, Ete.? promised by Morrjs paying a dol-|$ We are better prepared than lar and a half. Morris was ap-|% ever before to supply your ; : ; little ne sarently’still dissatisfied and, aft- y every HE WINDOW pare y's ssatis an A er the gang had gone to work ; q They will help you solve the next morning helped himself to important problem. McDonald's automatic revolver W W and started west with it, think- ° Wark & Son ing he would be even with his G. T. P. Watch Inspector beard bill that way. MeDonald returned at noon and, missing the gun, set out on a handear with his gang to inform WANTED. the pobiee at Smithers. About ten miles from camp they over. took Morris and he asked for a Auspices of the ters relating to the publication CITY ORCHESTRA | of news | | \ await fm NTHE NATIONAL SPORT= $loew DE WET HAS ING CLUS BEEN TAKEN PRISONER Genis gy ¢ ’ +100, Ladies Free London, Dec, 3.—General D DANCING One ° Metre, AT 9:30 P. mM. Wet, the rebel general in South ~ C+ rove ' nnmaiinaiae Africa, has been lake | Pree ey wi i NO Ceeereneon—eoeooenees according ta a Pret : \ rere ti communication rece ed | Don’ t Argue! day bo to Cole's Segar Store NAME WANTED. People to come and see our immense stock of Second ; aie 1 at Wallace’s Hand Furniture. We must ve nonang you For the big ¢ \ neal eS itt. As he jumped om the oar an cts oh aaa "2 Nau 09 Little girls, brine a we ae : _B Jat the rear MeDonald jumped off ; $88.00 © First prige and contest for the two polars » Z : the front i le for hi i 0 cult evesrbegy, Cooney OF Riven — la Second Prize My . ; t ont and made for him, ihe Third Avenue and Seventh “' 00 New Veare Day snd Miss Collars} Pe aie Bee ladies ane ts y tros.' sale — “FIT ANY Face and Muifs at Jal - 84 279 "°° 0 rccccoonoonooogos| next Friday tending to take the gan from him, WANTS WHAT'S LEFT.—John Canuck (to John Bull): “Dad, will you give me the German fleet |The negro was yery much exeit- when the war is over?" ed and, drawing the gun, warned]! Street. Furniture Stores, Phones No, 86 and 465. .