THE DAILY NEWS rl ee PRIDE, NASH & CO. “PRIDE, NASH & CO. FRIDAY SURPRISE PARTY FOR MISS E. M. THOMPSON On Eve of Her Departure for Vio- - = ae COURT OF REVISION, VOTERS’ Gace le, aa . LIST, 1915. a {/ t) The Canadian p rAKE NOTICE that the Court oc tf * Revision & and revise 2 toria She Receives Hearty the Voters’ List f the vear 1915 Reception. lw be held thé City Hall Wi | j Last evening Prince Rupert ex. |) ou p. u December 10, 1918 } e tself in wishing ¢ rdspeed | and that the said court consists | or ent f her own special partic-| May Newton and a young ladies, Miss E. M.|Dybhavn and McClymont | = : » de i person having any com- FOUR woes. ™ I peon, on the eve of her de- Any } : OOMED US a ee re to join her fiance, Mr. G \, aint as to nomes being improp R HO E G * i Victori Mise lerly placed on said fist or im-| Across Hays Creek—Weii rass- Wi ers 3 « in Victoria iss | i | Furnished nial — = — I pson and Mr. Emmerson | propery omitted therefrom j $30 PER Mo. anc ; srried shortly after her d attend at said Court and) RB : : i | 5 : " : nd w his vlaint acne : ANOTHER BiG DAY OF SAVERS. Each week our Friday bargains are be- — maw ST A. woops, | EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE - ; : the good wishes an oo With Bath—8th Ave. East ; : “ : . . : | ; . Ea coming more famous. The morning is the best time to shop, as these lines won't gs of Prince Rupert's con-|278-82 City Clerk | $30 PER mo. DON'T wasn ; wt et . - IN ; ) ast long. t be one w , ' than those accorded Miss| WIth KIOK AT THE PROGT. | FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE ICY WATER ; Te pee: ee rhompsen at the surprise party |Malf of Rew saedraa Varsity Near the Drydock THis ; > 2 . sin re 7 . rr , : @ . WIN ‘ Ladies Suits at Half Price _ Ginghams Neckwear ' ganized by her friend Footbal! Players Enlist | $20 PER MO. TER ; Ladies’ Dainty Neckwear the guidance of Mrs. Skit Fredericton N B Dec. 3 | ; —fifteer : Suits of style and quality, Best quality imp 1 Dress ‘ hn etl ie oe Tes . wat nt , , the I | THREE THREE ROOMED : —_— Hi - in oe inti wie aed \ lesigns Jabots } . ' _— : . : : tia t the members ¢ ve ni- COTTAGES have ; beautifully lined and trimmed.|Ginghams in plain and fancy iin: a es nin Cad? Bete MaclIntost rhe party me ut 9 ty f New Brunswick foot-| Across Hays Creek ; In plain, tailored or faney|checks and stripes. Regular} . hav touches of « Fifth Avenue, and pro-/ball team, champions of the Tn $7.50 TO $10 PER MoO. EASY TERMS ; : “ j j 5 styles. All colors and sizes. 5c and 20c per yard In white and ecru eded en masse to Mrs. McMil-/tercoliegiate League of the Mari- APPLY TO ; e en eir errand), 1 : ‘ ‘ ; FRIDAY SPECIAL FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE s house. Ween & ind /time provinces of 1914, have vi a ; atin had been explained the TrooM8|unteered for active service _—s a °9 MARRY war ; 50 H e 25 10c 50c we hastily denuded of their) wij) go to the front with the sec -| 394 SECOND AVENUE The fh ; Cc osiery Cc es and furnishings and the tionary army | ° 2 - 5 loor prepared for dancing, games| a Te eerore eocccoes Women's Plain Cashmere aps c — = H i weight, full Cc t La i nd giris’ Aviat and cards. Mysterious parcels | —— ose, medium reign, ull oa s aqies ani : . it : a ; . j : were ( lected from each arriving fashioned, spliced heels and Caps and Motor Bx ets in all la ie ts f i a ; : ' Our entire stock of Ladies’ ,,, a plait and fancy gece ails and baskets yun . a sisi amiiaiabaites oe; eee, Sree || Coats at half price; this sea-/etitches: made of good soft tt way inte the kitchen and it 8% to 10. isons styles. This is a great sal | at neredibly short time the boys | 9 ON SALE FRIDAY AT lchance to save your dollars ON SALE FRIDAY AT and girls made the most of their | | ' | This price lasts jopportunities. Dainty and appe 25c FRIDAY ONLY ‘75¢ ltizing refreshments were served | land then everyone assembled in sae yc teogeat _ r ee — lthe drawing room expectantly as iMr. W. E. Fisher took the floor | and declared the court opened © = wished Miss Thompson and a Emmerson, on behalf of the i e assembied company and absent 9 \friends every kind of happiness Thursd At the conclusion of Mr. Fisher's ay rl ay r a e€Cc ' i ? ? ° THE HOUSE OF QUALITY THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET [speech the assembled compeny 5 broke into, “For They Are Jolly a ee ae Scot wis?" = cell SUPPLY YOUR PERSONAL AND. GIFT REQUIREMENTS NO¥ —_— — — _ — jstepped forward and asked the | ibride-elect to accept a queer Skates and Hockey Sticks atliooking bundle All gathered r : “ fee a eee a | omen who look for better than usual values, wel- . es. « ° ° : - and the mysterious parcels dis ; CLASSIFIED ADS. aah aos Our $7.50 Girls’ Coats will be |. : ae come this opportunity for economical selection, and Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. . on + wine wie sed Villing hands helped _ *“* * SNE Bl VON REM STR. Oi iatis the ititie rite ) ; i j oe at Vicoiiie sana Rea e700 (a ‘ttle rithon bows and /if appreciate the fact that only merchandise of high grade Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners _ jhanded Miss Thompson a dainty ” ses wma eS a. eta a boir h lad t qualit is concerned. Let ttend t ds duri es ' . * - The Lo I j ' a he. meuchow rom each ady gues > us a en oO our nee ~ curin vom RENT : urnsehed rooms for house. Open for business evening és ai The gentiemey contrihuted ser- y y 8 eeping. Enquire Demers : . - { y vr belts and,| . . . McRae Bros. 279-8 * viceable kitchen and other house- ere. eal 1-88 las they wish to send 100 to the| Weable kitchen am 2 this sale. Note the special values we offer. ply 411 7th Avenuc West. 275-279 sates. p © Runest, tenteeet anew jheld articles ripperary” and oa FOR RENT—Furnished room with hot For ladies and children, Pure ; TC AGr : a The Soldiers of the King” were | > the N Year, they ask everyone CORSETS T ely 02.50 per wan “ilondyae ‘Hotel, Woolen Underwear See Jabour » ie 4 % ; b ; played many ‘times during the WINTER COATS i SUITS Ano Can Ap 0 croche oO elp Fulton and Seventh Avenue. er. Bros.’ sale next | riday 279-81 teal Otis Senin 2 tu ‘ ; evening. Midnight chimed before cartijegtittatat ia Ni iii —| 3 DIFFERENT MODELS TO CHOOSE 18 only—S. dec —_—-——_ —-—- ns a a them he yarn 1s a ne POE det sinsty tlie i : from in D. & A. Corsets; low bust and into 3 lots. Loi om- FCR SALE dence f- Mrs: .MoMullin, Geccadte 8 “TOP UP. Among thon 8 only, in the latest A, : ade The Board of Trade will meet ea present were noticed the follow- ;good quality coutil. Regular $1.50 prises Suits of |! at- FOR SALE—Six coal leases at 8 very| tomorrow night in their rooms on| ng rials and cut. Regular $35 | vaiues. est styles ar arly reasonable price Write, Leigh & mee. .. | : os. A. Company, Cedar Mapids, lowa,/Second Avenue. “The policy for | The Prince Rupert Towing Co., Mr. and Mrs. Norman McIntosh, values. For this sale SPECIAL, S50 a nee . FOR SALE—New house, section 7, 9100, *!¢ next year will be taken up and | general towing; the new crude oi] | MT. @md Mrs. Herbert Ward, Mr ANOTHER REGULAR $2.50 moper SPECIAL THis * = ee Soe Shy, * mamas total O4 toe-|a good attendance is requested. |tug “PLT. No. 1.” Phone Red|*"4 Mrs. 8. Harrison, Mr. and Greens, OSeD with elastic top; very low bust. | bot No. 2 a ee * * ‘ ‘ ‘s istard, Mr. ¢ , Pas ) Serges 8 Ta oe — ag Pinte : at : 304 or Black 322. Address: P. O. ox = ; ar doe. and Mrs. Par SPECIAL, $1.45 |Tweeds and Rc . = ie ae — otk. is excellent skating On| Rox 96, Agency for the “Avance” |"'™ ™°: and Mrs. Ling, Mr. and 9 only, good, warm, com- | in tailored styles egula hed . » *|Morse Creek these days, and con- lorude 0 Soter. 65tf Mrs. F. R. C. Brown: Mesdames . i BRASSIERE $25.00 values WANTED jsequently a great demand for tir- i »¢ MeMillan, Roberson, Cade, Tre- eguiar REGULAR SPECIAL THIS GALE 0.50 se arr a ar ‘ 3 7 : | $1.00 VALUE—HOOKED : skates and hockey sticks. The} For a comfortable room, come|™@yne, Philpott, Clancy; Misses $25.00 eatuee. For this ante an front, with sidelaci . Lot No. 3—T yn "lee ue tn tes aks ao tm Section | kiddies are enjoying it to the full.|to the St. Elmo Motel, 836 Sec-|Eilett, Drummond, Jenns, Sylvia ore —e 58 sists of Odd month woth an” Box 102, Daily News. | oe 2» # jon@ Avenue, near Fighth Street. Jenns, Ivy Jenns, Carss, Beck- SPECIAL 910.08 om. TES One, $25.00 values WANTED—Situation by young lady az} : Newly opened. Steam heat and ‘ , LADIES’ SILK AND WOOL COMBI- . bookkeeper or office help. Salary rea- Closing out my entire stoek of with, Saunders, Ourtin, Ray: SPECIAL, $7.5 sonahio” Apolg-bon 11%, Dale dey. Ababa RE: ge, agg hot and cold water ‘in every room. aes a ain i a) Soe TH nation Suits—Beautiful garments, and ——— = ery @ OSst.— Biss 1 Free baths. Rates reasonable.|™°**"® a ne a es CLO DRESSES kab Reg qantED—View 10 ant Sei te 7 Ot ep asonable cam 3. @ hedlé ki Oe eae guaranteed unshrin le. ular $5 . about $2,500 vo $3,000. OL pay ay 8706 | oan anes 7 — Can —. | value. AFTERNOON Daily News. ~ B.D Presbyterian Church Ladies’|son, Heward; W. Blane, H. W. inctudi i Extensive asso in | Boys’ Suits, two and three|Aid will held a Victorian Social |Tooker, Goldsmith, Howitt, Barn- — ona Ee. Tang ones, 98.00 'Charmeuse, Mes Taf- MISCELLANEOUS ; ’ _— se etme cut to half price. See jon Friday evening at 8 o'clock in |sley. Poplins in the New Styles TUNICS feta, in Old Ros« eda FOUND—Y bulldog. Phone Blue Jabour s. 279- e hé There we 8 : " ) , one ws 06 me Blue 408 sbour Bros 279-81 - hall There will be a musi- Navy, Brown, Saxe, Grey and 10 only—Beeded Tunics in White, Grey, Black, Saxe White CACRiPiCE Sale Soenens Le 7, wrry a jcal program and a sketch by a Gre i T 48 0.00 , Section 1; wor 8,000; 1,000 : ; ’ ° ‘ es Teds @ name, “Toad coe] «Skates and Hockey Sticks at semiines “tike tation tebe Biack. Regular $12.50. y, Cerise, Tan, an jack. Regular Regular $2 ‘ , 98.000 em. .9. 4. Leduc, P. 0. Box) | red Stork's.dlardware tf. | ‘ NI . a COTTAGE FOR RENT prices up to $45.00. SPECIAL THIS 5, ° & : . e 4 . ‘| ments will ” served Tickets } ‘ Scene lie + OT RE a a ay wen ¢ SPECIAL THIS SALE, $8.50 SPECIAL THIS SALE, $10.00 \* $13.45 to $184 betier your position? Our ¢lub is pri-| «> 279-814 > - = vale atid dependable. Best in the west) iN Cul of business—my en- * ¢ * Safoometion ee io stamps. yuneat ID | tire sont . milliners ‘ t | ; x I . é t roduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, Son © 1e at cost, ror Xmas Cards see McRae ag er. ) i $ *. © |Miss L. M. Kuster. 280-282 | Bros. 273-82 NEAR DRYDOCK t 1s no ex g' ation to say that while this sale ote ote waens~ stall the ovecy where, no ee ee 2 natter how small the village, for few | ho’ ai al 5 “ — ed The Marren Trophy will be | Silks and Satins, 20 per cent PAR we can save you from 30 to 50 per cent. The e : ve Aline tn at Cate, ‘Wintede, Ont. presented to the winner of the) discount, at Jabour Bros.’ sale TLY FURNISHED are onl f f tl I . . hi @ of . Basketball League at the rink on|uext Friday. 2790-81 y a ew oO rgains offered, it fact t Is Oo! School Music and Shorthand Friday night by the president, weilbiaiiaiiin : I . VINCENT C. KNOWLES Mr. 8. P, MeMordie, This cup = WEATHER. $10 00 ” full of ae. ste e (Violinist Westholme Opera House) was won in 1912 by the Royals TEACHER OF and in 1918 by the Tiers. Pel Compiled by F. W. Dowling, PER MONTH Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing ' , Observer. Pianos Tuned and ined issue this year seems to be be- queens ee © tweey the G. 6.’ i the T ie 9 ——— +e. 2. UB ane 1e “Ligers. 5 a.”m., Deeember 3, 1944 MRS. KNOWLES 1" > i Gencitals Gemma Gaumenen — — — the property|Barometer ............. 29.788 PATTULLO & RADFORD ee ” se club which wins it on|Max, temp. ....... o 36.0 SECOND AVEN Suite 15, MoMordie Apt. three occasions. Mn. temme. .00 6. 40s 26.0 - F, G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR — ———-— COFFEE PRINCE RUPERT