THE DAILY NEWS. A Sixty Year Standby For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder has been the standby of countless housekeepers who have relied upon it for healthful, home-baked food. Dr. Price’s contains no alum or lime phos- phate. There is never any questi on about the absolute purity and healthfuiness of the food it raises. It has stood the test of time. That is why the best informed housewives will use no other. Dr. PRICE'S CREAD BAKING POWDER Made from Cream oi Tartar No Alum {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS For a comfortable room, come to the St. Eimo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Highth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and) hot and cold water in every room. | c > PETTING AND FUSSING DOESN’T GET RESULTS ‘ London, Jan. 4,.—According to of the the rush of amateurs has th Council, allegations Nurses’ pushed aside competent nurses, FOR RENT-— Furnished house, near Mc-[Free baths. Rates reasonable.|#reatly to the misfortune of the Bride St., 280 4th Ave. E. : ® «@ «® : wounded soldier, who has to sub FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot| It is reported that the city’s new ; - and cold water. Clean and comfortable. : ; ‘ mit to “fussing” and petting al ly $2.50 per week Kiondyke Hotel,|SCOw is a failure. It was cesign-| Ful m and Seventh Avenue. if. ed fer a center dump and on the jthe hands of pretty untraioed FOR SALE ~ | first trip two hours were spent in ‘girls, which, while sentimentally : | a vain attempt to dump it. A new\appealing, does not go very far HOUSEKEEPER— ' , steam 4h enn an a Saaitinn a one ioe boat belonging to the cow Was | toward ministering to his real owers or bachelor’s hom Good plain ’ P *j : cook, Give particulars first letter. rap ee ere ae ee pees Po ee jneeds. ply Box 118, Daily News. 302-06/off the deck of the scow un-! T tat | 1 agitation against the in FOR SALE—New #400 | noticed. s oc 3 te. 4 Sone ola ” brs ~ ow competent nurse was raised early ye Tage capacity steam, be rte Bryant Company, Ltd., are giy- |!" the war, but only just now | HP. cipiicanny engine. ave cn . shine a a, ee > sab: ing a useful pocket diary to their have organized nurses, number-| ply Box 15, Daily News. f. friends. and customers as a New|i2& some six thousand, brought WANTED Year's gift. It contains a large |*#e matter officially to the atten- amount of information useful in|“#0" of the war oflice. WwaereD— ~A good nurse to care for twojevery walk of life. The name of Lord Knutsford in a letter to children. Apply Mrs, Lucas, 336 4th The T » , "a 2 we. PI 7 tihe owner ts stamped in gold on} Lhe rimes, humorously stated Wiel samy. jane servant for|/the cover. Who wouldn't be « what he considered the chief ob- sma amily. ply 1144 Eighth Ave- ljec yr "s ’ ses” nue East. , _ o 301-06|customer of Bryant's? jection to the “untrained nurs WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber we im" +® j wee bave gone abroad. They work. Apply Box 117, The News. tf. Mr. J. V. Maedonald, late of | Would give less offense, he said, Wecctine a bee on ie “omgany Vancouver, arrived in town yes-|if they were not photographed so | Coanings. Apply 1136 Hays Cas Ae terday. He has accepted a posi-|0ften; and would wear their uni- WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants|tiom on the staff of the loca}| forms more modestly; and would Bours for $20 weekly’ contract Given. schools. Mr. Maedonald is a No-|t@lk less in public about their pa- oe. —.