20 rrroorren werner wenn | ) | no pclory | ————_ pri Association ars hf : =e winpson HOTEL ¢ piret ave and kienth #F . 0 w. & wrens ve woTEL onn TRA avenne and seventh #t ' yropean and * = oo Peter Bleck Pree anox 1 band Wem ave . ‘ soc wt 61.00 ea! ow ity or & Bearer, Prope echoes v » Onsley curress HOTEL —_ en Sixth end reets n Plen, 6O to 61 Per Day ROYAL MOTEL ortey & gees, Props rhird Ave. and Sixth 8& Pian Steam Meated WHOLESALE LIQUOR OO., LimrEeD and Stxt 8+ « 108 RUPERT IMPORTING 00., LewirTEeD ‘ith Sts. A Pt od Ave fraser & “7 WHOLE FAMILY USES THEN “Frult-a-tives” Keeps Young And Old In ro Health ¢. W. HAMMOND Eac. SCOTLAND, ONT., Aug. 25! “Fruit-a-tives” are the o: manufactured, to my way of t) They work completely, no whatever, and one is plenty r ordinary person at a dose. My + wasa martyr to Constipati on, \ everything on the calendar satisfaction, and spent larye s money until we happened on a-tives’’, I cannot say too r their favor. We have used them in the family about two years and we would not anything else as long as we can vet “PF ruit-a-tives’’, Their action is mild, and no atall. I have recommended 1) many other people, and our family uses them’’, W. HAMMOND Phone 7 Op0CPaOeteUOCCOOCC aA re BSCRIBE FOR DAILY NEWS TO DELINQUENT co- OWNER. SON, or © any | ‘bom you may ve crests, Take Notice bo Owner with hing No. 1” ead the sims, svuated at the about tnree-quar- ¢ beach, im the Skee strict, Proviace of done the required © above mentioned 1 . ed the expenditure, to- f this advertise- the seid mineral tifcate of improvements. / Claw, situate in the ‘sion of Cassiar Dis- ‘ About E that lh Ww i Vag, rvs a pea 81546 aad for . N eruficate No. eee ‘ ‘ from M ining Recoreer for 4 rments, for the pur- Crown Great ef te uk = ates that action, be commeneed be- ‘ h Ceruicate of in- ‘ay of September, A.D. PEDRO SAlsnas. 4 —~ee =e oe - PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE. r and Athabasca Rall ‘at Session, for an Act, pany to lay out, con- following — - ‘ neing eat @ : ar the head ol kitimat hitimat Rivér in @ | the summit between q Lake, thence in @ nor- © the valley of the river to the Skeena * the Skeena River vel bridge and over cite Railway with ‘hence north-easterly A\isumkalem River rse to the summit of ence, following the River, at or near f spproximately one tniles; (Db) from the kwater River, with wing the course of to the summit be- ‘ cuskeest River, thence g the cenneen River 1e bing } ; thence Skeena ( Bear Nive approxi. iniles ‘ Wis nineteenth day of \, BURGESS & COTE, » Applicant.” =. =e * for the Oa aa a ag RE ALARM SYSTEM VOUIT NO, 4. St St sod 8rd ave and 8rd Ave. ‘| and Srd Ave, “on Of 1#%, @nud and veer Ave AI » between 8th and 108 Hotel.) ‘ve. and 7th St. (Cen ‘ROUIT NO. 2. ‘ve and Sra St, ‘e and MeBride 81. sod McBride St aod @o0 St aod 6th ot ‘WOUIT MO. 9. ‘ve, and Pulton at " 600 Taylor Sts. ‘ve. and Pulion 84. and Comos Ave ‘*. and Dodge PI ‘id Thompson St =! Ave et OMROUIT NO. @ Ave. and Hhamersow . 2 ‘ve, and MeBride me . ' AV®, and Green st, is», AY® Gnd Bani gt, 7th a las ** and Eberte. | Ave. ana y¥ wing 81, **\ tet hrewhbenee Those who have been cured by ‘I a-tives”’ are proud and happy to te sick or ailing friend about these derful tablets made from fruit ju 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25 Atalldealers or sent on rece ipt by Fruit-«-tives Limited, Ott SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS x of price awa. WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry's, Steele's, Brigg's Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Hay, Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty ; | Mall orders promptly atiended to | Prince Rupert Feed Co, eee crerves Certificate of improvements. ri! Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear| Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- | ing Division of Cassiar District Where located ril Chance it Fraction located between the “Lilly Bertha” and ‘Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head of Alice Arm, a rvatory Inlet, and “Black Bear Mine Claim, located one mile,} more or less, ‘tr m the northwest point of the head of Alice Arm, 4 branch of Ob-/| servatory Iniet TAKE NUTICE that |, ! Pedro Salina, Free| Miner's Certificate Nx 80313B., intend,| sixty days from the date hereof to apply | to the ining Recorder for a Certificate) of improvements, for the purpose of ob-| taining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Au further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be fore the issue of such Certificate of Im provements Dated this 21st day of September, A.D PEDRO SALINAS tote | ! } ' GOVERNMENT of CANADA ares var ¢ For Headache eat | Newralg : Come © fare On i —One trial will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache {s at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25¢, Sold everywhere. If your ‘er does not sel! them we mail hox On receipt of price. 25 J.L. MATHIEU CO, Props. SHERBROOKE, Pa 6-5-0. i JOHN HALLAM ume 2 TORONTO j nearly jers and fifteen knots than battle j i ships, | shelling |} London } THE DAILY NEWS, i@ a GERMANY HAS SPENT $32,000, HUGE FLEET NOT WORTH THE PENDED—DIFFICUL DON’T LAN have fighting prepara- ructor at The chief diff with the the i nt 8 This I bes 1 great factor the designs that the plane the since wal lands enemy to burn it altered also SAFETY FIRST. | tters painted on the side of this Dutel eutratity The name was painted re 1 f n Ho ken for Rotterdam en Feb 000 ON ZEPPELINS CASH WHICH HAS BEEN EXx- TY 1S THAT THEY D EASILY t 1imost certain to he wreeked. The hangars are very expensive ind cannot be erected in a short time. The result is difficulty of concentration Hangars suitable for the pro- tection of Zeppelins are available if Brussels, Antwerp, Metz, Mau- ge and Namur It is believed that there are two each at Bru el ind Antwerp, about 200 niles from London The others ire i Paris and nearly twice is far from London Laon is of no value as a dirigible base, for iny hangars constructed there vould be quickly discovered and wider mstance the motor balloor since their intré int Zeppelin That have by (a spent $32.000.000 sum, properly provided sed, would 8.000 9,000 aeroplane and covered the of pilots for them Zep- pelin commanders will require to s and equi p- nent expense training accomplish to wonderful luck over land the 1.000 inything compare with what Germans might do with even additional aero- j planes rhe s at sea chief value of the Zeppelin and for that reason they to the sea the Zeppelin fleets belong German At observe navy crew enemys’ from great distance and thei aphy a communi- wirele fleet They can position by ss to their stations on shore cate telegr own or more safely ope. ate and at much great- er distances § fron their bases than aerohydroplanes, and rough water will not interfere with their perations ren knots speedier than cruis-| exposed to destruction by the aeroplanes, If the airships can be concen- trated for the movement planned the raid undoubtedly will be at- tempted at night A Zeppelin moving in the direction of Paris London in full daylight would not get closer than twenty miles t either capital. To succeed even at night the aerial invaders must observe many precautions. They must pass noislessly at high iltitude. They must not use their searchlights until the moment before dropping their explosives. They must flee immediately after the projectiles are discharged, not simply to the German lines, but to the hangars back of the lines, for they will, undoubtedly be pursued by their enemies. They must not be accompanied by aeroplanes with unmuffled tors, the noise of which would signal the approach of the quiet- m er Zeppelins. If aeroplanes with noisy motors_form a part of the fleet, they must follow far in the rear and their approach be timed so that they will arrive to cover the It will be diMeult for their arrival to be properly timed. retreat. Even with motors on the Zep- and the pelins aeroplanes effect- ively silenced, there remains the noise of the aeroplane propellors, and the Zeppelins themselves are I heard not absolutely noiseless. the purring of the motors of one the Zeppelins are of par-jat' a distance of five miles. At ticular value when opposed to the /night both in England and France fleets of enemy's ships |thousands of ears are listening. ro keep out of range of the | Even at night the Zeppelins are ship's guns, however, they must | plainly visible at great altitudes maintain an altitude that inter-|if not obscured by clouds, and feres with accurate bomb drop-|thousands of eyes are watching ping. They cannot swoop down /|for them. at a speed of 150 miles an hour If the Zeppelins fly continuous- irop their explosives, and dart up|ly above the clouds only a re- as aeroplanes do fo accomplish of a fleet of war vessels or and burning of Paris or a fleet of a seore of od diMeulty markable amount of luck, coupled the destruction |with rare navigation ability, would the | {betel them to the locality actual- This is because of the of correcting the com. ly sought, pelins is called for by the latest|pass for the action of the wind, |plan heard from the German side. | These dirigibles are to be aided, jwe understand, by lslow load-carrying aeroplanes for defence, and lightly armed) roplanes, This plan, the mmensity of which fires the dificult several reasons at size of the dirigibles alion, for proving ute serious handicap the the 500 and iirship, between have a it. | ; ted on the ground in a wiad n length, must vhich to house n The comparatively small weight of the total number of bombs several seore|dropped by the Zeppelins on the |English coast may be accounted for by the fact that when a Zep- jpe lin makes a long voyage in hu- mid atmosphere the bip envelope jpicks lof } jcarried This er,” some thousand pounds which must be instead of explosives. one of the diMeculties in a huge reservoir fit to hold 2,000 tons of metal, up moisture, is here into the methods by which a small amount No need to enter the way of important attacks in — —— as rainy weather, which must be l overcome by the size of the fleet. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A | | It must be refhembered that} } . , unless aero invaders ate abe t Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue cestroy importan war materia the bombs dropped can at best In Your Home During 1915 produce only a moral effect. In view of the precautions that have been taken in England and also 0, Ces ee ee a Ce eee Seen SOP SOUND | occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest vatue. Birke’, Vancouver, le the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order in France to eonceal sueh mater. ial and of the Meulties Tr Cate 1 he diMfliculties under Department and our Mlustrated logue forme @ convenient avenue lead- Which Zeppelin raids must be Ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. effected, these air leviathans seem hardly to he worth the time and that them. WRITE FOR THE ee WILL NEED IT. have By money been ex. Heavy Birks G Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director pended Noel, on Percy HOW BRITISH GUNS ARE MANUFACTURED VANCOUVER, B.C Continued From Page Two. of pure carbon, or charcoal, as well as various other ingredients, the one, are The when it is finished, far what incorporated with iron, but we have stee but process is long a LUMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and MoBride St. PHONE 25 harder than iron, some- more brittle. Steel for gun making is made in a Siemens-Marten furnace, heart ingots open which from PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. weighing ap to seventy Branch Yard at Smithers readily be tons ean cast. ‘- Then comes the forging of the is forged solid, ingot. small guns the ingot but for 6-ineh and THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED S.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. larger the ingot is forged hollow. The steam hammers whieh do the work can give blows equal to 700 tons. Tests begin. Small pieces of Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT the steel are cut off, hardened in MIDNIGHT oil, and pulled asunder in the For Further Particulars Apply to i 5 ) i aré 3 ress The oe of a hy “ye ~ aod PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. strain runs u 0 Orty-SIx ons in aceite he . : AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS rs are en, If the tests are satisfactory the or: Si For this purpose rape temperature 500 degrees | For Making Pure, Delicious Fahrenheit. seed oil is used. The cooling must be very slow, and this is managed | by burying the barrels in sand. | Then the boring, | which the smooth | Home-Baked Food. heating and cooling. This is} } ealled “annealing,” and is most | | necessary to preserve the tough- r ness of steel. . e } comes final leaves barrels Now the heart of the gun is ready, and it goes elsewhere to | B I e ( be built up to the required| ream ng de strength by adding successive | layers of steel hoops. These are put on hot, and when they cool} | shrink into place. | Our big naval guns are all Fine and Wholesome Biscuit, “wire-wound.” The barrel re- Delicious Cake and Pastry volves on a lathe while steel tape | quarter inch wide and eighth thick is wound on at a ten- | a one-} sion of something like forty tons. | No Alum This process gives the gun enor- | mous strength? and entirely does | . PI } away with any possibility of an| No Lime te accident due to any flaw there) RAs | ENE might be in the body of the gun. rv i ingot goes on to the lathe to be seoaiitiiiatiias ae “rough bored” inside and “rough | 8 vw ——<— _——— ’ " turned” outside. vy Then these barrels are hard- } ened by being heated in oil at a PARI IIT RI RR II TOT OI RK IR III AI IAI IIIA IAAI NEWSPAPER THE DAILY NEWS es Fine Rupert and Northern B. ic The Daily News goes inte nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! RAE RRR is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- SAFE bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- } SANE mism and reliability. { The Daily News is the most valuable paper to spicy advertisers Decause it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger civewlation than any other paper in the city. It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. INTELLIGENT at iat DAILY NEWS ‘am RARER ERE ARR REA ARRER REE CEE EEE R ERR RE REEEREEEE tet ee ee ee ee eee eee iil