ido et THE DAILY NEWS | | . THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly , Guaranteed Largest Circulation a ee — - — i. F. McRAK, EDITOR ANT) MANAGER HEAD OFFTCI Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, BA relephone 98. | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADV RTISING -50 cents per inch Contract rates on applicatiy n DAILY EDITION aor Wednesday, April 7, 1945 One thing stands ont ec . } ils and et! _ Fak Gee tl GEORGE WILTSE, spicuous and insistent in a Better aii . eanl . 9 q als this sordid and shameless mess : | years ember the New ; g : of graft and selfixhness at Ort ees" y c G s’ pitching sta, who er of tawa: that one thing is the s1 ied dati ve : has been appointed ager preme national necessity for an rae ; vat and the City tea f the In- investigation into cach and ey- apable na vcturers and} ‘erat | League ery department involved the besihese Gras io inter ad Cae ae war supplion aeandols. Tho! jpae, public, protest azavoat| WAR IS NOT A mvestigation must 1 starions business of thie vul- CHARACTER BUILDER end thoreugh. Th: co ture brood of middlemen wt no shielding of any if without taking busines sks ey ‘ ' ” ee in hardly go amiss by any mans cond i s peer and fte vithout either bus- . ’ . 7 F p ting at random to any young, crooked he dese . ty. If hates ot Ae sanite Os ‘ i : rm , healthy man in any crowd and he talked “patr é ais . pe ; ie se g e will make good sol- platform and “did” ¢ . mae? a Mitte Seabed : 2 ; lier le say that he will give a factory or through servit : by the graft os if ? < sfactor account o imself is the less to be pit : breaths: Chaciia’s e “a at y a rimese , t under the much more trying con- the hypocrite is or int grace f the if s of ordinary fe is a very tible than th: i , world If the mott Made in | tt t matter. say that war man has be: Canada” is not to | a by- his exy ure ‘ ; levelops heroism and characte > apos Pp Maat) . word and hissing. Canada’s te <9 greatest sense What mere weaklings away oie iia tanientervere i ate } : ‘ ; . ? it develops is | bedience t Business. a tartare ities. foscute oe a’ lok a shoulder stray A man meets friobe One other thi +} twenty situations ivil life that ELEN gece eallv tr his ch iter to every Eee eve qroved th PRINCE RUPERT CADET CORPS. ; pacity or their ine i¢ he meets In war henest failure | : Orders by George Leek, Cadet In- More than years ag : : nes - 7 wreek dra itist le one of his mr the 62 ent honest struction, for the Week Ending . £ : prices gh April 10, 1915: Sy ha ters exclaim Chey ; } it | t : , oa * Puesd 7:30 p.m Drill in}***: * S 7 g the country, ondange £ uniform spear, we, in tt lives of Canadien s-oliliers — wv. 9:30 a. m Drill, not ife without danger hey say i king the good name of ;, ‘ Ry vour lunch |2™58 for I w rathe nada ; Teo ce the with we 79-84 | endure the « i business | The « _ ORT. RITCHIE. ¢C. C brit s ment is alre hichiv biatae- oe ie ;w ld any that worn if worthy j Is the sworn BANISH BULLY BOWSER ’ evidence shows aorme f th . firms have gone on, 1 Saturday |! Post Worth a Guinea ter month, manufacturing <.)! - diers’ boots by the ‘thou- a Box Pairs GRBs mbaeis anton! "| w. safest most reliable materials condemned by ¢ and most popular—for the governments own expert- as common ailments of stomach, “shoddy” and “rotten.” The liver and bowels, is always | soldiers are still being * A third thing: it ix almost insult to the intelligence of tt people of Canada for the e “A Dollar in the Bank is - Worth Two in Promises” HEN you have a substantial Savings Account, you do not The Largest Sale «f Any Medicineinthe World p ing shot Ant PASSION PLAYER BECOMES SOLDIER *°” The dis; : f< s that Ant Lang = gone to war. For ! ‘ Antor Lang has know = the Christ of the Passior hlay give! hy the easants (bereammerga in formity with an ancient vow But what ves this dispatch ean? Nothing save this—that/| another peasant has been ordered to the fr jer ;enalty of be- n Lang is a peas- ®rnment to ask authority t lant So gs as the younger $00.000.000 of the peo. peasants lasted, he was free of aged 8 ~ s have to ask favours ples money for war purposes.| or court refusals when you |“#" *¢! wi y te Some 815,000,000 of it for require ready cash. A Savings eunger peasants ha mn kili- supplies, without any assur-| Account in The Bank of | od or» asants __.. British North America makes |. ance that the expenditures w were ‘ Ant : ; zee independent of promises. ; be in any way different, so fa he money is yours — ready Lang " a as incompetence and graft are when you need it—protected Tt % what- concerned, from what the pa-t pene ae from fire and save this theft—and carning interest at veo months have revealed : 0 — , highest current rates. vs The Cabinet ministers resp Deposits of $1. end upwards ere what , s-—unde! sible for letting thes« ' Peceived on Savings accounts. he * tood tor cannon tracts to party friend- THE BANK OF s needed middlemen with ; &B N A Lang didn't nteer atill members of th h orth merica I se follo g of the life} geent. with the sa en Sieamite 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. fC he did not reach the ce and power they have had a CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. clus that his duty to God lay through all these months of PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH (in the kitting of tix totiow mon “exploitation,” and with the P. MARGETTS, Manager. Detroit News, LIBERALS FOUGHT FOR |" 7 = BRITISH PREFERENCE) = 1\-" th sort = lara hy i The : f the Lib " ! “ seiih _ - sithey ; ni \ a 2 ew a A | ne ® of the Mi ance I, mse it easing the ! I put wy kde Barriers i ». he with ey The M jdropped ured scant pry ; lation in the House f 8 Finan nself told ; . a? a ws ; uld not get our mones ‘a . eee 4 ~ the mtofthe B {just y dealt with and ment, When our lably rewarded by th torat side by side | shi uld it become one s Atkins he ae lin a general election. He! th time f ie daught leove ent stand n a trad : against 0 who are as strongly the ru how the portation of f yh friend iGreat Britain ae fr ! ind Id t admit led tates of any reig that are tl l mpeting countrys s of Ca a which mig lena under normal s the served by these proposals | duties on British ¢ 11 t to the ¢ bject have been increased t it would be giver to ihe w mus protest fro1 iss the present t f, wh the Canadian © peo; d the ed to raise taxat ’ ' have done and stil ga goods g fror they can to mask the tries, : d not : features of the increase bel taxat t Brit ! the idea that it is 2 ta s bearing i] rsure, but a den of is w t! sity based entirely the ! sent { r I i re revenue Minister s nd In offering t aw his is t the a amendment. which regar the Riz able I } the government as a mot hat the t rinst ¢ Brit w t of confider vided ' at th if taxation upt Rritish woods : time I not consulted with permitted te rema 1s } my leads hut - thi la safe before M W te’s bi in making the | proosat hat if was brought « tt lon, ¢ the Fina Minists ree P. Graham spoke Car ininot to r this ba szainat Liberalism His words h djitrade with Great Brita it the have the widest possible pr y. present e we will withdraw the t only in Canada, but at (propos ir Britain, where there must be The vas not accepted. In lisappointment er an the ad . that f ved the the Canadian duties upon Prit-|Conservat = wer p solid. sh goods at the sent f : fily in fa the cr se of du stress and st Mr. ¢ ties n BR sh ge : There is 1, in part stillaf rt ofa before The fact iins that he|which = the sé st come tent of pe tw Whethe the government goes tk itt io business with Greatithe « ! this yea next Brita 1 propos vis. | Liberals ll! imsist placing it b w th us {the facts before the electors. Sit I put it t vay | Wilf Laur endment he M Great I « depres @ the i f taxa ving us & L000. 000. t te tio pon British ge le repre st t 4 4.2 pe t is | sents {f the ird al pr #6 f W im} m | ples Liberalis mn Canada M i about #1 ».|Upen this principle the party ; f goods vea the | takes its stand, and for it Lib duties which at ent|erals will fight, no matter who the would : nt to 26 650.000 ieee ant of British preferences There is, therefore, but a slight; ™4yY be Toronto Globe difference between the interest we SD are going to pay the Motherland When a man tells a joke to haif a the theney we are aéttine frase a dozen women and they all lauel lher and the value of the barrier ‘Hut that ome is his wife jwe are placing against British) situation wanted by young man trade Phat is, we say to thelpxperienced salesman and busi- | Motherland: We want your money ness education. High class refer- jand we will pretend to pay you ences. Apply Box 133, Dai. interest, but we will put up a bar- News. tf rier against your trade which will enable us to get the money | The Girls’ Chapter of the I. 0 wk from you. \D FE. will hold a dance on Friday At a time when we have as our |April 46, in St. Andrew's Hall. The the great nations of the | funds raised will be used for pa ld—-Great Britai s not our 'triotie purposes 79-80 For Men, Women | Any kind of Shoes BLACK, WHITE, TAN | 2 in 1 gives the “Shine of Satisfaction” Li. ttn New Yor Ae S.S. Princ fee. MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band instruments A. PESCOTT 452 Eighth Ave. East Prone Green 827 DENTISTRY | CROWN AND GRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DRS. GILROY & BROWN DENTISTS Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 Office SEPT EERE EEE RRR eee » i PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO 75--PHONE--75 = TERETE ERER ER EE REED B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EmM- SAL WERS — GATISFACTION GUAR- AND NIGHT aNTEED—OPEN DAY 117 2ND STREET..PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director “- ; . , Canadian STEAM LAUNDRY Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will cal! for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST PHONE NO. 8 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Canadian Steam Laundry ; The F. F. DALLEY C2. | SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennic’s Ferry's, Steele's, Brigg’s Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Met! orders promptly atienged te Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEws Sails for Vo er. \ torla ond Seatite . . aoa Mm Mot d ‘old Wate ‘ Stater< Exoelient Oulsine, and Every mou: "TU" Comte: aS Prince John For Vancouver at 7 P.M on ‘ 4th ete., arrives in Vancouver folio. : 28th Steamer PRINCE JOHN also mo po ne | and Ne ‘ Brewer, G. T. P. RAILW Passene sine Carrying f Prince Rupert for Winnipeg at Av commecting there with lines f treal, New York, ete, Ring | a For All Pointe East of Ohicago wee tne anan sone the LE TRACK ROUTE “AILWAY Gy erge For Full tnformation and wor Ticket @ Aver P. Tieke OMe AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC © \ af orge STE SWisShir WES — hone 554 PO ban APERHANGING AINTING JUSHING AND WALL TINTING rer @ erin Swanson Martin eee eens ee ail +? we ee retin 3D~-PHONE-3§ TAXI ALF HALLIGAN eee eee ee ee eee ee eee eee ee ee TEP H RETR ORT eR OE REE gs Bar 1% MEING AND HEAT SMITH & MALLETT} i : ve * ¢ FOR PLL oy 7 Thiré Ave mee Beene Seem * Roper WILLIAMS & MANSON Bar: ors, Ex © .Oan 18 ’ PACIFIC ( ARI AGE Li ove =Cortege ; LADYSMITH COAL . , + 63 —_ POOLE LEO E EE EOE OOOOEM C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Ff AND AUDITOR be e 318 PROPOR C EC EFE® seeneet JAMES GILMORE A nitect | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | PRINCESS MAQUINNA ALASKAN PORTS MONDAY, APRIL 2 PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND sunpay 8 P. 4 @ MoNAB, Genero : ne a Some Lamps — on = Drawn Gorner t |= —= : py “Hor for he CERTAIN CLASS YO MY NEW STENOG -L COULD DICTATE ALL DAY JOST WO GE NEAR HER-OH Miss PILLOW - ff \TeKea LETTER, Nee Ores SIRS = /3 HIRT BUTTON AND COLLAR” DEAR. I HAVE YOURS ei igtar T HAND AND ane NOTE. THAT — ~AND- ae NOTE - AND NOTE. THAT ) ¥ —- AND * UH — Fy PARDON ME. heen \ Es S T FIND IT RATHER 14 TO GAZE INTOTHOSE | | OF NOURS-AND KEE! | MIND ON BL NU>> LK i= —— (® tie (nere-2 YxHpo~ =