THE DAILY NEWS —— —— ae ’ , i ats 492 Se - pe EEE ' 32 PRINCE RUPE : RT, B. C., MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1945. PRICE FIVE CENTS S0-GERMAN |NAVAL FIGHT IN BALTIC SEA PPELIN DROPS BOMBS ON | ENGLISH COAST—ITALIANS MAKE IMPORTANT MOVE = ———SS Se AUSTRIA NAVAL E BATTLE IN BALTIC— GERMAN FLEET LEAVES KIEL RUSSIAN AND GERMAN FLEETS FIGHTING AT ENTRANCE TO GULF OF RIGA—GERMANS LOSE TRANSPORTS — A FRENCH MINE LAYER STRIKES MINE. Ratlwey to the Trentino ES IES CAPTURE TWO LINES aren OF TRENCHES IN DARDANELLES | : 1N HAMILTON REPORTS IMPORTANT GAIN ON LaND-- \IDED BY WARSHIPS—SIR JOHN DICKSON REPORTS IMPORTANT CAPTURES IN ASIATIC TURKEY. °THNICHEN *CAPRILE (Special to The Dally News.) json, in command of British oper: TALY seas iin te _? BELLUNO (Special to The Dally News) Mine Layer Strikes Mine. Une a tee one the Tig Asiatic a. London, June 7.—There has! paris, June 7.—The French thet {he Sones the | -purkey, reports the surrender of PFELTRE a. been a naval engagement at the : ae a oe it the German governor with 30 offi- ; ee eee ; % entrance to Gulf of Riga. The — layer Casabiancia struck a hes over a three Jeers sie hes tacain . * CONEGLIANO Germans lost several transports |mine at the entrance to the Bay ng a general ad-| x ~ and one large unnamed war-|of Aegean. The captain and six- varde Ww arships General Gorringe’s column cap- — / ship 4 ltenad ; en off ss aa Pa : ty-five of the crew were rescued nent mong se xy ired in one day, 80 officers, 2,000 : The Russians lost an auxiliary oat P prisoners taken,|men, 7 field guns, 6 naval guns, aa Adriatic chip, by a British destroyer. It is be- in Snilors from the|the gunboat Mermais, a large riv- NICE Jee ; Font The German fleet has left the lieved the others reached shore ler steamer, 3 small steamers and VENIC a Kiel Canal and joined in the en-|and were made prisoners. She In Asiatic Turkey. {2 steel barges. Further sur- eee gagement. had a complement of 328 men. lune 7—Sir John Dick-'renders are expected. THE ITALIAN BATTLEFRONT—Jowards Triest the Italians haye occupied Grado, a favorite bathing place for Austrians. GANTI ZEP EI IN IMPO ANT AD ANCE Some progress also has been made toward Gorz. The Austri- Gl C P RT V RIED CAPTURE OF D. LLOYD GEORGE TOURS | ©» he FOR BRITISH INVASION| BY ITALIAN TROOPS | ans may menace the Italian advance eastward by launching NERAL TURNER FALSE INDUSTRIAL CENTRES | forces south trom the Ploeeken Pass. lp mi sessieecceniniianiniaeeaiiaceinictanbies . Copenhagen, June 7.—A gigan- (Special to The Daily News.) | Lond June 7.—Mr David io Zepveli ales ; (Special to The Dally News.) |} London, June 7 avi tic Zeppelin of an entirely new Rome, June 7.—A gene ' EME | o Gecres fo manins c torr of TER OE HAS PREMIER ASQUITH tree caused surpriog ail alone tel wags Gas baancanmaen 1s received a mes-|the British industrial centres in DIED OF WOUNDS | AT BRITISH FRONT | attic Thursday when making 4l70 River from Capoerte to the sea, t General Turner |0rder to impress upon the men - trial journey over the interna- a distance of forty miles. The iptured, and is with the necessity of devoting all their Word has been received in the | British Headquarters, June 5.}tional route between Sweden and movement is of great importance rhe report of the Ca-|emergies to aiding the Empire city that Walter Smith, son of |—-Premier Asquith has just fin- Denmark, It was visible from all There has been hard fighting in 8 i's capture came | Mr. Lloyd George, in address- Vernor W. Smith, a former resi- ee. a busy visit of four days to a coast towns. The airship the vicinity of Gradica and Udine. ~ ) » oot dockers Oo se e . e “~ ‘ T > Ira iar ; 3 j “ ‘ . 7. si ‘ ; ; y i is evidently an- |!28 the Liverpool docket n Sat re ree trom tie Briti 8 nt rhe aroenet - ers in ~~ and dime nsions The Austrien resistence. ts (German fiction, |Urday, made the statement that .“— a conference with General|from the earlier Zeppelins. It is growing stronger. wantipi nothing can pull us through the wounds. He was only about 1 |Joffre, the French commander-in- |heavily armored and is supplied . 7 xce “ars | ge and attended the/ehief, and M. Millerand, the|with three reservoirs for poison- ipresent serious situation except} yeal fa and = atten i an Mm. 1 é , : : r poison ne ee eee ee tire. to eatistcaltreash, Wer HOM ous gas. ZEPPELIN DROPS BOMBS PEDOED--CREWS SAFE tie British Empire. with the first contingent in Van-| Mr. Asquith was intensely in- re . ON ENGLISH EAST COAST Mr. Lloyd George, in working] ver and went to Valcartier for |“ rested in all he saw. From a Rotterdam, June 7.—Count Re- |Special to The Dally News.) the munitions department, in-| hort |high eminence he had a splendid ventlow, writing in the Deutsche, (Special to The Daily News.) | preparator raining Shortly | ages aj j } 7.—The steamer |tends to throw the main respon- | —- i i j 7 jview of the British positions, the Tages Zeitung on the Zeppelin London, June 7.—A Zeppelin . le e go y oO ere ce, e vas . i thie is been sunk off sibility for the production of artes ms ' _ a . , | Weather being beautifully clear, |raid on London, which he de-| visited the east coast of England ’ : ; ounde . ad, » repo! scribes . o “Gene 4 . nd the Star of the!goods upon the various districts wounded in the head, the rej fhe Premier at various points |S¢ribes as a “German ate OM |last night and dropped incendiary infer- admits the raids are not for military purposes and that, so lied in hospital from the injuries. | tliat diel ifle ,|far, they have not had the slight- and putting it up to them to de- \ Se jand waving caps and rifles in the : nG3 ° me dt 18 o aliminate ‘CANADIAN LOSSES AT THE |" wt sats, on. We SN "FRONT NOW NUMBER 7442 THE SIGN: OF THE the outer forts of London,’ éentially The greeted him with the great- sol- ‘being that his skull was fractur- | e i 5 laddressed the troops. them what i A ts ote = explosive bombs. Five . persons Smith, re-| ceived word Saturday that he were killed and forty injured. Two fires were caused by the incendi-" ary bombs. The crews of themselves, telling wanted, giving them power to dis- | \ een. diers e safely landed. had est enthusiasm, cheering lustily cipline employers and workmen BASEBALL. lorthwestern League. ' Victoria, 0, influence on Later. The Admiralty announces that the Zeppelin which visited Eng- liver goods This is expected red tape and central cpipineritininamnaaprenmamamssaantte ' ae é b “We hope that, in fine summer ized meddling. 12-1; Spokane, 5-0. ft RS % weather, activity in the air will Jand was blown to pieces over Vancouver, 2. FOOTBALL. | Ottawa, June 8.—Casualty lists LITTLE BLUE BUTTON be very great over Britain, not in| Belgium by British airmen. ; o small patches to make slight un- leads the league, ———— lreeeived by the Militia Depart ond All football enthusiasts, should nt Friday contained the names The newly organized Bartend- rest, but on a great scale, regard- na, me day co i ec i z aa : : : ; evens make a point of visiting the Rec of 12 Canadians killed, 98 injured ers’ Union yesterday received leas of everything, eb that x SOC TA / COO POOOPOORIODIODOOOOOOO, |. tinny rounds tonight, when the | ad 6 missing his makes the their union bar ecards, and today |either direetly or indirectly will : ale dest ™' oe - a 2 is ay str g|have some influence on the fur- ete RPENTERS’ UNION Callies and Merchants meet for itotal casualties reported to Otta- a committee is busy distributing ee ee ae m = Under the Auspices of the : The » cards » various hotels ‘rr course , ar. leet the first time this season. The iwa to date 7,442, of whom 1,131 the cards to the various hotels in i er aod eee ¥ ies of the Church following team will represent the have been killed, 4,784 wounded, |the city entitled to display them, |/Pricks ant 1a measures are At the S| il Meeting of the Callies: R. Dowther; 8. D Mace — 1.530 are prisoners of war To the eredit of all concerned, vane than = they are yom CATHOLIC CLUB oO 7 » . yer ‘ense se .¢ y is a fer 5. 1e *" war age § ~~ P yr i on donald and A. L, Murray; D. Le atitnaitnee. every licen ; d house . - i “aera e re — TUESDAY, JUNE 8 nesday, June a ’ . irray and G. W iz union, and every bartender a é Ste ? * sre Clock. emer aenes ” G. B re union man. These cards are not|scale or nothing at all.” Refreshments — Carde at © : Abbott; HH. M. Foote, rd RUPERT r TABLE SUPPLY. Sea ce eioaeeeeae ie te ne ee ae P. M. Prompt ers are request- sismith, W. E. Williscroft, 4. Mac-| oury OF signInognes P : : Intosh and J. Hunter, The game The Rupert Table Supply begs unionist, but are extremely CONDITIONS THE SAME IN 1855. Admission 60c 3 J, NICOL s 7 ; eize to anv customer fartistic, and, like the cherry in the ——a ; is called for 7 p. ™m, to apologize t any Ree. See. ‘ities tine who was kept waiting during the |co¢ ktail, no bar is complete with- rae wae and ‘ x Popu = ‘THE WEATHER. rush on Saturday, and begs to In-joue one, - ' Albert Rooms OCC ODOC IIOIOD DIOL OOM timate that there will be an im- _ Ne In the issue of April 24, 1855 5a, m., June 7, 1945. i service next Saturday They Knives and scissors sharpened, ; ie Se ° , 2nd Aven proved se p Rese oe _ . > ; of Graham's Daily Mail, a news- ——S * . ster °> am epairs all k s. We eall for alace Of Sweets Barometer ...-eeeeere 2 ” do not deliver groceries at the R . bes \ ind me e ¢ ** conte ubitsiae ta Sieiaaie heen to the Uherinaee Geen Max. temp....-.seererrere’ 58. me the . quoting, but for aj@md de iver free, rone Fritz, : a . prices they are qu «ist oo o,|at that time, the leading articles OE a caihans nna 18.0 Sad el ey | 583. 132-34 eanvna..y Leeaves The Cholcest Stocks of Sin. * pr tte? gg |minimum charge of 10 cents they ————— were on “The European War and STRICTLY MODERN gee APPLES, BANANAS Rainfaly ..,sserrrrrrrres will deliver family orders to any the Allies,” “The Situation in RENTS REASONABLE ns’ , . , : ” “ sb sge “er Poune te Gates PICNIC PARTIES. part of the city, : . Mexico, Prohibition,” — and)|$ Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement on oe = ; “Submarine Exploitations.” The : *AY'S, LOWNEY'S AND HOME- preceremmncnnepennninnene eT Ma eslic eatre . ha|g UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MADE CHOCOLATES Launch Rose Belle II. is back JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES paper also commented on_ the SE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN to her old berth at the govern- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TONIGHT AND TOMORROW high price of wheat, the intima- PECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES . eady for the sea THE ee ee tion that Great Britain was too — mepnt whart Gna reek “PREMATURE GOuPESENED” ambitious about “ruling — the H. son's business Moderate rates Cozy Barber Shop lin Two Parts.) . ‘ Pioneer KiLLas, Prop. . aon hn Phone Red waves” and the need of more en- Wt Block, ar ree for Sunday pilenics BATHS Continuation of the Second Adven- nenka | the United States and Gth Bt. ‘00 124-1013 pane ave. ALDER BLK. ture of the Young Lord Stranieigh, Rees RES aS mais. me ~ The Crimean War was then in Third Avenue East “ RPH i cook" . eccceepegieanhadiaiiaanee Quality Tatisfaction and econ- — oan — oe in progress, and the allies were Phone 118 ’ e A Co y . ON om New Wellington Coal. ? England and France,—Ex, We Use the Most Modern DON CAF E sedi 116 63tf. ° . “THE BLACK WALLET” Laundry Machinery Built. y . , " . And Grill _— Canadian raternity A Western Dreams With & Punch. Safety First—Use New Wel-|$ Come In Any Tuesday or Plain and children’s sewine neon ; “OURIOSITY” lirigton Goal. Phone 116, 67tf, Wednesday and See How , . e Ga A Meeting of the Canadian Prater- a Geek Gomete, Se iLWays FIRST CLASS For particulars, all Mi : ~ nity Will Be Held at " aa Follow the crowd to @elf'e We Do It 8 - awso ronvener, Ladies id o : UNE 7 Absolute Satisfaction ts OXES FOR LapiEes pawees, Son” Chureh, Phon sp, m., png. q Admission 10 and 15¢ Cafe. There is a reason.. Next @uarentesd Bik, the Presbyterian . tn the Genre of Wale Site p o2tt : Third Ave. 1341-38 Majestic Theatre, 1 A& 70 | SaecanereesOCDDeeDeennnnnn er “it Cerernresooononooeooeeees