THE DAILY NEWS M SEE _——= = =— —————— LL! ; EE nished—-$10.00 per month. Master Chace, Vancouver. lea eee eeeee eee ees — inn! : y ~ PRINCESS ALICE HERE + BELLA COOLA NOTES * . “The Daily News” { {LOCAL NEWS ON FIRST ALASKAN TRIP ******"ere*eree’ until ww ee It re o yr left on the prin. | 0a CLASSIFIED ADS Sr ae | ‘The Princess Alice arrived in} jy, Gijon w pend his vac i . cess Alice today for Atlin. | fee tient! . , . . o 8 |port this morning, on her oe the Old Country I Dainty Garments—Fine Linen— ee WER: Sete oe om Wim. Manson, M. P. P., return~| northern tour of the season, She Sa Frane th Kroon! | FOR RENT —led from the Interior on last/jig commanded by the veteran j 0 These are surely worth your FOR RENT—Clean furnished cabins, by| night's train. Captain McLeod. ; wa best care and the use of noth- Ta on 06 n8 Ee ae se 6 On this trip, as on the Masonic | Fall, C. E., has returned from ing but the soap that cannot 6 : e., ne . : : . i alle ; ‘ #2 ' s . ss aeeiagameemel Wm. Sibbald left on ra rene tour last June, e Ta: dee |e trip made to examine feasible hurt the finest fabric— wanves CG. for the west coast of Graham yin. printer and artist, has |‘ : : ; nutes for a wagon road froin ’ : ‘ ina. ates Island today. jublished a newspaper on board ee pa Here’s the Sunlight way: WANTED—Competent nurse for - i. ~ |" + thie Pi Atlee Her Rella Coola to the interior ‘ Piret, soap the casment: then ae children, Apply Box 112, News. : It is called the Princess Alic er- . . ae on ° g . | vel ‘ongh the whole length of - “te COOK WANTED—For small hotel; man or At the Police Court this morn- ald. and is a dainty little sheet. M1 t through th oa it up to soak. After a while, rinse woman. Apply Sunday night after 7/— san was fined for keep f 1lso produced it} Stillwater Valley and foun well and the dirt practically drops . > f 0 as Tet . -lay f . als » a} ; é ; ‘3 sab eu” 6 weed ce : ‘ ene riv house ~ a a om { riginal design for d grade all the way He out. No wearisome scrubbing, WANTE ervant girl fo ‘jing a disorderly he . sover of most or mt ie wivrle i . Apply Box 110, Daily News. tf. “ee a ver list, showing, in|thought, however, that it would no hurtful rubbing—the gentle , Teeddeasanaingead |the passenger list, § eo e to be a rather expensive ut strength of Sunlight does the work FOR SALE Mrs. Emmonds left on the/three colors, a very fine drawing | to build a road through almost without » APS { { ast ght for! . . rtaking to DUTG ¢ US "© ; f FOR SALE—White Leghorn Rooster, ap-| Princess Ma juinna last ni . of a totem pole. na retinas ubiasliavaieid bail effort and en ply 827 Summit Ave. tf.|her old home in Spokane, Wash. The following is the first-class | uld have to be done—Bel tirely without FOR SALE-—Combined restaurant and a : |passenger list on this trip: ; Work ¢ ! ; ‘ injury. rooming house; 14 sleeping rooms. Ap- M. Dugan, alias Heabert Shap- | H. S. Hughes, BE. H. Fletcher, |'" Coola Gouriel f Try one cake - ply McCaffery, a a a Doyle. oe pe, was sentenced to thirty days | ot, oes ves ein ssaster | you'll find it’s FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- ; ‘toria; 2 o Be ft » me ; plete, Cost $1,000.00 What «offers? hard labor this morning for steal- | Stone, Dawson; B. Volpe, Mrs MAJESTIC THEATRE. hind to the \s . Ae ee re ' the HT | -- At all grocers hands, too. ,,, y = ter Volpe, Diamond City, Alta.; H. T.) roy si naa : : aiestic eatre preset music. co i : | Nelson, Mrs. Nelson, Garrison, N., rhe Maj mas “Bill” Taylor left on the George |* z ‘ther fine program tonight and . : i D.; C. J. Opperman, Juneau; D. /anc asim CHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL /this morning for Scotland, taking | , . | Premature Compro . asi \Casey, Chicago; Dr. J. W. Peck, | tomorrow. remature | —— Musics! Instru-) i, the Panama Exposition on the ; : . x isi een o Guaiinibe \ ments repaired. |. | Mrs. J. W. Peck, Miss V. Peck, mise,” in two pa oo Whether Bows rehaired. The oa * *¢ @ iMrs. George Peck, Berkeley, Cal.;|tion of the second adventure ! For You lf eka > . "S e ounge ord Stranleigh, heads Prince Rupert Mu- Mrs. W. FE. Williscroft has just|Miss H. Blackell, Juneau; Mrs. B.|the your ; i : , i — | Bs 3k *; Mrs. Berger,!the bill Phere is the usual sup sic Store, 345 8P@/ received word that her brother|Batson, Skagway; Gift t Fri ir ‘ : s*hinson ‘ai Oo eal good come Mrs oO our riend ea %./has been wounded by|Seattle; Mrs. Hute hinson, Fair-|ply of real good n ly in Y the front banks; Miss Barmby, Mrs. Bell,|Murphy's Gooks” and “Curiosity, e 6 6 Miss V. Ford, F. MeKinnon, Dr. | and a Western drama entitle 9 APERHANGING F. W. Dowling superintendent |J. D. Arnold, Mrs, Arnold, Master|“The Black Wallet KALSOMINING of Dominion government tele-|J. D. Arnold, Miss E. Arnold, ee PAINTING graphs, returned from Hazelton|V. Arnold, San Francisco; ars. C WEAR last night. E. Shatto, Long Beach; Mrs. N! W. =e & Sa F. G. ROBERTS eee Webster, Los Angeles; G. A. Me- LEE 39 14 Dyer Apts. P. 0. Box 642 Colonel MeSpadden left on the|Donald, Port Mann; Mrs. Schulz, | iii 3 The well known Perrin trademark as ‘ Evelyn this morning on a tour of|Miss L. Schulz, Miss M. aot Shoes Gr every Sport shown in cuts should be on every glove at inspection of the various military | Vancouver; F. J. Tonkin, Toron- | and Recreation you get, as this assures you perfection of camps in the district. to: W. J. Bowerman, —— mr Sold by, aft Good S le, Fit d Finish. A. E. WRIGHT Bch Ras pert; H. B. Gilmour, Vancouver; } Shoe ‘Dealers ty an Provincial and Dominion Miss MeIntosh, of Seattle, a/p J. Millard, Vancouver; H. Mau- | Best dealers the pares oo well the Land Surveyor specialist in Scalp Sheoiment, lin. Mrs. Maulin. Miss ale, | genuine pean LOUBES. tus) Surveying and Engineering Massage, Manicuring, Shampoo- Paris: W. A. Jackson, Miss Au-| ing and Hairdressing is in the | drey Simon, Vancouver; Miss} g7jf — : i ¥ P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 city. For appointments, phone/yajjory, Toronto; Mrs. Stevens. | x onan Fourth Street Red 94. tf.) Mrs. E. R. Britton, Snohomish, | k ma VYVUTil Ivy op Allg Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Garster, Ju-| Ving? ess : e on SKIMMED MILK 5c per quart. nate: thes G0. Péltereen. Wie! CF nk ' ZF) , BUTTERMILK {0c per quart, two! viper: Mrs. K. Bovee, Washing- QY 1 , way (One | FOR RENT nee Oe. ae oe 7 ton, D. C.: Mrs. A. F. Warner,| dima Stheuseammesneon <—) SL) | ee eee ee part of the city—Prince Rupert | poston, Mass.: W. E. Ditehburn., mmeeagr P : a | y one Green 252 ‘ ; B tse Cote. | Summer Cottages At Terrace §/Ds!"*—Phome Green 252). 4) 4. Booth, Mrs. H. Moly-| Ppesely || a neaux, Mrs VY. Haddon, Master Di va . Dut \| Five-Room Cottage, with 68TH E. G. O. R. Haddon, Victoria; J. A. Williams, iSO! agers rT jesti - oe Ss xy, B. C.; F. Euston, Mrs. W. z . iI saga oasa ney W@- 3lorders by Major J. H. McMullin, on . : : _ er Yield When | C ec © , @ar- M. jell, M. McSweyn, reo, SHET- | eee re Commanding, dune 4, 1018: en eA. Mt. Dale, | thetighthnelp ts sought at «right den and lawn—$20. per Appointments. = rye) oy 2 2 ™ ne, tadiguetion fe a-torment, ay Sask.; ‘ . Breck- — od ith month. " The following is an _ extract roe = : Biliousness causes suffering. Ei " Same house furnished— on ‘ . ah enridge, Mrs. Breckenridge, Du-| ig likely to lead to worse and weak- from The Canada Gazette: “68th on ae . ike hh hal $25.00 per month. “—" luth, Minn.; Mrs. C. G. Cody, Mrs.| ening sickness. The right help, New 4-R Cott ~ Regiment (E. G. O. R.), to Be ‘ Stoddard, V ae: De ¥ the best corrective for diss: Jered wi oi ioe gy -. mn ro Chaplain, Honorary Major, the os eae aa & *- "| conditions of the stomach, liver, iti Ai athe , S _Or , Austin, @XAas; a Se: HONE ve ™ Reveren® G, A. Rix, from 34th On- | 5'th-Orillman mae kidneys or bowels is now known to be blinds and screens furnished tender Riatenet Mrs. ©. Berger, New York: J. D. i é 0 . —$15.00 per month. McInerny, H. H. Walker, Mono- hi 1 Parades. , ia I'wo-Room .Houses .fur- * iat an ; .,/lulu; E. B. Chace, Mrs. Chace, i 2 “A” and “B” Companies will H All have sidewalks. GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. 200e. BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 ~ Money WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington Water Company, Lid., whose address is 547 Granville 8%, Vancouver, B. ¢., will apply for @ Mcense to take and use one and one-half cubic feet per second and to store 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham Lake, The storage-dam will be located at the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- Dackty of the reservoir to be created is about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.93 acres. The water will be diverted from the stream at @ point about 5 ehains below the said outlet and will be used for Water- works purpose upon the land described as part of Lot 46, Range 5, Coast District, being the townsite of Port Essington, A copy of this notice and en application pur- suant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914," will be fied im the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- tons to the application or to the petition mentioned below may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp - woller of Water Rights, Parliament Butid- ings, Victoria, B, C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in & local newspaper. powers is deseribed as the Port Essington, A petition to the Certicate granted to the respect of ite former right clude the right applied for heard in the office of the B tigation at 4 date to be fixed by troler, The date of the First Publication Of this Notice is March 28, 1045, “PORT BSBINGTON WATER GO., LTD.,” Applicant. parade in front of the assessor's office on, Tuesday, the 8th inst., and Friday, the 11th inst., at 8 p.m. Rifle Exercises and Squad Drill. Should the weather be in- clement held at the Exhibition Building. By order, ADAIR CARSS, Lieut. Acting Adjutant. parades will be 131-136 RK HHHRHH HHH * SMITHERS NOTES * KKH W. J. Burns, formerly of Pa- cific, has assumed N. Wellein’s place at the station telegraph key. Mrs. E. E. Orchar@ and son re- turned from a sojourn in Cali- fornia this week much improved in health.—Sentinel. A typewriter that writes a syl- lable at a time, the invention of a Belgian, has a speed of from 125 to 150 words a minute. CASE AGAINST THE TIMES IS DISMISSED The ment’s case against the London Times and Major E. H. Richard- son on the charge of revealing in- London, June 8. govern- formation useful to the enemies of Great Britain, was by Sir David Burnett in the Po- dismissed lice Court. The defence contended that the information in question contain- ed letter by Major Richardson and published in The well known to It was to the effect that of the French reserves field and that young recruits had been called up. in a written Times was Ger- many. the last were in the raw The case was heard under the Defence of the Realm Act. Many persons who invite eriti- cism howl when they get it. sign of coming trouble. so immediate an effect Pil Pills and the right time to take this fa- mous family remedy is at the first ls have for good, by cleansing the system and purifying the blood, that you will know after a few doses they Are the Largest Sold Remedial Resort Sale of Any Medicine in the World. everywhere. lo boxes, 25 sents | FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert Beecham’s wrrnre . ni thy By “ Flower Fragrance Absolute SO Purity Pure vegetable oils are the Natural flower: xtract —- base of Baby’s Own soap. to Baby s Own $ - It promotes skin health and clinging fragran = prevents skin troubles. | makes its use 50 sal BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING cre In the interest of your skin, send for some now. Sold ev« 3] Don’t merely ———e strengthening properties it helps os 7 . o} the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this que ity w it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. 35¢. large bottles, everywhere. | J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.O. In | For ‘the Easiest, Quickest, Most arament ~ Lasting Shine—Choose 2 in 1 Shoe Polish! a “Easy-Opening” Box. All Dealers, 10c. per THE F, F, DALLEY CO.,, LTD. BUFFALO, WN. Y. HAMILTON, CAN. BABY'S OWN betS ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, NMrns MONTREAL = ee smother your coug : er Oil not only ; Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod nee ts tonic and CURE IT ——prowiptly arrests coughing, but than! throw of as won fot P . on dertul headache eure, ord i r cold ta feveriah Mathieu's Nervine Powders, the won S Mimus. mes proms aiepe the fever apd chase the pain from head, back sud lim dors, 2he, ee