177. . Viv aes PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915. THE DAILY NEW PRICE FIVE CENTS SS"ANS WITHDRAWING FROM WARSAW 2 IM CONFIDENCE IN RUSSIAN RESOURCES — ARMI IES ESCAPED GERMAN ‘TRAP SER RIDICULES MOSES COTSWORTH (Sneclal to The Dally News.) 30.—Hlon. W. “The Columbia,” neouver, July in his reply to British owser s in hered with ridicule Moses and the clerical spon- He showed worth for the document. Cotsworth, while engaged in rovernment employ had been ged as a land speculator and lleged stakings started a attack ye government since his dis- fraudulent venomous al. Bowser says the clerics the dupes of a designing old who doctored figures to suit The name Mann was hissed, yalicious purpose, r Donald 1 1ere was no disorder. gre filled except the top The two and a half hours was ry attorney-general e for ing charges from the docu- S WORK IS DONE: NOW FOR SUBMARINES 28.—Captain Per- naval critic if the Tageblatt, about the ships sunk by sub- rlin, July nes: submarine activities fruitful the as formerly, it will be Ger- s our not so during week ved here and there in y that being special precautions taken not to injure ral commerce, to ascertain if such e fact, but all the herefore is the reported good It is not pos- really more joy- which, SS, at the same time, *s that there are no grounds the belief that the have nxiely or submarines s of our clipped,” lis evening’s Kreune Zeitung es The g& which in similar vein: had done one good will be hailed by the whole The submarines note with sfaction Ger- people, pen has done work, now have ir say,” CARD OF THANKS fr. and Mrs. R. R. Morgan de- e to thank the many friends their late son for the kind ipathy extended to them in ir sudden bereavement. 640 ACRES Of Crown Grarited Yand on Graham Island for sale at $2.50 per acre for a. very limited time. DYBHAVN & HANSON eo. on aoe Albert Rooms —=———=2nd Avenue——=— Close to the Westholme ° Theatre CENTRALLY LOCATED STRICTLY MCDERN RENTS REASONABLE Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement UNDER, NEW MANAGEMENT ws BECKER | PROTESTS INNOCENCE TO LAST (Spevial to The Dally News.) York, 30, Becker was electrocuted today for New July Charles the murder of Herman Rosenthal, the gambler. He left a statement protesting his innocence and elo- gising his wife, whose graph photo- he wore pinned oyer his heart at death. OFFICERS APPOINTED FOR B. C. HOSPITAL The officers of No. pital 5 B. C., received their Hos- have service ranks and all oflicers, nurses, C. O.’s and rank and file have been inoculated. Maior Hard, M. D., CG. O., is lieut-Colonel, of Vieboria, and a siin-. ilar rank has been conferred upon Dr. F. C. MeTavish, Dr. Robertson, toria, of Vaneouver, of Vic- Panton, Herman who for some time and who is to join the British in Europe. Drs. H. L. Burris, of Kamloops, F. P. Patterson, H. 8. Munro, of Vancouver, and Dr. Gillies are Dr. I. T. Wall, of the rank of and Captain has been on service in France base Columbia hospital now majors. Prince has captain. The complete list of the oMecers follows: O. C., Lieut-Col. FE. ©, Hart, R. A. M. C., Victoria; Col. F. C. MeTavish, Lieut.-Col. H Lieut.-Col, Panton, Major H. L. Major F, P. Major H. 8. Major A. P, Proctor, Captain A. C, Front, Nicholson, Campbell, Whellans, O'Brien, Rupert Lieut.- Vancouver: Victoria; now in France . Robertson, Burris, of Kamloops; Vancouvel; Vancouver; Vancouver; Paterson, Munro, Ladysmith; Captain F. Vancouver; Vancou- Victo- Nanaimo: Captain J. E. ver; Captain H, ria; Captain L. Captain R. B. Captain R. C. &. Boucheer, Vaneou- ver; Lindsay, Vancouver, Captain A, B. seha- Captain 35, W. A. Captain H. H, brine, Vancouver; Bonnell, Clarke, Vancouver; MeIntosh, H. McKee, bh. Muller, Walker, Wall, P. Hannington, W, B. McKenzie, Cait *1",: eee ster; Captain W. Fernie; Captain Vancouver: Vancouver; Captain ". Captain W. P. Captain T. T. Victoria; Victoria; Prince Rupert; Captaia 1. Wilmer; Captaie Vancouver: Cap- New Westmin- Dinbar, Burna: Victoria, Green, J. Gibson, Miller, Captain hk, VF by; Captain H, Captain D. J. Quartermasters Winch, Vancouver; Lewin, Victoria. Warrant officers—R, Glass, R. A. M. G., Vancouver; A. Morriso , Vancouver. Rossland; Captain J. FOOTBALL The following is the lineup of the Merchants for their game to- night: Duff, goal; Ives and Cur- backs: Knowles, Kinghorn Waugh, Ar- and rie, and Buchan, Brighton, forwards. halves; thur, Thomas Doodson, Reserves: Simpson and Montgomery, Follow the orowd to Self’s Gafe. There is a reason,. Next 102tf. Majestic Theatre. Captain C.}inp The above the apex. map shows the railroad lines of which Warsaw is (Special to The Dally News.) London, Juiy 3°.—Warsaw, the third city in in the throes of abandonment. The Ger- mans in overwhelming numbers, the city. Petrograd further resistance The problem the as they Russia, is are before advises that unwise. to armies intact, aced on the south and north. A triumphal entry of the city hy the veing arranged by the Germans. Petrograd Report. 30. — Grand would be now is move Russian are men- Kaiser and his consort is Petrograd, July LARGE ARRIVALS FROM HALIBUT BANKS ‘The James Carruthers, of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Go., brought in 95,000 pounds of yesterday, and the Chief 55,000 halibut Skugaid The American and and 28,00° pounds respec- pounds. Ath- in schooners ena Shamrock brought 24,000 tively. With several smaller boats _ the total for the day approach- ed the quarter million mark. We ee ae EEE aa aaa * WORK FOR DRYDOCK * * * * Application has been * * made by the 1,000-ton * * steamer Delhi to use the * * drydock for repairs at * * * an early date. We Ae ee AMEE ea ae aa RHKKHEHEHHERH ET HOEY * BYLAW VOTE TODAY the re-decking re- Whether bylaw not, planking will be To have the cost four is essential that the bylaw Have you re- passes or proceed years, it spread over be passed. KR KKK KH KR * corded your vote? eM EH Oe * * * * * ed with, * * * * * JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES UNDEn =\Y MANAGEMENT THE Cozy Barber Shop BATHS THIRD AVE. ALDEA BLK. GERMANS IN OVER WHELMING NUMBERS ARE BEFORE WARSAW CITY IN THROES OF ABANDONMENT — PETROGRAD ADVISES THAT FURTHER RESISTANCE UNWISE — EXPERTS AGREE THAT EVACUATION PROPER STEP 1S THE Duke Nicholas and his Slav arm- have the though it and all ies escaped trap Warsaw understood German that Poland west of the Bug river had been lost. There panic, but a grim that the is no fidence vast con- resources of Russia will yet decide the con- flict. Experts agree evacuation of Warsaw proper step, battle that was the the in order to avoid a until the Russian army is adequately equipped to drive the enemy out. CANADA’S PREMIER HONORED IN LONDON London, July 30.—Sir Borden, who has London after returned Robert to visiting the Cana- dian troops in the trenches, yes- terday had the city Lord Mayor. freedom of the conferred unon him by the HHH ER MACHINE GUN FUND * * * subscription list. of the * above fund up: te last * night. * Amount previously ac- * knowledged ...... $456.50 * Dr. A. E. Tremayne.. 25 * TT: Dy Pattullo....... 10 * Miss Doris Pattullo.. 10 * Rey. Canon G, A. Rix, 10 % We Ti Dade. ..céeee 5 * P. R. Real Estate Ex.. 50 * McRae Bros., Ltd.. 25 * S. M. Newton....... 10 * Robert MeKay...... 5 * EE. P. Jenner and Wal- wm: tap Humes ish ves 5 * H. B. Babbington.. 56 * i * Total to date.....$671.50 * KKRKKK KKH HEH HKHKRE EE * OH ee LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultiess Service of Fault- less Food Hart Bik. 2 BOXES FOR LADIES Third Ave. NORWEGIAN COLLIER ASHORE ON UMATILLA (Special to The Dally News.) Vancouver, July 30.—The Nor- wegian collier Thor, bound from San Francisco to Nanaimo, is ashore on the Umatilla reef with two holes in her: hull, FRED N. CLIFTON DROWNED AT VERNON Information has been received’ the city that Fred Clifton, who left here with the last con- has met with a sad end His nude body was tingent, near Vernon. found in Kalamalka creek, near the camp. He had been missing for him could be found. sumed that he had gone to the creek to bathe and had drowned. Mr. Prince Rupert, some days, and no trace of It is pre- Clifton was an old-timer in having come here from the prairies before the city During in his the was ‘incorporated. stay the city baking business. THOSE TERRIBLE LITTLE MACHINES The following is an extract from a recent speech by the Rt. Hon. D. Lioyd George, Minister of Munitions: “At the outbreak of the war we believed that victory was due to us as a tribute Fate, but we have since learned that vur prob- lem is to organize victory. “We are short of machine guns, but if I could place my hand on adequate number of skilled the supply could be doubled in a few days. This is a most serious question for the in he was from an workmen army, as most of the slaughter is done by these terrible little machines. move of the is not easy it should be forces “What the next Germans will be it to but. if to concentrate upon our in the it is vitai (he repeated it)—-for the life of vital order to retain their that every available ma- forecast, west if is vital our people, it is in to position, enable them chine gun which can be produced should be returned without the least possible delay. “Our men can defend thems; +l ves—no men in the world can do CHARLIE CHAPLIN AT WESTHOLME THEATRE ewaeeeee The Westholme Theatre to- night and tomorrow night pre- sents the inimitable Charlie Chap- lin in ‘‘The Star Boarder.” The remainder of the is 4 blend of comedy and drama, in- cluding “Our Fairy Play,” 4 comedy in two parts, “While the Tide was Rising,’ a drama, “The Fables of Napoleon the Bumps," and a very fine Hearst- Selig Gazette, war and world’s news. On Monday the Majestic Stock Company begins a four-days en- program and showing the latest gagement, when they will pat ov an entire change of program from their last in the city, Try a box of Kirmess Choco- lates, made in B. C., at Orme’s JAPANESE CABINET TENDERS RESIGNATION (Special to The Dally Newe) Tokyo, July 30.—The Japanese cabinet, headed by Count Okuma, has tendered its resignation, fol- lowing investigation into protesting his innocence andeulo- A reconstruction is likely. an tions. LOSES MEMORY ON BATTLEFRONT Moose Jaw, Sask., July 29.—A remarkable case of loss of mem- ory through injury on the firing line in France, is related by the victim letter to a this city. The writer is George Hitchcock, who was a clerk in the C. P. R. freight oflice here, and who went with the first contingent. an in a friend in He writes as follows: “T am sorry to say I have been suffering from concussion, owing to a shell bursting almost on top Owing to this I have lost my memory and cannot yet re- member any of ou. I cannot re- member ever being in Canada alt all. The first thing I can clearly remember is waking up in the hospital in France and asking where I was. I was told that I had been there for ten days. I do not remember my mother or anyone I knew before this hap- am much better now, although I pened. The doctors say it will all come back in time, se’m not worrying very much, although it’s rather awkward at times. “You me how Tom _ was getting along. Well, I don’t re- member him, but my mother came to me and was telling me about a fellow named Tom Has- well, who was in Canada with me, perhaps, it’s the same. If so brought wedding cake from him and told me he had got married. They tell me we were in an awfully warm cor- ner when I got hurt, and that my company was almost wiped out, so I suppose I am lucky to get away as well as I did.” In a postscript Hitehcock says five different convalescent of me. ask see so, she me some in one been and he has hospitals home. better, but they can do it with less loss of life and more effec- tively if they are supplied with an adequate number of machine guns, and it is within the power of skilled labor in to supply those machine within the next few weeks.” WEST HOLME OPERA HOUSE RUPERT'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW this country guns Charlie Chaplin in “THE STAR BOARDER” “OUR FAIRY PLAY” Comedy in two parts. HEARST-SELIG GAZETTE Showing all the latest news. “WHILE THE TIDE WAS RISING” — Drama. “The fables of Napoleon and the Bumps” Prices 10 and 15 cents. Next Week: The Majectic Stock Company. . " 4 —