Friday, July 3 {9 THE DAILY NEWS 15 ES F ry ‘ Tae oe ees Se ; ON | oem SEARCHING THE DaiLy NEWS U. S. DESTROYERS | as 3 TRAINS WEEKLY THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE ALASKA COAST a 06 os'Tt Polat SATURDAY MONDAY THURSDAY 10 i Published Daily and Weekly — Nome, July 29.—The ne ‘30 A. My, | Guaranteed Largest Circulation Captain Mulhern of the halibut}Bear, Captain Louis Lane, has TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON 4 HEAD OFFICE schooner Tuladi reported the jleft to begin the search for Stef- REGINA, WINNIPEG, srt. PAUL | O i : ney see lfanson, the explorer, who has 4 Oaily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.{0ther day that he had seen four jiéuson, “ewe CHICAGO, EASTERN CANApaj ; io awk abi a reese ie Thaas issing for more than a TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Noniract | ruisers steaming in a northwest ‘ _ eau” baie AND UNITED STATES riv »¢ 7 : P eal Nothing lias pee sar t 2 rates on application. jerly direction. These were prob-jyear. a = jably the United States destroyers | from Staifenson frem:eny por 3 BOATS WEEKLY DAILY EDIFPION aes Friday, July 30, 1915. Paul Jones, Perry Preble andj and the people who know the TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A. M it t coas an¢ ose wh are : ; a : i gn nee fSteart, which have arrived ayes — ro lia A TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; SAN FRANCiso9 te ewe ae i oa ae ; ‘living there have given up hope ian COPPER REFINING ; to week. or from month to | Sitka, \laska They will cruise that he will ever be heard from 8 eee See CON tv! f Vancouver is right after the month, are given for some 300/around the Aleutian group as serait UNEXCELLED EQUIPMEXT CHARACTER SERVICE 4 } again A roposed opper refinery, and} commodities representative of! well as other parts 0 a Full Particulars Cheerfull Furnished prop ier part f the coast. ih y iT it is up to Prince Rupert t, get}; production and consumption in| — SEER EKHEEHEEHEHE HEED A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. busy. A deputation from the | Canada, divided into the fol-| the highest record by the|* HAZELTON NOTES. Se SENT ee «| ay southern city is now in Ottawa | lowing groups:— Grains and atnber since 2000 SHEERS REESE : ———— He pressing its claims. It is un- fodders, animals and meat, : ae ‘ . + ; = ‘ al i he chief increase for the Jack McIntosh, formerly tele- hone 554 P.A.Ry 6 a fortunate that lobbying should dairy products, fish, fruit and , perator on the govern I a i J aa ‘ grapn operato 0 0 os for have any effect in the placing vegetables, miscellaneous gro- cay 048 .Wa0n ae |e ca line, and an old-timer in MUSIC APERHANGIN Pas of such a plant, as the sole ceries. textiles, hides. leathers, the groups grain and fodder,|° eet} : Teacher of Violin and All F mem NGING i} j hould & f I I tal is district, has returned from Band Instruments AINTING ” consideration should be one 0 yoots and shoes, metais and vnich rose 14 per cent., ani- ' har ald : rae -rince George district, where he A. PESCOTT INC AN natural location. implements, fuel and lighting, mals and meats, 6 per cent t the ‘last three years 452 Eighth Ave. Kast OLISHING AND i ’ ° " spen ne ias -e years. Phone Qreen my iy % With the Granby Company lumber, miscellaneous building | taw furs declined 33 per cent.| | a ove WALL TINTING “] : raj idly increasing its produc- materials paints, oils and | Food. fuel and lighting 6 pel J KE. Germains, of the local ht ea ak Gi eo hp MM A a Od OS H 3 7 nterior d sag tion, and ore deposits of value glass, house furnishings, drugs | ents and-cottens 8 Dé f bi sae i ae a Nieonie side ee rH cent., ¢ ottons 5 per cent.|telegraph office, left on Tuesda; poe being opened up freely in this and chemicals, furs, liquors, | Food prices returned to the|for Fifth Gabin, to relieve John ISTRY Martin Swanson northern country, there can be tobaccos and sundries. ene | high levels that prevailed in}Dore, who comes out for a va- DE N T $} Second Avenue, near McBric 5 little doubt but that Prinee report includes also index t} latter -nar o . nn Ba ee ee ¢ ae . idaho Sete : f : he latte part of 1941 andleation. The temporary vacancy — i Rupert is the proper location.; numbers showing the price} ,oriy 1912. Meats were on alhere is filled by L. W. McCand wen SPROALTY ee eee i It seems certain that the coun-] movement in each commodity! high evel throughout the |Jish. DRS. GILROY & BROWN }| £ 5 +e iry around Prince Rupert is te and group back to 1890 an year, but showed much weak- —_—_ DENTISTS f 3 PHONE.-35 ‘ be the largest copper DEnaers analyses of changes during; jac. in the last three months.”| Rod MeCrimmon and_ Fred OMcs: Smith Block, Third Avenue ing part of British Columbia, the year with detailed informa- An appendix to the report Griffin went up Nine-Mile on Phone 484 if and it seems ridiculous to sug- tion as to conditions affecting vives the average retail prices|Tuesday, to resume work on the ee T A X] : gest that the output oF. the prices, production, demand, of some thirty-two articles .f}Sunrise group. A car of ore casmibedgaGamictaalswsakt i id north should be shipped to trade conditions, ete. food and of coal. wood and|from this property is now at the * iP : Vancouver to be refined, and The opening paragraphs of coaloil, and the rent of a rep-jrailway, and further shipments FOR A TAXI i$ — : ; then shipped easi from there, the report are as follows:— resentative workingmau’s|will follow. i} : when the finest railroad grate “The factor which chiefly af- dwelling in each of the locali- rr iF Se epgatmmaaa ‘ | on the continent runs east fected Canadian prices during}. ties of the Dominion having a| Rev. J. P. Sargent, formerly 3 | Ree eR eR RRR HEHE EEE H OHH i 4 from Prince Rupert, the natur- the year 1914 was the out- population of 10,000 and over dean of Qu’Appelle, who has re-|\ ee bie Pa aiinlirgmeneee chi, ‘ al centre of vast supplies of break in August of the great for each year back to 1910. A|tired, is expected to arrive next ; " 2 the metal. Enropean war. From January statement showing the average|month, to spend the winter with PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Or OR PLUMBING AND HEATING. if é y . anspor io >i] he general price- ‘ . 2 ; Sargcea Vv eo Naturally the transportation until April the general pric weekly expenditure of a typi- his son, R. S. Sargent. Rev. Mr. © adrinitinininidiniinitririntrinh tr trinktt SMITH & MALLETT companies in the south are level was steady with a slight cal family of five on these|Sargent has been in England for Lar og stock of | i ee anxious to get the business, tendency upwards; thereafter staple commodities gives the]Several moths.—Omineca Miner. — -- - eet week ak ea. but, in point of grade, none of} there was a decline of two] .o.¢ of a budget of food at Slee ieee tare [ee oon them can compete with the points in the index number, $7.73 as compared with $7.33 If stealing slippers and shoes B C UNDERTAKERS - - on Grand Trunk Pacific. The during June end July, the latter ae O19 @7 4% ,|warrants four months in jail, the : * ; in 1913 and 1912, $7.13 in omnre FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND &m- Alex M. Manson, B.A whole matter is one of time, being the lowest month of the 1944. and $6.95 in 1910. Meat|theft of $800,000 from the Man- BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- W. E. Williams, B.A, LLB and it is evident refinery year. The war, however, at bread, flour and sugar aver-|itoba treasury should carry a life ANTEEO—OPEN DAY ANDO NIGHT WILLIAMS & MANSON in Prince Rupert will be able once caused advances of about : aas sentence vw ae Sees " ici aged higher in 1914 than in . BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Diesctor Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. to deliver a larger quantity of seven points, and though there 1913. Rent averaged $4.65 per SS : ——= ; MONEY TO LOAN copper on the Atlantic sea- was reaction almost immedi- aS a 4 2405 aes Box 1585 week as compared with $4.75 ghis ers board, in a given time, than ately, and although the year in 1913. $4.60 in 1912, and Cor g scatt germs aig tN ee ee ‘ such a refinery in Vancouver ended on approximately the $4.05 in 1911 and 1910— ¥ —Stop it ° Sterling Marie Moiers Office corner 20d Street and 3rd Aveow can ever hope to do. same level as it began, the Mo ote a y au ’ Monetary Times. ing increases the ae : scorpctibiiagtipaestcipeiibasigittiaatiniinitiibias effect on the average for the: | cnx -~—— $$ ieritation of the already, in- Can be purchased In town. A PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED COST OF LIVING twelve months was a rise. The . -~ : vane & will give you en- (Yuccessors to Pacific Transfer Bihesh ak a hry a ’ and is moreover apt to carry tire satisfaction. Built for seen adi The prevalence of war during department index number i nee oft 4 hard work. Guaranteed. Genera! Cartage ° feu spy a considerable part of the year which includes 272 com- Prince Rupert Dairy Cod Liver Gil pro eh No. ne ric 6un LADYSMITH COAL 1914 lends a special interest. to modities stood at 136.1 for cougping - an stroke; 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 — , the report on prices just issued 1914, compared with 135.5 for Has cut the price of Milk eee cure. z on cylinder; & 1-@-inch bore; 7- s ij by the Department of Labor. 1915, and 134.4 for 1912, these in half of Matitien's Byrep of TH mn JAMES GILMORE H on : ; , 1,100 Ibs. ' ( The volume is the fifth annual numbers being percentages of PURE FRESH MILK jefe din hor bak care No. s coliasera 5 1-2-inoh bore; 8- ; 17 report on the subject, and the average prices prevailing Delivered in city at 10c per permanent Inng = ne pore rehe; SE-OS U. P.; 1,700 Architect a known technically as ““Whole- during the decade 1890-99, the quart and 5c per pint ial besler. t ‘i No. 4 cylinder; 6 1-@-inoh bore; 9~- | sale Prices in Canada, 1914,” period adopted by the depart bottles. a Ineh stroke; 46 H. P.; weight 2nd Avenue, near McBride Stree % though containing also much ment as the basis of compari- Phone Green 252 For Further Information ee ee is —— information as to retail prices. son, The point reached in oe w. 8 wpply to | Prices during 1914 from week September, namely, 144.3, was Blue 508, pong Rtn tine. CANADIAN PACIFIC meee ee eee cee - ——-__—— tricilan, Phone 383. RAILWAY , , ee ae Lowest rates to all Eastern Points FRED STORK’S HARDWARE é Corporation of the City of Prince ee © ewe oS . 2 w | Rupert. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC BAIL a t pore RE SREBS! SEEDS! Meals and berth Included on steamer a toe ere a ee = —_—_—_— CEIVED OUR Dos Pi TAME NOTION weet: (1). The Coumedi WE PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND Fs 710 SECOND AVE of we Corporation of the City of Primee HANOLE. SATURDAY, 6 P. ™ J A Rupe 6 1 , 4 / Carpenters’ Tools SGuiiders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery place pen eee at ee = Rennie's Ferry's, Steele's, PRINCESS MAQUINA SouTernn a , ' Bi Wire Cable Stee! Bioci.s Fishing Tackte on Claude Street, from the existing oma a“ Brigg's SUNDAY, 6 P | road on Eighth Avenue to the centre of arden and Field Seeds 4. @. MONAB, Geners! Ager 3) iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Seventh Avenue, ‘hemce along Seventh Aleo F Coraer Fourth Street and Third Ave | ; Rope Vaives Ammunition Avenue from the centre of Claude Street, ertilizere _—_———e" a Pumps Hose Paint ee ee om Donald Sweet, |§ We Take Ordere for Nursery $/ ———_————. -. “Ts , of Tar and Cod Liver a spe assess the cost ; ' Btoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron ah tities ed’ eit ed opom the land abutting direetty om she Stoek ADVERTISE iN work, Ha Grain bag | “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” congh cure. (2). The estimated cost of the werk is . v ee 1 re ! Si i 2 bs Pats Lange Dottie 26e. Sold » seuhese, $254.00, of whieh mome is to be paid by ancouver Prices THE DAILY NEWS : - — Sa ae pg ape cial Chicken Feed a Specialty : ' : 0 26. The speetai —- FRED STORK’S HARD G) RAE |e pease ee Se onl Pee” ps ba, nd i (8). A pedition against the work wit P : R F Nerve Energy a Or TAR «@« \"*D inept d vo its comstruction. race upert eed Co. ' } POG: COO LIVER OL a 1 @ay of Jume, 1915. 808 Third Ave. e === ——— SaaS BRANSST A. WOODS, Clerk. 0S: Eyegiasses. = eaten —— - === ae — mee * —— ee a j | eo Scoop Sure Misses His Wife And Bungalow err eee —By ‘‘Hop.” SINr SUMPIN TO CHEER, SSS =F a SING ONE OF Those BE -EEAT-TEVER) ARE, SOE \NOORS - MaKe Me. 0-1 - : A\'o ph a ing wears . = A ) , A constant dropping queen Mee Once (\ peat eB.) WV pes = fg |awayastone ATE aMe rS <=. z PASE} : , ae zh 2 eyestrain injures t\° hea ; INDIGO -rVeGor [od = AA It == |e PG I ea A hea because it is cons! Mi sts ‘ > t strain which first manl' toht discomfo itself as a slight ¢ at once should be remedied mit This we guarantee (0 ‘ , " lasses. Consultation ree. elays are dangerous Look for Loop OPTICIAN g 223 Sixth St. Phone Black