: “The Daily News” : White Leghorn rooster. eS YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL Northwestern League. Spokane, 2. 0; Tacoma, 4. Victoria, 4. . | WALLACE’S |) 2 TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT OFF LABOUR. Now is the time to brighten up your home at a minimum Vancouver, Aberdeen, 5; National League. Philadelphia, 3; St. Louis, 14. Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburg, 8. Boston, Cincinatti, 6-5. 10-7: American League. Detroit, 7; New York, 6. St. Philadelphia, 4. Washington, 2. cost. OUR WALL PAPER at Half Price and to Louis, 5; Cleveland, 1; is selling Coast League 5-3 we have arranged have San Francisco, 9 9 the hanging of it done (pro- vided you do not want to do Vernon, 5; Portland, 4. Los Angeles, 5; Salt Lake, 0. it yourself) at a cost that is 25% lower than usual cost. of American For the work leave orders H. J. Lefevre, Chicago, a For well known writer, is a guest at the Hotel Prince Rupert with us, or call up 489. the materials—we have hun- dreds of patterns to choose He is a contributor to many of from and all At Half Price. the American magazines, and is gathering= material for short stories on this trip. ——————— ee 2 H. S. WALLACE C0., LTD. Palace Of Sweets The Cholcest Stooke of ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS And Other Fruits in Season Fresh Stock of RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- MADE CHOCOLATES ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED H. KILLAS, Prop. Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and 5th St. WANTED — Competent girl for’ general house work. Wages $20 per month. Ap- ply Box 110, Daily News. 168-75. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Five goats, Louis Mazzel, ; four females and ; 4 one billy. Apply Pe", Box 440. 170-80. ; FOR SALE—9 White Leghorn laying hens, Apply 827 Sum- Phone Blue 508. A. E. WRIGHT Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor mit Avee., Surveying and Engineering FOR SALE—Desk, chairs, Apply, C. E. Bainter. FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? Apply Box 106, Daily News. uf. FOR SALE—Furniture of five-room flat at a bargain, or will rent to right/.. ~ people. Harbour view. Also several cornet, guitar. tf. P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 Fourth Street others. H. G. Helgerson, Lit. 169-71 FOR SALE—Gasoline launch “Impala,” 50 feet by 11 1-2 by 5 1-2 feet, built in 1912. 35 H. P. engine; exceptionally strong hull; good sea boat; two masts a with three sails; electric light; hot and cold water; will sleep eight. Owner ~ tana, beta coos,” ™™ S05 1§ THREE HOUSES, PARK AVENUE $6.00 PER MONTH EACH FOR RENT FOR RENT—Deskroom, desk and phone in omice, Apply 322 Second Ave. 177. 7 MUSIC. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Oakland, fHE DAILY NEWS PARTICULARLY FINE SHOW AT MAJESTIC The Majestic has a particularly feature for tonight It is fine five.reel in “The Morals of Marcus.” of the Famous duetions and one of the that company has ever pToduced. The story is of an English girl, { lone Player pro- best is who, from childhood, has been brought up in the seclusion of a Turkish home, but escapes when her foster father wants to sell her to an ancient Turk. She is aided in her escape by an Eng- lishman who takes her to England and suddenly deserts her, at the urgent request of the police, who have desired his company fot some time. Left stranded without money in a strange land, she wanders about and finally stumbles across a philosopher and friend in the person of an ex- Sir Marcus, school master who has unexpect- edly fallen heir to an estate ang) a baronetcy. She takes up her} abode at his home and refuses to NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a mortgage dated the 2nd day of June, Musical Instru- —APPLY— ments repaired. bows renaired. The/# PATTULLO & RADFORD Prince Rupert Mu- sic. Store, 345 3rd 2ND AVE Ave. tf. ; There is no alum in Dr. Price’s : Cream Baking Powder. The names . of its ingredients, printed on the | label of every can, show it to be made from Cream of Tartar, which comes from grapes. No alum baking powder or food con- taining alum is permitted to be sold in many countries. To avoid alum read the label and use only baking powder made from cream of tartar. 1914, registered in the Land Registry OMice, Prince Rupert, B. C., made to secure the principal sum of $600.00 and interest as therein set out, between William John Kennaugh, mortgagor, and Morris Wein- Stein, mortgagee, both of the said city of Prince Rupert. I will offer for sale at my office at the courthouse, Prince Rupert, B. C., on Thurs- day, the 12th day of August, 1915, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the following described lands: Lots 74 and 75, Block 34, Section 8, in the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, Map 923. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. day of July, 1915. JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff. Agent for Morris Weinstein, Mortgagee. 176-188 C., this 29th — LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE V, SKEENA TAKE NOTICE that Frank Miller, of Porcher Island, occupation fisherman, in- tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:— Commencing at a post planted 45 chains north and 10 chains west of the 8. E. corner of Lot 1447, Range 5, Coast Dis- trict, said post being planted on Grace Island; thence following the shore line of this island in a westerly, southerly, east- erly and northerly direction to point of commencement, containing 4 aeres, more or less. FRANK MILLER. Dater July 12th, 1915. 319. AUTO DELIVERY EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Phone -- - 35 FOR TAXI > | Stand - Hotel Rupert THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1016) Is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instently and without additional fuel being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any iIn- fringing Stove OoH lay | themselves open to prose- cution equally with the parties manufecturing or making same. Now le your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appli- ancee— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back If it Dont sult. As I own and control the above, ho one can put same in, Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANGON Phone 489 P. O. Box 306 Phone 99 | budge, and gre atly Doro, cently, whether ed, is Eugene is well Amoi from a interve! City of evening availed nity of the The go o idea ad bee fhe G, opinion withstar on acco Mr. months fusal to guilty « Phagan, prisonment, death’s on, wht cover. J. Br on the Prince from ar Publi exciting Turkish osopher, townsite, limit was less than a half-hour. Slaten prisoner Frank was sentenced to life sentence. much to the discomfiture of the aunt and cousin of Marcus. The piece is rich in humorous incidents and was enjoyed last night. Marie the Anglo- acts magnifi- as Carlotta, maiden, while the perplexed phil- - who is never quite sure »to be shocked or delight- portrayed by This picture worth seeing. splendidly Ormonde, GOVERNOR SLATEN OF GEORGIA PASSED THROUGH i the tourists returning round trip of Alaska and 1ing points on board the Seattle bound south last . was Mr. Geo. Slaten, governor of Georgia. Mr. Slaten himself of the opportu- taking an auto ride over although the time himself vernoY expressed as being agrecabty{surprised and elighted with thr city. He had that such” advancement n made af the terminal of TS: Pe that the city should have and ventured the a bright future ahead of it, not- iding the slight check felt unt of the war. for the past been much in few has the public eye, on account of his re- sanction the death of the Leo M. Frank, found of the murder of Mary Atlanta factory girl. im- an and now lies at door from being attacked by one of the inmates of the pris ) was also serving a life ‘own, chief freight clerk City of Seattle, is in the Rupert hospital suffering 1 attack of appendicitis. Salvation Army. c ineettngs, Tucsdag, Thorsday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Bundays at 7:3@ p.m. po $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Money Back ff Not Sat!s- UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Seon + BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC COAL factory Phone 86 14 Dyer Apte. APERHANGING KALSOMINING PAINTING F. @. ROBERTS P. O. Box e42 P Pioneer Laundry We Laundry Mechinery Buitt. Come In Any Tueeday or Wednesday and See How Third Avénue East Phone 118 Use the Most Modern Friday, July 30, 1915 FULLER'S Cash Specials AT For FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 380 and 31 222 ena TT OOOO na sige GROCERY The Best Breakfast Food ; Value 15c; Purity and Quaker, 49s; QUAKER FARINA FLOUR Delivered for $1.90 per Sack AYLMER CATSUP Made in Canada and better than any American make For two days only at 25c per Bottle NEW POTATOES By the Sack. Delivered for $1.40 Special 3 for 25c OUR SERVICE THE BEST We Sell For Less Frank is likely to re- And F. McB, pert, B. August, lands; more or terest th per annu 163-190 Between: 1914, and costs incidental to DATED AT PRINCE RUPERT, Bb, ¢ 13th day of July, 1915, : We Do kt Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed IN THE “COUNTY _ OouRT oF “ ATLIN HOLDEN AT PRINOE RUPERT. TONY BROOKS, Plaintisr, NICHOLAS HOMENIUK,Defendant. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALB Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge Young, dated July 10, 1915, 1 will offer for sale by public auction at my ofMfce in the Courthouse, Prince Ru- C,, on Friday, the 20th day of 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described The East One-half and the East One-bair of the Northwest One-fourth of Lot 1891 Cassiar District, said to contain 100 ' acres, less; subject to a Judgment and costs for the amount of $863.72 and in- ereon at the rate of 5 per cent. m from the 22nd day of August, the sale, » this JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of Atlin. Peerrooooees SEE as RECRUITING OFFICE AT * } ment, month there will be paid her will further assist them, 4.— What will happen ifI until you are discharged, your injury or disability. 5.—What will be done for while on Active Service? The selves. The widowéd mother EESESE=——=EE= = NOTICE TO OREDITORS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT and OF THE ESTATE OF MAZZBI, DRECBABBD, INTRES IN THE MATTER ROSANO TATE TAKE NOTICK that by order of Mis Moaor F. Mes, Young, loeal judge, dated tue 18th day of May, A. D, 1015, I have been appointed administrawix of the es- tate of Rosano Mazeei, late of the cisy of Primee Rupert, Provimee of Britieh Co- Jumbia, deceased, intestate. AND NOTICE 18 HBREBY 6{VBN Seat all Persons having claims upom whe estate of the said Rosario Mazaei, who died om or about the 280m day of April, A. D. 1915, are required to semd te Patmere & Fulton, barristers, Priace Rupert, B. C., on or before the sist day ef July, A. D. 1915, 4 Tull statement of their claims and of any Securities held by them, duly verified, and after that date I shall proceed te dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties embtitied therete, baving re- ward omly to the claims of whick notice has beem Bled. Dated at Prinee Rupert, B, @,, this 20% day of Jume, 1046, GABTANA CITAMNA MAZZI, BY Patmore & Fulton, her seliciters, Your King and Country Need You RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd OVERSEAS BATTALION, CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. OFFIOE NOW OPEN. In view of the recruiting which is in progress at present throughout the Province, it is apropos to answer a few the questions which are considered plate entering the Service. The following is a list of perti- nent queries, together with the information which each elicits QUESTIONS ANSWERED. 1.—How long am I to serve? and six months after if required. 2.—What pay shall I receive? be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allowance. you will be clothed, equipped and subsisted by the Govern. 3.—What will my wife receive during my absence (also part of your pay) and if this be not enough to com- fortably maintain your family be cared for by the Government If y allowance will be paid you, varying according to the extent adequate pension, that will enable the family to live fortably until the childhen are old enough to look afte her sole support, is treated in the same Way as a wifi COORD OOOTS PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT who conte by those Until the end of the war Your pay as a privat Besi a separation allowanc , the Canadian Patrioti am wounded or sick? You wil and your ou are permanently disaliled a! pay con my wife and children Government will provide 4! of a single man, if th hi eoccenerett ee THE PRINCE RUPERT FAIR 1915 SPACE RENTALS acelve The Directors will be glad te in the lenders for a space 15 feet square r the centre of the Exhibition Building [0 / 93 three days of the Fair Septembe! 8, and 94. This space is the best stand apt building, and is admirably suited for © mercial display. f the Other space inside around wells © building with depth of 10 fect will Pe” for the threa days at #1.00 per o foot, renders No tender necessarily accepted. T close July 81st. oths, bo Outside space for refreshment > side shows, etc, Prices ov &pi Hen The plan of the building 18 ow ! and reservations can be made For further particulars addres! retary, Board of Trade rooms, CY Box 1657. ee at 8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR —— 4p, m. Tenders will be received oe e i Monday, July 19, for the ae prince motion pleture theatre for ee umited Hupert Mutual Building Company, sooured Plans and specifications may be from the Architect, rTRR eam, PO * nenitech 162-164, eee S>