THE DAILY NEWS ~ VOL. VI! NO. 2038. PRINCE RUPE RT, Be Os —aS—— AUGUST 30, MONDAY, 1915. tees PRICE FIVE CENTS SO = TROOPS MASSING ON ROUMANIAN FRON ER RELATION i, STRAINED BETWEEN GREECE E AND TURKEY-HEAVY ARTILLERY DUELS “< —=}| enna CANADIAN EXHIBIT FRISCO IS MAGNirxt ft NarxCENT vr. D. GC. MeRae, writing from Be. piego, Cal, says that, after spending two weeks in this coun- try, whose chief asset is climate, the climate of Prince Rupert looks pretty good, M McRae reports that the mnadian exhibit at San Fran- isco” «Exposition is magnificent. Every one you meet tells you to pe sure and see the Canadiar: ex- Mhibit. The G. T. P. also have , splendid exhibit, in which !tu- ert and distriet are weli repre- Mr. MeNichol and his as.-. stants are doing aplendid work Hor the north country. \fter doing considerab'e mented sail- fing on American coast steaniers, ir. Mchae lable yoats. says he feels a justi- pride in our own G. 'T. P. ANOTHER LOCAL BOY KILLED IN ACTION Word has been received in the ity that H. Sinelair, former!y ‘ier in the Bank of Montreal re, has been killed in action. He was in the, south when the var broke out, and enlisted from here, Mr. Sinelair was iirst re- orted wounded, but it earned that he was killed. is now a — —_— SATURDAY’S BASEBALL Northwestern League. Spokane, 6; Seattle, 5: Vancouver, 3. Tacoma, 3. National League. Pittsburg, 1-0; Brooklyn, 2-3. Boston, 2. ; New York, 2 Cincinnati, 0; Chicago, 0 American League. Boston, 5-3; New Cleveland, 3-4. York, 1-2; Detroit, 0-6. Washington, 41; St. Louis, 2. Philadelphia, 4; Chieago, 2. Coast League. San Francisco, 5-4; Vernon, 11 innings). Salt Lake, 41; Oakland, 8. Los Angeles, 3; Portland, 2 ROR RRO FO OE EE HE OE ee ae 7 * SNAP. * . cane * ltooming house for sale, * * ten rooms completely fur- * * nished, cheap rent, can be * * bought on easy terms. * * H. G, HELGERSON, LUD. ¥* * ORR ORE RR EH OK i ae oe Eo LONDON CAFE And Grill Faultless Service of Fault- less Food Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES Hart Bik. Walker,s Music Store Removed to Werner’e Old stand s _On In Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL @oops. eicengetti E Terhaul-Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. POOP; RCT ;R ICO ;OOOOOR _——_—_—_—_—_—_—_——XS—X—X — Le i r er De ens 4 Mom oa eae 3 Aah- ee Mall ae Finish of the race between PRAIRIE FIRE RAGING AROUND WINNIPEG (Special to The Dally News.) Winnipeg, August 30.—A Prai- rie fire which is raging in a peat bog 15 miles long by 5 miles wide, threatens the city of Winnipeg. Officials asked the ment to send soldiers to help ex- have govern- tinguish the fire. AMERICAN BANKER LEADS DUAL LIFE (Special to The Daily News.) St. Louis, Mo., August 30,—J. W. Barnhardt,.. candidate. for a the state senate and a of Forest City, is under his real name, W. seat in banker arrest. . Under J. Kline, of St. Louis, fessed to realty forgeries amount- ing to over $500,000. ‘ Accused had lived a dual life for many years, defrauding farm- of forged he has con- ers by the sale deeds and mortgages and issuing worthless cheques. He has a scape fortune of $350,000. OVER $600 RAISED FOR B. C. HOSPITAL the Red sum of local branch of Society $602.96 in aid of the B. GC. Saturday. are the amounts The Cross raised the Over- seas Hospital on The folowing collected on the various routes. Mrs. Lhird from Orme’s to GC, P. R, otlice PME Ss oS ee eae oT Si54.74 Mrs. Morrow and helpers, from McRae Bros. 866.410, Mrs. R. L. MeIntosh and helpers Post Olllee corner... ++++> $54.47. Mrs. G. H. Arnold and helpe.», Royal Bank and Royal Hote! cor- $54.04. Besner and helpers, Ave. to Barracks. PNR i lk ogo 2 owe Mrs. Henning and Miss ‘wWor- rissey, Government wharf. $50.44. Mrs. Dawson an d helpers, Westholme Theatre and Second OS nk gg 00 9 0:8 6uee $44 48 Mrs. J. R. Morgan and helpers, Fulton St. and Sixth Ave. $37.36. Miss Taylor and helpers, Third Third Sts...$3°.15, Ave., Sixth to Mrs. Gade and helpers, G2 BP wharf (two hours only) . .$32.00. Mrs. Mobley, Wallace's Corner Ne Se Pee Re: ae #25.16. Mrs. Holtby and Mrs. feu naleaak Third Ave, and McBride. $23.90. Bernice Palmer, Hays (Creek eee Oh ae ee $12 60 Rhona Saunders, Digby Island ee a ap aa AER $7.45, Mrs. Woodland, salt lakes $i.045 eR Follow the crowd to Self’s There is a reason., Next Cafe. Majestic Theatre. Ctr rr rrr rrr rrr. WHEN BOB DIBBLE WON CHAMPIONSHIP OF AMERICA Dibble, the The finishing Canadian champion a boat shows that D nd Kelly, ibble won by a clear length. of the Philadelphia Vcspers, at Springfield on August 14. WAR BETWEEN GREECE AND TURKEY SEEMS INEVITABLE PREMIER PROTESTS AGAINST TREATMENT OF GREEKS IN ASIA MINOR — GERMANS TURNING ATTENTION TO THE BALKANS—VIOLENT ARTILLERY DUELS ON WESTERN FRONT (Special to The Dally News.) Athens, August30.-—The break- ing off of diplomatic relations ‘is between Greece The permitted it*to be possible and war and Turkey seems inevitable. today known that preparing a sharp protest against the persecution of Greek residents in Asia Minor. ' 300,000 Greeks have been com-.- censor Premier Venizelos is position on the River Bug in face of an enveloping movement from the south. This latest end of the German of- move marks the and the com- fensive in Russia mencement of a movement against the Balkans. the Troops are massing Roumanian frontier. Western Front. . August 30.—There has near Paris, pelied to leave the coast towns and | } the interior The news was with- to live in Asia Minor. held for during the Balkan negotiations. fear of public Eastern Front. August 30. front London, from the eastern indicate that the A istro-Germans ire en-| the last of the} deavoring !o clear Russians from Gaticia ;faving lost Brest-Litovsk, Duke Nicholas cannot afford to hold his Grand cities of; feeling, —Reports | | been artillery fighting at re- been violent many points in the Argonne, sulting in the seizure of German trenches. The week-end was marked by along the en- artillery fighting The Dardanelles August 30.—There has fighting in the Dar- are yet London, heavy details danelles, but no to hand. ABSENT MEMBERS ‘To the Not wishing Mayor and Council. but in your multitudinous duties, simply to remind you of ments which are Common among all of tieve that a full complement the ratepayers, whom be- to embarrass nt at the} aldermanic board comprises eight think that, importance are members, do you not as matters of liable to arise out of the accident to the Hydro-Electrie plant, whicl may involve trouble between 4 city and the Canada General Elev- is high time ‘o trie Campany, it call home the absent members. or otherwise declare a vacancy at the and call an election to fill the vacancy. WILLIAM ANGLE, council board, OK eR Oe Oe HE eK RR RR RO OF THE ELECTION “Nothing in it — posi- tively,” Richard's reply to an was Sir enquiry re- garding the rumored elec- Ovtober 6th, still satellites getting very busy. Dr, Young pass- ed through this morning way north. We suppose the worthy minis- ter of education and some other things is on a hunt- ing trip. tion on his are on his HK KKHKKK HHH HK KH * | “THE BROKEN COIN” AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE Tonight and tomorrow, the fifth The Broken Coin” will This draw episode of “ be presented at the Majestic. ‘great serial continues to crowded houses, and is deservedly popular with all. “Elsie’s Uncle’, a refined com- in two parts, and a splendid Weekly most attractive program. edy Animated completes a There in order to “The Bro- will be three shows allow everyone to see ken Coin,” On Wednesday and Thursday the Majestic show a great Paramount attraction, in _ five entitled Molly.” will reels, “Sunshine * KK OK RK OK KOK RK OR OK * THEY KNOW * * see ES * * The Conservative job * * distributors know exactly * * when that-election is to be. * * The general public, -of * * course, having nothing * * whatever to do with the * * maiter, will be informed * * just exactly when it suits * * the boss. Meantime mines * * are being laidand trenches * * dug. It will take a big * * trench to hold the Tory * * “killed in action,” * * * y | formerly in the Gren tire line from the North Sea to; ithe Vosges. SUNKEN AMERICAN SUBMARINE RAISED (Special to The Dally News.) 30,—United which was Honolulu, August States submarine F-4, sunk during manoeuyres on March 2h with the loss of 214 lives, was raised today. No at- tempt has yet been made to open the craft. THREE OLD TIMERS FOR HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE E. H. Shockley, Joe Howe and George Leek left on the train for the old country this morning to military service. All three are old-timers of Prince Rupert. Joe Howe intends to get to the trenches, E.H, Shockley will do his while enter share in making munitions, George Leek expects to join the Leek was adier Guards Africa. army service corps. Mr. and saw service in South ‘EX- ALD. ‘MORRISEY’S ADVICE RE DEBENTURES Prince Rupert, August 30, °15 Te the Contractors of Prince Ru- pert, Gentlemen:—Re city bonds for re-planking of streets and the erection of a roadway to the cold storage—a word of caution may be beneficial for all concerned. Do not forget that about $14.- 500,000 of treasury certificates must be taken care of before 15th June next. The sinking fund and interest on all our bylaw indebtedness must be pro- vided for, and should the war con- may be any tinue another year, it doubtful as to the value of of our certificates, therefore I would suggest to you to allow the city council to sell this issue for re-planking and street erection to Terry, Brigs & Slayton at the best price available, get the money and for the work at the best ob- tainable price and the ratepayers pay and contractors will know where they Hopes are entertained that the are at. previncial government may atiow the dating of our present boud is- sue to be changed, to make them more attractive to the American buyers. Even should this be done and the war continues, it is still doubtful as to how saleable b. ©. municipal securities may be, therefore IT would advise allowing the council get the money and pay for the work, Yours truly, DANIEL MORRISEY, kKKK KKK HK KKK KK HK r ee ee ee .|ehild, Mr. outstanding |, WELL KNOWN CALGARY BARRISTER IN THE CITY George Henry Ross, of the legai Short, Selwood & Shaw, of Calgary, accompanied by Mrs. Ross, !eft for Calgary this morning after spending a few days around Prince Rupert. Mr. Ross was elected alderman in Calgary in 1910 and contested a seat in the last Alberta provin- cial His partner, Mr. Short was also here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were delighted with their Prince Rupert and with the scenery along the Grand Trunk Pacific. COPPER CLAIMS IN A HIGH ALTITUDE ® Not only are gold mining oper- Ifirm of Ross, election. stay in carried on extensive- of Barkerville, but it is learned that eleven pea- ations being ly in the vicinity cock copper claims have been lo- cated about 145 south of Crescent island, towards Barker- ville, at the head waters of Snow Shoe creek. The claims which are held by L. ©, Jamieson, J Goodman, R. Hennesey, J. An- drews and other people of Mc- Bride are at an altitude of 7,000 feet and are in a rather difficult location. The ore is however of a grade that will repay the money spent on roads.—Omineca Herald. miles PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES The amongst the first-class passengers on the following were Prince George this morning. Mrs. O'Neill and family, Mrs. H. C. Wood and family, Mr. McHugh, Mr. Norrey, Mr. Angus Stewart, Mr. Williams, wife and child, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Maegel, Mrs. Pardy and F. A. Fay, Mr. J. B. Me- Kenzie, Mr. C. H. Duncan, Mr. W. Young and wife, Mr. W. McKenzie Browder, wife and daughter, Mr. Youfig, Mr. Lang, Mr. H. §S. Pringle, wife o four children, Mr. Lade, Mr. J. 8. For- syth, Mr. J. Miss 8. E. Anthony, Mr. Seager, Mr. MeDon- ald, Mr. Miss M. Smith, M G. B. Golding, Mrs. Stewart two children, Mr. Card and wife, Mr. G. H. Gone and wife, Mr, Ray- mer, Mr. H, Shellmount, Mr. W. Drummond, Lieut. Foster, Mr. Keast, Mr. F. P. Wilson, Mrs. Sut- ton and son, Mr. wife and daughter, Miss Cuthbert, Miss Cuthbert. and wife, Mr. Ehrman, Ross, and Sprague, Second Class. Mr. Swift, wife and child, Mr. Smith, Mr. Whipple, Mr, Endacott, Mr. Sykes, Mr. Baker, Mr. MAJESTIC :: THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Crowe, 6th Episode of “THE BROKEN COIN” In 2 parts, The greatest serial ever exhibited, "ANIMATED WEEKLY World and War Latest Events, “ELSIE’S UNCLE”—In two parts. A Pleasing, Refined Comedy Drama, ADMISSION 10 and 15 cents. For the convenience of the pa- trons we exhibit “The Broken Coin” three times during the evening, conti Weeneaday ‘os Thureday— Great Paramount Attraction “Sun- Shine Moily”’, in five acts.