tied ye Re oe IRR Se / THE DAILy NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRIFISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—59 cents per inch rates on application. Telephone 98. Oontract Fe __ DAILY EDITION WAR’S ECONOMIC ASPECT Transformation from King’s debt to people’s debt is describ- ed in a comprehensive work on The Political Economy of War, by Mr. F. W. of The Economist, published by J. Hirst, editor M. Dent & Sons, London and Toronto. The author briefly tells of early borrowing by the pawning of royal jewels or pledging certain special sour- ces of revenue under the Stuarts, the change to public borrowing following the revolution of 1689, which finally dethroned the Stuart monarchs. debts con- tracted by Charles IT., on which interest had fallen into arrears, a public obligation of half the stipulated interest in perpetu- ity was established during the reign of William III. Debts contracted during King Wil- liam’s wars made the aggregate $21,515,000, re- duced by payments to $16,394,- 000 at the time of the accession of Queen Ann. But the war ending with the Utrecht in 1713 brought total up to £52,145,000. reduction and For which was peace of the Again there was a during a period of peace to £47,954,- 000, but the war with Spain and France, beginning in 1739, ended by the peace of Aix-la- Chapelle in 1748, with Britain's debt £79,293,000. Reductions during the succeed- ing peace left a total of £74,- 332,000 at the beginning of the Seven Years’ War in 1756. When the peace of Paris was concluded in 1763 the debt was £138,865,000, which was re- £128,583,000 at the Ameri- swollen to duced to commencement of the ean revolution in 1775. War's became evident, for the debt at the peace of Versailles, in 1783 was £249,851,000. This increasing cost then had THE UNION STEAMSHIP €0., OF B.C. LIMITED Sails for GRANBY, NAAS, and PORT SIMPSON, Mondays at 11 a.m. ° Sails for VANCOUVER, SEATTLE ind VICTORIA Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Sails for PORT SIMPSON, Thursdays at midnight, 5. S. VENTURE 5. 5. CAMOS tember 2nd, 16th and 30th. Sallis for REFUGE BAY, SKIDEGATE, JEDWAY, and IKEDA on Satur- days at midnight August 21st, September 4th and 18th. Salls for MASSETT Tuesdays, August 24th, RIVERS INLET and VANCOUVER at 10 p. m. Wednesdays August 25th and September 8th and 22nd. Salle for SURF INLET, NAMU, wears Monday, August 30, 1945. x SS ee — = = mag a wo a ays fallen to £244,118,000 at the commencement of the war in 1793, but increased to £520,207,000 in 1802, when the peace of Amiens was conclud- ed, After Napoleon retired to Elba in 18414 the debt was £742,615,000. This total is the funded debt, and the estimate of the gross debt is £885,000,- 000 in 1816, involving an inter- est charge of £32,938,000 or more half the from taxation. Many reductions aes Freneh than revenues brought the total down to £803,000,000 in 1854, but the Crimean War increased it to £836,000,000 in 1857. A period of comparative retrenchment reduced the total to £635,000,- 000 in 1899, the lowest since the Napoleonic wars, but the increase Re- Boer war caused an to £789,000,000 in 1903. resulted in a re- £706,000,000 on March 314, 19144, although the telephones had recently been purchased by the government. The estimates re- garding the cost of the present war are enlightening. Britain’s heritage of debts from wars that have receded into history is exceeded by the trenchment duction to author’s ponderous cost of one year of the present war. It is estimated that each year of war will add £800,000,- 000 to Britain’s debt, or £3,- 810,000,000 to the total debt of the involving on them a belligerents, interest This of the des- permanent charge of £220,250,000. takes no account truction of property or loss of productive capacity through death and _ physical injury. Viewed in the light of political burden As- and economy, war is a baffling in its magnitude. pects than loss are also subjected by the analysis, other waste author to economic and his work is a material help in bringing the real meaning of GRANBY, STEWART, August 19th, Sep- September 7th and 21st. me FRED STORK’S HARDWARE = eg 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable é Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe ~ Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valvee Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” x - = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE THE DAILY NEWS WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE the average citizen. grasp of war within alysis the gigantic waste ibassy, unemployment and half-e e 6 ii a German plot to influence ployment during both Peace] .wspapers, inspire labor troub- and war. This, with an analy - and gain control of ammuni- sis of the burden of the non- plants in this country ac- producer on Lloyd George's ording to revelations published | ‘German Military Attache Acoused The same author may pome | Captain Franz Von Papen, mil- day elucidate by economic ai-|. ~ attache of the German em- of! estimate of one Duke to mee Dreadnoughts, might give in - | direct assurance of the world’s | power in bearing burdens and restoring losses. It might al be well to inquire as to the| auxiliary are giving a tea in honor tOlof Miss MeTavish, matron of the personnel of the creditors whom the world has become so deeply indebted. of debt thrown repudiated ¢ the be litt he wou were off worker tomorrow would for proportionate dinary or no better off, have to pay room to live in ti The more for improved world. of the Dreadnought will not bother him so long as any lightening of the load will be counterbalanced by ar inerease in the weight of the territorial While there is this owners. dation for conclusion involved in war will n loss excite indignation, but its no rors must impel all te end by carrying to vietory fhe eau of Globe. human freedom. If the burden or- weight foun- the Toronto | | | 13:30 to 6 Mrs. F. H. To all friends of Miss MeTavish; Welcome. le id ly ot I- if sc NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITI COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMENISTRA- TION ACT — sad — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ROSARIO MAZZEI, DECEASED, TATE TAKE NOTICE Honor F. McB. Young, local judge, INTES- that by order of His dated SH OF Prince on Friday, September Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:80 p.m. who is accused of implica- , the New York World. FAREWELL TEA rhe ladies of the P. R. Hospital Hospital, 3rd, home of Ave., E. Rupert General froia the ith p.m., at Mobley, Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday. the 18th day of May, A, BD. 1915, I have} been tate of Rosario Mazzei, appointed administratrix of the es- | late of the city) of Prince Rupert, Province of British Co- i lumbia, deceased, intestate. AND NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN that persons having claims upon the estate the said Rosario Mazzei, who died on about the 28th day of April, A. D. 1915, are to sfad to Patmore & Fulton, required barristers, before the Prince Rupert, B. C., on 3ist day of July, A. D. 19 a full statement of their claims and of any sccurities held by them, duly verified, and} shali proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among after that date I the parties entitied thereto, having gard only to the claims of which notice has been filed. Bated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 29th day of June, 1916. GAETANA CITRINA MAZZEI, By Patmore her solicitors. & Fulton, ance all | Alex M. Manson, B.A. ot or or 15, re- Sterling Marine Motors Can be purchased In town. A Motor that wili give you en- tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— No, 2 cylinder; 4 3-4 bore; 6-Inch stroke; 8-10 H. P.; weight 800 Ibs. No. 2 cylinder; 6 1-2-inch bore; 7- Inch stroke; 12-16 H. P.; weight 1,100 tbs. No. 4 clyinder; 6 1-2-inch bore; 8- leach stroke; 25-36 H. P.; 1,700 Ibs. No. 4 oylinder; 6 1-2-ingh bore; 8~- inch etroke; 46 H. P.; weigiit 2,800 Ibs. For Further opply to W. E. Williscroft, Phone Biue 508, or D, Brown, Elec- trician, Phone 383. information Helgerson Block “A Little Saving Is A Handy Thing” ANY a man has lost his M chance to become independent by not having the ready money to take advantage of a really big opportunity. “Fortune knocks once at every man’s door’. Greet her with a Savings Account, and be ready for what she brings. One Dollar opens an account in the Savings Department. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH _P. MARGETTS, Manager. W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prince Rupert, B. C Office corner 2nd Street and 8rd Avenue PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED (Successors to Pacific Transfer Co.) General Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 93—Phone—28 3 TRAINS WE MONDAY EKLY THURSpDay SATURDAY 10:30 A, " TO EDMONTON, SASKATOON REGINA, WINNIPEG, ST. PAUL CHICAGO, EASTERN CANADA AND UNITED states 3 BOATS WEEKLY TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 10 A. m TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE; say FRANCIg9 SAN DIEGO EXPOSITIONS * UNEXCELLED EQUIPMENT CHARACTER Full Particulars Cheerfully Furnished A. DAVIDSON, General Agent. tings, Pipes cut to order. Third Ave., Head of Becond Street t 35--PHONE. Prince Rupert Prince Rupert Dairy Has cut the price of Miik pric TAXI PURE FRESH MILK Delivered in city at 16c¢ per quart and Sc per pint ALF HALLIGAN * Phone Green 252 SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele’s, Brigg's Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mati orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co, 908 Third Ave. Phone 58 Hay, JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near MeRride Street hone 554 P.O Rox &0 for APERHANGING AINTING BALMERS — SATISFACTION corating a Specialty 20. PEN DAY AND Martin Swanson Second Avenue, near MeBride Baby’s soft skin is the test of BABY’S OWN SOAP- and its constant use in thousands 0! ! Ae is satisfactory proof that its fragrant ane helps and whitens the most delicate pee No imitation has all the merit of BABY OWN SOAP. “ ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, = PROOPIOEPOV PM OMe sy WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR »:«F. G@. DAWSON COFFE PRINCE RUPE SERVICE 30--PHONE-3 AU 75~-PHONE-J PRINCE RUPERT AUTO ree eect pte trict aie OLISHING AND WALL TINTING B. C. UNDERTAKER High grade onteriwr de FUNERAL DIRECTORS ee 4147 2ND STREET—PHONE M1 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Dire = MONTREAL RT, 8. i : = DENTISTRY |) canapian pace ee eenneney RAILW ag WAY A SPECIALTY Lowest rates to all Eastern Pointy DRS. GILROY & BROWN via Steamer to Vancouver ang DENTISTS CANADIAN PACIFIC enna Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue Meals and berth included on Phone 454 a oe PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND Bt SATURDAY, 6 P. @, PRINCESS MAQUINA soUTHE UND Soman: 4 SUND FOR PLUMBING AND wEATING ae —~0 w— 4. G@. MONAB, General Agent SMI & . AAl J ETT Corner Fourth Street ang ‘Third An Laggest stock of Pipe north of oo HPP ne Vartttouver, Crane Valves and Fit- ae Es nail + ne eee Se ee eee eee eee ee RAKE JOC SIISI Hitt NONMOOLIININNONUOON NNO ONTO NLOONUNN NON NTNNNINNNNOW C.