Monday, August 30, 1915. Relieved By “F ruit-a-tives” MR. L. LABRIE 594 Champlain Sv., Montreal, ‘Fruit-a-tives’. asa u f sleepy. joints and my hands swollen, . I felt I was getting well and ed in the treatment. y medicine that helped me. licine made from fruit Juices. it-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. "OK THE ADVICE of HIS FRIEND omach Trouble and Rheumatism aan been restored to health by For two years, F serable sufferer from Rheu- re / ind Stomach Trouble. I became eak, had frequent dizzy spe fH when I took food, felt wretched I suffered from Rheuma- ) dreadfully, with pains in my back riend advised me to try ‘Fruit- id from the outset, they did me \fter I had started the second < I can t y say that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ is the LOUIS LABRIE. ie PRUIT-A-TIVES” is the famous b. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. lers or sent on receipt of price 1 | lls f- I A Real Lever Simulation ~ ge a! a . its At. Sere esad 23 mp ws3 | bz Hi 5aedde E t it “7 % & efi s 53 x ue as and show -them 4 titue & Enews kL w Mire (Dept. 14), AO, Cornwall: Road, London ae )LD WATGR FREE. KAISER BILL => ‘ “It’s easy to tell the little todgers apart. One years glasses and t’other plays with gases,” Cartoon by Moyer. STRUCK RICH ORE ON Jack Johnson and Fred Brewer LAND NOTICES NINE MILE MOUNTAIN |for two years. The boys are Skeena band District. A big strike of high grade ore SUBSCRIBE FOR has been made on the Barber Bill group on Nine Mile mountain. It is a silver-lead property under lease and bond to Ernest Lofapist, E DAILY NEWS ee tot Ave. and MoBride &t. PHONE 25 POPOL OD LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch -Vard at Smithers will thus be able to operations all Herald. working down in the timber and continue winter,—Omineca Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOWCBE that 1, Grant Thorburn, of Prince Rupert, hotel man, trtend to a license to prospeet for ceal and pe- ORANGES, APPLES, Fresh Stock of MADE CHOCOLATES H. KILLAS, Prop. Palace Of Sweets The Choloest Stocke of BANANAS And Other Fruits In Season RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY'6 AND HOME- ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES Hart Block, 3rd Ave. and Sth 8t. troleum ; miles west of the northwest eerner of Bee- tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chamma; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 ehains te petm of commencement; containing 640 acres, more or less. the northwest corner. GRANT THORBUAN. 112-140 Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands band District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel Horner, of Vancouver, prospeetor, Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for $/ the Provinee of British Columbia for a l- oense to prospect for coal amd petroleum: Starting at a post planted two uilles west | CREAM Protect Your Food There is no alum in Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder. The names of its ingredients, printed on the label of every can, show it to be made from Cream of Tartar, which comes from grapes. ing powder or food containing alum is permitted to be sold in England. To avoid alum read the label and use only DrPrices No alum bak- BAKING POWEER Made from Cream cf Tartar No Alum ‘ eu Se ee of the southwest corner of Section 7 Townstip 9; thence east 80 ehatus; thence north 80 chaigs; thence west 80 chatns; thence south 80 chains to potmt of com- mencement; contatning 640 aeres, more or less. the southwest cerner. 112-140 SAMUEL HORNER. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE V. TAKE NOTICE that Frank Miller, of | Poreber Island, oceupation fisherman, m- tends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands;— Commencing at a post planted 45 chains north and 10 chains west of the 8. E. corner of Lot 1447, Range 5, @oast Dis- triet, said post being planted on Grace island; thence following the shore Mme of this island in a westerly, southerly, east- erly and northerly direction to poimt of commencement, or less. FRANK MILLER. Dater July 12th, 1015. J 19. - —_—_—_——_—_—_—— Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. —— A constant dropping wears away astone. A slight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with lasses. Consultation free. elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN apply to the Ghief Commissioner of lands |. for the Province of British Columbia fer |‘ Starting at a pest planted swe | 4 Dated the 16th day of March, 1015, at Samuel Horner, Ageat. }: Dated the 16th day of Marek, 1915, at} contajaing 4 aeres, more é Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to 1e purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. It will exacting. satisfy the most SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-lb. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD Vancouver, B, ©. Empress Jams . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern :} British Columbia _ :: Largest Circula- § THERE tion means the IS Best Advertising A : Medium <= 3 REASON? inthe DailyNews Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ JOU UU AUN UCAS IY Ys Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas CAMP RARRRRE er eoe reser : ct In 2-ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by thelr superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Bisoults. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequentiy and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order, Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. CO. 223 Sixth St. Phone Black 69 Shinigidaiaidagdidgiidiiniidiinigiinidiinidninnioinniteiotectotctatetetetetss