The Loveliest fuE DAILY NLUWS ———— ———— 4 |QENERAL JOFFRE VISITS > THE ITALIAN FRONT POP CGO aia POPP Roos hore, in the World, yield their finest products to make UCATLADA”’ TEA It is plucked and prepared under ideal conditions. Packed and sealed to preserve its natural freshness. Tea-Gardens Local News Notes cups .. china New lot of pretty and saucers 25¢ each—Wallace’s * * > ‘A J. Giimiore, a former well | known resident of Prince Ruper has joined the 34th Battalion at) | Fr? So-Z : a = = — —— “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED WANTED—General servant. Apply Mrs. O'Reilly, 230 Fifth Ave., East. WANTED—-Young Woman as house maid. Apply matron Prince Rupert Hospital. FOR RENT FOR SALE—New, Modern six-room house, one milt from centre. Splendid view. $700 cash will handle. Apply Box 103, News Office. 216-20. PERHANGING KALSOMINING PAINTING F. G. ROBERTS 14 Dyer Apts. eS OOP ag A. E. WRIGHT schedule, beginning this week. * * * (Special to The Daily News.) Okla., explosion in the gasoline tank of Ardmore, Sept. 29.—An | |; Three American schooners, the| Aurora, Atlantic and North Cape, | a car, has caused a property loss | came in this morning with on 000 of $1,000,000 and the deaths of} pounds of halibut between them. fifty people. | Forty-five bodies | Rough weather outside is making Teacher of Violin and All instruments A. PESCOTT 452 Elghth Ave. East Phone Green 327 Paris, Sept. 28. has \ is conferred with jora On his hief the Slicker rain coats for boys | Allied nations will succeed in girls, sou’ westers, to match—|winning together.” Wallace's. 998_9. coins alliance ¥ . s Something very Special —the 4 a ae — The Princess May is replacing|,ew raincoats for ladies, $4.90 | TERRIBLE GASOLINE ul ; Wiculana thel cae ; the *srincess aquinneé ol €] Wallace's. 228.9. EXPLOSION IN OKLAHOMA | i : sehr’ oF northern run of) the C.D. Ohl ool“? General Joffre | isited the Italian front, and General return esage to the Italian commander “The Italian ariny,” he i “is marching with sure steps definite victory Ca- he sent a which the Band have been recovered. YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL National League. Philadelphia, 6; Brooklyn, 4. fishing difficult. KING’S PRIZE WINNER London, Sept. 26.—Lieut A. V. BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC KILLED IN FLANDERS |’ Lump COAL Ye i our King andCo on untry Need You ee: ' i—. CRUITS WANTED FOR 62n< OVERSEAS pat ie CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY Pon ; REGRUITING OFFICE aT PROVINCIAL GOVERN OFFICE NOW OPEN, — In view of the recruiting which j« throughout the Province, it is ap: . a the questions which are considered jy a & few of plate entering the Service. The fo}; ne : ie ; Nem. nent queries, together with he information ~ QUESTIONS ANSWERED. ae i.—How long am I to serve? Until ty ; and six months after if required. ne war 2.—-What pay shall I reeeive? Your pay as ' a be $1.00 per day and 10 cents field allow ah net you will be clothed, equipped and subsist, y the a ment. RD 3.—What will my wife receive during absen res month there will be paid her a separati al (also part of your pay) and if this ie fortably maintain your family, the Canad ; : a will further assist them. 4.—What will happen if 1 am wound: sick? You wij be cared for by the Government and your ; 4 tinued until you are discharged. If you are perma lisabled ar allowance will be paid you, varying according the extent of your injury or disability. 5.—What will be done for my wife and ildren if I die while on Active Service? The Government an adequate pension, that will enable the fami! ni fortably until the childhen are old enough t ft él ‘ selves. The widowed mother of a sing| f the son he her sole support, is treated in the sam: sa wife Pere rere 5 Cincinnati, 3-0; Chicago, 7-5. H. Ommundsen, of Edinburgh, $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Scotland, champion shot of the Delivery American League. British Empire, is reported killed Money Back If Not Satis- Detroit, 0; Washington, 3. in Flanders. Lieut. Ommundsen factory had the unique distinction of ” Coast League. twice winning the King’s prize, in UNION TRANSFER CO. Oakland, 0; Portland, 9. 1899 and 1901. For years he was 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Salt Lake, 4; San Francisco, 1.;a regular member of the Scottish |“ Los Angeles, 2; Vernon, 12. |International team, and was BET as pies oy 3 ie cs —_——_—_————_ — |ways a prominent figure at Bisley. ; THE BABY SHOW $$$ —___—— THE ORADLE AUTO DELIVERY On the reweighing of babies in| re ORN Terrace on the 26th Don’t merely smother your cough Sheet Metal Work ! Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen $ to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. In such Cases Consult a Practical Man if You Want Results I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metal and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in A Jam Factory. (. 0. ROWE The Practical Sheet Metal PHONE 340 P. O. BOX Man 467 FROZEN BAIT }:..;..."" ICE RED CROSS DANCE FINEST FROZEN HERRING The Sons of England will hold a whist drive and dance with re- aid of the Red Cross fund, at the K. of P. Hall, Friday next, October ist, at 9 p. freshments, in $25.00 per ton. For Sale by KINCOLITH PACKIIG CO. LIMITED MILL BAY. B. C. For further particulars apply to THOR JOHNSON Central Hotel. m. Tickets 50c, can be had from any of the S. O. FE. members. Buy your ticket and help along the and enjoy a good dance. good work of the Red Cross THE WEATHER Shop Opposite Board of Trade Ro 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- . tractors and others Free THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1916) to meet the demand for Is made Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coli lay themselves open to prose- cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. as Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appii- ances— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Coll minus Connections. . $156.00 Your Money Gack if it Dont suit. As I own and control the above, nO one can put same in, Shall vig- eer e —PPPLPOPPOLIPOL LD LG sevteeaieneinemaicietie ornate Ee ae eS a , . Rau aEET mena To eee eh ene orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395 FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert POPOL ee ee i a ee aoe oo ‘ Dr-PRICE'S } BAKING POWDER A pure, wholesome, reliable Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, Improves the flavor and adds to \ the healthfulness of the food, | THE PRICE oF HOMAGE four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ing city, and to ensure, as far as man was able, a bright day and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion. cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. O ? ° September 29. 4 Walker’s Music Store PROPOR ACOR a ooo ais 5/4 6 .0ie 29.869 die out. Removed to Werner's Old Stand Maximum temperature ...... 56 On Second Avenue. Minimum temperature ...... 52 PIANOS RGIS oi gis's See odds oh eee as ».29 PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC 0 ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND ; eose Sheffield’s expression uf respect. SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. 32) 3 FOR REN B™ the act Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. 3| Pianos to Rent. 330 come cr cur | THREE ROOM HOUSE | BAYVIEW HOTEL SECTION SIX again to high-power efliciency. OPENS SEPTEMBER 5. $1 0 00 S Wore Homelike and Comfy c , Than Ever. : —APPLY— energy go out. rmesM, aimy nooms 31 PATTULLO & RADFORD on, th DAINTY HOME COOKING | 2ND AVE season. @,You ee advertise. DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIP OUT THIS SUMMER. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any adian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian lress 603 Lumsden Buildi write, if interested. NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty furnaces, raging night and day, and those seething boilers, with quivering valves, should ever be allowed to OME business men in Canada pay an unwitting homage, not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business By paying homage to tradition, custom, tion, they have allowed Summer to become their Do you know how brisk it can be made by Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum | ; now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall Toronte. Not a wheel in Sheffield turned for twenty- G It was ion was unique—it was unprecedented—it They stop Advertising in the Summer superstt- “dull” know how dull it can be when you don't m you recognized (a0 Association, Koom Enquiry involves no obligation on your pare—#0 ee ame Gan ce the weight contest, the following : Teg V H. M tad Mathien’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil aly n urveyor st. to ! Pe ‘ I Pie gl ; moe a us 0} a and Co Aver Oil not o ¥ are the awards: a : eS e ir : I ; EX?RESS AND BLGGAGE CURE IT promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic and Surveying and Engineering Het t jer one year: Baby |CUDbin. of Pacific, B. C., a daugh- q strengthening properties it helps the system to throw of Seek ee iter —— the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. It is this q ty which has wou for McLean, ist; Baby Grant, 2nd. | 5 it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada nse thas Hispue Poage ae : |} BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Alec ho ia Fourth Street Heaviest, under two years: Baby| | ; Phone 35 35¢. large bottles, everywhere. Conway, ist; Baby Grigsby, 2nd;|G°™?: 8th Ave., Fast, a son, at v J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop, SHERBROOKY, P.0. ora rC |the General Hospital yesterday. IY your oobi ts feverish Mathion’s Nervine Powder: the wonder{s| bestache cam, wil Baby Cameron, 3rd. ET Sept ee Sever ent cham he pais from bead, teat wot Bens meee — . ee . BORNwTn: Mr enn mre: Thog. .eerrerre eee Se. i Periliae, 1105 Ambrose Avenue, a ae : : General Hospital yes- fn niente —