eee aia iii i ee Ta gta t . LOST—Cameo brooch. Lost between Sec- You may be some day by an imitation of “SALAD. deceived Bité and possibly you will not detect this imitation until the reveals it. that you tea-pot Demand always the genuine “Salada” in the sealed aluminum packet, and see it, if you want that unique flavour of that you get it, fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed. “The Daily News” } CLASSIFIED ADS. § FOR SALE FOR SALE—Bakery, everything new, in- day of LAND REGISTRY ACT Notice Under Section 36. fHE DAILY NEWS Local News Notes Alan Dumbleton, of Victoria, 4 well known barrister of the prov- ince, is at the Hotel Prince Ru- pert. ee es } An express train of fish left for the east today at 9 a. m. There of fresh and twi were six cars cars of frozen fish. e* ¢ 8 Mrs. Thomas Stewart, whos¢ husband was reported wounded in a recent casualty list, states that she has had no official con- firmation of the report. TAKE NOTICE that an application has “THE LOVE OF WOMEN” AT | been made to rigister Antonello Angelo, jof Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in |Fee- sump the collector of the City of Prince Rupert, to Antonello Angelo, bearing date the 17th in pur- under Tax Sale Deeds September, A. D. 1915, from THE WESTHOLME THEATRE The Westholme tonight pre- sents a very fine three-reel so- on | I fy cluding oven; sacrifice. Apply Box 112,/suance of a Tax Sale held by said Munici Daily News. 240-4. FOR SALE—15 pairs extra Plymouth Rock Homer Pigeons, mated and squab pro- ducing, at a bargain; also Belgian Hares. Apply 925 Borden St. tf.ja WANTED. Ie ; }B sacra i 15 two; WANTED—-Yeung girl to care for small children. palits on or about the 9th day of Septem- ber, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Colum- bia, more particularly known and described ciety drama entitled “The Love of Women.” It is the painter who becomes enamoured story of a Lot Etght (8), Eight (8), 3 You and those claiming through or un- | Apply 217, 4th Ave..E./ ger you, and all persons claiming any in-| $:—Lot Four (4 lock Fifty-one (51). Map 923. , Block Forty-five (45);;0f an Block Forty-seven (47); st Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36). All in Section actress and neglects his fiance. How true loeve finally conquers is strikingly portrayed It is an excellent picture. “The }terest in the said land by descent whose Unsparing Sword,” the tenth epi- WANTED-—Cooking range, must be cheap./title is not Apply Box i111, Daily News. tf. DRESSMAKER—Capable of making suits|* and doing all kinds of sewing wants; work, will go owt by the day. Box 114 Daily News. Lost 242-7. ond Avenue and Fourth Strect and the postofice. Return to Daily News. tf. LOST PROPERTY—Francis William Scott, $50.00 REWARD offered to any person or Jlate Lieutenant Royal Navy, deceased. information is desired as to the present whereabouts of two trunks containing personal effects, property of deceased, believed to have been stored by him on leaving for England with the Canadian Engineers in August, 1914. Communi- cate with Wilson & Whealler, 202 Winch | Building, Var uver, for McLeod Eyre Co., Solicitors. London, Eng. | owling & persons finding the body of Y. Fukuda, drowned off village Island. Skeena river, October 12th. M. Sekitani, Balmoral Can- nery, Jap Contractor. CORSETS SPIRELLA CORSETS.—Agent, Mrs. R. H. Shockley, corner 7th and Lotbiniere. A. Now is the time to have your roofs repaired, eve- troughs and skylights seen to, and heating plant put in good shape for the winter. Consult a Practical Man if You ° Want Results _I served a regular appren- tice at the Sheet Metai and Heating business, in a regu- lar Sheet Metal Shop Not in service of this notice upon you. apply | Wise you and each of you will be forever ’ jestopped and debarred from setting up any claim lland, and I shall register the said Anton- ello Angelo as owner in fee. Your attention is called w section 36 “Land Registry Act" and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- ‘ therefrom which relates to. the}2 COmedy, concludes a real good above notice:— “and in default of a caveat or cer- tifcate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the per- sons entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, or ser- ved with notice under subsection (6) of! cp.." section 155 of the “Municipal Ciauses P or section 293 of ithej an Municipal Act’, or section 139 of the or section 253 f the tract the City of British Columbia, this 23rd day of October, Sheet Metal Work ! {)” Rupert. registered under isions of the the pro- “Land Registry Act” &af€/ ende “The og oO’ lrequired to contest the claim of the tax sode of The Road Strife,”’ is urchaser within forty-five days of the/fuyj| of dramatic situations. to or in respect of the Act, 1906,” Assessinent Act, 1903,” Other- There is also a “Bud and Ham’ said} comedy, which is sure to provide lots of fun as Ham features in- variably do. *“Two Bold Bad Men,” program. On Monday, the seventh install- “The Diamond from the well as ment of will be shown, as English Gazette. of the “Taxation Act,” in cases in which . notice under this Act Is dispensed with “HER PROPER PLACE” AT as hereinafter provided, and visions of this Act, so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Prince Rupert, D. 1915. those claiming through or under them, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered in- strument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the pro-|and t Shall be forever estopped and debarred fram setting up| tractive any claim to or in respect of the iand t Province of entitled THE MAJESTIC THEATRE The Theatre morrow screens another at- bill, the which is a three-act Edison dram: Majestic tonight chief item of “Her Proper Place.” I is a society drama, in which ar H. PF. MACLEOD, District Registrar.| attractive girl, who has been dis- B. L. Tingley, R. 8. Anderson, J. P. Conrad. Ross, BROTHER WANTED Mr. Enok Johnson, formerly of Anaconda, Montana, and a mem- In such Cases ber of International f Bridge and Structural Workers of America, is supposed |bill. to nave a brother living in Prince Any person knowledge as to his whereabouts, A Jam Factory. please communicate with Grand Trunk Pacific Dev. Co. Ltd Amanda/ appointed in Association Iron having any John Dybhavn, Prince Rupert, B. C. love in her home town, goes to Washington a: stenographer to a broker. Work- ing late one night, she hears a row in a senator's office opposite occasioned by a gambling gang who have failed to persuade the senator to oppose an anti-betting The gang leader shoots the senator, and the girl goes to his On recovering, he offers rescue. his rescuer money which she re- fuses. Returning to her home town, she tells her friends that C. 0. ROWE sue is engaged to the senator, and The Practical Sheet Metal Man PHONE 340 P. O. BOX 467 Shop Opposite Board of Trade Rooms z 322 SECOND AVENUE Estimates Furnished to Can- tractors and others Free “* or THE IMPERIAL WATER HEATER COIL BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 the report comes to his ears. Out of curiosity, the senator visits this puted fiance is his former rescuer he has, fallen in happily. (Included in this splendid pro- town and finds that his re- with whom unknown t the girl, love, and all ends gram is a series of “Dreamy Dud cartoons, which will delight ev- FOR RANGES AND STOVES (Patented 1915) is made to meet the demand for erybody, a thrilling railroad drama and a most laughable comedy entitled “Superfluous Baby.” Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. WARNING! Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll lay cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. Now is your chance to get the best In Hot Water Heating Appli- ancee— Coll Connected........ $20.00 Walker’s Music Store Removed to Werner’s Old Stand On Second Avenue. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND SMALL MUSICAL GOODS. Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. Pianos to Rent. FrFMEUSVSEDESEY ESLER SS UBES FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 12 -65th S?. and Srd Ave Coll minus Connections. .§15.00 Your Money Back if it Dont 6uit. As I own and control the above, no one can put same in. Shall vig- orously prosecute any infringements. HARRY HANSON Phone 439 P. O. Box 396 AUTO DELIVERY FOR TAXI Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert Rox 12. fth St and 8rd ave Box 14-—#th St. and &rd Ave. Box 16--Junctlon oF ist. Yoo avo Box 22. 3rd Ave md tra Bt. (Post Office Box 23--4rd Ave and MeBride St Box 25--2nd Ave and @nd st Box 26—2nd Ave and 6th St Bo, 27.-G. T. P. Box 31 --5th Ave. and Fulton 81. Box 82—Bordet! and Taylor Sts. Sox 84—7th Ave. ahd Fulton Bt. Bor 26--9th Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 87-—-8th Ave. and Dodge PI. Box 88---4th Ave, dnd Thompson St. Phone --- 35 EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE | OIROUIT NO. 4. Box 41— 4th Ave and Emmerson ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEws PL Box 42--5th Ave. and McBride st Box 435th Ave. and Green 8t. Box $4=6th Ave anid Basil ‘st. Bou 45—T7th Ave. and Mbertes. Box 141 —7th Ave. and Young 8t, tot iii inctiick * tJ * 4 trd Aves @ox 16.--ist Ave., Detween &tb and Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel Sor 17- fet Ave. and 7th 8 (Cen tral Hotel.) CIMoUIT KO. Zz. Bos 24--ist ave and McBride St CIROUIT NO. 8. * PANA CLOSED FOR TWO MONTHS thers probabiy are 10,000,000 | cer caretu ent channel ssible. rway, even for the temporary Fr MA CANAL MAY BE ful survey of the slide the Galliard cut in the} fact} a Canal reveals the earth in motion yards of must be taken out by ng operations before a per- | the cut the conclu through This is reached by the canal engi- who concede that there is ittle hope of opening the f shipping, much before the —~World Wide. f the vear. EE ree Rudge is in the city Port Simpson. Former pupil of F. @. Strong. TERMS MODERI/ITE, Phone Bive 408 3 Coughing scatters germs | COI OOO Tere rere P. 22 ve PPC eta s tgs eee tasall Y our King andC ountry N eed You RECRUITS WANTED FOR 62nd over SEAS ’ CANADIAN EXPEDITION An BATTAL) : Y FORCE ™ RECRUITING OFFICE aT PROVINCIAL Gov OFFICE Now OPEN — In view of the recruiting whi h is throughout the Province, it is ap: "AY resent the questions which are considered plate entering the Service. The ¢ nent queries, together with he info; a Of perti. QUESTIONS ANSWERED —— i.—How long am I to serve? 1} and six months after if required. -—— 2.—-What pay shall I receive? be $1.00 per day and 10 cents fi: you will be clothed, equipped and s sie ment. CFKARI.ES BALAGNO 3. (Pianist at We-tt.olme) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE What will my wife receive ¢ month there will be paid her a Se; and if this Provincial Surveying and Engineering —Stopit ° Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops Coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a manent cure. also part of your pay fortably maintain your family, the will further assist them. 4.—What will happen if] am w be cared for by the Government ar If you are allowance will be paid you, varying a until you are d scharged. your injury or disability. 5.—What will be done for my wif eta The Gov: adequate pension, that will enable while on Active Service? fortably until the childhen are old er selves The widowed mother of a sir ¢ wonderful popularity of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and @od Liver Oil is specially due: to its great value as a permanent Inng and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, isc large bottles. 4. L. MATHIEU CO.. Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. A. E. WRIGHT and Dominion Land Surveyor i> her sole support, is treated in the s POOR Loree to and from Norway, Sweden, De- mark, Finland, Maly and Russie CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From N ber th mber 37% er 11a Have Your Berth Reserved at Ose For Rates Folgers and General | Apply & DYBHAVN 4& HANSOE insurance and Steamship iyeq, Prince Rupert, & 6 : s 0. Box 10 Phone 85 i Fourth Street or TLS. 7 = ae oS ar tr The thin, flat blade Then there’s the “ Bulldog”, NSPECTION of the Gillette Safety Razor by mechanical experts and men o! judg- ment shows clearly WHY seven million shavers prefer it. to a uniform hardness impossible in an ordinary thick-backed razor. As a natural result, it takes an edge unequalled for even keenness. The curved holder supports the blade close to the shaving edges, preventing all that vibration which makes hollow-ground open blades and other safeties pull and irritate when they strike a stiff beard. feature, exclusive to the Gillette. Editions, $5.00 to $6.00— Combination Sets, $6.50 up. imited Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limite Office and Factory: The Gillette Bldg.- Montreal —