CANADIAN SHOULD KNOW THIS— ‘¢CANADA FIRST” Milk isthe BEST Milk eld by Your Grocer. The Government Bulletin No. 305 tells the story—IT COSTS THE SAME, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THIS CANADIAN OWNED CANADIAN MADE PRODUCT—INSIST If you wantwhippedcream, chill “Canada First” Evaporated ~-then whip as with fresh creant. Tue AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO.., Lyn. AYLMER, ONT., CANADA WOMEN rHf DAILY EW THE PRESENCE of seeds * * ® OF NOXIOUS weeds . * * IS GIVING“local Tories * = * MUCH concern, . . e THE important * * * SEED GRAIN district SEN NEN YT SN —YY KS SOO ws ===) RASS = The“ WESTMINSTER” Embodying the newest style touches in a gar- ment of exceptional charm and remarkable service. Excellently tailored, sumptuously lined and priced lower than you been accustomed to paying for a coat of this character and quality. Bryant Company, Ltd. have YVR PESIESEZ “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. EGGS—P. Burns & Co. are sole agents for the well known eggs marked Lawson Harbor Poultry Ranch, Lewis Island, 78 LOST ? LOST—Glasses in case near or in post-' office. Return to Daily News office. Reward. w FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished Room. 855 Sum- mit Avenue. Board if required, Phone Blue 508. tf. WANTED. WANTED—Strong Boy to deliver. Apply Cayenaile & Hannan, w WANTED—-Girl for house work. Apply Mrs, Lindsay, | 1135 Park Ave, uf WANTED—4 or 5 room house with bath and verandah, close in, Must be rea- sonable, P, O, Box 452. tf. WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue, Phone 492, uw. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Good team of horses, for cash, cheap. Apply Box 202, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2 x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, 35 h. p. Burns coal oil or distillate Fully equipped and in number one order. Apply Wm, Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, $165 freight paid. Send for catalogue C, Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canada. tr. AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY At Gitwangah on Saturday, Coroner Hoskins held an inquest into the death of Mrs. Grace Davies. The showed that deceased died from a revol- ver shot fired by herself. A ver- dict of suicide was returned by the jury, evidence SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE 4. TAKE NOTICE that F. W. Holler of Surf Inlet, occupation mine superintendent, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 150 feet south from the northwest corner of Lot 11, Range 4, Coast District; thence south 20 chains; thence west 20 chains, more or less to the shore of Surf Inlet; thence following the shore line easterly and northerly to the place of commence. ment, containing 40 acres more or less. February 18, 1916. FREDERICK W. HOLLER. DENTISTRY CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 Z Prince Rupert Feed Co. SuORIVED OUR 1916 one WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry's, Steele's, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Hay, Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Pay ~| OF BELLA COOLA | HAS BEEN inspected BY A local | REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE man AND IT IS expected THAT every HOLE and corner | OF THE islands, ALICE ARM district, ATLIN generally, OMINECA, * ° « AND EVERY, known, plaee WHERE seeds ever OR NEVER srow WILL BE inspected * ® . DURING the next * * . FEW weeks. THE DUTIES ty ' OF A seed inspector ARE SO arduous THAT THE road bosses HAVE BEEN called in . . ® TO HELP. Local Ni athe Notes April 3rd is the date. 75. s s s You'll enjoy that dance. 75. « s s W, P. Lynch returned from Smithers last evening. = = . Prisoners of war fund will ben- efit by that dance Monday. 76. The American schooner Lincoln brought in 8,000 pounds of hali- but this morning. ea The James Carruthers brought in 90,000 pounds the Cold Storage Company, * * ® yesterday for E. P. Spalding, of the Highland Boy mining property, returned from Hazelton on last night’s train. s s s Recruiting Sergeant Youngman is still in the city for the purpose of enrolling men for the 102nu Battalion. , ® ® . Lieut, Adair Carss returned last evening from Winnipeg, where he has been taking a course in mus- ketry training. * * * J. Durran, a new arrival in the city, has accepted a position as a machinist with Akerberg, Thom- son Company. oP eo The local railroad men are giving a whist drive amd dance in the Steele Block this evening, when a most enjoyable assured. time is a: ee It may be well to remind the ladies that the public meeting is mot for men only and that all ladies will be welcome. * o . As Mr. Mehan has to leave for the east on Thursday morning, Mayor McCaffery has called the ‘public meeting for tonight in the Empress Theatre at 8:30. . . . M. M. Stephens has from a trip to the Bella Coola Valley, where he went to inspect grass and grain seeds under the direction of the Department at returned Ottawa, which looks to the pre- venting of the sale of grain for seed that contains the seeds of noxious weeds.—Journal, t | PRINTERS’ “PI.” Wednesday, March 29, 1916 THE SEEDS are becoming . * * VERY HARD to detect * . AND MOST of the * * RECENT samples VIEWED by Tories * * LOOK like weeds. e * * IT IS clear, oa THAT MUCH new seed HAS RECENTLY BEEN imported from VANCOUVER and VICTORIA, * * AND ITS presence . . * IS GIVING cause * * FOR GRAVE concern. DRASTIC methods ce SEEM necessary | AND LARGE supplies ry OF WEED-KILLER HAVE BEEN voted BY THE Government AND THE bosses ‘ AND THE inspectors ARE VERY anxious THAT shipments BE MADE immediately AS EVEN their own PARTICULAR plots NEED careful * * ATTENTION, CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. This Advertisement “f 2 may induce you to try the first packet of “SALADA’ but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality to make you a permanent customer, We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal to Toronto. Bii3 ee POPPPPPPOD ORO OD. Launch Alice. Approved by M ter of Marin Passenger For terms and part Call W. J. THOMAS, Phone Green 391. SOPPOCTPO—D +O DOG EA Don’t merely smother your eough CURE IT Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not only promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic and strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off the cold and thus effects a permanent cure. it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada. It is ‘this quality which has won for asc. large bottles, everywhere. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. If your cold ts feverish Mathieu's Nervine Powders, the wonderful beadeche curs, will mine we the pals from bead, beck cad ime) =6Bex of Coe | ooo o ~ BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Money factory UNION TRANSFER CO. Phone 36 333 2nd Ave. Back If Not Satis- HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIP. TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED 4 VACUUM CLEANING CO. ..We Clean Homes, Offices, Churches Lodge and School. rooms at iow Prices. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED All Orders Attended to Immediately. OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. PHONE GREEN 268. Sererre a4 | f dt ae LD _. Oe iso LOE lessly. is this: =f It was this way: nection with children’s shoes. persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. There is a man who makes shoes for children— and sells them to stores all over Canada But he is only just learning how people buy. His wife—lIet us call her Mrs. Brown—’phoned to him and asked him to buy some underwear for little Brown. Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at the ‘‘ Children’s Underwear’’ counter. Underwear for a child of six. He asks for He looks it over help- What on earth does he know about Children’s Underwear? For lack of anything better to say he asks: ‘‘Is this good qualityP”’ and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s’’—naming a well- advertised line. The answer is short That short word says everything. Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied with his purchase. Now what bothers Brown —a manufacturer of shoes, _. How would it affect the shoes if the salesman said ‘ They’re Brown's”? Nobody knows Brown’s shoes. Brown doesn’t advertise. The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- The salesman must use all his urchase of a child’s with less effort P @ « If you are doing a local busin Department cf this newspaper, it would be well for \ The point is—If the name Brown was as synonomous with Children’s Shoes as “Blank’s’’ is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes ess talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising If you are doing a provincial or national business 11 to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, sg