: 3 Nom mag nee setae Aas cere Sk wrserper soe Sa a e ae oo ee a ee iw ry. en sclcers * BM. cs meigen ao. T ane iPOD. ite te THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT is that every garment washed with it bears the impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet. cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute clean- liness in manufacture; a purity exalted by the co-operation of workers united for the purpose; a purity demonstrated by the “$5,000 suarantee” which resis upon every bar of SUN SOAP. A substitete S=Seei os wet 2s peed esd sever com be fasist epee the geeuine—Sunkeis Soap. Tor mame Lewer on Sosp is « gusrantee of Pority end Excellence. rug DAILY SEW4s Local News Notes Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. . . . R. O. Jennings left for Telkwa this morning. “Sneakers” for children — all | sizes—W allace’s. 148 s s s Miss Ethel Sullivan left this |morning on a visit south. | i * . . | Alex. M. Manson returned from | Skeena Crossing last night, ‘ . . > ' | throwing itheir hammers on July ist. } ie ee There were six cars of fish on Everybody is away the eastbound train today. W. P. Lynch returned from a business~trip to Smithers’ last levening. . . . i Send our “American s| jaway boosting, not } jJuly ist. . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Gebhardt were among the arrivals from the jinterior last evening. or Se Mrs. Brand, Mrs. and Miss Nurah Brand have re- iturned from a visit south, | Charles Balagno has resumed ' Wearmouth taking pianoforte pupils. Terms asonable. Phone Biue 408. ft >. > > Your Home can be Transformed r WANTED. WANTED—Giri to do second work and) Gerhard Heintzman assist with baby. Apply Mrs. George! Pi Bryant, Rand Block. 130 iano WANTED—Hand iropers. Apply poet Laundry. sf. ] WANTED—Girl to assisi with housework | and care for children. Phone 31¢@ for) +. wil take renewed pride in your bome when music bes increased is attractiveness. You will win the greater respect THE NEW INSURES A for any cooking. ; It can’t creep up or down—it stays just where you put it. It smell. i The New Perfection saves labor, time and money. j these dealers: Prince Rupert | Stork’s Hardware ; Thompson Hardware i Kalen Hardware Howe & WoNulty Smith & wallet Massett, B. C. Jas. Martin Royalite Coal Oil gives best results. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES PERFECTION OIL SUPPLY SYSTEM STEADY EVEN FLAME This flamcis the secret of the popularity of the New Perfection. As quickly and as easily regulated as gas, it insures perfect heat 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes at Monday, June 26, 1916, won’t smoke or NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS R. &. C. Chapter 116. Robert Cecil Gosse hereby gives notice Sealed tenders will be received by the |*hat he has under Section 7 of the said undersigned until noon on Monday, June | AC? Geposited with the Minister of Public ’ ttawa, and in the office of the for alterations and Works at ‘ 2éth, 1916, improve- , ments to the Prince Rupert Public School Registrar of Titles at the Land cies eens ene ned be |Hegistry oMce at Prince Rupert, British seen al the City Hall 7 f a wharf proposed to be bullt | not necessarily accepted sage : rth Skeena Pessage, at the tcouth of | W. D. VANCE, Secy., P. 0. Box 1556 oT Skeena River, British Columbia, in aa ae —Itrexi of Lot one hundred and seventeen | . MINERAL ACT | (447). Range ve (5) Coast District, Brit j} And take notice that, after the expiration of | NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER mth from the date of the frst publi COAL — Favorite Wel lum J. E. Merryfield. who panied the Bowser party into the : , as interior, returned on last night's train. ' |caused to jfor the year 1915 on the mineral | known as lsitmated in Siiver District; situated om the east side of “ me sia 1 of this notice, Robert Cecil Cusse} . si - u mnder Section 7 of, the ss!< Act, apply | TO J. A. ROGERS, the Minister of Pwhiic Works, at his TAKE NOTICE thst, wheress |! be Goape the assessment have | omce in the City of Ottawa, for approval of | Work | the sia site and plans, and fer leave t claims; construct the said wharf. Ladybird No. 4" NMiperal Claim, / 1, Rupert, B. C., Cascade Creek valley, north of | », Lake, in the Stewart, 5. C., Mining | a the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, / 39-;3 Cascade Creek | ‘ ted at Prince this 270 f May, 1916 ROBERT CECIL GOSSE. MINERAL ACT ee j@istrict, and have paid for said assess- |ment work the sum of $200.00; unless| Certificate of Improvements Angus Stewart arrived from the | you Pay to m= the sum of $100.09 tor NOTICE Silver Standard Mine last evening j7°™" *2ere of the said PG TARE work Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the | cml in anemdiion ee i on See Cees Of es aorertioe- | wheens. Mining Diveeten of Chester Dtserieti na is spending a2 f€W Gays ifijat the bead, im the said Stewart Mining Where located:—At the head of a branch town. jment, I shall, at the expiration of nimety\or time Creek about four miles from t> i ate jcays from the Gate bereof, apply tw the jreach om the south side of Alice *.:an. i } Mim’mg Recorder at Stewart, B. C.. to have TAKE NOTICE that 1, Ge-cce AR. Waden, F. W. Hart, who has been on a |7OU™ mterest im the said “Ladybird No. 4" | Pree Miner's Certif-zie No. 94096B, acting NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT | Prince Rupert Feed Co. P. O. Box 333. _ 80S Third Ave. RECEIVEP OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele's, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Ziso Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. tay, Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. B. C. WMDERTAKERS a ‘UNERAL DIRECTORS AND =| SALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- &NTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 26D STREET—PHONE 41 aprwinument, | |#nd “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me | 4. agent fo: Thos. McRostie, Free Miner's | Mines i of your friends and neighbors. tour throughout the southern andjm pursuance of the provisions of the ; co te X aa 2 mes s ce YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK : . z 5 suacat 69091B, and James L. Hrich ie eee - - You will set a gocd example whied eastern states. returned home last) -™2™"™ 47 Free Miner's Certificate No. 87966E, tn- Hotel. Apply P. 0. Box 330, city : eee cet a - : = Dated at Primes Papert, B. C, this Sth/ieng cirty days from the date hereof, to! . es — ae os : i others will ?stiow to the great bene- evening. gay -! Hovember, 1915. sale $i dhe Selatan imocesiiis Gc 4) OAR ae MANUAL TRAINING INSTRUCTCR WANTED|$ 6: c+ sour whole neighborhood eos apply © the Mining Recorder for a C ; for the Prince Rupert Public Schosts.! =8 = your vat = OTRO. s s s i a. 200). ate of Improvements, for the purpose of CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS ; e 8 : * i s ee meses apart Te oa PFs ap empe™ btaining a Crown Grant of the above a nen ak See aoe axon) AERERS MUSKEETORE §] Jee Hntchincon, who left here iim. - ; ¢ s ° =s20 -1 : perience and qualifications. W. D Vance | iwith the second ntinge s SUBSCRIBE FOR And further take notice that action 80 Cents per ft. F. 0. B. 5 P . : : nder section 85, must be commenced be P. 0. Bax 1666. aaa jan the wounded in the latest fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- Prince Rupert FOR RENT if $|ces ist THE DAILY NEWS ec on. an sone § Comerete Works, McBride St. } i= = e e e Dated tas 2 D Ca} ran ren wr ivi ROOMS FOR RENT—EARLSCOURT i103 | | ‘ fe aA anh GEORGE BR. NAD Gerogia St, Vancoever—Frirate hotel; j ss ‘ f ev. a Macauies i Var ver es ae ee a ” new managemeut; iransients $1.50 jer] Saivaticn Amz. 1. cached in the Preabvterias Gay; specail monthilf rate. tT4j —- i , a as *: es ee 5 = : : ami € Tne ft GGUD ROOMS, 25 ap? 50 cents, tt: wN} 4Puhiic meetings, Tuesday, : ee our every convericace Bs the week. $2.00) Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m er a at tae _ wae 82-40, Tat Howm, 234 35% at | Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Acre f ° ! ee eI ee | ng wien ot ae | OF Cigarette Sh ; Alex M. Neuron, 64 ; ‘ mM < FOR SALE— Alerica, circumference 300 feei— 4 oo —— — —_—_ 5g iecepersian si Wasier, 180 @ Fabr. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves anc ié occa men’s clothing bousrht Ceres * oc] Excetient Trovi Fishing in Laseles and 3rd Avene, aw phote “tee 36%. i iste. ; TO FISNLAMEN: We carry < <2 Tac of /Q PRORe Connections with Terrace “FerTe “Hemest fhy% -iese” anh BATES: G250 pe cer. “Stealng” Engines the rear rnooend - ao] ‘ ps ees a. Wailing, aiso “Feryo” tod “Lvimte” 9g =~" cour adie me ~% a os q Outboards. All kinds Engine acorseszxcs. (5 + © SCE oe Quick service—low priccs. Cansdies ) = Engine & Supply Co.. Vancouver, B © ~— ~ ‘ % TISTRY ii Fuller & McMeekn DENTIS‘% | cr — LEADING GROCERS oe eee wee PHONES 56 and 572 > ce DR. 2. S. SROWA AGENTS FOR OENnTIST Lake View Farm (L.F Eggs.... OMece: Smirh Block, Thire Avenue yur Own Brand Butter........... Phone 454 ©. K. Hams and Bscom............ j Our Own Blend Tes............. : Our Own Fresh Ground Coffee.... Our Own Laundry Soep.......... PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. $f "252 Seer oo 7 ° Crawford's Old Country Biscuits. . Kitsumkalum Strawberries ........ Announce that they hewe purchased the business of the Prince Rupert Transfer Company and solicit a con- tinwance of the patromage of the customers of that Srm. Careful attention to all or- ders for Cartage and Coal. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 83. Saturday, Juiy fst, Holiday. Our Refrigerator the most up-to-date procurabie. Quality First Always. MOTOR DELIVERY The tourisis on the Alice this orning spent the forenoon in the city. the C. P. R. 8 a. m liner arriving ai . and remaining unfil noon. = > = Ts? 5385 - iisceai brother of arrived, from Balagno Bsiacne this morning. Charles Victoria He is an expert violinist and will play in the new Majestic orchestra here. acces @ Hunter has word that his brother Harry, wh has been at the front for months, has been missing since 2nd, when the Germans made their big atack upon Zille- beke. : i James received some June . Ta . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. rived from Butte, Montana, this morning. Mr. Stilwell will lead the orchestra at the Majestic Theatre. They received a warm many old friends expressed great delight in being back once more in Prince Rupert. i es .9¢'s goods for the new shoe} department constantiy, arriving— Stilwell ar- welcome from and New OOOCCCCCOCEERERTOROREDCRDLEPOOCCDE a4 j Wallace's 448) se o- smoke as much as you like without trouble for your tongue. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or promiums. We prefer to give quality! PRINCE ALBERT the international joy smoke is manufactured to be in a class by itself, to be better, to meet the taste of smokers all over the world. It is universal in its pooularity because it is so friendly to every man who likes to smoke a home-made cigarette ora pipe. If your dealer cannot supply you, ask him to secure it through his whoiesaler. You certainly owe it to yourself to knov just Prince Albert is sold throughout Canada, generally M-lb. tidy ved tin, also in pound and half-pnund Remon R. J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C., U.S. A. : what a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction Prince Albert will afford you.