The DAILY EWS Vlf. NO. 177. J VOL, rniNCi: nui'EKT, h. c, Monday, july 31, 101c. PRICE FIVE CENT- HEW ONTARI 0 DEVASTATED C7 C7 m em TOWNS WIPED OUT AND MANY LIVES LOST - RUSSIANS BUSY SOUTH OF KOVEL NEW ONTARIO EXPLOSION OF RUSSIANS HAVE TOWNS WIPED AMMUNITION RENEWED DRIVE OUT BY FIRES PLAYS HAVOC SOUTH OFKOVEL - - Dush Fires Devastate Country for Property Worth Twenty-five Millions Seventy Thousand Prisoners' are Hundred Miles Many Lives Wrecked French Appeal Taken In Eight Days Terrible Lost and Six Towns to neutral Countries Sir Plight of Armenian Wiped Out. Sam Arrives. Refugees. Special to The Dally Kewi.) (Special to The Dally Mows.. (Special to The Dally flews. I iiKleliart, Out., July 31. Hush New York, July 31. A property BvOsSsnsKRii Petrograd, July 31. General Crcs have wiped out the New On-I..; loss which is estimated at twenty-five Hs Letchftks has renewed opera . town it of Nushka, where million dollars has been tions south of the Dniester which (l,f seven nre dead; Coclirane, caused by tho explosion of ammunition were brought to a halt a fort wlir -e cightecfi arc dead and stored at JJlack Tom night ago by freshets. New blows tli iiv four Injured; Mathoson, Island, waiting to he shipped I are being struck south of Kovel where thirty-four arc dead; Irons: tho Entente Allies. The loss of in tho drive on Lemberg, which, Fall, where fifteen are dead life is nt present unknown. NEW coupled with tho taking of Urody, YORK SOCIETY LADIE3 HELP SOLDIERS' FAMILIES.- Picture taKen""al the 71st Armory, ami many injured, and Itamore, French Appeal. tho for "the main opens attack New way York, when an organization similar to the Canadian Patriotic Association was formed. Left to vvliore fifteen aro dead. Porcupine Paris, July 31, Premier Aris Lemberg. right: Mrs. E. Olmstead, Mrs. J. F. Mlyan, Mrs. C. Vandcrbilt, Mrs. O, Hridgeman, Mrs, F. F. upon Junction lias been completely tido liriand has asked the French Humphries and Mrs. F. M. Watcrbury. Hetween Kovel and Lemberg, wiped out with the. exception of Ambassador to Washington and the Austro-Germans arc fleeing the railroad station. French representatives in all for SAM'S WAR BABIES book, lie was due In England and T.D.PATTULLO RETURNS in disorder. Seventy thousand For a hundred miles, the eign countries to have been coun investigate tier-man he Wanted to tell them all about prisoners taken In the try has been devastated and hun-divds treatment of the civilian START HOLLERING FROM PRINCE GEORGE last eight days. it at the Savoy and the Ilitz, swell of settlers had to seek refuse population of Lille, Iloubaix and Armenian Massacres. his reputation as hustler, which from tho flames In the lakes Turcoin. Ottawa, July 29. The appointment a T. D. Pattullo, Liberal candidate Athens, July 31. Tho Turkish end rivers. A relief train has Sir Sam Arrives. of K. H. McCurdy, M. P., as he couldn't do if there were no for Princo Ilupert district, government is holding up supplies boon despatched lor Cochrane London, July 31. Sir Sam Under-Secretary of Militia, is soldiers in Camp Horden. So 'all returned from Princo George last of food intended for the Arme with doctors, nurses, provisions Hughes has arrived here to com taken here to mean that Sir Sam raw as it was, Camp Horden was evening from which point II. C. nians. The condition of the Armenian a hundred and thirty caskets. plete the reorganization of the is to be "eased out." Tho time filled with soldiers to sweat In the Hrewsler and M. A. Macdonald refugees is pitiable and Canadian forces in England and has come for disappearing. All son and cat dirt'to make Sam's "continued their tour south to tho munberipf civilians massacred LOS ANQELES TOURIST at tho front. Sam's war babfos have been left holiday. The soldiers signified Aslicroft by automobile. Mr. up to dale is eight hundred DROWNED AT KETCHIKAN on nls doorstep at once. It is their disapproval, some by rioting Patlullo states that throughout thousand. J. DAY BELL KILLED expected that Sam's visit to England and others by taking French leave. the interior thcro is the same dis Los Angeles tourist named ON WESTERN FRONT will give the public time to At this writing there nre more satisfaction with Dowser and SPECIAL SERVICES Maoinnald, who was making tho forget and that Under Secretary than ono thousand illegally absent Howserism that there is here The BY SALVATION ARMY Alaskan trip tui the 1'rincess Word reached town last night McCurdy, who is as mild a man and workers onthe moving people aro anxiously looking for Sophia, lost his life under sad that J. Day Hell, who went from nered man as Sam is brusque, and;i"cluro theatres say that not n a change and, everywhere. Hie Thero will bo special services circumstances while the Sophia hero with onb of tho later battalions, as mienl as bam is loquacious, day passes that they don't get .Liberal leaders were given an en- in the Salvation Army Hall on was at Ketchikan on the way has been killed during tunneling will not aggravate remembrance. offers of thirty dollars and more thusiastio reception. Hoth Mr. Tuesday evening, August 1st, nt s:uth With the western Mr. has for their working clothes from o'clock. The services wili be some other passengers operations on McCurdy evidently been Hrewster and Mr. Macdonald made he was seeing the sights and, front. Mr. Hull was an enthusiastic chosen because he openeth not his soldiers who want to get rid of hosts of friends and there is no conducted by Colonel Turner, in c- Siting n stream on a plank, cricketer and footballer, and mouth. Sam opened his mouth tho khaki and Cainp Horden at the doubt that Mr. Hrewsler is looked Chief Secretary for Salvation ft II ink tho water and was carried was one of tho promoters of football loo much and every time ho open same time. upon as tho leader who is to lift Army affairs for western Canada, er Mie rocks and drowned. It in Prince Itupcrt, while he ed Jiis mouth ho put his foot in Not only was thero rioting, but this province to a higher political accompanied 1 Adjutant Lnrson, ;s hHieved that In falling ho was also n member of tho Prince it. And Sain has no small foot tho Minister of Militia himself level and to a new start on the who is a Scandinavian. A hearty st-ui his head on a rock as, Ilupert Cricket Club from its in at that suffered tho indignity of being road to prosperity. invitation is extended to all Scan- iinavians in the to bo vhc the body was recovered, his ception. Under Secretary McCurdy has a booed by certain of the mutinous city present at the services. Colonel Turner face was covered with blood. The gentle and equable disposition. battalions and when he was leaving ED. HAWKINS WILL li- i!" will bo taken south on one WAR ANNIVERSARY Sam Is a high explosive, and oven at the station he was surrounded GO TO SURF INLET and Adj. Larson will arrive on the t Ilic American boats. more dangerous to his friends by a crowd of kickers train tomorrow night. The procession committee for than to his enemies. - who frightened him with their Kd. Hawkins, who has been on COAL OPERATORS tho demonstration commemorat Tho three war babies that are baleful eyes. Hravo though ho is, the C. P. ft. office staff for some The last scene of "Scandal," at HOLD CONFERENCE ing the Second Anniversary of tho causing Sam the most trouble are Sir Sam retired to a prepared position time, has accepted a position with the Westholmo tonight, is the war, held a well-attended meeting the Hertram Shell Committee, on the observation platform tho Surf Inlet Power Company and most remarkable ever seen in Special to The Dally flews) at tho mayor's office today, when Camp Hordcji and tho Iloss riilo. of his private car from which ho will go south on the" next trip of Ilupert. faJgary. July 31. Tho repre plans were fully gone into. These Camp Horde n is tho llrst of the addressed a jollying speech to his lha Full Moon. II Davies, who sentatives of tho coal operators assure a very largo turnout. All war babies to make a holler. 'boys." This speech was received has been with the C. P. It. in Vic Mrs. Georgo McColl and Master association is holding a confer-'nre organized bodies, trades unions, As centralization cauips go, with mingled sentiments cheers, toria for four and a half years, Jack McColl loft for Hazelton this with tho operators. They re lodges, clubs, and associations, Camp Horden is equal in sizo to f ironical) and hisses unmistak has arrived from tho south to fill morning. fuse to discuss tho miners' demand civic and government employees, the rest of Sam's pet schemes. It able. After Sam got away the the vacancy. of a ten per cent, war bonus will bo represented, and tho citizens is high ground, sandy, dusty and kickers took it out on tho ico -lung as the men at tho colller-i(s In general nro expected to bo a lot of other things which the cream, and other dainties await HALIBUT ARRIVALS WESTHOLMff, in I.ethbridgo and elsewhere on hand nt the City Hall promptly soldiers havo found out. The ing cartage on tho station platform. OPERA HOUSE remain on strike. at 7:30 in the evening, and join chief objection to it is the dust That littlo speech of Sam's Now that tho halibut fisher TONIGHT AND TOMORROW in tho march to the Westholmo but the dust is part of Sam's vain gauged by its weight in ico cream, men's striko is over, the big Se SAFETY FIRST - USE NEW Theatre, where tho meeting will glory. Tho soldiers had to eat the cost.$1,800, that being tho darn-ago attle schooners'nro beginning to The Smalleyt In bo held. lust because Sam wauled to boast assessed on the battalions show up hero with faros and there "SCANDAL" lie It is urged that tho different or over in l.uglanu that ho took a which took part in tho demonstra is likely to bo a big tncreaso in a great moral play and a drama you mil never forget, in live acts. The ganizations will attend as distinct wilderness and made it into a tion. All tho incidents related the ifalibut receipts in tho near last act Is one ot the most sensa units in tho procession, If at all camp in two months. If Sam had hero were witnessed by this future. Tho Sitka and the Thelma tlonal ever seen lu nupert. possible. left tho soldiers where they were writer. both largo vessels which hnvo no) Keystone Comedy Majestic Theatre All the citizens aro particularly another mouth, tho concrete road A fortnight from now Camp been hero slnco tho striko opened, "Whin Rhuebln Pooled the Bandits' TONIGHT AND TOMORROW requested to be on hand at the for heavy trafilc, which will relievo Horden will bo tho same camp brought in catches yesterday Tnanbauser Comedy ' FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME ti mo staled, so that there will bo tho vamp nren of dust, would but it will bo with a new lot of Thero was also a number ol UTHC AMATEUR DETECTIVES" lfe L Uky presents Pannle Ward no delay in starting tho procos-sion, havo been finished, tho ashes and soldiers. Sam's hurry to give smaller schooners in and all wero SPECIAL MUSIO In "THE the sensational CHEAT"photoplay dust where tho brush was burned himself nud his friendsn ruro satisfied wild tho price, whlcl "Oraft" on Wsdnssday. Flve art- by Hector Turnuull. Admission to tho theatre will on tho mauocuveriuK ground show has given the camp a black touched eight rents. ECLAIR GAZETTE bo frco, but a voluntary collection would havo settled down, the eyo in tho meantime and hns done Screening the latest In new ami will bo taken up to defray tho headquarters stair would have a lot to stop recruiting, Tho gov FOR SALE GO TO fashions. cost of tho theatre, and nil money completed thoir organization, the ernment Is solving tho problem Carload mining machinery, in. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROORAMMI received over will bo handed to camp ovens would havo been pro Sam's impetuosity got llieui Into eluding 17 machino drills, column LONDON CAFE Neil Wednesday and Thursday tho Ited Cross Society. Doors at Vided with bakers, tho commis by sending tho present occupants bars, drill steel, stcam.flttlngs THE PLACE TO EAT J-ORIAT MUTUAL MASTERPIECE" the theatre will not bo opened ennui would hnvo had things in of Camp Horden overseas In largo etc. Apply Dally News. If STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Neil I'aruuu Friday flayers and Programme,Saturday Oreat penman until after tho procession, whleli shape and Camp Horden wuii drafts, ten units at a time. Under THIRD AVENUE Thoiispion's "THE OLD HOME will march directly into the bulld-luff. have been livable. Secretary McCurdy's policy is in A. 11. Mallory is In town from STEAD" rive Arts, Hut that dltl not suit Sam's Continued on Ptge Threo tho Queen Charlotte Islands. BOXES FOR LADIES