Monilny, July a riifl DAILY flKWJ NAVI9ABLK VvATERS FANNIE WARD IN "THE n. s. c.,,PROTtCTION ns CT CHEAT" AT THE MAJESTIC Local News Notes llobeft Cecil Oosse hertty Don 't Suffer Longer thai he has under Setllon 7 TL . '! Fannie Wnrd In "Tho Client" Is AM deposited with the MlniMe, P nnd nllow yourself to become grouchy, upset, nervous Launch Dixie, phono IHue 400. the big attraction at tho Majestic Works District at registrar Ottawa, and of m the m tL )f.,,h l Shrink Titles nnd These conditions indicate disordered Wont ,t depressed. usually a a a tonight and tomorrow. This is n neitstry omre at Prince 2 digestive system, which, if neglected, may be Mr. McKinnon, of drnnby, hns modern drama in which bollqns Columbia, a description of the hmt uto I nd Ii hard to remedy. Remove the disturbing clement and put five-act plans of a wharf proposed to bo your digestive organs in good working order by taking purchased tho Unyvicw Hotel. Mr. Miss Ward is given great opportunities Ihe North Skeena Passage. v ou'it 1. is Icnvinff for HonlUe. the Skeena Illvi, , . . Of fc'ny to dislpay her ability both ----- i.ijiumt).. front of Lot one hundred and scy,,,S -. ns n comedienne and an nctrcss (117), nangc five (I) Coast nuin I'rnnk Scconl nnd hi parly of ih Columbia. t "r"' younR ladies went south on tho possessing great dramatic power. And take notice that, trier i, expiration Princo 0sjrgo this morning. As Fdilh Hardy, whoso husband one month from the date of the first tmhii f of this cation notice, nobert business affairs, iv. n n .They gently stimulate the liver, act the bowels, tone a a a is n man of many will, under Section 7 of tbe said Act .bm! on nmblfions nnd is COAL Favorite I.adysmith she has social to the Minister of Public Work. .iT1. the stomach purify the blood and regulate the system. , omce In tho of Is it? City Ottawa, These .benefits arc particularly marked by women at Wellington lump and nut, best re interested in charity movements. What ...v ..... ...v .,,for rQr appr jLj,u. such times when nature makes special demands upon sults. 1'hono 15. l'.Il.G.Co. tf Given control of n largo sum of construct the said wharf. their vitality. They act promptly and safely. a a a money for a charitable institution, LUX is some- Dated at Prince nupert, B. c , this ,,w The time Mrs. mother of Mrs. J. thtatr new nnd Rood. day of May, it Is. next you feel low-spirited and out of sorts, take Kerns, she Is tempted to take tho nOBEnT CECIL The finest essence of soap COS3E Beecham s Pills. Their sure, mild, thorough action will V. Ferguson, of llaysport, spent money to cover stock specula in flake. U make the mJO-JJO. tho weekend with Mrs. Knight. richest, creamiest lather " Give Quick Relief a - a a tions. Tho' working out of her you ever saw. It mean MINERAL ACT A special express left for tho difficulties is full of complex and "luxury" in washing because Worth a Guinea Bex thrilling situations and furnishes it'e uch a clothes Certificate of Improvements fWarad enlv kr Thorn. Btwti.m. St. If.Uas, Liw..Mr., Kn.l.od east this morning with ten cars eaver. Absolutely prevent Sold rrerrwb.r. U Caaid and U. S.America. la bona,23 eaata. h most exciting photoplay. There flannels and all NOTIOE of halibut and a car of copper. woollens, "Albion" and "Sunbeam" Mineral a a a is also an Fclair Oazctlo and n loosely woven garment situate In the Skeena Mining Division mm, and shrinking of Mrs. Alex. Smith and Mrs. Ken special musical program. from hardening LUX Caislar District. wash. Try in the Where located: About n?e dall, from Dominion Cannery, nro and be delighted with it-All the heal of Alice Arm on "Middis miles(Ten from spending n fcV days with friends 10c. 11 TAKE NOTICE that I, wm. T krann "The Daily News" BUY NOW in town. ANNOUNCEMENT. grocers. of llflcale,SiojfB,B.Intend C, Free slityd.yj Mm. r s frora Cer a a a the date hereof, to apply to the mmm. CLASSIFIED ADS. Mrs. J. li. Merryficld nnd Master The Majestic management has Made In Oanada by Lovor Recorder for Certificate of Impr .vrmrnw Drothors Limited, Toronto. for the purpose of obtaining a :r secured the oxclusivo right to n Onnt For Preserving Hasil Merryfleld wcro amongst tho "r me .dots ciaim. south - going passengers this produco the Famous Players' fea And further take notice that action, oa WANTED. morning. tures. This great corporation In LAND ACT dcr section 17, must be commenced b, r n. STRAWBERRIES tbe Issue of such Certificate of Improve (upriver) a a a cludes the world-famous producers, menu. WANTED First-class Baker. Apply City LAND DISTRICT DIS PRINCE RUPERT Oakery. tr. PEACHES Miss Lipselt, who has been Morosco, Helasco, Kliene, TRICT OP COAST, RANOE III. Dated this !th day or March, A. D. 1916 visiting for some time with Mr. Frohman nnd Lasky, forming TAKE NOTICE that rsciflc Mills, Limited. Je7 Palas, WM. T. KEnoi.1, Wanted Position as cook. Apply Box 108 PLUMS of Vsncouver. British Columbia, occupation. Dally News, tf. and Mrs. Harry Lipsctt,- loft for tho great Paramount program pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply MINERAL ACT FOR RENT tho south this morning. and staging the most famous rur permission to purchase the following described lands. Commencing at post Fruits of All Kinds Our a a a stars of the film. Features that planted on the north bank of Koeye river, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER FOB. RE JIT OR SALE Three-roomed hous'e, Hetail Merchants will meot in about one-quarter of mile up-stream TO J. A. ROOEnS. Prices Lowest and "The are here have been shown aro nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue. Seal tho Hoard of Trade rooms on rrom tbe snore of ritt-llurh Sound; thence TAKE NOTICE that, wben.i l Uu Cove. $0.00 per month. Lots or free Quality Best. Tongues of Men" (Constance Col north twenty chains, tbence esst twenty caused to be done tbe assessment wort fuel. Apply-box 106, Dally News, tf Tuesday at 8 p. m. to discuss tho chains, thence south to river's bank, tbence;for the year It it on the mineral cIsiim, lier) ; "Helen of tho North" (Mar half-holiday question. 1C7 along shore In a westerly direction to known as "Ladybird No. I" Mineral Claim, IIOOMS FOR IlENT EAIlLSCOUnT 1103 a a a guerite Clark), and "Rags'" (Mary ielnt of commencement and containing situated In Cascade Creek valley, n. rm of Cerogla St., Vancouver Private hotel; Fuller & McMeekin J. II. Stirratt, who has been hero Pickford'". Such pictures cannot forty (40) acres, more or less. Sliver Lake, In tbe Stewart. . C Mir.lni new management; transients ti.tO per Dated June 10th, 1816. SepU District; and tbe "Stumpy" Mineral Claim, day; special monthly rite. 174 for some timo In connection with bo surpassed. Our coming features rACiriC MILLS, LIMITED, situated on the east side or creek LEADING GROCERS by "Mark Smaby, Agent. district, and have paid for said a.te.s-ment his contract at tho drydock, loft include, "The Ragamuflln," work tbe or sum OOOD IIOOMS, Si and 60 cents, bath and PHONES 5G and 672 ItOO.OOi unlet, every convenience. By the week, M.00 for Vancouver this morning. (Hlancho Sweet), July 31st nnd SKEENA LAND DISTHICT DISTRICT Or you pay to me the sum of tor and ft.10. Talbot House, 830 2nd are. a a a August 1st; "The Cheat," (Fanny , COAST. HANOE . your share or tbe ssld assessment work together wltb tbe costs of this adreruse-st TAKE notice that Oeorge noderlck Mc- Rev. S. L. of Saska FOR SALE Harton, Ward1, August 4th and 5th, nnd kenile, of Prince Itupert, B. C occupation the head. In tbe said Stewart Mlnlni toon, who spent tho weekend with "Tho Old Homestead'' (grand all- engineer, Intends to apply for permission ment, .ball, at the expiration of nlnet; cays from the date hereof, apply to the FOR SALE: SNAP Twelve pure-bred barbed Rev. J. H. and Mrs..I)immick, left star caste), August 7th nnd 8lh. to Commencing lease me roiiowing at post aescnuea planted imuui:at tbe Mln'ng Recorder at Stewart, B..C . to bin Plymouth Rocks, prlie winning stock. for Vancouver the Oeorge. your Interest In tbe said "Ladjblrd No 4' on ' The Majestic orchestra will N. E. corner Of T. L, Lot t7f. Range I, FISHERMEN pro Apply P. o. Box est, city. 18. Island, thence aad "Stumpy" Mineral Claims vetted la me a a a Coast District, rorcber Constable Adams nnd a parly of vide tho best in classical nnd south 0 chains, tbence west SO chains, In pursuance of tbe provisions of the FOn SALE FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30-ft. popular mdsic. If. thence north SO chains to shore line, thence Mineral AM." keel, 10-ft. beam, 16 tup.. Buffalo ATTENTION ! friends left on a launch this south-easterly following shore line to the Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C , this tu medium duty engine, large cabin and morning for Mile ii, where they point or commencement; containing 110 day r-f November, tttt.A. LUND. 5x8 bead room. Electric Ugbts, storage CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. acres more cr less. battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking THE SELIG SPOON will spend some days tempting tho I . CEOR0E nODEMCK MckE.N7.IE stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap speckled beauties. Apply City Weigh Scales. tf Tenders will be received up to August a a a SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of DENTISTRY IS Hi next by the City Clerk, Prince II u . MISCELLANEOUS Is Now on the Market J. H. McLcod returned from pert, 0. C for the purchase or the fol COAST, RANOE 4. kelse last evening. Ho reports lowinr apparatus: TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, CROWN AND BRUME WORK Ask your Dealer for It, 1-Ileturn tubular boilcrtl. 7 h. p. us f Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man- A SPECIALTY DRES3MAKI.NQ and Ladies' Tailoring, reasonable tho fishing good awl-all tho members u. per sq. in. tger. Intends to apply for permission to prices. Mrs. George Gebhardt and See that You Get It. of the Prince Rupert colony 1-4 In. 1 1 In. boiler reed pump. iurcbase the following described lands: DR. J. S. BROWN 321 6th Avenue, West. 186 1-114 In Penberthy Injector. Commencing at a post planted about DENTIST having a good timo. 1-Copper coll feed water beater. too feet easterly from tbe northwest cor MISS UNO ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDS It Gets Them Time a a a I-Underwriters Fire Pump, 1 In. x In. ner or Lot 40, lunge 1, Coast District; Offlctl Smith Block, Thlre Aissnt 44 Every Phoe as a home for lady students attending The friends of Jack Kd- x l In., Capacity 750 gals., mads hence north iO chains; thence west to Normal School, Mrs. Ross, 355 titn Ave., : many by Canada Foundry Co. chains; tbence south to chains more or West, Vancouver, B. C 176 wards will bo pleased to learn Complete set nttlnrs for above. loss to the shore or Surf Inlet, thence The above apparatus Is now- Installed In Mlowing the shore pne to the place of that a post card was received Refined young widow, no encumbrance, ex-1 the Morse Creek Pumping- plant of tlx. commencement, containing forty acres HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCBIP- cellent cook and housekeeper, wishes 1 from him this morning. Jack is Corporation of the City of Prince Itupert, nib re or less. TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED position of trust. Apply Box 105, Dally i 'somewhere in Franco" and en and Is In first class condition, being prae Obruary It. It It. News. tf. I AKERBERG, THOMSON tlralty new. It wan used only for a very rnEDEntCK bradshaw. YACUUM CLEANING CO. joying it. short time during- the construction of the SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and COMPANY a a a Shawallans Hydro system. LAND REGISTRY ACT- . W. citan Horn., Ornc.s, Chur.hts Tenderers will be expected to dlsmsnlle Tho waterfront busy Lodg and School, rooms at low men's clothing bought. Corner 7th St. was very Bel Agtnts for the and remove the plant at their own expense, and 3rd Avenue, or phone Green 389. tf PALMER OA8 ENGINE COMPANY this morning with tho Prince but the Corporation will do this work If Notice Under Soctlon 30-TAKE Prltss. so desired at the following estimated costs. NOTICE that an application tu GOOD GUARANTEE. TO FISHERMEN' We carry a lull l.'ms cf PHONE S25 fieorge, Princo John, Princo Al F. n. H. Cars Prlnee nupert llio oo been made to register Sven llolmqulst, of WORK "rcrro.M "Hotest City," 'Landr and bert, Princess Charlotte and tho F. O. II. Doat Prince nupert..'.. ttJ.OO Prince Rupert, as tbe owner la Fee-simple, All Orders Atttndsd to Imm.dlsulr- "stilling" Engines tho year ro'jud - no Highest or any tender not necessarily unler two T.t Sale ' Deeds from tbe col waitii p, also "Ferro tnd LvlRrude" Princess Maquinna all here at the accepted. D. n. KENNEDY lector of the City of Prince Rupert, to Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories. Mex M. Hanson, a.A. same time. Sul. of Utilities. --n llolmqulst. bearing date trie 17th day OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE, Quick service low prices. Canadian VI. E. Williams. B.A., L.L.B a a a .r September, A. D, tttt, In pursuance of PHONE GREEN 2C8. Engine fc Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C. a Tax Sale beld by said Municipality on WILLIAMS & MANSON Walter Ford, a fisherman, was m about tbe Vtb day of September. 1914. r all and singular certain parcel or tract brought to tho hospital yesterday, Etc. Barristers, Solicitors, B. C. UNDERTAKERS i land and premises sltusts, lying, and having had his left hand badly b log In the City or Prince Rupert, In the MONEY TO LOAN Prince Rupert Feed Co. bos nil crushed in the" machinery of his Province of British Columbia, more parti FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND ESI-SALMRS ularly known and described as:--Lot P. O. Bos 333. SOS Third lleigrrson Block Print Rupert, 0. C boat. It was found necessary t SATISFACTION O.UAR. three (3), Block forty-flve (41), Section amputate part' of tho thumb nnd S.NTEEU OPEN DAY AND NIQHT eight (t, aud Lot four (4), Block thirty RECEIVED OUR 191G SEEDS 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 (lv. (3, Section eight (I). Map tiJ, tho first threo lingers. You and those claiming through or under WE HANDLE LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS a a a you, ani all persons claiming any interest In the said land by descent whose title Steele's, II. Hulatl, of (. T. P. Ronnie's, Ferry's, HOTEL manager The Whisky is not registered under the provisions of and Drlgg's. - - 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS Telegraphs, accompanied by W. tlio "Land Regiatry Act" are required to Seeds. Cornell tbe claim or the tax purchaser Garden and Field oQuality One or the largest Hot Springs In J. Rooney, superintendent at Fd- PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. within rorty-Qve days of tbe service of Also Fertilizers. America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature montou, and F. T. Caldwell, su this notice upon you. Otherwise you and Aged" In Wood of Water, 180 d. Fahr. ach of you will be forever estopped and We Take Orders for Nursery 8 Years perinlendent at Winnipeg, spent Announce that they have purchased UiL.rred from setting up any claim to or Stock. before bottling Eictllant Trout Fishing In Laksls the weekend in town after in the business or the Prince tiuperl in respect or the said land, and I shall Hay, Grain and Feed at Lake. Trjn.'frr Company and solicit a continuance register tbe salJ Sven llolmqutsl as owner GUARANTEED BY THE Phone Connections with Tarrace. specting tho lines to the coast. of the patronage of the In fee. Vancouver Prices. COVERNMENT at CANADA RATES l 82.50 per day. a' a a customers or that firm. Your attention Is called to section 3 of the "Land Registry Act" and amendments, Chicken Feed A Specialty. the Careful James M. Thomson left for attention to all orders For further particulars, apply to and especially to the following extract t. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Managtr. Houlh on the Maqulnua this morn for Cart8ge and Coal., thererrom which relates to the above Mall Orders Promptly Atttndsd To. ing en routo for his old homo in notice. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. "And In default of a caveat or certificate lluntly, Scotland. There was a or lis pendens being filed before tbe largo gathering of tho Scotch PHONE 03. registration at owner or the per sous entitled MINERAL ACT under such tax sale, all persons so FRED STORK'S HARDWARE boys at tho wharf to wish him bon served with notice, or served with notice Certificate of Improvements voyago and a safe return after tho under subsection () of section IBS of the 'Municipal Cl.ues Act. 1606.' or sec war. tion tOJ of the NOTIOE A XUU Lr eimaUUea 'Municipal Act." or section U ef the 'Assessment Act, itOJ.' or Silver Dow Mineral Claim, sltust In tM 710 SECOND AVE NORWAY MAY CALL (GOLD WATCH FREE. (' lion tB3 of tbe 'Taxation Act.' Skeena Mining Division or Catslar District. m which notice under this Act Is di.pensed Where localedi Al the head of a brtnen Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Shfp Chandlery EMIGRANTS HOKE ui a neremafler provided, add those .r Llmo Creek about four miles fn"" ,n Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle mining through or under tbem and all beech on the south side of Alice Arm. persons claiming interest la the land n. N any TAkE NOTICE that 1. Oeorge Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns London, Juy 2. A Copenhagen purlm all ..m tk. by virtue cf any unregistered Inslrumeut, rree Miner Certificate No. tlOHB. acttni Rope Valves Ammunition dispatch to the Central News says M 4nrtlwual.tIMU ttlW k.w and all persons claiming any interest In as agent for Thus. Mcnoslle, rree Miner Ml DM Writ Ihe land by descent whose title Is L H"n' and James nqi Certificate No. etttlll. Hose Paint w. hImIm m Pumps that owing to tho labor shortago ' mm. lor mm U Mr regl.tcred tinder the provision or this Act, free Miner's Certiorate No. 7tB. Stoves and Ranges ftubberold Hoofing Corrugated Iron tho Norwegian government Is iMfcluMkU If . ortv L.4I..'r shall be for ever estopped and debarred lend, sixty day from the date hero'- 0au Altwu,' Ml Irwn setting up any claim to or In respect apply to the Mining Hecorder for a enw "WE 8ELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" planning to Induco young Norwegians Mratw.uii,Ml. u mmi k.k of tbe land so sold for taies." rate of Improvements, for the purpose who (.'migrated to America mmt U M ruta tin. rn u Dated at the Land Itegistry omre, at obtaining a Crown Orant of the above "M...IMM, Cliy of prince Rupert, Province of to return to tho mother Innd. British claim. miwolMiMmi. Columbia, thla Itlh of day January. And further take notice that Im. . W (WH M U Ull FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Wogo conditions in Norway have wm M www -M- w. MMiuulW.ktak.rwr IimiiU A. D, 1914. under section tt, must be commenced i" j lx t Ikl.k U. Mbr tw mm w M um, kul r. MACLEOD. District of "' S l4 Ml Wim JZ Registrar. fore Ihe l.sue of surll Cerllflcal undergone a decided Improvement w.U M mm.-W1I4JIH a llJTIrk.!J.u. To oraud Truuk l aeine Development Co., . 1 II llUJ 14.1 H. f.wBB.ll.. b... provements, In the last few yenrs, Ltd.. J, 'p. Conrad, jack Jenkins, Mrs. Dated this ttth day of March. A.D- l v , . 1 II j i - UcDouald. UEOIlOe IL NADEN,