The mhy news r TviTxoj- JpJ. PRINCE RUPERT, D, 0., THURSDAY. 8EPTKMHER 28, 1015. price five cutny IEI 7H0USAND PRISON 4 MA FOE TIGHT COMBLES A CHARNAL HOUSE - GREEK BATTLESHIPS JOIN THE ALLIED FLEET DISASTROUS FIRE AT 1 rmnmr mwm mmi mm i'i wjvwv - at .,, nmgif i mmm mm DRIVING ALLIES QUEBEC LAST NIGHT GREEK SHIPS WEDGE INTO HUN (Special to The Dally Hewi) HAVE JOINED LINES ON SOMME' nlcrlif Quebec,lnl rnvnrl Sept. 28,Hi a Fire ItAnmnnnl last ALLIED FLEET Homo for orphan children and Thousand Yards Gained-German elderly peoplo. The flames had Tw0 Constantino will Co-operate with Aeroplanes Destroyed got n firm hold on the building the Allies Rumanians and Combles a Charnal before tho fire fighting force arrived Russians Advancing House. and the structure was completely In Dobrudja. destroyed. The rescue (jpftiil to The Daily Hewa.) work was carried out with tho (Special to The Dally Ifewi.) I ;;((, !, Sept. 28. Tho Allies utmost despatch but 11 is feared Athens, Sept. 28. A Hculer de are drivjus a wedge Into the German that a portion of the two hundred spatch reports that King Con on the Sommo front inmates have perished in tho and have captured two thousand flames. stantino, following a conferenco yard of trenches. Ten tliousand with his loyal generals and closest br?n:ans have been taken prisoner P. M'LACHLAN DIED advisers, has promised to sign a in the past two weeks. Two decree calling for a general mobi and two captive OF HEART FAILURE fnc :iy ao!".iplanes lization of tho dreek army beforo 6si m. used for scouting purpura, Vcnizclos reaches were destroyed yesterday. As reported In The News yes ejr-l'rcmicr v A Charnal House. terday, Peter McLachlan died Saloniki.- Par, Sept. 28. Combles, suddenly on a mining trip In the Tho king has decided to- co ihii'h I now securely In tho Gardner Canal country. It seems operate with the Entente Allies. , PROBABLE PARTITION OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Dlack or show territory held portions map band : f the Allies, resembled a that, with David Stewart, ho had Tho Orcek battleships Hydra, in subjection by Austria and which it Is expected will bo released by the present war, making harat h use when it was finally paddled a canoe upstream and Spctsai and Psara, along with Austria less than two-thirds its present size. The districts arc peopled by a nationality similar jp!c:vd. The Ocrman garrison had worked so bard that the exertion four destroyers, ha,vc already to that country to which they wi II bo released. tad almost been decimated and seemed to affect his heart. joined forces with tho Allied fleet Ho4 fainted nnd was taken ashore in the Aegean Sea. kindreds of dead were dls- enemy SHACKLETON'S PARTY BRITAIN WITHDRAWS BANDITS HOLD UP .-fj everywhere amid the where they camped for tho night. Dobrudja Advance. ' :m of the town. Tho fiercest He seemed to have recovered next ARRIVES AT SANTIAGO TOBACCO EMBARGO MICHIGAN EXPRESS Tho Russians and Rumanians bsr.J I hand fighting took .place morning and said he was feeling continue to advance in tho Dobrudja ii JJtir hurch, which Is now nil right. When breakfast was (Special to The Daily Mtwa.) (Special to Ttw Dally Newa.t (Special to The Dally Newi.) region from tho Danubo i r.ass f ruins. .Tho building ready, Mr. Mcf.achlah did not re Santiago) Chili, Sept. 28. Sir Washington, Sept. 28, Tho Detroit, Mich, Sept. 28,-rTlie to the Black Sea and have captur-etl -i: ;y$ hands three times In spond to the call and on Mr. -Irnest Shackleton and bis party Hritish government has with- Michigan central, New York and another llid"usand prisbiicr., ' t( inutes, but tho-Allien Stewart going to the tent he rawn its new regulations for Chicago express was stopped by of explorers have arrived here. 1 .'t nquercd tho German found him unconscious. Ho never bidding tho importation of. cigar bandits near Dearborn last night PRIZE WINNERS IN ti s i which held out desperately fully recovered consciousness and Sir Ernest was successful in rescuing' tobacco into tho United Kingdom. The robbers uncoupled tho engine, FAIR COMPETITIONS passed away while, he was being his men, who have been Tho measure was part of tho extinguished the fire and ' I taken on board the launch Wag- marooned on Elephant Island for British scheme to relievo tho assaulted tho engineer and his LAURIER ADDRESSES v.yn. several months, at the third attempt. pressure on ocean tonnago which I fireman, throwing them from tho Indian Exhibits Deceased was about C7 years of The first two relief ex I getting very scarce. American cab. They then proceeded to ran- Carved totem pole, painted BIG RECRUITING MEETING age. llo lias a brother in victoria tobacco growers mado -strong sack the express, mail and bag- 1st, Charles Kdenshaw; 2nd, 11. peditious outfitted by tho Chilean and a son in Ottawa. His family representations to Washington, pago cars after which they made HMley; 3rd, John Robson. 3r-)al to The Dally Jtewf.) government failed to reach the R. N01'0' anoo Ridley. have been communicated with tating that the new regulations their escape. . Mrnt rsl Sept. 28. Sir Wil-frdlai: sland owing to tho vessels being Canoe paddle 1st, varies jmi- and no funeral arrangements will would ruin tneir business, as , i who to have unable to withstand the ico pres J. 3rd, J. yeems FORBIDDEN ADVENTURE' lenshaw; 2nd, Ryan; b mado until they aro beard much of their trado is with Urit quite r.-v vrred from the effects sure. AT MAJESTIC THEATRE Ryan. from. Mr. McLachlan was a na nin where tho leaf is brought in nf i s rf'-.'nt illness, addressed n Sir Krnest Intends to proceed Wood carving 1st, Ohas. Ed- tive of eastern Canada. and cigars manufactured in Kng ?al!ii'"in of fifteen thousand to England after thanking the land Tho Majestic Theatre was cnshav; 2nd, R. Ridley; 3rd, Mrs. Pf:;uo hi ( last night on tho war ZEPPELIN CREW GIVEN president of tho Chilean Hepublio packed last night to sco HcleuiU, Orey. siti ation. The aged Liberal ' SEMI-MILITARY FUNERAL for his government's assistance ANYOX HONOR ROLL Holmes in tho fourth episode of p,oot basket James Jones; " was given a great reception. in carrying out tho rescue. UNVEILED ON SUNDAY The Girl and tho Oamo" and U, Mr8. peakk 3rd, A. Adams. After out iumg ti10 military situ (Special to The Dally News.) nono could have been disappoint- Cedar bark basket 1st, Mrs. i n ho emphasized tho urgent London, Sept. 28. Tho mem "BRIGADIER GERARD'. AT At tho service in the Methodist ed. This daring young actress n0uKlas: 2nd. Miss S. Nelson; ifP'l f ti; recruits in Canada bers of tho Zeppelin crew who WESTHOLME THEATRE Jhurch at Anyox last Sunday keeps an audience on tho tip-toe 3r,j Mrs. a. Wesley. ana fervently urged tho peoplo of were killed in tho south of Eng evening tho Anyox Honor lloll f excitement right tlfrough. Tho Eaney basket 1st, Mrs. E. M'-''fat nnd or the province of land during tho last raid wcro Lewis Waller and Madge was unveiled by IlcV. S. S, Oater- tory in Itself is interesting and Hanley; 2nd, Robert Davios; 3rd, Quebec t, r,.U(ler 8liU ,m,re yesterday given a semi-military Titheradgo nro tho great altrac hout. Ph. I)., president of tho thero is a rush about it that fs jrtl j eig0n. "fv assistance. funeral. Tho pall-bearers wcro lion at tho Westholmo tonight in Methodist Conferenco of 11. C. gripping. Special fancy basket 1st, Miss olllcers of tho Royal Flying Corps. Hrigadier Oerard." It is a story Rev II, G. Andrew in his opening "Forbidden Adventure," t h e rCne Nelson; 2nd, Alfred Adams; RED CROSS SALE of tho great Napoleon and his address welcomed tho president five-act feature, Is a direct con- 3r,i gaM, navies. Jl n)X nn.i frf,: Korcin will RED CROSS RAFFLES friend and enemy Talleyrand. Wo to Anyox, making fitting reference trnst, being a story of an ancient Special fancy baskets James lave r.haiit0 ,,f Ul0 ,le(, Rro99 snlo Tho following articles were forget tho naino of tho gentleman to the men who had fallen city in Arabia Into which a white joncs. Mr8. S. Stanley, Mrs. Feak, (l JVUay ,;, the rooms on Sixth raffled in connection with "Our who plays Talleyrand but his act for tho Kmpiro and dwelling upon traveller ventures nnd Immediate Mrs." A Wesley and Mrs. Jushua "t M.s. c-alg has very kind Day" at the Fair: Tea cloth, do ing is sure to bo remembered. It tho need for n greater unitv of gets into troublo by falling imv00d " "nai.-a the picture of framed nated by Mrs. P. W. Anderson, is great. Waller, as a gallant national ideals throughout tho ovo with a daughter of tho desert Crochet lace 1st, Mrs. K. Du- Pwwws whirl, took first prize at won by Mrs. Steen, ticket 237; young olilcor who is laughed at world. and a priestess at that. Tho path doward; 2nd, Mrs. II. Nelson; 3rd, rxiiiblt,'on. It is hnnp.l thnt rooster, donated by Mrs. Galland, by his companions but proves n Rev. J. 11. Atkinson then gave if love is mado rather thorny ly I Martha Wesley. Pilu'n w ll help these sales In won by J. McDonald, 2d; ben, won hero partly by accident and part nn address in which ho called for the old priests and tho youngl yvholo crochet lace 1st, Mrs. r,(,fV way possible. Tho Hritlsh by Mr. Ynu Gastell, 10; Japaneso Iy by design. Is splendid. Madgo greater self-sacrifico in socin emiplo have advenluro enough Nelson; 2nd, Mrs. Cauchland; nro maUng nn cJlrn flowers, donated by Mrs. J. II Titheradgo is a stately Countess life, drawing his illustrations beforo they reach tho happy end 3rd, Lucy Sampson. 'I"'! appeal for help ns the Realty, won by Ilita Carroll, 50 Itocquelauro. from tho sacrlflco mado by the ing. Tho music Is up lo tho usual Knitting Mrs. Loutso Orey. ,Mo dually lists grow and Hock, donated by Constablo Thero is a lino -niversal Week boys who had given lhclr all in hiKh standard and tho cntiro show Fnney work 1st, Lucy Samp. "ur W.nm,!,.,! . . ly, showing tho big munitions flro tho causo of liberty. Is gH)d. iuvii iiniHL Tint Tin Adams, won by Mr. Klngslej', o soni 2nd, Mrs. wnlsnn. ,,u"l l suffer. Massett; brass Jardinlcro, uonat. on Itlack Tom Island and a Nes After unveiling tho Roll of The following special musical Collection of vegetables Peter tor comedy entitled "Almost Honor, Rev. 8. Osterhout de cd by Mrs. Sinnott, won by Mr S, Items aro selected to suit I I-:itolt. Tin BAZAAR ...,.. Storrlngs; basket of candy, do Widow." livered an eloquent and earnest "Forbidden Adventure.'' l our In- ....Potatoes Peter Elliott. ri taoic ,,r i-ii"iiicrian naled by Mrs. Allison, won by address on "Somo Causes of tho dlnn Lovo Hongs and .rKgyptlen Model drawing K. S. KlUmert. anl mVl,,1,,C,M their Mrs. Poolot duck eggs, donated by G ALT'S REPLY War," Ho pointed out that ouo IJnllet Sulto. The overture Is Writing 1st. Elizabeth Poole, - "uar on November 20th. Oeorgo Sulherland, won by Mnr- of tho greatest factors in bring "Poet and Peasant." nd. Maude Roberts. bed (Special to The Dally Mawa.) ing about tho war was tho found tin Martinson, and a pair of Poultry. LONDON room slippers donated by Mrs Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 28. ing oi Herman education upon DEAR PAPER Rhodo .Island Reds Oeorgo CAFE Judge Gall's answer to Hon. Hob wrong Ideals while another causo A special meeting of the Cana-Intheriami. Carroll. ftND QRIUL ort lingers- telegram of yesterday was a false iuterpTtlatlon of tho dian Press Association has been s. (3. Cockerel Mrs. W. Adams. Third Avenue NEW WELLINGTON COAL, was "My authority to punish for teaching of Christ. During the called lu Toronto on October Oth Pullet 1st. Mrs A. J. (lalland: 'TRICTLY phono tie Wo havo Just re contompt of court has been dial evening, solos were rendered by to consider the serious situation Ulut jr8, Adams. UNION MOUSE reived a shipment of BOO tons longed. The question Is now bo. Messrs, Mawer and Jon's, the ao arising out of the shortage on Hanlams 1st. Thos. Sherman; I.umn Coal. Wo aro prepared to foro Mr, Justice Haggart for do-jcompnnlments FOR LADIES being played by supply and high price of news- 2nd, II. Stevens. put In your winter's coa for you c'8on. Mr. Thomas. Prim. (Continued on rage 4)