etiA tAfLY KKWB Tin on tho work. Nearly everyone Is NO ALUM News with tho ordinary kind The Daily familiar Summer Steamship THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA of mine, namely, that with protruding Se.e Pabliihl Dally and Weekly horns, which when struck To - Guaranteed LargMt Circulation ALASKA AND YUKON eaiixo tho explosion. The novel Tho 8. S, Prlnco Rupert or Prim , HEAD OFFICE type which Is being laid by tho leave Prlnco Hiiperl ovorv Wiut,,.,. , Unity News nuitdtn, 3rd Ave, Prince nupert, 11.0. Telephone 08. consists of the usual noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell. Jmierm, Hkagny , I'' 1 Hermans lug at Skagway with the White Pnss and Yukon h THANSIENf DISPLAY ADVEIITI8INO 60 cents per inch. Contract body or shell case, from which SOUTHBOUND rates fn application. proceed two metal arms. At tho The 8. 8. Prlnco Rupert or Prince ticorne l. f'j Rupert every Saturday and Monday at to n m Y ;;;r extremity of tho arms there nrc vcr, Victoria and Seattle. 1' " JJAILY EDITION Thursday, Sept. 28, 1010. fixed glass tubes containing n Fortnightly servlco-to the Queen Charlotto Island TRAIN SERVICE certain chemical substance. A Trains leave Prlnco Rupert every Monday DRYDOCK HOPES trenches. Yesterday, bo made Might shock Is sufficient to break Ullil I linn wfc i. an, ,t llllllf.f anil an u I'la and South. Mixed train leaves Princo Rupert 04. Sir Henry Drayton says that very clear to the chairman of - the glass tubes, ond when this Is day 0 n. m. Special weekend faro to Terrace ond r llio drydock should hnvo been tho commission that Prince done the chemical falls down Into Fur full information iV reservations apply to city i busy monllis ngo and them will Hupert wauls a live drydock a battery, which Is set In motion, THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 not bo a man in Irice Hupcrt and not a dead one. It will be ond n spark emitted Ignites the but will agrco wltlt him most intensely gratifying to learn C. Salmon In Dritaln. It will re explosive. The capturing nnd do heartily, and that his efforts that tho government has quire steady and hard work, as struclion 4of theso new mines is CANADIAN PACIFIC to get things moving at Ottawa agreed that tho dock Is now-completed the people over there have been on operation calling for great RAILWAY will bo successful is the ardent and that tho Grand taught for that the delicacy and carefulness, but notwithstanding many years Lowest Rates o all Eastern hope of every citizen. The Trunk Pacific have been permitted red variety is the only kind worth that our initic-swoepers via Steamer to Vancouver and the (Jrand Trunk Pacific Ilaihvay to carry out a two ating. Tho right kind of adver havo secured and dis CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Company arc willing to enter years' leaso with M. P. Cotton tising kept up persistently should posed of n considerable number Meals and Dertli included on Steamer into with the and his associates. Submarines, it Is be an agreement f them. effective but must prove "pinks" Princess Way for Granny and Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. Cotton interests but have been loved, have been tho agents in II bo advertised as such and not I Princess Sophia southbound Sunday 8 a. m. Sept 30th. held up by the. ministers at NOTES AND COMMENTS sold as "reds," as has sometimes the lavinsr of tho mines. Scots Princess May Southbound Sunday G p. m. Ottawa, who, for some reason happened In the past, to the det man. Princess Alico for Alaska Monday, October 2nd. or another, do not consider Athens reports that King Constantino riment of tho trade. that the dock is completed. has been misjudged and Anna Held at Majestic Friday J. I. PETERS, General Acetic Sir Henry has the figures of that his sympathies aro with the GERMANS USING NEW and Saturday. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, I'rince Ilupert. B.C tlio Cotton agreement beforo Allies .after all, Constantino is TYPE OF FLOATING MINE him nnd ho is in telegraphic slightly to blame for tho misap Tho Daily ntvs delivered to ' communication with Mr, Donnelly, prehension as he did not show his Tho niino as an instrument of carrier, 50 cents per month- through Mr. Pillsbury, in preference to any marked extent, destruction has been used by the Whether regard to the cost of the various in fact rather the contrary, in consistent crmans a manner parts of the plant. Though ith her disregard of laws and FIRE ALARM SYSTEM For YourseU assured by Mr. Hinlon that the Dob Rogers seems determined international regulations in the railway company is satisfied to display to tho whole dominion conduct of tho war. The mine OIRCUIT HO. 1. Gift to your Friend with the terms of tho Cotton the small calibre of tho man pparently occupies an important Bet 12 Ith St. and Ird Ave. lease, tho chairman of the whom Slr Robert Dordcn was Bos 1 Stb St. and Ird Ave. in tho flerman place programme, Boi 14 th St. snd Ird Ave. commission evidently wishes to obliged to make Mjnister of Public for so profusely have mines been Boi 1R Junction of tt. In4 and PERKINS Ird A vet. tho proposed rental Work's. It ought to be the compare sown in the seas that a largo fleet Bos leVtsl Ave., between Stb snd wilii -..- cost of the plant, and, easiest job tho Hon. Robert has f sweepers is kept constantly at Stb Sts. (Knot Hotel.) Boi 17 1st Avs. and Tib St. (Ceo judging from his remarks to undertaken for some time. ork clearing the waters of a tral lloieL) GLOVES the mayor yesterday morning, deadly peril. Too high a value no. s. ho will make strong representations Tho citizens of Port Arthur cannot bo placed upon the work Bos (2 Ird oiRourr ava. snd Ird The well known Petria trademark at to Ottawa regarding may not think it fitting that the done by these mine-sweepers. (post Office.) shown In cuts should be on every glove the letting of the dock. suggested union with Fort Wil Their crews aro wtll nwaro of the Boa Boa SS 24 Ird li"Tv:Avs. and snd McBrlde McBri.l St.Ot. you get, as thb assures you perfection of The utjuock situation is decidedly liam should come from the head desperate and dangerous nature Bs 25 snd Avs snd ind 8L Style, Fit and Finish. Boa 2S Snd Avs. sal Itb SL more hopeful at the of the C. r. K. It was a difference the undertaking, and it is to Bt 270. T. P. present moment than it has between Port Arthur and tho C, the credit of the nation that the otRouir no. a. Bf d talari thm world cvtr nil tk ever been, and, in Sir Henry P. II. which led to the founding authorities have not required to jwjssifA PBRtUM'S CLOVES. s Bos SI- lib Avs. snd rulton St Drayton, who is a business of Fort William and though the ask twice for volunteers to carry Boi 82 dorden and Taylor Sts. man and not a politician," we Port Arthurites may be forgiving Bos 24 7 th Ave. and rulton SL Bet 86 8th Ave. and Comos Ave have an advocate who will stir they are not likely to forget. "A Dollar Saved is Boa 27 nth Ave. and Dodge PI. things up at Ottawa. Anyone Bos 8S Mb Ave. and Tbumptoii Si who lias read the letter which The stay of the railway com a Dollar Earned" OIROUIT NO. 4. Premier Ilorden sent to President missioners here was short but if Bei si - stb Ava. and LnuneraiKi DOLLAR to credit PI Chamberlin must feel certain it results in life at the drydock your Bat 42--lth Ave. au! Mi unci t A in the bank, is yours. Dr.PRICE to where tho blame for Boi 42 lib Ave. and Oreen i as it served its purpose so far as You don't have to Bca 44 lib Ave and Bll HI. tho delay lies, and. if the government Prince Rupert is concerned. work for it all over Boa 46 Tut Avs. and is willing to recognize again as you do for the dollars Bos 141 Mb Ao. and uug SI. ORE AM that have been spent. as completed, a plant Sir Richard McUride reports which contractors are ready to that the Dritish.troops are to have How many dollars have you Powdi that you can call your own ? Baking uso for tho construction of a fish day each week when they Why not start an account in MINERAL ACT ships, the drydock should be will bo provided with liritish Co our Savings Department and busy at an early date. lumbia salmon and halibut. The save a part of the money you Certificate of Improvements Standard To Mayor McCaffery belongs 102nd after a dinner including earn r A few dollars saved NOTICE Sixty Years the cachwcck,amount tohundrcds the credit for having got quick halibut steaks should be irresist in the course of a few Basin Mineral Clslm, sttuste In tbt years. Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District action in the matter. Once he ible. Where located: Ahout four miles from Adds to the got a line on where tho trouble THE BANK OF the teach on tbe south side of Alice Arm it the bead of a branch ot Line Creek. healthiulness of the food lay, bo kept up a steady bombardment A serious effort is afoot to pop British No1h America TAKE NOTICE that I. George It. Naden. of the enemy ularise the pink varieties of II rree Miner's ceruncaie no. vtuvou, in 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. tend, sixty dsys from the dste hereof, to CAPITAL AND bUttfLUS, S7.884.000, spply to tho Mining flecorder for a Certin ALUM cate of Improvements, for the purpose of CONTAINS NO PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH obtaining a Crown Grant of tbe above Launch AliceB. W.J.SMITHERS,Manager claim.And further take notice that action under aectlon SI, must be commenced before tbe Issue of such CeflUlcsle of lin Made in Canada NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Leaves Davis riott for provemcnts. R. S. O. IIS. Salt Lake Saturday arter-noon Chsptsr Dsted this Stth day of March. A.D. 191 and all day Sunday, GEOIIGE II. NADEN. Return Fart 28 Cants. The Orand Trunk raclfle Hallway Com pany hereby gives notice that It has under . For terms and particulars MINERAL ACT PROTKTIO" Section 7 or the said Act deposited wltb MOLYBDENUM MAVIGABLE WATERS that NOTICE Is hereby given Call the Minister of Public Woiks at Ottawa R. 2. C. CAP. IIS- MI.MNO AND rtEDUCTION COMPANY W. i. THOMAS, Phone. and In the omce of the District neglstrsr Qrssn 881. of the Land Registry omce. District of Notice to Delinquent Partners. LIMITED, NON-PEnSONAL LIABILITY, tcrt'ty i" t Prince Ituperl at Prince nupert, a de the owners of the "Molybdenum.' PACIFIC MILLS, LIV I cf W scrip lion of the site and plans of ware To Q W. Matwsil and Charlss Nicholson. "Success" and other mlnersl clsims, sltusted notice that It has, uni''r f a house proposed to he built In rrlnce Ilu TAKE NOTICE tbst wberess I hsre done on the north side or Alice Arm, sbout ssld Act, deposited win pert Harbor at Prince nupert, British Co la its ffflrt snd csused to be done assessment work ,..: three miles from tbe bead of the Arm, In public Werks st Ottsvvs, of waterfront Block "O in front lumbia, on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, sltusted st the Tickets according to registered plan of the town hesd of Alice Arm, Observstory Inlet, In the Skeena Mining Division or British Columbia, or the Ileglstrsr Oeifi-ti 3 01 site of the said city of Prince nupert de tbe Skoena mining division of Skeena dls Intend thirty dsys arter date hereof torla, British Columbia, posited In tbe aforesaid Land Itegtstrj trlct, sstestinent work for the yesrs 1113, to spply to the Minister or Lands for the site and the P' ' ' to and from Norway, Suvsdsn, Dsn-mark, omce ss No. 9t3. 10 1 4, and 1911, snd have paid for said to be erected In frt UlCU Finland, Italy snd Russia. AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe ei work and recording same, the sum of suthorlty to transport ores or other minerals in . innun Three ';1 151 8AILINQ8 FROM NEW VORK pi ration of one month from the date of Unless you psy me tbe sum of from such mineral claims and to get iimi.h Columbia, st 1 1J "krlstlanlarjord"' Oct. 7th the first publication of this notice, tbs for yor share of the ssld as in machinery and supplies to such mlnersl nlet. .. .. ..... us i "llelllg Olav" Oct. mil Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway Company will testrnent work, together with the cost of claims across the "lilackwell" Mineral ,n TILT IWIlll.C ' .... nl "Frederick VHP' Oct. IStli under Section 7 or tbe said Act apply to ibis advertisement, I sbsll, at the esplra Claim, sltusted on ssld north side or Alice i.lrsllon of one month f " "United States" Oct. Sth tbe Minister or Public Works at his omcs (ion or ninety (SO) days from the dstt Ann aforesaid, and for authority to construct ih nrit nuMICStlon llf 11 ' Have Your Rsssrvstions mads Early. In tbe City of Ottswa for approval of hereof spply to the mining recorder at a trsmwsy snd lay a pipe line from cine Mills. Limited, wni Fur Genersl Hates, Information Illustrated Apply Folders to and said site and plans, and for lesve to con Prince Rupert. B. C, to hsre your Inter said Molybdenum and Success Mineral of the ssld Act. sppi . ' si struct tbe said warehouse. ts In tbe Wolf mlnersl clslm vested in Claims across said Blarkwell Mineral Claim. Council for spprovsi DYBHAVN HANSON Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this tltti me, in pursuance or me provisions of tbs Dated this iltb day or August, A. D. plan. Insursncs snd Stsamahlp Aftnoy, day of May A. D. UIJ, miners) act. 1914. Dated at Vaneouvrr THE OtUND TflUNK PACIFIC ItAILWAY Dst0d at Prlnco nupert, U. C. this ittb MOLYBDENUM MININO AND INDUCTION this 6lh dsr of Apf Prince Rupert, B. O. COMPANY, day of February, 1016. COMPANY LIMITED, NON-PEIISONAL BODWELL, LAW II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor, ml. I. E. STARK LIABILITY. Solicitors for rsi Ml EMPRESS COFF ft B- WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAW80N PRINCE RUPERT,