lUR DAILY fIRWR. Til.. "OUR DAY" LIKE 11 NEW 2,000,000" FELT For their nplciirilil work in .nii-nrctloit with tho nerving of luncheons PERSON ninl lens nt tho Fair, thn Belgians llcil CroM Boclcty extends it? thntiks to Mrs. Hesnor, convener Depend on us laH m Box Of to Mrs. Jnrvls McLcml, who had m for Bread! chnrpo on tho first day; to Mrs 'flUH'O'lllfc Wooillnml, wlio had chargo on the East Ship Habboih, N. S. second day; lo Mrs. Ill and Mrs Since shortly after the German Invasion, the Belgians Tromayne, who hail charge on the have depended for food entirely on the "Commission ,a, I,;J . from Ukin "Prult third tiny, nml also lo their nlilr for Relief in Belgium". Their own itore of food, ' iF:;f I assistants, and lo all who dorint ycrs, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only t i,.nil t oil Inwards tho rallies. Tho wot;; 1 , miserable In every way. three weeks they have had no chance to raw1,more J x, of tho threo . '.I'),. way of mexllelnrsaccmcd ilnys realized the sum and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I i-;8,1":,. Then I finally tried of $121. ly'' Vt.v.s" and tho effeet wm Horry Hanson Inslalled hot Backed by the f" to hate relief from vntor npparattis, which was n "Tn, 1 groat convenience; the Lindsay Belgian Relief Fund " v , MMITHA DEWOLFB. Jlros. moved tho various articles: v. ' i Of rf-'M, trial aixe, 25c. fieorgo I). Tito suplied tahles and Fruit. so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United AuV - ..-.r-H:'1ly chairH and Lynch Hros. provided States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported dishes, all freo of cliarge, I. enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Ilurns fc Co. and Oeorgo 1'rizrell so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of donated meats; Llpsett, Cunningham bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. t Co., F. O. Dawson and Unless let these hundreds of thousands of Spurr's Market we are willing to gave tea, coffee. THE QUEEN WITHOUT A COUNTRY, AT THE FRONT women, children and otd men starve, they must be fed at the Cream, etc. To all of those husu .e picture shows tho Queen of Uelgium inspecting some of expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible ness men tho thanks of the society the ruined districts just behind the llring lino during her recent someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every aro tendered. The host of visit lo the front. month all this winter I The Whisky willing helpers who provided eat No people under the Allied Flags are as wefl able lo cootribote oQuality ables and tho ranchers of Kitsum- tribution of $5, and tho boys of generously as we Canadians I No cause has ever been more kalum and Lakelse; Hazclton, the O. T. I. mixed train, who collected THE MAILS deserving of help I In the name cf Justice and Humanity for l ed in Wood the sake of our own self-respectlet us gfve aO w can to 8 Year Telkwa, and the southeast coast $3.20, aro heartily thanked, help our martyred Allies I before bottling of Graham Island, who gave their while the press of the city is also From the East. Send VMS tubicriptioa weekly,raoalkly at la mm kssp saas la Lacal m GUARANTEED BY THE exhibits in aid of the fund arc thanked for its efforts on behalf PiotUcUI Committee. to lh S Sunday, 6:15 p. m. GOVERNMENT CANADA asked to accept of the grateful f the fund. The cadets rendered Tuesday, C:15 p..m. Central Executive Committee, 59 SI Peter St, Mentreal thanks of the committee. Mr. splendid service, especially Harry Friday, 0:15 p. m. $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Lake and Arthur who Iloerig auctioned the exhibits Palmer, For the East. which realized the sum of $13.35. were invaluable, while the society Salvation Army. Mr. Swanson, for his contribution also wishes lo thank Mr. Prud- Monday, 8:30 a. m. Public meetings, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:30 a. m. homme, president of the associa of $15 prize money; Mr. T. II. Thursday and Saturday at 8 n. m Friday, 8:30 a. m. rat?) 7-$n p. m. Johnson, of Seal Cove, for a con- tion, and the management for the concession of space which they Ilemo, Barrett Lake and North CANADIAN WOMEN have granted each year, making Hulkley, Monday and Wednesday SHOULD KNOW THIS it easier for tho fled Cross So only. "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk From the South. sold by Your Grocer. The Government Bulletin ciety lo collect funds to send No.305 1 ellsthe story-IT C0ST9 THE SAME. This Superior overseas where at the present Monday, Wednesday and Friday ssKTog taocia roTHHCmt tmo ciaioim mass raoDHCT-INSIST time they needed. mornings. Sunday nights. are so urgently I f roa wtnl whipped erem,ehlH"Ci".Fint"Eraportted iho with f reth whip cream. For the South. ThbAYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO..Ltd. ORDERS Monday, 8. a. m. Atlmsi,Ont.,Canada COFFEE 432 Prince Rupert Cadet Corps. Tuesday, 8 a. m. Ily J, C. lirady. Instructor. Saturday, 8 a. m. and t p.m. All Cadets will parade In plain As Its nemo Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. clothes at tho llnrden School, on It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and Friday evening, Sept. 29lli, at 7 Invigorating cup of coffee. o'clock sharp. Hy order, It. A. FISH Ell, A.C.C. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS $0.45 per lb. Threefhtylbrces. (THE LNGIMyRLFINEMLNT WM. BRAID & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS VANCOUVER - B.C, FISHERMAN'S KNOINK Close Link Slswart a Mebltv, Ltd, WhoUMU Distributor, Prince Rupert. S Cl. S 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-18 fooif i More Power. Cl. 3 3-4 In. by B 1-2 In, 25 4 Cyl 1-2 Hon S In, 25-39 I Hon Powor. I Ramsay's For Further Information Apply to Have you ever noted how an audience j Empire Cream Sodas W.Prince E. VVILLISCROFT Rupert, B. C. yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when i In 2-lb. Tins MINERAL ACT the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior Rlvermoutb Fractional mlntral rlaim, situated In tbe Sketna Mlulnr Division of Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- Casslar District. wife Insists upon "Ramsays Empire" when buying Soda Where locstedi At tbe bead of Allc impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Arm, adjoining- tbe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo Biscuits. mineral claims. deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. TAKE MOTICE tbat I, O. IL Nsden, Free They are made In B. C. and your grocer gets his supply Miners CertiCcste No. 4,0SB. artlnt as This applies to the written word also particularly srent for Carrie rratt. Free Miners Certificate frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means No. 9S.917B, intend. Sixty days to advertisements. When the manufacturer really cHspntsu. from tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe Mlninr Recorder for a Certificate of Im believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost J Prove It by buying a tin with your next order, provements, for tbe purpose of obtslnlni a Crown Grant of tbe above claim. inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm And further take notice that action, t Manufactured by under section (I, must be commenced be' will be contagious his audience tho fore tbe Issue of surb Certificate of Im I RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. proveroeuts. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, Dated tbts tSrd dsy of December, A. D. tlt. Apr. I "lean forward and listen intently." J Vancouver, B. O. jj Congliiig scatters To be convincing an advertisement A A A' gem must convey an unmistakable Stop it impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your Irritation Coughing of the lncrautce already tb inflamed will only do when the article mneoooa membranes Gasoline or Distillate disease and ia moreover toothers.apt to carry advertised has inherent worth. Math leu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Uvcr Oil prompt j stops Thus we havo: Lni ,A m free ay mtor from CAUUON troublea. A aeven ouneo to coughing,Its tonic and properties,soon, thanks effects Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: a permanent cure. will aave you '." "foliiHi ami irive from The wonJerful popularity - ' Three mighty forces, close-linked. 4 in Carbonvoid the ditional miles, of alathleu'a BrTup of Tar puts and Cod LI vet Oil ia specially i" a dry powder you due to Its irreat value as a :"GO" Gasoline: l:'-'"'"!' hi the in tanic, w in rc-from cylinders. permanent Taug and hrwn. If)m ' Jl( local iutittu talk Pr jr JvtrHinf fnthmi milk tk AJvirthlaf Drftrtmnl IN j I .sl1rn'npnles in the world use it. TUB ALL BS coial Cold healer.ererywhere,J5C large tf tkit mwtpaftr. ym art Jlm( m pnvimcigl tr uatitmal kutlmtn it wtU hi will ftr ruarar'" , 000 CAItTONS. I'rovioua order 250.000 cartona,. Fully bottle. ( kavt tk nunl and tuthtamtt tf a fJ aJvrHilmf A lit! tf tkut Zi'; '"" '"your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on rcceiptof 11.60 will kt fmrwhktti. witktul nil tr tkliftitm, kj tkt Stcrtttry tf Canadian . - U MATK1CU cro.Press. tasesh. PJ. Prtu At3ciatin, Rum SOJ, Lnmtdtn Balldint, Ttrtntt, For Sale Only by i w IW MM beo. L. Prince Rupc ' Clayton, - I I