TUB DAIL1 IIBWJ Thursday R, . tie DEADLY LIQUID IS Local News Notes j NEW GERMAN HORROK WANTED Promnt Rpjidi M aT eTesTTeyeT sysTe ek4rv"e'eT'se. continue to exercise Tho (lerrnnns Experienced Iiridgo men. Charles Swaiisun, of Alice Arm, their Inventiveness, hut always Track men, Tracklayers and General Construction Laborers has gone to look over somo mining In the same direction, namely, to join tho 239lli Hat-talion, properties In the Interior. the perfection of some new Overseas Hallway -'--"re.quicktetiM ' . . Construction Corps. the front horror. While at CARBONVOID for sale by Llp-sctt (writes tho Pclrograd correspondent II.Drafts C, for leaving Valcartlcr,Vancouver,P. Q., BEECHAM'S & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward weekly. of the Morning Post) I Ilo attested and forward 0 o Electric Co.. If. heard of yet another novelty papers to Vancouver, and will bo transportation arranged which had Just been used nl GOAL Favorite Lndysmilh nt once. Krcvo. It Is still something of Send nil communications Wellington lump and nut, best results. to: ODIccr commanding, Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. a mystery. Tho Germans fired 230th llaltallon, C. E. F. ... some sort of liquid which produced 175 Cordova St., W. ' Anna Held in Madame La Pres. tho sensation of burning. Vancouver, D. O, "The Daily News" Itlcnto" at Majestic Friday and It was not liquid fire, which Is Saturday. an old dovico on tho llussiun CLASSIFIED ... ADS. front, but something that did not Alet M. M anion, B.A. Stuart J. Martin, the well W. r, Williams, B.A L.L.B mm openly llame. A man struck, say, known mining man of IIazclton WILLIAMS A MANSON ii tho arm was not disabled, and on , who has been in town for the past Barristers, Solicitors, Etc WANTED. on the second day thought lightly week, returned homo yesterday. ONEV TO LOAN WANTED oirl tr . ... of his burn, but on the third day, BOS IISS Oood wsr-. S.aiiMMu tho fourth, ho died. Helttraon Block Prince nuperL B. C Phone toj. Capt. Q. Scsmau, of the headquarters or at latest on stafT at Esquimau, is in This new deviltry products clot WANTED Ynu . . the city. Ho Is accompanied by ting of tho blood and consequent Apply Mairea, Prin. j,,,' L MX Hospital. his wife and daughter. death. This Is not magnificent Prince Rupert Feed Co. ... and it Is not but it is par WNTEt HeusenoM tn 0f war, P. Q. Bo a S3. SOS Third Ate. Ladies of Presbyterian Church German. lllbeat price paid. hti' ticularly M.M RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS Ilk I ' Jpf meet at tho homo of Mrs. Daw WE HANDLE Will tall any tune. 139 u.:j Air son, Fifth Avenue, every Friday PRIZE WINNERS IN WANTED Servant: will pay t j ,u at 3 p. m. for sewing for the FAIR COMPETITIONS Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, dpi ue. Dally N(.j. WANTED To boy some r I r " ... bazaar. and Brlgg's. w, iui iwuun. Apply pu.uo l"' ... j Continued from Pago one; Garden and Field Seeds. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Peck have re Also Fertilizers. WANTED Second-band hlra effica Ctsi. turned from a visit to the south. One pair Cockerel and Pullcl- We Take Orders for Nursery nyvi uu iv uauy news, They took their cap south with Thos Sherman. Stock. WANTED f LABORERS AT C.tCE. . ''tf:V.y.Y.v them and had a most delightful Ono pair Cockerel and Pullet Nay, Grain and Feed at rs.T UII WUOI1 SCALES. xi aulo tour -through tho state of A. D. Taylor. Vancouver Prices. WANTED Girl to look after ii.il App:, ii u. o mpp nuirainr. Washington. Hamburgs (Silver Spangled Chicken Feed A Specialty. LOST ... cock) W. II. Sherman. Colder to-morrow! Be ready. About 50,000 pounds of halibut One Hen W. II. Sherman. Mall Ordere Promptly Attended To. LOST Lady't stiver mat. ii. . j; . sj: in The niornliif between tin k. w brought was overnight. n Order one of these stylish, One pair cockerel and Pullet the wharr. Apply Mrs. A. ..- u Dolphin had 18,000; the Star 18,-0O" 1st and 2nd, W. II. Sherman. tth Ave., W. j.-, ulsters. and the balance was marin comfortable up Uest male bird (cup) II. G LOST Gold-filled watch, T , . i ;-a BXCLUSIVB AGENTS of small fares. No selling had Moseley. B. C. UNDERTAKERS initials C a, between Ki, x H ;v m taken placo to harr ApplyDaUy S. i. u. up noon. While Pckin Duck or Drake Limited . (a T. G. Craggs, (b) A. Austin; FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM-SALVERS LOST-- Pearl and Turtjuoiso carrinr. rad-er Bryant Company, W. II. Wright has received the SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDOPEN return to Mrs. L. W latm ra. tf Sutherland: W. DAT AND NIGHT 2nd, Geo. 3nd, sad news that his cousin, Lieut. 117 END STREETPHONE 41 LOST tt-foot laonch, painted mblte. ltk Walter T. Willison, ot Toronto, Austin. canupy top. Eattbope cnflne. Fbom j i ' "I--"- .-1 -. .-w ---.V-.-. Indian Runners, duck drake Black tot. tr. lifts been killed at the front. He or was a son of Sir John Willison, eo. Sutherland. FOR SALE editor of The Toronto News. Host of any other variety W. MINERAL ACT FOR SALE carload niinmg d . i """ 'iiiiiiiiii!iniiiMii;iH!nininiiMiui;iMiMimi:im!nii'i:!i;iHmiiim:;i'iimiiMiiimiin Lieut. Willison visited Mr. Wright Adams. Certificate of Improvements rlixlmr 17 machine id.: , tr iiiiiiii.iMniniin:n;ir,ri,;TKi.Mi:;!!'ii;;:i::nnTTTTTTTTT-Ti;i:iM:iiniiiii!ir.;i;ii!i;nnviii Hest Canary (any breed) 1st. NOTICE drill here a few years ago. stl, strani nu,,,t .- s ... Miss D. Tovey; '2nd. Miss G. Sllrer Bow Mineral Claim, lloiie In tbi Dally News. tf Skeena MinUir Divlaion of Caialar DlitrlcL II. C. Undertakers wish to an Tovcy. Where located: At the bead of a brand) FOR SALE Team of h..r;r-. I tai, or time Creek about four tollei from the Apply P. O. Bex Its. Tr t ret nounce that they have engaged Pigeons 1st, Albert Davidson; A bcaen on tbe eoutn aide or Alice Arm. the services of Mr. Frank Norris, 2nd, Thomas Sherman. TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeorre n. .laden. Lifebuoy of Vancouver, as managing fun. Ono Cock (Plymouth. Hock Free Miner's Certificate .fa S40XB, ecllni a arent for Tnoa. McRoitle, Free Miner' DENTISTRY eiul director and embalmcr. Mr W. J. Kirkpatrick. CertlDrate lio. e9IB. and James L. Hatch. bath Norris has had years of cxperi- Ono Hen (Mymouth Rock Free Miner's Ortltlcate No. 8B. In lend, sixty dtji from tbe date hereof, to CROWN AMD BRIDOI WORI enco in first-class and up-to-date W. J. Kirkpatrick. ippljr to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a Ortifl A SPECIALTT means a establishments and is in a posi One pair Cockerel and Pullet cate of Improvements, for the purpose or DR. J. S. BROWN obtaining a Cromn Grant of tbe above healthy tion to give helpful assistance to 1st, W. H. Vickers; 2nd, W. J claLn. DENTIST those And further take notice that action. Ottlcei Smith Blek, ThlrS im who require honest and Kirkpatrick; 3rd, Harry l.akc. skin- under section St, must be commenced be Phene 4S4 conscientious service. 220 Ono Cock (whito) S. McQuil. fore tlie Issue of such Certificate of Im lam, Tyee. provements. Dated this ttth day or March. A.P. ttte First, because it's a good soap-it ANNOUNCEMENT One Hen (whito) S McQuil. CEOBfiE n. M ADEN. cleanses thoroughly, though gently. Next because it is a safe lam, Tyeo. MINERAL ACT guard against all sorts of germs, infections, etc that James G. Stcen ami Ono pair, Cockerel and Pullet hands clothing have come in contact Stuart J.Martin your or your may Waller Longwill have. E. O. Craggs. Certificate of Improvements with. That's the Lifebuoy story cleanliness with ' formed in One Game Cock 1st, It. G NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELUS safety. The slight carbolic odor vanishes immediately. a partnership ASSAYEH plumbing, steam heall 'tr. Moseley, Hazellon; 2nd, M.' M TION,FRACTION,COSMOS GENTIAN.FRACTION.BLUE BEL.THISTLE FRAC roofing, etc. Stephens. FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, ULAC HAZELTON B. C. LI FEB Ship plumbinz and fhect One Hen 1st, and 2nd, V. II FRACTION.FRACTION, FERN COXCOMB,FRACTION.BEGONIA TINE APPLE FRAC metal work will be a spec- Sherman; 3rd, M. M. Stephens. TION, MINERAL CLAIMS sltuste In tbe The oldest established Assay Leghorns (wtim , o. McQuil- Queen Charlotte District, located at or near ialty with tho new firm of HEALTHY Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, rrovlnre Office In the North. lam; Mrs. F. V. Hohler. STEEN LONGWILL of British Columbia, and lawfully beld by Ikfda Mines Limited. Phone 5. Mcht nhones. 50AF TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. Maclnnls, 570 and Blue 270. Anna Held at tho Majestic Fri solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free day and Saturday, miners' certificate No. 70JJ4 B, Intend after the expiration of sixty days from PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 the date hereof to apply on behalf of the said Company to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS a certificate of improvements for the pur pose of obtaining Crown Grant to tbe HOTEL above claims. 13 .10W OPEN TO QUESTS AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action Transfer and Storage under Section St of tbe Mineral Act must Ona of the Urrt't Hot Sprint" la be commenced before the Issuance of ouch BEST LUMP & NUT COAL Amrrlca. circumference 300 fet certificate of Improvements. Temperature of Witer, 180 d. Fahr, Dated this Jilt day or May. A. D. I9lt. ' The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater U the lijjl jill JOHN A. MACINNES, NO LONG WAITS ' &WLM ' Cic.lUnt Trout FUhlng In Lali.U Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. WEIGHTS JHrw w" ' F S very thing for cold niehtj and mornine. HJij; !:!! Lake. NO SHORT rtione Connecttone with Terrace. When You Order from U$. RATES: 2M per dey. ADVERTISE IN For rurther prtleulr, apply to J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. The Daily News .rt.trujJIIIflfJJJ""'"""" i ' ' Clean j smokeless j economical. MliipIlP t 1 RENT SillllpiBL JjKiii!??ivgagir wgSkEaily moved to bedroom, bathroom Biff pill FOR fErr3LJ f&Z""" or 'm2 roorr yoi need it. Bpi l !i pipIS At all Bood dealers. If ycur dealer fll i P FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 4 rooms, bath, i c" 1V E E 1 K . 5th AV' t,.th SIB cannotsupplyu write us direct. m$ . W 4 ooms tie lh Avf . V' gl furnished V 710 8ECONO AVE 4 rooms I OS Ith Ave., w E II 4 rooms tOT lh A'. II Carpenters' Tool Builders' Hardware Shlo Chandler 3 rooms, bath. 7th av.Av.'. t w . .. Wire Cable 4 rooms lit tth .. V'' Steel Blocks w Fishing Tackle I ruoms 701 tb Av .. I! Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Riries and Shotguns 4 rooms til l Ave. I Rone Va,VM 4 ruoms III tn A- 'if' 1,.. is Ammunition t room apt. opposite . I" Pumps HoM Paint 4 rooms rraser 8L . I) Stoves t rooms NeMordie Apu-I and Ran0es Hubberold " M Roofing Corrugated Iror. ro..ms. furnlsbe-i. "WE SELL V Y0U NOTHINQ BUT THE BE8T" WE WRITE INIORANCE. WITH " HOUSE IS VACANT U " T0U- US. WE CAN FILL IT mm FRED STORK'S HARDWARE LTD HELOERSON, Maiir 1 miii mi i r i m iii i iwa iisa H. O. as