Tijp 1 rlL Daily News vol.. Vir. NO- 252 - - .. vniMiy. nui'KiiT, i. c, BA'nr hday; octoijep, 28, uno. PRICE FIVE CENTS DESrlDYERS RAD CHAM MEL TRANSPORTS GERMAN. LOSE TWO VESSELS ENEMY BOMBARDING LOST VERDUN POSITIONS GERMANS LOSE THREE FRENCH DESTROYERS IN DIVISIONS BEAT CHANNEL RAID SEVENGERMAN Ten German Destroyers Attack Qermans Trying to Regain Ground British Transports-Norway Lost at Verdun Russians and uermany at the Retire Before Strong Breaking Point. Opposition. penal to The Daily X.) (Special to Tbe Dally Newi.) London, uct. 28. Ten Oerninn Paris, Oct. 28, The French, In torpedo boat destroyers nttempt-ed their recent victory on tho Verdun to make a raid on tlio Hritisu front, carried the enemy positions transport service crossing the with only three divisions of troops Knglish Channel. Two of the against seven complete German sunk ami divisions. Ten German battalion enemy destroyers wcro one empty British transport went commanders were among tho under The crew of the latter prisoners taken. A heavy curtafn of fire from was saved. Holland Protests. the French guns checked a German Amsterdam, Oct. 28, Holland attempt to recover Fort is protesting against the- viola-lion HERE IT IS: THE GREAT ARMORED "TANK" OR CATEhPlLLAR.- An authentic picture of the famous British "Tank, which Douaumont. The Germans aro of her neutrality by German crosses streams, climbs hills, leaps trenches and spits out death from rifles, machine guns, and small cannon. With their increasing now heavily bombarding the posi Zeppelins, which are, dropping activity on tho battlefield, the world has been baffled by the greatest mystery of the war, and everyone is asking, "What tions recently lost on this front. bombs within Dutch territory. do they look like?" On the Somme front the steel monsters have proved their worth, fairly demoralizing the Germans. The Canadians Russians Retire. Norway and Germany are close first great offensive In Picardy was successful with the aid of the "tanks." According to the German reports, five "tanks" Petrograd, Oct. 28. Superior to the breaking point on account have been destroyed on the western front. German attacking forces on the eastern bank of the Hlver Sharn f the repeated sinking of Norwegian INCREASE EXPECTED ONE-MAN SUBMARINE have forced tho Russian's to re vessels by German submarines. FRENCH LINER CHICAGO OVERSEAS SOLDIERS' IN QRANBY DIVIDENDS IS LATEST INVENTION tire. AFIRE IN THE ATLANTIC VOTES ARE COMING IN Three Miles Up. Rumanian Struggle. London, Oct. 28.-7Hurana In Boston, Mass., Oct. 24. In Ahrougn tue invention of a v ndine, Oct. 28, An Italian dirigible (Special to Tbe Dally Mews.) creased dividends for stockholders new type, one-man submarine, Final results in twenty-four of defeated aji Austrian the of Iwo Invad taught n grip London, Oct. 28. Tho French of Granby Consolidated Copper the first full-sized fully equipped the British Columbia constituen aeroplane in a battle at an altitude desperately ing tcrrvA and is struggling Line steamer Chicago, bound Company can not long be de craft of which was completed re cies have been received in Van of three miles. t. ward ofT the, incessant front Bordeaux to New York and ferred owing to the enormous ronflv- I Mlllnn.. .1. TVumhln, I'nrnl" " (COUVer and in not one instance Operations Hampered. ai: of Vun Mockenzen's H'jts army carrying go passengers, nas profits now being secured. Earn dent of a refining company, of has the result been altered, London, Oct. 28. Inclement (he front and of Yon isu Dubrudja been obliged to put into the ings of better than $25 per share Los Angeles, who perfected an though several of the majorities weather is seriously hampering Fallteuhayu Von s in Transylvania.have Azores Islands in the-Atlantic, on were made in the fiscal period oil refining process that brought j have been brought down to a military operations on tho Somme Markcnzcui's Troops account of flro having broken out ending June 30th last, and this nun a fortune, experts to revolutionize very small margin. W. II, floss and Macedonian fronts. reached a point from forty to has been elected In Fort Gcorgo in her hold. rate has since risen to approximate warfare at seato uch sixty miles from where they SCOTTISH FINANCIERS by nine votes: McCurdy retains $10 a share. An early increase an extent that the power of the Mr.( crossed Gonstanza - Tohcrnavoda SAN FRANCISCO AFTER the Esquimalt seat by two, . WERE HERE YESTERDAY from tho preseait 82 quarterly present dreadnought will b e railway and liavo captured Hlr-sot. LARGE RUSSIAN TRADE and Mr. Jackson, Islands, has the rate to at least $2.50 a share greatly minimized. Mac-kay, and J. Messrs. A. Mackay narrow margin of 4. The follow would not bo surprising. While the strictest secrecy has who left Bucharest announces that tho San Francisco, October 24. An ing are the final majorities in the of Dundee, Scotland, Rumanian aro retiring In tho effort to divert to San Francisco COMING PILGRIMAGE been maintained regarding the 24 seats . for the south yesterday, after Jiul Yallpy but that, along with share nf tho great volume of buildings of the new underwater Alberni Brewster (L), 38. having made a tour of the Interior TO THE FIELD OF YPRES the essel, it is learned that the craft of the G. T. P., Russians, they have advanced shipping business done bctweon Atlin Mobley (L), 50. with ft. C. W. Lett, in the Izul Valley, after repelling Vladivostok, Russia, and Pugel In the Comhill Dr. Dearmer was recently launched at Naples Cariboo Yorston (L, 243. aro interested In ranching In the Teutonic attacks. Tho Hu-manians Sound ports assumed tangiblo describes a visit to Ypres as it is and that, so far as preliminary Chilllwack Barrow (L), 180. Canada, having a large ranch with have captured a village form here yesterday when it became today. There Is no place like it tests are concerned, it comes up Columbia Buckham (L), 266, about five thousand head of in the to all tho hopes of its builder. Current.. They region of Okna. known in marine circles in the world, he says, nothing so Comox Stewart (L), 20. cattlo near Swift The principal feature of tho in oil lands that tho firm of Struther & Dixon sad and nothing so beautiful. For Cowichan Hayward (C), 131. are also interested CALGARY OFFICIAL TO craft is that it is distinctly a Oklahoma and in mining In had placed two big freighters on all the squalid and sordid things Cranbrook King (L), 224. in ASSIST SHAUGHNESSY one-man boat. It is so construct In berth for the llussian port. nre gone; there are no slums, no Delta Mackenzie (C), 58. Arizona. Thoy aro partnera ed that there is not an inch of of Irons & Company, the firm Mackay, Last night agents for tho company filthy hovels, no brawling or Dewdney r Oliver (L), 137. (Special to The Dally Newt.) ' unnecessary space. The opera Dundee. The G. T. P. Is announced that as soon ns greasy sensuality, no crying in Esquimau McCurdy (L), 2. Montreal, Oct. 28. J. S. Den tor of the craft may easily con to get them Interested In suitable steamers could be obtained the streets; tho city is very pure Femie Fisher (L), 79. trying nis, head of tho natural resources trol every desired movement of in Northern British Co- by salo or charter a regular .and quiet, and whilo under the Fort George Iloss (C, 9. ranching "raneu of the Canadian PacMe tho submarine. nnd il 19 not """Vely tat lino will bo inaugurated between sun, n dusty oasis of silence amid Grand Forks-Thompson (L),'umD'a Railway, with headquarters i Yokohama The craft, whilo capablo of bo- they will return nero on somo io-ture Snn Francisco. Kobe. the drumming of tho guns. It will 250. Calgary, uas been appointed ns ing submerged by displacemnet, occasion. and Vladivostok. borebullt somo day. But I think Greenwood McLean (L), 280 'iani to Ilaron Bhaughnessy, ordinarily is submerged,! means i"e In nil threo Japanese steamers that, when the war is over, Ypres Islands Jackson (L), 4. president of the company. of a threo blado propeller con 8UN AND TIDE have been chartered by tho com- will nt first bo kept a guarded Kamloops Anderson (L), 553. . ml . II.rt nected with its keel. Sunday, October 29th. pany up to uaie. im-y sanctuary within its moated bat Kasjo Keen (L), 81. NEW WELLINGTON COAL, In tho event of nn accident, Sun rises 7:56 a. m. H'one k-.wnVn Mam. which will leavo tlenmnts for all the world to seo. Llllooet McDonald (C), 30. tic. Wo have Just ro- crippling tho motive power of the Sun sets 5:24 p. m. teived hero on October 28 for Vladivos And nil America will go to visit Nanaimo Sloan (L), 559. a shinment nf nnn inns craft, an automatic arrangement High water ...2:47a.m. lit. 10.3 I. tnb Yokohama and "Kobe; tho it, and all tho neutral peoples; Nelson Iloso (C), 101. imp Coal. Wo are nonarod to sends tho boat to tho surface of Low water ...8:33 a.m. lit. 7.5 I'uUn Sukl Maru, scheduled to stenm and they will realise wnui wo Newcastle Williams (S), 120. your winter's coal for you. tho sea, thereby giving its opera High water ...2:26p.m. Ht.22.1 for Vladivostok direct on November fought for and why the fato of Now Westminster Whiteside tor a chance to escape. Low water ...9:19 p.m. lit. 2.9 20, and tho Kelshun Maru, Christendom depended upon our (L), 184. Always tho vessel is submerged, Monday, October 30th. "uiaitti itUW which Is to leavo on December 20 conquering. Franco and Britain North Okauagnn Macdonald, except for Us conning tower, tho Sun rises....... 7:58 a. in, Property holders only for Yokohama and Kobo, too, will troop to see it and Bel (L, 312. upper portion of which is only Sun sets . ,5;22 p. m. 'o on the municipal vot-fr8' liiuin; such troops of pilgrims ns twelve inches above tho surface High water ...3:34 a.m. lit. 18.7 DANCE list permanently. All ST. ANDREW'S have never been seen before AMERICAN o,.i4ENS of tho water. Equipped with an Low water .. .0:15 a.m. lit. 8.2 o hold trade . licenses miltitudes among them wearing ON TORPEDOED VESSEL must register this month The ladies- auxiliary of St. black. Scotsman. especially designed 110 h. p. mo High water ...,3:0p.m. IU.21.3 H the ,.,rv.- Rudely gave n most tio. tor, tho submarlno. is said to bo (Special to Tt Dally Newt.) Low water ... 10:0 p. in. lit. 3.5 city hall, If to voto In tho munl-j'Pttl they liKlitful little dance In tho Hail METHODIST CHURCH capable of a speed of thirty knots New York, October 28. Four Captain McGce, M. M, S.. A. elections la January. waynu'ii's Hall Inst evening. There an hour. Exchange. American citizens have been J V"u are not a property was a largo attendance or young In tho absence of the pastor, jured on board tho British stean:r. uiuor nor a holder of a folks In piU; o' 1,10 i"L-lemcnt Mr. F. Morris will occupy tho pul Tho American halibut schooner er Welsh Prince. They declare LONDON CAFE 'fuse, you must weather and ult had a good... tlmo pit in tho Methodist Church on Liberty brought in Gfl.OOO that the vessel was torpedoed AND GRILL Pay '"i!l' run.I 'in, nn.i The music was provmeu iii uy in r Sunday morning. In tho evening pounds this morning, which wa without warning. Third Avenue '" ,ve i iinrrv A. Harvey. I he thjro will be n special service of sold to tho Cold Storago Company Serves Nothing but the Best ,Jl,,,y youritiiame , w P'" the list, j)o u Indies provided dainty refresh music and song by tho choir, and for 10 cents, being a drop of Mr. H, 15. Peck, returned from 8TRIOTLY UNION HOUSE now. monU nnd n thoroughly enjoyable Mr. J. Iloborts will give a short cents from tho record price paid a business trip to Vancouver to. BOXES FOR LADIES ovc.it ennie to au.eud all too noon address, Everybody welcome. by tho same company yesterday day.