ImM Hit MILT WKWB. Salnnlay. 0,l.,iJ(,r -"mitt ; Ossa- The Daily 'News FALL AND THE LEADINQ NEWSPAPER W NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WINTER Pnbll.hed'Dallr and W.kly Guaranteed Larfeet Circulation SCHEDULES HEAD OFFICE - o. a. rmnuE UEORQE -Daily-News Dulldltig,-3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, li.O. . Telephone 8. For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, sn,m NOTES AND COMMENTS Friday nt U a. tn. For Anyox every Wcdnffli, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents per Inch. Contract 8. S. PRINCE RUPERT ' ln,gl, rales on application. i-or Kcicn Kan, wrangoii, . uncau and Bkngway ,.. President Wilson is going lo cv, Ralt urday nt 12 noon. For Vancouver and all havn a lively time if Lord Charles every Wednesday nt 0 a. m. polnls oHh DAILY EDITION Saturday, Oct. 28, 1911. PASSENQER TRAIN SERVICE Bcrcsford Is on his track in re ror Bmlthr, Print Otorg, pr, tdmonton, nktioon peg, connecting thr for til point In EtiUrn k Cinid . and gard to the submarine episodo. it,. and South laa Print " tutus Rup.rl W.dnt.di. .... . CHANNEL iwntfEL largely brought about by the day at 11)30 a. m. Kind train tt ,u'" When "Fighting Charlio'' takes Frldty tt B a. m. As was outlined In these personality of tho late King Agenoy All Ocean Steamship Lines. up ony mailer he never lets up MiMi9ftW:E III For Information and Columns some months ago, Edward, reservations apply in tlicro Is n renewal of the ngl- It was the ancient conservatism until ho has seen it through to tho City Ticket Office, 52G Third Avenuo. PHONE 260 Intion In Franco and lirilain of the British which end. ' fof'tho construction of a tunnel proirlpted Lord Wolscley to deliver under the English Channel, his historic "splendid Conflicting reports continue to linking up.England and France, isolation." speech, which did so emanate from Berlin and Buchar nnd It Is evident that the matter much to shatter tho-plans of est In regard to tho Dobrudja and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY is taking definite shape in the French In 1870, but that Transylvanian fronts. Tho probability " is that both sides are Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point England since the premier is old conservatism has" been via. Steamer to Vancouver arranging to receive a deputation gradually evaporating during claiming a littlo more than is BLBBBBBBBBBLiiaaH Sl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY end tha to discuss the matter. For tho dast forty years, and today coming to them and that tho Ru nd Berth Included on Steamer -. many years past 11 has been a there is but tho faintest shadi manians arid Russians retired Princess Maqulnna for Qranby & Alice Arm Friday 11 topic of newspaper discussion, of it left, and none of it is considerably but that thoTr lines p. m. Princess Southbound Saturday e -bophla p, m. in fact It was regarded as a allowed to enter national affairs arc still intact and their losses IHI PrlncesaMaqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. regular standby by thp press, If it were possible to build comparatively small. Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, October 23rd. as, when thero was a scarcity the Channcl'Tunnel during the of subjects for discussion, the next few months, there would Tho latelt German move on the J. I. PETERS, General Agent Channel Tunnel schemo "was not be a dissentient voice and western front begins to look like Corner Fourth Street nd Third ATenue, Trince Rupert. B.C. trotted out and dilated upon at the work would bo proceeded an attempt to fight a drawn battle. length. with immediately. It was an Wait until tho "tanks" begin to To the people of Franco, it important strategic movo forty worn their way over tho network has for many years been a very years ago, but it is infinitely of new trenche9T Tallest Recruit In British army. live topic and as far back as more Important today, when 1870, the French put up their submarines and mines are Things aro looking decidedly A puwle for the military. Fred sharo of. the cost of constructing scattered about the Channel more hopeful when a member of erick Kcmpstcr, aged 21 years, fc the tunnel and the work and its vicinity and hundreds tho Borden cabinet admits that feet 2 Inches (and still growing , DrPRICES was actually started. A formidable of thousands of troops have to the manufacturers are partly responsible 378 pounds in weight, slzo of opposition in the Drit-ish be transported across to Franco for the high cost of boot, 22. He can span, two REAM Parliament put the idea to and Flanders. The existence living. Now that this has been octaves on a piano and lights a flight, nnd it has been rather of such a tunnel wotild never discovered, what is tho Borden cigarette at a street lamp. The a soro point with the French bo a menace to Britain in any government going to do about it? military authorities aro wonder Bmung Powder .- people ever since. Forty years way but would be of inestimable ing what to do with him. ago, the feeling existing between value at a time like tho Every bad sailor who ever re the French and English present, while it would, in fused a meal in crossing tho English Sixty Yomrm ihm Standard people was of a very different times of peace, have an enormous Channel will be a staunch THE MAILS nature from what it is today. commercial value as it supporter of tho Channel Tuniiel The insular prejudices of the would save the trans-shipping scheme. For the East. Adds to the British were much stronger of goods from rail to steamer Wednesday and Saturday, box beetlUitulness ot the food and there still existed the old and from steamer to rail at Thero arc rumors that Bowser closes 9:30 a. m. and Friday 3 wall of reserve against all for- either end, besides doing away will hang on until the end of the a. m. ,.,eigners.Mow different are con with the dirtiest crossing in year. It Is evidently'the merest From the East. CONTAINS NO ALUM ditions today. With a cheap British waters. Suppose the fallacy that tho people rule in Trains arrive Tuesday and cning and speeding up of trav tunnel had been in existence British Columbia. Thursday, G:30 p. in. el, the British and the French eighteen months ago, and the For the South. Canada have been brought closer to Germans had succeeded in WHAT' HAPPENED TO PAUL Tuesday, 5 p. in. Boat sails at Made In gcthcr; a more intimate knowledge taking Calais, tho tunnel would 7 p. in. of each other has brought have been of jio value to them The following littlo story of the Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails about that wholesome regard as a means of invading England, front trenches is contained in a at 0 a. m. .which must always exist between as it could have been letter from a British soldier serv Friday, 7 a. in. Boat sails at two such nations, and blown in at a moment's notice. ing in France; Tho Saxons used 9 a. m. the happenings of the last iwo Tho probability is that the to have a chap with them named Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. in. -years have completely cemented long-talked of Channel Tunnel Paul, who had a lovely voice and Sunday, Boat sails C p. in. the relationship which was will now become an actual fact. used to sing all the latest songs. For Anyox. He was easily heard in our front Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. trenches, and his songs were en joyed by our fellows as well as The Dally rits delivered bj FRED STORK'S HARDWARE by the Germans. One day, when carrier, 50 cents per mouth- things were quiet, thero were no songs to listen to, and one of our 710 SECOND AVE men called out to the Germans FIRE' ALARM SYSTEM 1 Oarpenters"Tool - Builders' Hardwan tShlpDrtandlery "Tell Paul lo sing." Back camo t Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle the answer, preceded by a string JIROUIT NO. 1. Iron Plpa Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns of guttural German curses, "You Soi it itn Bt. and Ird Aft. 3 Rope Valves Ammunition Chuled Paul yesterday." Ex.- Bo 1 is etb 8Und trd Ave. Box 14 Itb St and Ird at. Pumps Hose "Paint Box is Junction" of lit. Ind and Stoves) and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated I ror CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- jot Ird ietit Ave, ATe betwreo itn and ' WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE'BEST" I sett & Cunningham, and Parkin- 9tb Stl. (Knox Hotel.) Sunlight Boi 17 tit AT, ami 7 111 St. (Cn Ward Electric Co. tf, tral UomI.) FRED STORK'S HARDWARE BABY'S Boa St Ird oiROurr At,no.and. Ird St. (I'oit Office.) OWNaSOAP ox 2 trd At, and McHiide SL Jf Soap Boa 24 lit at, and McOrtde St. Boa ZS tnd At, and In1 St Boa selad At, and t St Tho Inducements offered with common Boa 17 O. T. P, soaps cannot make up for tho purity Tick OIROUII MO. I. Sunlight Soap. It costs US roprto maK0 Box si' tin a. aud fuium Bt pure soap. But it costs YOU less o use Box 2 - Borttn and laylor tt. it,for SunlKht pays for itself in the clothes t and from Norwayy Swadanv Dan-mark," Box 84 Tib AT, aud lulloo St. it saves. It does not wear and rub mo Finland, Italy and Bum la. Boa M-.9U1 Aye. and Cxuxui SAILIMS PROM NKW VORK fabrics as common soaps do. Boa 87 tt at, and Dudte l. -Oacar II." ....... ... Hot. tn. ,.. mt and I - Soi SS lb Ave. htmpwia 11 "Krumnurjord" ...... Not. lth. 'Stockholm .......... Dae. tnd. CIRCUIT NO. . tU Gnmn. Parity H' "llellls- Olov" ,. Not. SSrd. Be 41 4Ua at, and lnini(rwa Ill Hava Your Ratariatlona mad Early. For Rate. Illustrated Folderi and Tbe puiit and of Sox 42- lib at, and Ditiiiie rl General Information Apply to Baby' Own Soip hlTC WaJs It Box 4 IIU AT, and Orvu St. nnUettal favorite. Its uuli OVBtUVN HANSON a Boa 44 Ctb At and Bull 81 aaMaMMaMaxaBBBa jr" -tfc&IlL'T?ssTaTaTaTJ tnauranea ana Stmhlp Aftnty, beneficial to auy aVIn. 4.4.1 j Boa 4 7th At, and BbarU. Albert Soap Limit J,Montreal. Box 141 Tin at; and Yionr St. News. m-Prlnoa Rupart, B. o. aaaffffmMy 11 TJ'ifjlTflBSB Advertise In The Daily EMPRESS COFFEE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3 aBBBBBBBl BBBBT BeBaseBBBBNl eBBBBBBBBBT aBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBB'aBBBBB' aBBBBBBa bbb bbbbbbb 1 BBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBBBBBBF Baa a 8- RUPERT. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE II