The 0AILY News VOL.-VH NO. 277. HUNCH UUPEItT, H. G-, MONDAY, NOVEMlJEIt 27, 1910. PBICE FIVE CENTS mm claim K f7 TO mi HI IIA I m ARE D EFEATED GERMANY REPORTS FALKENHAYN AND MACKENZEN CROSS DANUBE TOGETHER BERLIN CLAIMS BRITISH REPEL GOVERNMENT WANTS ALLIED THREAT JOINT ARMIES ENEMY ATTACK ANOTHER EXTENSION TO OCCUPY THE Ottawa, Nov. 22 The iBorden CROSS DANUBE ON BEAUCOURT government has announced, via CITY OF ATHENS tho ruby lips of ithe .Hon. A. E Kemp, that it will take another Report From Germany That Fallen Germans Attempt Surprise Attack extension if it can get it. The Du Fournet Makea Further Demands hay n and Mackenzen have In Heavy Storm Berlin Claims stipulation is, however, that Par Greek on Government Linked up and are Now Success Attack on liament must be unanimous and Royalists Declare They Near Buoharest. St. Mlhlel. that if the Opposition is reluctant Will Refuse. about it the Government will go I (SK'cil to Tb Dally News.) (Special to Tbe Daily Sews.) to the country, throwing the onus (Special -to Tbe Dally News.) IJerlln, Nov. 27. Von Falken.J London, Nov. 27. The British of a war-time.election with a dull Athens, Nov. 27. Vice-Admiral hayn's army, which drove the rtu-Iranians forces holding tho Allied lines sickening thud on the wicked Du tho Fournet, commander of out of the Jful valley, between Hamel and Beaucourt, on Grits. tho Allied fleet in the Mediterran- has Joined with Von Mackenzcn's the north bank of the Ancre, repelled When he made this announcement, ean, has demanded that the Greek 'having come straight with forces on the Dobrudja front and a German attack. The government surrender ten bat the dreadful news from a cabinet the combined armies have crossed enemy assumed tho offensive at meeting at Ottawa to aiConserva-tive teries of mountain guns by December the Danube into Rumania. this point during severely stormy ward association meeting in 1st, failing which, the En tente Allies will occupy the city Von Mackenzcn's forces aro weather but the British were Toronto, Mr. Kemp registered extreme of Athens. now on the outskirts of Alexandria, ready for them and brought machine ihorror. As n register of The Royalists declare that they on the Vede Mver, forty, gun batteries to play, forcing extreme horror, Mr. Kemp is a will make a complete refusal to uvea miles from Bucharest, tho the enemy to retire to their LONDON CELEBRATE3 TRAFALGAR DAY AND HONORS MEMORY false alarm. His performance comply with the Allied demand. capital of Rumania. Tho Rumanian trenches. OF JUTLAND HEROES. lacks conviction. His touch ia The Royalist troops have also re arc retreating and are burn- The German artillery is particularly Great crowds gathered around Nelson's Column in the heart too heavy like an elephant playing fused to evacuate Kalerina, and mg I weir V 1 towns 1 anu I villages I f ue-ind active around Courceletle, of Old London to do lionor to the memory of our great sailor on a piano. Athens has been warned that un them- north of Pozieres and at Le Bu-terne, Trafalgar Day. The whole of tho front of the plinth was covered Ostensibly Mr--Kemp was hor-rified less an immediate order of evacuation Bulgarian Report. while tho British have carried with trophies in memory of the heroes of Jutland. at the possible infamy of is given, force will be used. Sofia, Nov. 27. Tho reinforced out a heavy bombardment of the Grits In refusing to grant the Russian Front.' Ru&ian.P.umanian army on tho Puisieux, north west of Mirau-mont, GEORGE KERR HAS DAVID McNICHOLL DIES Borden government another year's Pelrograd, Nov. 27.Action on . " which point is one of the DIED OF WOUNDS AT GUELPH- ONTARIO Dobrudja front has failed in its extension from October,(1917, in the Russian front is confined to purpose and the armies of the great objectives of the drive along w-hlch to make their profiteering artillery engagements and aeroplane Central Powers have advanced the Ancre. Word reached town on Saturday (Special to Tbe Dally News.) friends in the food and shell in operations-Italian along'the entire front, Berlin Report. evening that George Kerr, who Montreal, Que., Nov. 27. David dustries rich. 'What he really FronL Rumanian Report. ' Berlin reports that aTaid on' was recently""reported wounded, McNicltolI, formerly" vice-presi- wiis1- horrified -at Although 'of ' -frbfhe, Nov. 2T.-i-The-Italian8-T' llucharest, Nov. 27. The Itu-manlan the Bitish lines at Beaumont re has since died of his wounds. Mr.Idcnt of the Canadian Pacific Rail course he wouldn't admit it pub have successfully resisted Austrian armies are holding fast sulted in the capture of over a Kerr, who was a brother of Pete way, has died of pneumonia at licly was the prospect of a gen aeroplane attacks and two to their positions along the Alt hundred and sixty British soldiers. and Billy Kerr, both of whom aro Homewood Sanitorium, at Guelph, eral election that would turn the planes were driven down. River in Transylvania and aro French Front- now on active service, enlisted at;0ntarto. Tho remains will bo shilly-shallying Borden government maintaining their ground against Paris, Nov. 27. There' is con Saskatoon. The deepest sympa-'convccd by special train to Mon-thy out before its cold storage The government reckons in two the enemy on the northern portion siderable artillery activity in tho will bo extended to his sor-jlraI for burial, masters had squeezed the last years that the war profits of their of this front. neighborhood of Ablaincourt and rowing widow in her bereave-1 1 dollar out of the Canadian people. friends, which now cause an unsightly Pressoire. ment. Mrs. Kerr is visiting with BREWERS DEBARRED lump in the very middle URGE DONALD D. In tho Champagne region, tho her sister, Mrs. Robb, on Eighth! FR0M USING WHEAT It is quite true that the Borden of the body politic, can be shifted SMASHED BY QALE Germans attacked but a terrific Avenue. . government is enjoying an extension by way of taxes to tho backs of barrage of fire from the machino (Special to Tbe Dally News) right now at this moment the people, thus putting the hump The coal bargo Donald D., own. gun9 of tho French drove them of which eleven months is still where It belongs and at the same i by the Canadian Fish and Cold back. YTllAClXOJ IliilullnU jltnnnl nf Trn.Irt hn nfllpinllv nrn. unused, but that doesn't prevent time relieving their profiteering Storage Company, which piled up Berlin Report. AGAINST SUBMARINES I MUM brewers from using wheat Mr. Kemp reaching out for another. friends of an all-too-obvious on the rocks In Codfish Passage Berlin stales that, after a prolonged in the manufacture of beer, as all The honorable gentleman obesity. What this metaphor some time ago, is now reported to artillery preparation, tho (Special 16 The Dally Kewa.l wheat must be re'served for the, is guilty of talking with his mouth means to say is that in the long have broken up and that there is French last night made an assault New York, Nov. 27-Tho British making of Hour. full. Tho answer to his protes run the people pay the profiteers no chance of salving her. A surveyor upon St. Mihiel, on the Verdun cruiser Lancaster, fifteen tations Is, of course, "Get rid o and that the Borden government from Vancouver was sent Tront, but failed to carry this miles oil Sandy Hook, has sound BLANCHE SWEET AT what you ve got first." trusts to the healing effects of out to her some days ago and ho salient and were repulsed by tho ed a wireless warning to all WESTHOLME THEATRE Just here the question- arises, time to make the people forget reported that Bella Bella Indians German troops. steamers Hying tho flags of the what is the Borden government that they are being taxed to inako nad stripped tho vessel of everything Entento Allies to beware of Ger Blanche Sweet is the star at the doing with its present extension the Borden government's friends of value. The matter was NOTICE TO MARINERS man submarines on this sido of Weslholme tonight and tomorrow of power? Is it making good use and masters rich. referred to the provincial police tho Atlantic. in "A Thousand Dollar Husband." of it? Has it done anything that Time to forget. Yet, not that Ar expedition from Vancouver J. II. McLeod, collector of customs, This is a society comedy-drama would entitle the people of Canada only, but time to sop up the rest last Wednesday found that tho has received tho following SUN AND TIDE in flvo acts which provides much to grant it another year of of tho gravy. "Let well enough recent gales had broken up the communication from the lighthouse of interest to tho ladies, therebe power making altogether seven alone" that was tho Tory, slogan hulk. inspector at Ketchikan: Tuesday, November 28th. ing striking exhibitions of fash years at a stretch for a government in 1011. In 101C it still is "Let Alaska Clarence Strait Key Sun rises 8:52 a' m. ionablo gowns. Tho story is both that wasn't Intrinsically well enough alone" with this ad-dition NEW WELLINGTON COAL, Ileef light reported not burning Sun sets ........... .4:28 p. m. amusing and interesting. worth three? And of those seven "and we'll get anything Phone UG. Vo have Just revived November 13th, was relighted on High water ...3:20 a.m. lit. 19.4 There is also a Gaumont years, moreover, three, perhaps that's left." a shipment of 500 tons November 20th by direction of the Low water ...0:13 a.m. lit.. 8.1 Graphic showing views taken four, have been characterized by Meanwhile, what reason can be LumP Coal. Wo are prepared to Commissioner of Lighthouses. High water ... .3:5 p, in- lit. 21,8 south of tho Soinine, where there opportunities, by the way, of urged why a government, which ;Pt in your winter's coal for you. Low water ...0:57 p.m. lit. 2.5 has been much heavy fighting re which the Borden government's has not used one month of Its NAVAL SMOKER Captain Mofioe. M. M. Si A. cently. There is, as usual, a very friends have taken full advantage. present extension of a year, lino musical progrum, including Some of the shell profiteering should be given another year's WESTHOLMF. On Wednesday evening at 8 HALIBUT ARRIVALS selections from "Maritana" and companies actually showed nine mortgage on the future? Has it o'clock, a smoker will bo held In "Tho Mikado." "Peg O The ning" hundred.per cent, profit. Naturally made good with its present ex t Picture OPIRA M4 HOUSE Bmi Mualo. tho Empress Theatro In aid of Halibut nrrlvals were light this will bo.shown on Wednosday and tho friends of the i Borden government tension? What are the first iPJjjIOHT AND TflMflMOW tho Naval Ileliof Fund. There will morning. Tho King George, an Thursday. don't want it to abandon the fruits? Well, the very first fruit BLANCHE SWEET 'bo boxing contests, singlo-stick Indian boat, brought in 3,000 trough whilo the gorging Is good. is Colonel Bruce's report on tho IN 'inhibitions- a farce, and a flrst- pounus; ine mho nau 3,uuu anu tiio latest casualty list con Hence these outcries for another rotten state of the Canadian Army A Thousand rato musical program. Tho arrangements tho Nollio had 5,000 pounds. The tains' the namo'of J. A. Collier, extension on top of the one that Medical Service in Great Britain, are in tho hands of a King Georgo mado 12',4 cents. Prince Rupert, nmongst tho killed is already being so fully utilized. loaded up as it is with incom- Dollar Husband" committee composed of Fred. in action, and John Wynn, among The government's keenness on (Continued on page three.) Peters, Cnpt. J. McGeo, Capt. 11. Tho regular meeting of tho thwQunded. those extension movements has. Lfimedy.riranin n flvo nctg. II. Stuttard, Capt. J. Batt, Capt. B. Fortnightly Club advertised to bo two main objects exercise and QAUMONT QRAPHIO Jorgenscn, Capt- Parsons, and held tomorrow night, "has been Presbyterian Church Bazaar In more time- The object of the, LONDON CAFE '"uurng, Btlllin. nf artillery tl. u.. action Cnpt. Mulligan. Tho causo is postponed until Wednesday, Dec. the church, Wednesday, Novem exercise is tho same as the ob AND GRILL w. niu ProBram ouilllliv. in-i..8elt'Ctions worthy of tho support of all cltl-zons. 0th. her 2i)th, nt 3 p, in. All kinds of ject of all these Swoboda move -Third Avenua !"". Olid 'Tim from Mllmiln""Mar- Xnias novelties', plain and fancy inents -to remove the paunch, tq SarvM'Nothing but the Best Ed, Cridgeformerly purser on sewing, clc, Tea and ices served. reduce the swelling caused by the 1TR4CTLY UNION HHMC W?.lnJ,'day nd Thursday Uneful gifts: -Felt Slippers the Prince George, is on active Splendid musical program In tho war profiteers so that it will not r-&U U' THE RIMOM Wnllnco's. 277. service and all allvo and kicking. owning. tf. be observed by the puhllo eye (NOXM,POR,LAB4M