ran DAILY 1SK pe Perfect Day" is the PAR AND NEAR The Daily News FROM day when you work In harmony FALL THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA with law. Health AND WINTER PuMl.hed Daily and Weekly comes from Harmony, Get Nino men made n trip from Quarantsed Lsrgstt Circulation In harmony with Nature's Dordrecht in Holland, to Tnmplco, SCHEDULES eating Shredded 00-foot boat. They UKAD OFFICE laws by Mexico, in a Sews liuitding, 3rd Prince B.C. Wheat, a simple, natural, subsisted on shark for several Iially Ave, Rupert, Telephone 08. ! or Ocean Falls, Vancouver. elemental food which supplies food running short. Vlctnrin days, their Friday at 0 a. m. For Anyox Wcdn'?1! THANSIKM IHSPLAY ADVEHTI8INO 60 cents per inch. Contract nutriment with every the greatest 8- PRINCE RUPERT M'Jnighf rMn on application. the leaat tax upon the digestion. Large shell orders have been r or Ketchikan, Wranpcll, Juneau it for breakfast with urday at 12 noon. For Vancouvci"and n'ay W 8al. Try placed with New Westminster and every Wednesday at D a. in. P"t loutb DAILY EDITION Monday, Nov. 27, 10 10. hot milk or cream. Delicious Vancouver firms. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE with sliced bananas or other Per Smlthers, Prince Oeorge, Jasper; Edmonton, la.tn... . , Made in Canada. pe, connecting there for all polnte In' Eastern " VERY STRANGE Sir Georgo gave Prince Rupert fruit It Is reported that Sir Sam and louthsrn Stalest leev.e Prince Wsd..t1 The strangest part of Sir a whole lot of freo advertising. Hughes will open a business olllco day at 11.30 a. m. Mlied tr.ln ever, F,ld."et si. ,,,,r Agency All Ocean George K. Foster's attack upon This city has been "knocked" in Ottawa. His new line of business !'or ,nfrmftlIn nnd reservations Steamship Lines apply the pcoplo living in Prince P.u-pcrt unmercifully. Its climate has is not stated. City Ticket OITlce, 620 Third Avenue. PHONE I that the Minister of been maligned; its location has Trade and Commerce docs not been criticised; its sleeping Pie. Tom Jones, a Runcorn boy, seem to rcalizo that his state drydock has been held up to has been decorated with the V. mcnt casts a grave reflection scorn, and its present citizens C. This gallant soldier captured upon himself in his official have been described as para 102 Oermans single-handed. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY capacity and upon his depart sites Still, Prince Rupert is ment of the government. quite proud of itself and its The Montreal Star has started Loweit Rates to all Eaitern Points lly stating that the people citizens look to the future with dian city, with equal truth. Our a campaign against a "potato via CANADIAN Steamer to PACIFIC Vancouver and th combine" There aro other com RAILWAY the skin of are "hanging on by equanimity. wish for Sir George is, that he Meals and Berth Included on Starrer their teeth their toenails," bines which want looking after nnd by The fact of the matter is may live for another decade the Minister of Trade as well. that Prince has natural Rupert and that within that tlmo ho Princess Maqulnna for Qranby & Alice Arm Friday 11 and Commerce either admits assets which must weather all p. m may again visit Prince Rupert. Sol. Fcrrelti, an Italian design. Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. that he is personally ignorant "knocking," said "knocking" I)y that time the city will be er, has plans for the building of Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. of the industrial development only serving to draw attention big enough, and prosperous an entirely new typo of battleship, of this community,-or that his to these assets. If a city or J I. PETERS, General Anent enough, to forgive him for any which will resist a 15-inch department has left the community an Individual is to be put out supposed slight, and the citizens shell and will be proof against Co.ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. to stagnate, or get of business by "knocking," that will take great pleasure in aerial attack. along the best it knows individual had way city or never him showing that that $18,000 ' how. any good excuse for being in bril rocky lot has grown into a Maximilian Harden, the As Minister of Trade and business. The terminal of the huge department store, and liant editor of the Die Zukunft, Commerce, Sir George E. Foster Grand Trunk Pacific Railway that the property Is now worth has a scheme by which the war should know more than a will grow Into one of Canada's as much as if it stood at an will be ended by Christinas. He little of our rapidly growing most Important cities, despite important comer of Yonge urges Germany to study the real fishing industry; of our huge all the criticism which has been Street, Toronto. aims of the Allies and to come salmon canning business; of levelled at it. Many who heard into line with the political systems the farming development in the Sir George Foster's speech had Mllllllflf If ! of western Europe. valleys of our hinterland, and little Interest in tljo city until THE MAILS of our tremendous mining development. they heard it slammed as a Britain has stopped the export If he is ignorant "town with a curse." A proportion For ths East. of copper to Denmark, Sweden of those things, he is no fit of these people must be and Norway and the smaller coins Wednesday and Saturday, box person to be Minister of Trade of an enquiring mind and, by in those countries are now being closes 9:30 a. m. and Friday 3 and Commerce of the Dominion applying their faculty for enquiry,, made of iron. a. m. of Canada. they will find out the From ths EasL true facts about this young New Zealand wool growers hnvc Trains arrive Tuesday and 'KNOCKING" H port of the north Pacific. Thursday, 5:30 p. m. agreed to sell the new season's The Royal Standard Test "Every knock is a boost, For the benefit of any such, wool clip to the Imperial govern For the South. 151 under certain circumstances we might advise them to ask ment at prices considerably be the Here! where we test Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat sails at and always provided that the a few of the citizens of Seattle 7 p. m. low those obtaining in 1015 and choicest samples of Canada's person or city "knocked" has what they think of the future Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails 1916. six million acre wheal crop. lasting good qualities. After of Prince Rupert. In the Washington at 9 a. m. We grind them into flour in Ihe DEST reading the Monetary Times' city they would receive Friday, 7 a. m. Boat jails at LAND ACT tittle taill you see on the left of report of Sir George Foster's an entirely unbiased opinion, 9 a. m. Vancouver Land District District of the picture. Then come the , speech on Prince Rupert, or and they do not .need to take Saturday, Boat sails 6 p. m. Coast, Ranfe S. supreme test bread-baking. If rather on "Development and the word of a Rupert citizen as TAKE JiiOTICE that Archie Barnes Martin. the bread is perfect in every Sunday, Boat sails 6 p. m. occupation mill manarer, of the city of Production," with Prince Rupert to the future possibilities of For Anyox. Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, way we pronounce the wheat as the text and example their city. Intend to apply for permission to pur A I and the flour-ROYAL Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. chase the following described lands: of what should not be, the Sir George Foster should Commenclnr at a post planted on the STANDARD. south shore of Cousins Inlet about Ave average citizen here would really be thanked for having MINERAL ACT chains west of the southwest corner of AT YOUR GROCER'S naturally feel sore. When the chosen Prince Rupert as his Rlrermoutn Fractional mineral claim. Lot II, Ran re J, Coast District; tbence IVancouver CaLt EOm STA.NMS situated la tbe Skeena Utnlar DlrUlon of south to chains, tbence west 40 chains. Milling&Grain soreness has worn off, however, he text, as might just as well Catslar District. tbence north to chains, thence west 31 Vancouver.NrwVVitmifuter.NeneiDM.Vktoria one begins to realize that have chosen any other Cana Wbere located) At tbe bead of Alice chains, thence north I S.I chains more or Arm. adjolnlnv tbe RlvennooUi and Cart- less to II. W. M. of Cousins Inlet, thence boo mineral claims. following- tbe II. W. M. to this post and TAKE NOTICE that I, O. R. Naden. free containing one hundred and twenty-five Miners' Certificate Ho. 4.0t6B. acting as (Iti) acres more or less. a rent for Carrie Pratt, free Miners' Cer DATED at Vancouver, B. C. this 1st FRED STORK'S HARDWARE tificate No. CS.017B. Intend, slity day day of November, A. D. till. from tbe data hereof, to apply to tbe J. tl. ArtCIIIE BARXES MAIiTIX. Travel East Mintnr Recorder for a Certificate of Im- prorementi. for tbe purpose of ototalnlnf 710 SECOND AVE a Crown Grant of the above claim. OVER THE And further take notice that action. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery under section SI, must be commenced be fore tbe Issue of sueb Certificate of Im "MILWAUKEE" Wire Cable Steal Block Pishing TaokU provementa. jMourr no. i. Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Dated this iird day of December, A. D. nil, Apr. t, Bat it lib sl and Ird Ave the East Rope Valvss Ammunition Boi IS etb St. and Ird Ave. The Newest and Shortest Line to Pumps Hoss Paint Bai 14 lib SL and Ird Ave. "Safety First" U the X ea IS Junction of 1st. Ind and Crossine the Catcade,Mountains, the Kittitas Valley, the Columbia Stoves and Ranges Rubbsrold Roofing Corrugated Iron Slogan of Business? ira avs. River, the Hitter Root Mountain! and Montana Canyon, tm-ersine ij Bai IS 1st Ave., between Itb and 3 historical interest M WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" a country of surpassing"scenic grandc"!; 75 of tth sts. (Knot Hotel.) and wonderful development. years Bet 17 1st Ave. and Ttb St. (Ceo OVER in tral HoieL) Canada, TWO FAST THROUGH TIIAINS DAILY jFRED STORK'S HARDWARE the strength,demonstrated security, Boa fa Ird OtROUIT Ave.NO.and. Ird SL 4 "The Olympian" and "The Columbian" safety and service of The (foot Office.) Boa as Ird Ave. and McBrlde SL Bank of British North TRAINS to Boa f 1st are. and McBrlde 01. f The NEW ALL-STEEL America. The history of e-nd Ave. and tad St IIUTTH. MILKS CITY, SIOUX CITY, Boa as tod Ave. end lib St this bank for CIIIUU- over three-quarters fc soi tf-o. t. r. MINN It A I'O LI S, ST. PAUL, MILH'AUKHH Tickets of a century has been one of progress and oinouir no. a. For further Information receding fares, train service, reerralwiM, etc., j Boa Si - lib Ave. and rulloa ft call on or aJJrcss la ana from Norway,.Sweelea, Dea-mark, development, and of X Boa aa dorden and Taylor Sis. City Ticket Office, Grand Trunk Pacific, Finis, Italy ana Rum la. consistent growth in the r Boi S4 Ttb Ave. and Fulton SL Third Are., 1'rince Rupert, H. C or SAIUNSS PROS NSW YORK Bei as lib Ave. and Comoa Ave. KiVr J of the Paul -llellif regard business Citr Ticket Offices, Chicapo. Milwaukee k St. oiov" Not. SIrd. Bos 7 tb Ave. and Dodra PI. 2 . C. 14J Uattings St. Wert, Vancouver, "Stockholm" .......... Dee. tod. world. t S04 SS -Mb Ave. and Thompson SL "Frederick VIII Dee. tth, oa THE BANK OF "Berrensrjord" ........ Dee. Itn. ft oiBourr no. a. Second Art. and Cherry St, Seattle Have Your Reservation saaae Early, Brttisk Nertfe Bos ei-4U Ave. and Enunerson America for Rites. Illustrated Polders and Of PL Oeneral Information Apply to X Boi aa- lib Ave. and McBrlde SL T YEABS IN BUSINESS. DYSKAVN A HANSON E Boa aa lib Ave. and Oraen at CAMTAI. AND SUBtLUS, tTSMsS. Sei aa lib Ave and Bull SL laauraaeo and SteaataMa Saeaey, Baa as 7th Ate. aa iwu. Prlaee Ruaert, B. & WUNCE RUPERT BRANCA I 44 tlh ... .... W.J.SMaTHERS,Manager i;rHtattiaTkHaa' Advertise In The Daily News. sVMOLBIALK DIBTRIstUTOII ft F. a DAVrVtON PRINCE RUPERT.