run OMLl Local News Notes j William Noble, of Maplo llay, ia a visitor in town. e e George Harbldge, of Smlthers-is ' reported -wounded hi the recent THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING fighting. INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR Bishop Du Vernet Je?t for Victoria DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK on the Princess -Sophia yesterday IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. morning. o e Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. OARMsMVOW for ssle by Lip-sett Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) nt the rate of five per cent Electric Co. tf. per annum from the date of purchase. ... ; Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and Board of Trade luncheon on accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment r made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of at Prince Wednesday George one Treasury Bills or other like short date security. o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. Proceeds of this stock nre for war purposes only. i Lerfain, A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recoc-nixed VM I Harold Drown, formerly secre bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications i Teen woo tary -of Prince -Rupert Club, -has for this stock which bear their stamp. been wounded at the front. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. OTTAWA. OCTOBER 7th. 1916. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Case and TtKL S a luxury within the reach oi everyone a liai: baby were amongst the south-going n bath in the whipDed-crcam-like lather that LUX last evening. makes in hot water. Your hair take on a soft,luminous passengers silken quality that makes it a crown of beauty indeed. C O A L Favorite Ladysmilh The scalp is stimulated, your head refreshed. Wellington lump and nut, best results. LUX make water soft a summer rain. These wee satin-smooth Phone 15. P. H. C. Co. tf. flake of the purest essence ol soap dissolve absolutely in hot water so that not the tiniest particle of soap can remain to clog the pores. Try it to-night. T. D. Pattullo, M. L. A- for Prinoe Ilupert, left lor Victoria on 10c. Lever the Princess Maqulnna on Sunday 'Brothers at all Umltd, evening- grocers LUX Toronto i - John M. Ilutchings, the provin cial constable at Anyoi, left for the south Saturday night en route BritUh MmJm for England. E. S. Busby, chief inspector of RHtfEML ACT Customs, -who has been In town for a lew days, went south last Sheet Metal Wifk Notice to Delinquent Partners. evening. s s To Orant Mtbood and Patrick Daly. II, F- McRae, who has been TAKE NOTICE that whereas we hare Now is the time to have visiting In "Vancouver for a few done and caused to be done assessment your heating plant put in ffl tor 0M PAckase-OoW Bond soap. KiBB work by surveys on the Daly, Sullivan, days, returned on the Venture shape for the -winter; roofs Edith and Lois Mineral Claims, situated In this morning. and skylights seen to. the Salmon Bear Hirer District, Portland s In aueh cases consult a Canal Mining- Division, Tor the year ISIS, T h oil tanker Richmond practical man If you want and have paid for Mid work and record-Int e - results. taine the sum or IStO.OO, unlets you brought in 80,000 barrels of crude pay to us the sum or liJi.OO for your C. 0. Rowe share of said assessment work, totetber oil for the Imperial Oil 'Company with the cost or this advertisement, we yesterday morning. Practical sheet metal man. shall at the expiration ot ninety (90) days trom the date hereof, apply to the Mining Opposite Board of Trade necorder at Stewart, B. C, to have your G. Macdonald, of "the Inland Rooms 322 -2nd Avenue Interests In the said Daly, Sullivan, Edith Revenue Department, who has and Lois mineral -claims nested 'In us, tn PHONE S40. pursuance ot the provisions of the Mineral been here for some lime, left for Estimates burnished Free. Act. Vancouver last evening. DENTISTRY STEEN & LONGWILL "Tk Daily News" Dated at Victoria, B. &, this tBth day of November, A. D. 1918. JAMES MCDONALD. John Murphy, formerly of 'this SANITARY AND HEATINQ CLASSIFIED A& F. 4. FREDERICK C. WINKLER. city and latterly of Granby, was -ML J. 8. BROWN ENQINEERS Feed frsce iRipert C. MINERAL -ACT a passenger on the Maqulnna for OCRTIST the south last night. John is on Otis I SsaNS SUM. Till! Afsavs Agents for WANTED. NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION. BELUS FRACTION. GENTIAN. BLUE BELL FRAC his way to the -old -country. McCLARY FURNACES 1'OHTEH WANTED HOTEL CCtTR-U. TION. COSMOS FRACTION. THISTLE e IttUUIliED Board by yount bullous ma AND rWtTtLRB FRACTION. MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC Call the Pony Express for wood PLUMBING in quiet bonie with use of slttuir ron. FRACTION. FERN FRACTION. PINE APPLE out In stove lengths or 4 feet and Apply Boa 190. Dally News. ' FRACTION. COXCOMB, BFOORfA FRACTION. WK TBUWUt MINERAL 'CLAIMS Sltuat la UM Best household coal and general Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS WANTED First-class tenersl stnuu. Queen Charlotte located Mrs. J. r. Iiitchie, 40 Fourih District. at orstr Bulbs, and Taks Orders for transfer. Piano -moving our -Lata 'its! OsnssftsUIrs Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Iked Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province WesL J Mursery aHook. or British Columbia, sod lawfully bald by specialty. -Prioes 'moderate. Phone f Skilc) Night phones 576 PUPIL OP LANSDOWNE COTTELL rlirini 4 WANTED Two loiters, ? Ikeda Mines Limited. and Blue 270 301,11. W. Rogers. tf. A Usaioa. Ohlcken Pssd A swlaty. i TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. MacInnU. ruplls Taken for men. Apply WUIlsms solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free VIOUN. PIANO. TIOUNCELLO and The right work, at the right second bud ' miners' certificate No. 70114 B, Intend St, Andrews Society has had a HARMONY. 'time, and at the right pries. WANTED To a Annriettos i Encyclopedia all Oases Stunted To. rrsmstly after the exptratlop of sixty days from EXAMINATIONS !' III. roll -of -honor prepared, showing NatioiuL Apply Boi the date hereof to apply-en'kcbalf ot the Pupil Prspafssl far Eaamlnatloiis . O. Soi 833. SOS Third At. said Company to the silntui- RseonMr .Tor the names of its members who S)Hilat 'oars', Vancouver, Osntsr WANTED Empty coal oil sad IsteU PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. a certificate of improvements Tor the"pur have died or been wounded in the Weyal Oollaa of Music, London,Ens. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 3C cans, i eenu each. Boperl Bsrla rov pose of obtaining a "Crown 'Uriiit to the works. ' above claim. war. The parchment is a work TSRM PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC'CARTACE, LTD. AND FURTHER TAKE"NOTICE that action FOUND of art drawn by W- II. Tobey. -flection under 81 or toe "Mineral Act must be commenced before the UssuaneeoT-aucb s """ " 4JUCO DltmiOT DISTRICT OF Found Black rocker psnlelf certificate of improvements. Hilly Ranee, formerly bugler on OOAST, RANOE THREE Transfer and Storage months old. Apply pUyJf. B. C. UNDERTAKERS Dated this list day of Mar. A. D. 1916 the Prince has been in George, , .JOHN 'A. WACINNES. BEST LUMP A NUT COAL LOST fa.' 'Solicitor for -Ikeda Mines Limited. the trenches for several months. TAKE nolle that I, Francis Joseph ' SUNBIUU. DIRECTOR AND Bsale, aetinr 'as stent tor the Empire LOST-Watch. told-nlleo. 17 Jl BALSJI RS SATISFACTION OUAR-INTUD He says he has lost -track ofimost Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., or Bwsnson NO LONG WAITS Initials V. U i. on c. OP KM DAY AND NISKT MINERAL ACT S Bay, B. a, occupation loirer, Intend to ofllce. of the Prince Rupert old timers,' NO SHORT WEIGHTS News 117 SND BTRSST PHONE 41 apply 'for permission to Uase the follow most of them 'having been transferred Inc described lands t When You Order from Us. FOR SALE Notice to SsHncHient Partners. to other battalions or Commenclrrr -at a post planted on the To O. w. SUxwell and onsets W lefts isan. south -snore ct the laroon at the end of Fim SALE-Cabln er"r',oaB,? TAKE 'NOTICE that whereas I bay done wounded. the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one n.las-SS.10 h. P. and -caused to be done assessment worn and one balf miles'in a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. Any reasonable olter-O"" AKERSERG, THOMSON on the Wolf Mineral-claim, situated at tba The Cth Field Company, Cana from the NtW. corner or T. L. 44846. SOS, tSectlon 4t.) at the front. Psrtlculars. Boi III. head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet. In IttOOP.. thence south SO chains, thence NOTICE Is hereby liven that, on the Naws. COMPANY the "Skeena mining division of Bkesna dlt dian Engineers, whose Iteadquar west '40 chatns, thence north to chains first day ot December next, application will trlot.-assessment work for the years tftt, ters are at North Vancouver, are more or less to shore line, thence follow- be made to the Superintendent of Pro FOB SALE CIIEAP-Slntls iWj g Agents tor Itu, and lilt, and hare paid for said lot shore line In an easterly direction to vincial Police for renewal of the hotel brown lethorn bens "PRISOO ISRSgRlAL," "PALSMR," work and 'recording same, the -sum of offering splendid opportunities to point or commencement. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel to II. Strlethorst. SpUler Jj "FISHaRStAN," "FERRO" AND 1107.10. Unlet you pay me the sum of the handy man. Any man df ordinary FRANCIS .JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. known as the Ploe Tree Hotel, situate at "OLAY" 1931.10, for your share of the said as October IStii I9lt. Discovery, In the Province or British Co-lumbla. mtomi 1 sessment work, together with the coat ot intelligence, able to use FOIt SALE-Crload drills, w"" cludint 17 mscblne this advertisement, I shall, at the sxplra-tlon tools; drive a horse or motor Dated this 10th day of October, 1916. drill-steel, slesm-ntUnrs, .tf of ninety (90) days from the date CLAIIENCE MAIIMADUKE SANDS, hereof spjly to the mining recorder st wagon, or use tools of any'kind, Nov. 19. Applicant. Dally News. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Prtnee Rupert, B. C, t0 have your Interests can find an opening with the En FOR RENT j,,,,!, in the Wolf mineral da on vested In ales M. Manson. 8.A. ATTENTION VOTERS me, In pursuance or Use provisions of the gineers. The Engineers offer a W. E. Williams, B.A L.L.B J.L.HICKEY Persons wbo bold Iota under agreements, mineral act. scope where the natural abilities Modem 6 roomed house close In WILLIAMS A MANSON or assignment ot agreement must make Dated at Prlnce Rupert, B. C,, this I9tb Srd Arenue. S tedroom. a declaration giving parUcuIara of their day of February, 1916. of a man will have the boat chance roomed Bat Ind Ave. Modern, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. CONTRACTOR BUItDW title, .before the last day of November. ml. J. E. STARE. for development. Promotion is t roomed collate No. I0S 9 lb NONET TO LOAN Any person neglecting to uke such de Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec. 7. BOS IISI FUlurw. claratloa will not be entered on the voters rapid to anyone possessing con Collate partly furnished close in llelterson Iilnrt Prloc Rupert. B. C Store and Ofllce I Una. list. slructivo Instinct. Carpenters TJnd 'Avenue, t rooms 'and bath. 1 1 i. Door and mohm- It It impossible for me to ascertain the WE GUARANTEE IS PER CENT. Collars No. 171 Summit Ave. 4 of names of agreement holders unless they SAVINO. WHY MY MOM miners, wheelwrights, fitters, tart rooms. Batn. Oak and Hard Woodi come in personally. rOR plumbers, electricians, etc, as ftirnlsbsd'collate tio. in Sib Ave, kinds. It -will greatly facilitate matters If per E., Near school la section 6. ' sons wishing to make declaration bring FIRE well as handy men without experience, 'I roomed flat opposite school In Stuart J. Martin We Spoclallxe In msklng tbelr agreements, so that I may Inspect ars wanted. The recruiting .Bastion 6. Bath. and fitting storm windows, them ana thus prevent errors. McMordie Apia. 1 rooms and hath. Reference to old voters' Hsu satisfies INSURANCE oflloea for 'the Canadian 4 roomed collate No. S09 9th Ave, E. A8SAYLK any slxe. rue that only a email proportion of agree I roomed collate No, 110 8th Olast nfl meni holders have registered In put Knglneers are at the corner of Ave. E, Plate and Sheet Collate at corner Oreen and Seventh years. This, I believe, has happened be OLD, STRONG OOMPANII Hastings and Homer Streets, Vancouver, Ave. o room. Ntar school HAZELTON B. C Glazing. cauaa people 'wrongly think tbelr names 1 If Vsur Hsus I vacant List will 'be Inserted without any action on - SEE and at 600 View Street, it with Corner Frasorsndjthjtt; Us. W can nil It for you. CONSOLIDATED tbelrt part. I therefore call special at SECURITIES, LfSk. Victoria. Freu'transportatlon FIRE Assay ten lion to the necessity of agreement liooni i Smith Block arranged ME WRITE INSURANCE The oldest established - onrrM 269 bolder making declarations. PHONE Bl and BLACK MS from any part of British H. Q. IHCLQCR80N, LTD Office In the North, p o. BOX-- FRED PETERS, City Clerk. ColumW.. tt;