The daily News vol. vnr. no. w. MUNCH IlUI'KHT, D. G TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1917. PRIOR KIVK CKNT TURKS ma PEFEAfE D IN MESOPOTAMIA HELIGOLAND BIGHT BLOCKADED AGAINST SUBMARINES - LAURENTIC IS SUNK IRITISH SCORE BRITISH BLOW i. . . ii HELIGOLAND IS MURPHY WANTS FURTHER GAINS UP MINE UNDER BLOCKADED BY INVESTIGATION IN MESOPOTAMIA HUN TRENCHES NAVAL CORDON BY COMMTTTE rrsnchts Taken Along Eatenslve Duo-euta Bombed and Haavy Jellleoa's Effort to Stop ubma-,ix.ainiaUr Deals WW Muflheo Front Mundpodi of Turae i Casualties Innictad Intense rlnee Laurentlo la Lateet Letter; Bruoe and Beetle Killed The Ruaelene Cold Prevailing In Victim JUany Live! ftaporta and Ilea RMa Break Through. Franoe. ara Loet. Scandal. IDjeDBRBRBRBxBRBBRBRBRBRBRBRM fpul ta Tb Dilj .itwi.t j. la Tlx Duly JUs (Special to TtM D!lr JUWS.) iSpetui to Tim. Duly ntva.) lindon. Jan, 30. The iiritisii London, Jan. 30. The? British' London, Jan. 30. the British Ottawa, Jan. 30. Hon. Charles hpedilionary Force on the Mea-'yesterday blew up a mine under navy Is blockading Heligoland Mnrnhr h remiesled that a com- might, which involves a portion of potamla front ha scored lurwcr me. uerman nrsi line irencnes Li'. . irn a rrM - mittee of the House of Commons hporlanl successes against me southwest oi Lena and also Donw me coast uj uuiiuiiu. iuc new into b mat-entrance DA NOCUOUS GERMAN Ml MR STILL AT LAKQC movement is directed against the appointed to enquire are now in uarded me tHTiiian uug-ouia in: kirks, and our troops The I', and O. Liner Moldavia, which ha been missing for a and departure of Ger-,le arising out of the correa-man )sesslon of tne mraisn urn mm vicinity, mulcting neavy between which and which believed submarines and from their Pondence passed year is U have b-n, captured by the nermann to J second line trenenca on a casualties upon ine enemy. Robert Borden and I Sir 8am while Northwest of and operated a a raider on the coast of South America. Several base at the mouth of the fliverjSir hmlaire of 1,300 yards, thef vermelles, i.-tv,a Hughes; the Bruce and Baptle re- "rti merchantmen Men have recently sunk in that vicinity. ird and fourth llnea have been 'troops destroyed Oennan dug- Liner Sunk. I porta on wie uanauian mnimry tnr illaisnee of all 'out with their occupant and iptured Iindon. Jan. 30The While nospuaia in tngiana. ana we re- lundred yards. penetrated the third line of enemy the ROSS rifle. FIRE WIPED OUT MERRYFIELD Ihn'POrtS Oft Klor lln.r I.nnp.nllr .it hv , . . . The number of prisoners cap. trenches, killing the German -. -t , " ' , IL., a, , iBritlsh Admiralty as an auxiliary 1 fr. . 1 . lured exceeds one hundred, anu who offered any reaialance and o a aTiirklsh dead to the number of taking prisonera of the other BLOCK EARLYvTHIS MORNING cruiser, has been sunk either by,A'"n on l,f'r D " ' he coming in contact with a floating ,Ma- l12ln.,le,Un,h' bine hundred and fifty have been;Our heavy artillery la very active "ituaUon which had de-enemy efiou mine or by a torpedo from an iullecled, the remainder not hav. against the enemy lines north of submarine. The Laurentic i10 f?om4 lhe connued u8 the Ancre and the German head, and ask-and been counted. 'of this defective ur yet weapon OCCUPANTS ESCAPE IN NIGHT ATTIRE EVERYTHING LOST IN was a vessel of 11,890 tons gross Russian Front. quarters and billets In the neigh, the Minister of MiHtla ito show THE FLAMES FIREMEN FIGHT BOTH FROST AND was 550 feet in length. 1'etrograd, January 30, Our borhood of Lens. e cab, to Borden. Five FIRE ONLY SMOULDERING DEBRIS Twelv e ofllcers, including Captain Premier broke through the German French Report, Premier announced ajdays.later the top SITE OF BUILDING NoVton, her commander, and on a front of two mllea on Paris. Jan. 30. The Intense HouM Commons that hundred and nine members of her,1? le northwestern end of the tligajcold has been responsible for! tne Epvernment had no knowledge driving the Hatlti, Timrm I. aln n ' What was the .Merryfleld Block thing beiug amiss until this time crew were saved. Rosa font yesterday, enemy regarding the failure of the lack in disorder. shortage of coal on account of la.t night was a mass of smould-!nJ 1.1-I L aI1 I nad ln 11 ee without even Vnrfnik Wlreleaa Jn virplp!"He and stated that it waa un German Report. the barges having become Imprisoned ering,gnioc,ocK bv'Palr,ouc w tnrow uiscreuu upon have been issued r inisj earnings Ilerlin, Jan. 30. Superior Rus in the ice and canal mo rning. Mrs. Kergln, Senr.- Mo,t found re(uge in which could be Mra.(o,g.a hoQW whch . Entente, warahipa. fa the Atlantic -.sal forces forced back line has heen.entirely ap our transportation m ade in Canada. -- flan ilwy aiidfarrtllyi Mrs. and Miss ... t.- jf, danger of'catch-!caWn'nR merchantmen to keep )Pared portion of the front along suspended. There Is floating Ice Unity In Retna. v Inin, Mr. and Mr. Fuller and ling the removing his harp look-out for a supposed fire, captain reaches of the river Ilyitriketa Itiver. Operations in the lower Regina, Jan. 30. The Opposition German raider which is believed been family and Mr. Merryfleld escaped i furniture to a place of safety. Ehe momentarily suspended Seine. leader in the provincial legislature ' Mrs carrvina her little to be about seven hundred miles account of severe snowstorms. Last night the French bombed from the burning building In their, ".J v- ork has endorsed the program Luneville and brought down a night clothes and were unable to. Iwy, ran to Dr. Kergln'a house... on j o" of legislation brought down by the RECRUITING APPEAL German aeroplane near Danne-marie. B Martin Government. The Premier the smallest of their save even On cantiMt Qf clothing. arriv-IlfVUf lUICUAN Kngagemrnts are recorded emphasized the fact that the Lieut I). J Gordon, of the ilth at Hill 301 on the Verdun fltelongings. Furniture, winning of the war ia the greatest riib Fusiliers, addressed the front, along the left bank of the money and Jewelry were swallow foot had been frost-bitten on the ON INDEMNITY BYLAW task now before the different llty council last evening. After Meuse and In Lorraine. ed up in the flames and Mr. Ful- wav- sections.of the Empire. When the fire brigade arrived Kimpllmenting Prince Rupert on German Report. ler was the only one to carry any Aid. McRae's amendment to (s splendid patriotism, the officer Ilerlin. Jan. 30, We have re insurance. on v, the r scene ik.i of ik.the k n.1 outbreak,iv. clause 5 of the indemnity bylaw because he. waa absent for some nade an earnest appeal for as. pelled the French attacks all along time last year. He felt that something The water system iu the build- extremes flSht-treme cold brougn,1 'orlh.,a' ,en8lh,f ,8C,?n': Mstance in recruiting. He said tha Verdun front and still noidi. ..... , .. i 1 - to i,t.i. k. i. . should be done to fit in with final at Hill UK Wis KUtril UI C'tlviua; iau aastvj ea aaa u nuivu asaa p u is u iiui in the matter. It it is the duty of every avail. all the trenches gained last night. The amendment reads Public opinion tble man to enlist for active ser- 301. despite the efforts of the plumbers were busy there until ,,olJ on basement of the build-about that each alderman who omits tolonly touched those who had to go hire especially since art many enemy to recover the ground lost. two o'clock this morning, '"f"' The frost interfered with the attend any regular weekly meet-1 out of. the city to find employ- KcM.m were returning whose Mrs. Kertfin and Mrs. Halsey, un free working of the T !. IrrZ I" of the council shall have lament. He did not think the idea 'laces must be filled at the front able to sleep on account of the ne men soon looked i . . . ., tn n,,ii,, .nvnnd.. Ha felt i. uruucicu iiuui uta iuwuiuii iv. i - nd for whom room must be made HOW FOOD PRICES 1 ttrttaa lil'l 07 IIIOUC niala a liar I IIIV h a aa-rs nuiAllll slr rviAtrv ll tfaea VI V explorers. in their tce-crUBieu . ., , , thsl -o man uhn" wnptrlnir.. mil eacn meeiiiiK iuiseu.. i iiere. rnmrn HOT VT1D awake at 1 o'clock this morning, garments. They worked like tro- 1 . . was , a k I Sneaking to the amendment, . . i .ii ,l. . i a .Ian. hut nil fhav rniilif nn u'aa In ... . .... . , . .. . . nnti mp ft l i ii ii iMiiir ui uuni w - w -v .1 n 1 1 n on n infirmin inn ma SCHOOL ESTIMATES ins wood, they called Mr. Merry. ve the adjoining buildings The fJ1" J unfa i lo "f could not see why any auch Ottawa, Jan. 25- Duri ng 1916 neld who went to the basement to Mock waa valued at 116.000 and 0'lbman 8hould recelve any Indemnity. The school estimates for 1917 food prices In Canada rose more (e. If anything was wrong. He -as. n'!o-: n. tt;t c' fr patronag, Hre -dinary. S3S.431. and extra. than 25 per cent above in e prices found no sign of. fire and con- - ... lhM. b.Inr heId cerned. he received none, but If ordinal?. Il,7o0, making a total nrevailintr in 1915. A re port on eluded that the smell came from b ' "the It was also in. Aid. Montgomery had any augges- "f 131191. The list was referred the trend In food prices durlngiihe furnace. Being thus reas- who lost all they possessed in f J""00 sneh meetings i i.iiii r ii it iil lii uuiu i - - to tail has been Issued by the sured. the ladies went to sleep " Dunamg them thf finance and general com. vear ln i... .. . nri.n i Ha should hear mittee of the city council last labor department and shows that mill uu V. ajuiii 1 uuuut V 1 iu u ow..!.I- ! 'nrsisncs af th heads of tha va. -ld. Casey explained bis case night. whereas the Index nurnner oi nearly asphyxialod with smoko. CANADIAN CLUB rin... .tanartmenU waa necessary. 0 ,lid .not wish the .Council to wholesale prices stood at lfll for Mrs. Halsey opened a window and u-'consider hlra" personally. He, saw NEW WELLINGTON COAL. December. 1915, last montn u the smoke poured into the room A meeting for the election of. A,d ....Montgomery. . asked ft ' IIUiUIUB...! ' UUIUII i III a a.. iVFV highest figure volume with her olllcers will be held in the City W solicitor as to me legamj o Phone tlfl. We have Just received reached 201.8, the in such that she, m.ndm.nL nrovlljed that all that has been reacnea since a mil hv nn.l hop molhep. rushed Hall on Thursday next. February ln amendment lie unuerBioou , , - . , , .. uiueriueii were rrc w i7ia l-iiiip a shipment of 500 tons record was kept by the department. outside giving the alarm as they '1st, at 5 p.m. Members and all that the indemnity was for a year meellng8 Kor nine months of Coal. We to aro prepared ran The otner residents in tne interested are invueu to auenti. "u "a,r u ""T. ithe year, he worked half of the put in your winter's coal for you. The average index number lor building were not aware of any-1 C. T. HE WARD, Hon. Secy. legal to mak t.dd"0"- 'time at and it was impos-I T- the vear was 182.0. as compared Mr. Peter- said Jm alUnd the meeU Springs and mattresses, 20 130.1 for 1011 provided for the Payment of an with 18 for 1915, 8 th h he w do ,ervlce reductions nt Tite'a sale. tf. and 135.5 for 1913. During the indemnity not exceeding J400 a - her lhan altendlng to first half of 1910, the upward Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent year for endance at , He had never aUy- 97-pfece mid all mostly in metals, mee inga. There was no reason, dinner set movement was aaaoLUTKLV riatpaoor ' neel wh e materials, INSURANCK IN AIL IT8 MtAMOHta whatever why the aldermen shou d uther china, 25 reduction at chemicals and clothing been present and had not be paid at so much per n eeU, j . Tile says the report. do Wa big If. alo. But during the second nan me lirsdiiutriers ror Oeortttown Biwmlll Co. Ltd and tlx Nona Ctvut Towtnf log and the amount deducted for(a9 a,derman. advance was most pronounced in Compsny, LIX eaeh meeting missed. ,d McClymont thoufhl that. coaeoaanoN raisici or o tmc citv . aueaftT foodstuffs. Not only grain, bread-stuffs, PECK, MOORE & COMPANY Aid. Montgomery said tha XI.e b aUw NOTIOI vegetables and fruit were : failed to see where the council ainendmenl i0 thal lhe peB. 117 Dss Taiss. osMfjuL aaoania raotM in , right make he change.! scarce and high In price, but dairy hadatjy lq lhogJ were out thru uirs sr now dus tnd rsysbls. ,'" irt lo tx raid tii tha Chlf tit I'ollrs products, eggs and livestock were auiLDina roaaiiMi.v oocupiio mr tnk cotmaaaraL thust mt lilt iu tuq vinsJ vuikm ,a "H i of town, or llrtlih luicur, wlui UI Uu ISIT greatly affected by the feed short. indemnity of a atated sum for the Aid. McRae said that they were year. each affected equally. He had . ...... onrs ol doit bo bsvs not uken out cotton, iron anu sioei WMHI Mr. Peters replied that an al Leather, would and Mrtncts by Msrrh HI nt will U been away last year prutrruUd without furlbr nnllrs. ml and foal and cone aiso rose derman who missed a meeting jprobaby ftway agahl UlU year Recruits Wanted CITY COLLKCTOR. sharply. tiaiu liu latuaritiwitj. (Continued on Page four.) In retail prices the cost oi a Aid. Montgomery said he was weekly family budget of staple willing to have the, change made WESTHOLMR foods ro0 to siu.u ior uecein-ber, 11th Regweit, Irish FiisiKers. VctYer If the other aldermen at the board as compared with $8.13 for were willing to cut out patronage. LONDONCAR OPMA HOUSE December, 1915, the average for ,260 MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR OVERSEAS , Aid. McCbmont said he believed TONIGHT ONLY the year being ItUU, as compared SERVICE 'the public sentiment demanded AND GRILL with 17.80 for 1915, lieni rose For Information'apply to that some such action be Third Aveeiue PREBER10K PERRY steadily, while coal and wood wero taken. There was considerable Prompt Service of Hie Beat 'THE FAMILY STAIN" higher for the year. Lieut. Gordon, talk last year regarding non. there la to eat at at an stts. Hotel Prince Rupert, or Recruiting Office, Third Avenue, attendance and, since the recent "Tha KaUonJammsr Kids" Selling out at cost, phono 193, election, it had been stated that BOXES FDR LABHM Cuvenailo &. Ilannan. tf. lone alderman had been defeated U