mmm i Hi The Daily News inn axe rn. utADiNO newspaper w nothn awmtV coluwa , r'ubll.ked DaHr aed WMy " ForthB BmI. Guaranteed Larget Clreulatton Tuesdays, 2 ilni.l,BV MChlp t tha Urfnl U- k v " Tdncs1Sa)s, V0 a. Mil. ft ) HEAD OFFICE 8nturday, V:30 ft. m. f, J I .1 ii Dally News Ilulldlwr, 3r3 Ave, Prince llupert, Il.C, , Telephone 98. From th Katt. suma of the placea on the tinllcinn ftevbnt Wf-'a t t THAN8ILN T ;DISPLAY. ADVEHTI8INO 50' cents pep Infch. Contract front. Tuesdays. a30 p. w. I SM 1RBBBBBBBBI fm. Mmm rates, on application. Thursdaysf t!3" P.' Thc'TorlM nr hailing o- K A...Da anuuLiu, inc. Ua Mt Sundays. 3:10 Pv-.: vlgny victory n alrcmondoue UALYMTIOW Tiio? 30 1917. ilnyv-Jan. ldov?at;..auYjor,B prestige. f Thll For Vanooaver. imi . mMw.i.ii ilt'rrf is clenrlranolher caseinf thu wish Tuesdays. I Plri. M . j " uu rit to arAaiavV. ' rv I iWM Ji ,1 r. .I i heinuMfi Thursdys,: if'p m. -Sundays, ...iiil-.3..iV-.": r the Tories another think I tBe pr De.j WINTER tihejWljJ6mpirKfor co'n- - SCHEDULER 0ltwa'feja ufl c.ini, . i5 ,..' From Vancouvar. UiaT fW prices In Can- blnallon amongst millers for g( Thomas.While puLtbo-cn.e Wednesdays, 1 0:30 m. , ada advanced 25 per cent during the fulng of prictes. That may ,rhe nul,iell 8. 8. PRINCE QEORQE fup AM when n n Fridays, 3 p. m. ., ... THURSDAY 12 Midnight f,or Iho year I IMC Such n he o. though It is rather a Vaneoum Uial A,lf?.?cxonfreo-rcmarknble ne 8a( Sundays, 7 p. m. i ii t Victoria and Sealtla. "Wiptlntinn, wan Hot ht-f 6snr foincldence thflt.,- k,i i,fn,.iftM ,nnnl;l., IvfcVohviica anyone that inch IWuil. I)riC( ntn:n"lvilK ilnfAil. K cannot both survive." Alternate Mondays froin January WEDNESDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX nnndvance had. taken piacej ii jng regularity all along the 1st. 8. S. PRINCE ALBERT "has been Too painfully appar line. The millers advance nnd If President Wilson wants to For Anyos. Pe RetcHllas, Wranfttt Jvaaa nd Sheaar 0arr' ', li, faaraari ent .when, it, raimi to haying retir ; prices, generally the do something for humanity Nil 7111 as flat, atari k .Tlk tU. r Wednesdays. 10 p. m. POR CMARLOTTK-ISLARDS ITth a4 QUIIN aarf Pakrarr food family; jvlille clolhJ lormer tlieso idays, with the large while lio Is waiting for tho and rsth. tt in hnil practlrnlly every iuceJ- esion t Jau .nrmyC They Allies to put Prussian militarism Fridays. 8 p. in. ' ally pftJifeJiaa advanced keen ;sten Aplendldlf, when it opit of business, he might dcynte Sunday's. 8 p. in. PAMENQIR TRAIN SERVICE Wadaaada aad Sataedar t 11 iM ni, le Smnse.H( Saeff a. t. conies, to Terpfding an mivance ; himself lo getting Germany llo From Anyox. mafitan, Saaataai and Wlnalpaf, malta tnala Mite ft all Batata M order tr alleviate sutTer-Jm? in ii itcs, iiisicnu oi siivmnn stop making slaves of the hM)r Thursdays, Sundays and Tuin-days. eaet and eth. .btltad train aaef Tuaaaaf 4 a. at, . enormoua in-crcaVtinUhq this erylmporlitil jiiaUrt on lhnjtBh,the Ilelgians. Agoney All Ocean Steamship Lines. cost of living, the 10 municipal ipe Hnoujers: gr trip For information ami reservations apply to ' Islands. grrverrirrlenf paVsed an order-in-council bdfes, the government SPLENDID FOX DRAMA AT The City Ticket Offlc. 52S Third Aenue, PHONC 2(0 permitting municip. should get busy on its-own and THE WESTHOLME THEATRE Mall closes. , aitii?f to .make a careful en-j dig up the facts hi first hand. Jan. 17 and 3Ut al 8 n. m. qulry into the relative cost and Of cojir'se. if it docs make a The Kaniily Stain," the aix-act Feb. I lib amTTjfttb- al 8 p. m selling.'price.f of any commodities move, It will probably be by Fox feature nt the Weslholmei which seemed lo be high t ay of a cOinmissIon, which last night, and which w ill be "re Mall Arrive. in price, and, where there was will have an expensive suite of peated tonight, is one. tif thermos t January Slat, February I7lh CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY any sign of a combino amongst oflices; many highly paid oM-cials thrilling dramas of tho screen. and March 3rd, the merchants with a view to and a big staff of clerks, It is founded upon The WJdw Loweat Kates all Eastern Po m vfcn s o nt raising prices, a report was to who will take voluminous evidence Lerouge," one of the most exciting "W.'B. Wmiam. I I. Ll, via Steamer to Vancouver tnd the be forivarded lo the Minister over a period of years stories ever wrlllen and one of MANtON CANADIAN PACIFIC RILWAY if Labor, who, in turn, would, which will be filed away in Clahoriau's greatest. Tie wjdoAv WILLIAMS, ' Meele arid Itatlh Includt'r 9eir lakn lh matter ud with the Ottawa with ilue ceremony Is found murdered in her hoiiie in Barrlatara. Solloltora, tto. n provincial attorney - general.! some two years after the war a small community and the local osjtr to tean Thin is the full extent of- the is over, and prices, have returned police find the case loo compli Bo Ufa Princess Maqulnna for Oranby aay Friday 11 p. m, Htrna Sf I Pnoe Seri, B. C measures of the government J lo normal. cated for them. Detectives are Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday, 0 p. m. to probe the high cost of living. called in and one of the most re. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 0 p. m. Several municipaPMcs, Including NOTES AND COMMENTS niarkable stories develop. The Prince Hupert, have widow Is killed because, she. Is rr r J !. Ccnernl Agent passed resolutions pointing The Japanese Kmbassy in Home PETERS, , possessed of a secret Involving out that the root of the matter asserts that there is a perfect the family history of a, prominent Stuart J. Martin Co rer Fertjrlh Street " Trtlid A.erne-. Prlne ,Kupefl. B t is not to, be found nmougst the, understanding between Japan and man. Tho play Is splendidly utaged retail merchants and wholesale the United States. It is only extremely and is produced by a strong com ASSAY Ch distributors, all of whom foolisii people who be. pany. Last evening the West-holme are having a struggle to niako liee otherwise, though there is orchestra rendered a splendid HAZCLTON B. C. a bare living, but that the. government no telling what the future may musical program. Including must go deeper to And bring forth, Thais." Ilnsrtln. "IHsa'a the cause nf the trouble, in Dream," Pastorale" and "Jhr- The oldest established Assay fact that it must take the matter To use a vulgar expression. ceuse." Office In tha North. up in a heart-to-heart manner President Wilson's peace speech with the miller and the seems to be regarded in Europe PENALTY MONIES manufacturer and that the as so much "hat air." Wondrow's J TO PATRIOTIC FUND government must consider very intentions .arc undoubtedly of the carefully just to what extent very best,, but he is .unfortunate 1 STEEN & LONGWILL couifl Al the of the enormous protective duties in saying the right thing at the close the city Imposed in this country are wrong time. Ills speech to the meeting last night. Aid. Cscy. responsible fpjr fhe. p.uojmoua Senate would, sound magnificent, seconded by Aid, ilcllae, inovr SANITARY AND HE ATI NO prices qf the necessitjes of life. after Prussian militarism is no that lite city solicitor draw up a ENGINEERS ' resolution to be presented to the. It is a notorious, fact Jbat the, more. ! dividends paid' by some of, the council next week providing that tho monies resulting from Agents for big milling companies navel lieports show that, there are penafty steadily advanced' since the j fewer cases of, unbalanced men-gutbreak the indemnity bylaw regulation McCLARY FURNACES of the war, and, these ttality as a renull pHhe! strain of i handed over to the patriotic. Standard Test Fund, This carried unanimously, PLUMBING Jh Royal iiicreascil djvjdends have come , the war, than, kcuc in normal jujt of the ;xckcs of, the. con. limes Jrnm . poverty. Probably and sumer, who, in war times and most of the unbalance! cases are SUN AND TIDE SHEET METAL WORKS Here! inhere we let the peace, pays the piper to the amongst newspaper men who Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. c)Krtt aaxaplr ol Canada (jltermpet cent every time. The tried lo pronounce, the names of Wrdnnsday, January 3 1st. ! 576 Night phones six anXoo vrbcat tiuo rises..-,.,. .....8:2 a, in. acre crop. Bun' sets ...t;28 p. nn and'lllue 270 We grind ihern into flour in the BEST LOw water ...,1:3 a pi. Jit. : The right work, at tho right bde w3l you are cm the left c High water . . .7;S0 a.ou HI. 1 8. time, and at tha right prioa. the picture. Thrn cocor the Tickets Low- water ,.2;3p p.m. lit. 7.2 suprrme IcstbteaJ-baiing. If HJgh; water ...9;.p. in. JIL 15 J LAND ACT the bread,m perfect la every -way . iJaptain Mf t:rjs..M. X a. f ti'fi4 from' Norway. Mw4n. Dan-mark, we pronounce the wheat rinlar4. Hal r sad Hun'a. saiLiNas rmom niw vork VANCOUVER LAND OISTHICT DISTRICT Al and the fW-ROYAL -Siodholnr . . rbniry lOtb lll the Pony Ktpre4 for wrtxd OP COAST, RAN4I 8. . STANDARD. WhitlanUfjortr . . . rrbrntrr Itth. tjt iri stove lengths or 4 feet, TAKE aOTICE ibtt t, Uo Sitaiey Bar AT YOUR GROCER'S "L'nllfd 8Ulrs" ffbrsary tlth. dan, of Ocea Pant, B. C. otrrjaiioa mill (test household coal and general "0f jr Mari-b 7Ul rcreury. Intend to pplr ror pennualon Maa Veur ftaaart atloaa, masa bfly. transfer. , Piano moving our to purcbaM tb rUoriN( described Undo lYancouverMilliiigsfirain CaLtiC Ett STASM15 rnr Ratra, ntnMrattd' TttMtrt imt Curnmendbr at pot pluilad about a r Ottvrtl Inrtrmation App4r to specially, prices moderate. Phone chain diitani tnd In a citerly Jlrctlon vmh ,NrwwrtiatlMier.SanataM.VKlae ta OTBNSVN HANSON '01. H. W. nogers. If. rrom tb ontbl comer or Lot J I. lUnra 3, Coait Olatrlct, tbenco aoctb f Y Inta'anca i4 Blaamahla Scanaf, cbalnSi I bene eaat ft chain tbenc norib Prtnca Rapart, 1 a RAViaABLK WATCRt MTOTICT10N ACT. IS chtlni; ibenr mil il rtalnt. to tbl R. a. C.;Otlr,r11B. poat, conuinla In all about II acre. UO STANLKT SCROO.t, Wbelber Iiuioe B. Batlntion and onnaa R. VOVEXBEB t, Itl. P. . For YourscU DrulhifTMt bt I be City or Print Rupert, id I ha Provinr' 6f Bhlttn Columbia, bert MINERAL ACT or aa a !Let Us Save You Money on your tX Hon rtvo (notice lha that I4 act ttj(kpolid t Dler with 8m tU Nctlca to Delinquent Partners. GUI to your Friend yipliir at, Public Work at Oiuwt tad To Oranl Mahood and Patrick Daly. Gasoline or Distillate m lb t,mt& of tlx bUirlct, Rentr ot ; TAKE JiOTJCE tbal wbarea Mr Title t ibe Lan4 IKHitry Office t tb loo and ciuhiI to t duo aueaament Uiy vr Prior Hupert aroreiaUl a detcrlp ork tr. urer cm tb Daly, Sultlttn. PERRIN'S W guarantees to save yoa 25 per cent, on gasoline or diUUt and, lion ot ib utn4 ,ibp tplnj. pf a ,lwrf XXUth and Ud Mloaral Claitaa, alloated In upkeep and free any motor from CAHliPN trouble. A acre'v ounce ifopoaViJib "b "built In UrntluDr Day, tite Sainton Bear Hirer DUtrtct. roriund box of Carbonvoid fa equivalent Lu V) gallons of gaaoline. Every bos Mnttr UUd-1. In front,of Lot tt( oJ foal Mtnlns Dlrlalon, ror tb year ISM, of Carbonvoid . ; i u will sava you , Ouri t asrlbli UlanJ Uod Duirlct, tnd bi paid lor Mid work ind record, A&'&ll iToYlnc of Brlllih 'Columbia, lat aafti tb I urn or 1110.00. unlet you GLOVES JolWad! Carfuonvoia the puts fp TAKE NOTICE Ibtt mfu-r Ibe pay to tit th? turn or ltlt.00 ror your HbV a a JLLL &wwK ptration r on tnooin from tb data of (bar or fl aaaewment work, tontber a fttewU "GO" in Gasoline : : 'm flrl publlratiun of tai nope tb mltb tb toil of ibit adrertlMntent, Tha well known Perrin trademark as movealfearlon ' . i ": from cylipdara. ld iiupi n. Babintton and ."lorratn It flull at tbc eiplratlon of ninety (0) day The large, companies in th world ua It. TUB ALUE& OttUEKKU Urudburil will under Section 1 ot lb from the dt hereof, apply lo tb Mlnlnr shown In cuts should be on every glove IN J UNK 2i,CKA CAUTON8. pravlou brder 2W,(K)0 carUha. PUily aid act (pply ,ii V Miattter ef PUblle tieconler it SieHM. b, C, ta li' your ywu get, sa thlaaaaufes you perfection of guaranUedoryour money refunded. Mailed anyw here on recHpt of 11.80 Work at hi oirir In th CMf-ot Otuwa, ttilere.U- In IN ld Paly. Sulllun. Kdith Provlor of (nUrlo. for approval ol to and LMb mineral claim eted In ui, In Style, Ftt and Finish. 44 til and plan and for la to con. (Turtuanra or tba provlaion of the Mlnvrl ror Sale Only by iiruft lh ,utd mharf. Act. Prince Hupert, B.C. : U4TED at Prlnf llupert. B, C tbl Dated at Victor!, P, C...tbi. Hin du SWt ttmUrt tkm wrid mr mU fa'e 'Gep, L. (Clayton, - iflh day or December, A, p, Kit. of ,'Voveinber, A. O. 10 1. gmmtUm PBMJUM'S CLOVES. WILUAMS k MAflSOM. JAMES McDOSALD. Solicitor! for lb Applicant p, ii, rnEPtnicic c wiiiKtcn. F, Q. BAMtM PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.