LONG DISCUSSION J.L.H1CKEY ON INDEMNITY BYLAW I Local News Nolcs (Continued From Page One.' CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Iron beds at cut.in. two prices lie felt Hint trie nrlnclplo wus ' nt Tito's sale. tf. right and that was' tlio main Storo nnd Onico Fixtures, thing. A man who Is absent from Snnh, Door and Moldings. Tho cUy council last night of all a luVctlng is incurring no Ions, passed tho second reading of the THE MINISTER OF FINANCE, Oak and, Hard Woods ami is tnrrcrore entitled lo no Knscli bylaw. kinds. Indemnity. It wns simply a cate Ws Speelallie In making of being paid for services rendered. Tho fire chief submitted his REQUESTS and fitting storm windows, He did not understand annual report to the city council what Aid. Montgomery meant by last night. It was received for ;f THE PEOPLE OF CANADA .TOf-'-j any alt. patronage. If Aid. Montgomery publication In the annual report. . ', Ml Plata and theet Glass and had any fair proposition to innke, BEGIN NOW Qlailng. which Avas 10 the city's Interests, llegular meeting of tho Helping Corner Fraser and 8th 8ia. lie would gladly support it. Hands Society will be held nt the 4 1 Aid. Montgomery claimed that residence of Mrs, I, w. Hellly on TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE PHONE OMEN MS the City wns paying 25 to 30 per Wednesday, Jan. 3lt at 8 p. nt. P. O. BOX 448. cent moro for some things by Members are requested to attend NEXT WAR LOAN buying thorn from firms In the city, when they could buy better Fred. Scaddon has received n outside. He thought that no man letter from "Hilly" Hoskyn, who DcraariMMr 09 ntMea should sit at tho council board is on active service. ''Billy" says jam. a. tw orrw and deal with tho city at tho same that Harold Brierly Is all alive TWEENGINEREriNEMEH time. (Aid. Mcllae interjected and kicking. He lost -n brother Wsf lost far rm,m cxesfot that If the city could buy belter some time ago in action. chew here it should do so). Aid. aisMwasuurs KMiwa IHc. Mortall and We, Van Dyko, Montgomery thought that no al t crt- 1-S In. by 7 In.. It-IS derman was morally Justified In two or the boys wno ten incre'wtio tho first contingent for oversea doing business with the city, s-4 in. kr a '-a i-. as though he .might bo legally right.!service, arrived back homo yes Her fewer. having been discharged terday; on He did not say that any undue in LAND REGISTRY cri. e i-i in. k i in, as-aa account of wounds. ACT fluenco had been to bear brought ARE BATHS (SecUooi II aad til. In placing city business, still he ,,.., nrnr, PHpo. not "Tfc Daily News" Ae Applicition . 11,111, ruiaf tju did not think that a man should - TAkE NOTICE tbat HfUtttu) au q For Further Information specials, but every day: li. u. NECESSARY? mad ta rftur lofaa Beritnan. u rra hold n chair and do business with Apply to Cream, 20 ot, per case, H.70; CLASSIFIED ADS. Hupcrt, B, C at earner la ft 14 , the city. Ho was willing o c-jn a brnm, 49 lbs 12.10; Tat Sale Pd fn lb Catiectcr at at W. E. VVILLISCnOKT riflce something if Aid. McItae.. lMtfr , lbs. for 05 cents! Tblt luuka Ilk a fooiub ounUoo la tbl I City of I'rtnca ttapert. Utrtai on n was willing to do the same and, 3 lbs. talllhtrord lit, tat Utn If brttJ t 14 lb dlf of Spleiabr, lilt, at AU. Ul illlue Illbbon Tea. for 11.15. WANTED. Prince Rupert, B. C. SI-iOl'LAB. tbal ceruia parrel trvttf take no business from tho city. mlllloo Anwrirani bo in notbiar Phone Blue 113. 25. land tad pretnltea lllutl. Ijm, t4 kali tad fw ar latrnul Bttbinc a yrart aro , Aid. Merino said that tho VVA-IItO -SnaU llfbl rovUxt, pitoa f la Ut MaatcuaUtr of rnact a now rmr u intirjr ttttt tttry ar rullj thought of the business his firm 300 tons of Ladysmlth lump rtMtul to baaltb at EtUrnal Bttba. Blark Itf. mora parUcalartr known at Lot va 1: ' 1 might do with the city did not roal for the Prince Itupert Coal Br a purrlr ntioral procfti of prvfarty BkKb nt (l, aactloa Settn tm . 1.1 i I rnM i l t i 1 Dlnc warm itr, tb "J. B. L Caarad" TOR SALE Prisce Feed Co. rmcr in ilium iruiii .iuii. ibi u Rftfert ,s bc,n i, charged from the rrtnotM ALL tb poltnoMi att frorn Yoa tr required ta coaiett u tta Dec. 3 1st. The Arm had nlwaysj0- of ta in part ht mt wiuua tb!riat sold goods .to the city Just as to (Prince Albert. For the past few atrr th Lorr l tb IntMlia.rao of SI bitb pT rent rtmiruni of all I nn pap.sttx Affflj Tboroucbbml lullr SroKk Colli tr. dart froea tba dM af tb terete r at anyone else. It was done by in. weeks, owing to shortage in the human allawsti. aotfrw 1 ablrfe may be eSected if Ve HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS corporated firms in nil the gov-,j0ulh( It Intunilr rrllttvt eotuttpatloa. pro- imi'stiiuui trrECTs rua balk t tared Mail ar at Directed, aad ra a another mine coa from rrnUtrt lb bowrli and of 1L leatioa la tailed ta aecUu II of a frrlj prrau Sib Atrou. cor oar Tvuac AND FERTILIZERS . eminent and municipalities. If j, d l(J fce , fcul lhe all IM drtrrlnr-dovD bld BlUtoain "Land Befltlcr Af wltb aaaaataaaa. there was anything wrong with) and Ur Troublaa alajrt rrrau. run BALE Babyt tlaia aitd batmM tnd la tb foUowtsr aitract tbertfrtai the patronage system Aid. Monl-!,'a,1y,,,,lilh "rlicl? nnd n"1 c,aM E. W. Sou trail. M. t, of Ornr, x faraitar. Afflr It TMrd Atrao. ...-and ta deftall of a rttitl ar caret MTS HANDLE rata at tta pendent be U( Bled lefcrt fa (let order In rllt: WaL tf gomery should go ahead and say ; in every way. your I Bulbs, and Take Orders for "I rbatlmtrd tb dot tort tn tblt too rtcutrttiwo at twr t U perk so nnd he would willingly support j early. If-liint tail k In rrrtrd ki bat I ran d 1lb r)H (ALC Cartvai mlataf swhtavrr. ta Utlrd Mder 0(b UI aaie. all ptrtuaj H Nursery Stock. in anything ho proposed) four 'Catrtd'. I ran mt for a tratk cladior tT atarbia drtlM. cut ana tart, annl allfe AoUre. . and tbat caa Ibtl I know tb rratoa for say tatcvo drtll-ttavl. tUaat-BtUait tic if') tbroatk ar aader tbeta. aad aa rai Chicken Feed A Specialty. W,lllCh,wa9in .lh! ,n,tere8l81,f the:"'e'ciTY ASSESSMENT UNDER tin nunjr aartont lllnrtart tt doa ta Ptilf Mt. tf. 'laiaaac an? laurett la lb lead tf mt c y. His Ann s WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION battnr tb UrU atbmt Mt oar and t any aar ru tared tailraawat, ta4 a cuy was oniy a trine in me year MsttinM Mir a day. I oolr tib I MISCELLANEOUS (reau cUMtiar aay lateretl ta tbe ) T. auii Order Atuadee rritipur business and he saw no reason foold nk tb pof t la rrarl fctti bf detrrai wboae Utl I act reruim! I The city solicitor presented to under tb proetttotM tit tbit act. taa u to change his mind about it. m Um tmrlrnor of a rood bowl ahio. QAtuiUC IXJIMtH b mail anooat P. O. Boi S9S. SOS Tnird At. the city council last evening the for tr ttuted and eebarred frm aa Sioorrrli ,rur." Aid. Dybhavn took serious objection the of caOi ta lotrM IU aarttraa. Waal uat up aay ruin ta ar la rrtfx of a assessment notice sent out by Onn. Ird Crrtl II. Dratfttt. ronwr PRINCE B. O. hat Writ Bat III. Dtdr .1 RUPERT, joaf land aoU to Aid. McCIyinont's for Utea, aad tb Barutrar sug provincial government under the . ttid am ttrrtL rrtaaa Rorrt bat I tied gestion that tho deduction only i i - at a.a 1 tmamdoot d)tnd for "i. B. U Catt bQ retuur lb parte) eatiUed aaa tv . . . i or nip u s i-omprniaiiou aci. LOST turh Ut til at aaaar of l Ual K In Um fw and IH fad rat yrart, appiy to a mermen wno were out,The aoid tor Uiat." Mlc, fop lhfl vnrou d u how and eiptttn It to yon 00' rrqunL A of town. It left a loop-hole for LOST old medal, aM I. Jadrt ta-K-rOed. A.tD WnratAS attdutOM tai beta Ctfgkiig scatters fun fpom f c,nl t rrr tnd lotrtm booklet nt latrrsal rtadar rat ara to O.K. Bttaa. OMd far TTU CarUSrate of trfaii4 who might, on occasion, I .aldermen Ntn of It t5 fl0 Mnl lhe UUeP eovef. Batninr. "Whj Todar Ooljr to Um eboertaeaUotrd teait, ta lb eaat prefer to miss certain meetings. Ptr OnL tmrtfoL" can alto b attained FOUND , ,ce antl nfe brU of lohm Berraua; If cared sit at home he for lb atkinr. If Ton ortftr, wrtu to a man K1 UHCaEAS tattetlitUM lb . Qn moUon of A,d Dr. Cbai A. Tjrmll. HI Collrr itml, CooRbUg Inert tike could do so without any penalty for rOU.XD Sltrr Mt par. rt'7 tUt till It arfrt tut prte U tt tt oc , iefomed br Ad McItae, it Toronto, tun, irritation of th already la-flamed and he had known of cases where Offl. u of Aarietbbar. 1114, tb CU M tfttf mucnooe membrane w. nfmtll to the nnanc. ttnd tb tahl Itadt war aatd far and U morcoTcr apt te cany aldermen had deliberately flayed fa, commltlce. Tl.e total a-, FUlurr for sale, phone (93, Ute yaw were tb 4 tea dlecaea tooUiera. away from meetings, lie heartily sm(.ntt which bal.d Cavenalle X llannan. If. lbtef. Wwkl UthI n'a ot Tr umd upon OTtCX Uat 0 Syrup supported Aid. McItae s amend-' Slteet Metal rLMTIIta TAkE Cad Lirrr OU proiaptlj Hop e payro,)f msM and pay. taow tuna I tbait effect reruvta a eoogbinr. and ocb, thank ,rnein,. able on February 1st. CARBONVOID for sale by I.lp. Praaae of tarb atiUraUoa tad bad I to iu took propcrtica.effect McMeekin, in supporting , elt X Cunningham, and l'arkin CertUrtM af ladefeattbla Title at It Ma ) permnnt curt, e the amendment, said that he had' i Now Is the time to have Uadt la lb mbm at laba Beria ah of in Bfatbicn'i naini Bymp popeumy of Tar to supply a man to take his place i,MTC .J'JS-Sm 5s-ax-ir your heating plant put In Ward Wectrlc Co. If. )-aei Ut aad proaecau tba clatta,pre if Kf ttf, reediact la etubtitb yetir .. ... . I v, i. ii i.i .! ii. m a a i - aIi i t shape for the winter; roofs a am wr r uu u wpmmnj la lb Mid Uadt. or a prevent tern pa dae to it great valaa a a rcrncvnivn.1 Ihla na nn j. nt hi a r and skylights seen to. poMd actio a aty pan ptn-srit ckUlhealct.Taag; a4 tui sponsibilities In accepting the ' ,lal ar) h nd In such cases consult s) RENT lUTtD ai th Land futtttrj OStt. ' J FOR fnnc Bapert. B. tbl lib f aT seat had governed himself If C, ,Sold rwywbera,jgc largo and f;, practical man you want tiecenber, A. D. Ilia. accordingly. He felt that it was uVf I)f'.?0n," I"'1 frir results. M. r. MACUOP. (late AL.I only right that any absentee hpr. IT. Pittnct Bertttrtr of TiO. Modrra rwea boat, Caiiltb UUt lhe C. 0. Rowe .TM. should have a deduction made. tT'ncth arm'1? Cotur roocBt, tta A mc. 1, Ta Siatoa rttertoa. PartttW. Cabferait Aid. McClymont said be w a, TJieatre on ednesday evening Practical shsst metal man. GolUtt 4 rocoit, lath. SiuzMnlt At. glad Aid. Dybhavn had pointed out l f eckv Sergt. Mailer will mraUbrd ColUf tIT lib At. K. r'1' Uh 8na,' Opposite Hoard of Trade CutUf a 4 rvoou, Ttmrapaoa aad l LAND ACT the weakness In his amendment to C CutUft 4 rooat ISO sib Aa, the amendment. The amended JL0? l,n,e rJV0'lf ? lbe l,rl '1 Ilooms, 322 2nd Avenue WXW 1 rHata Nart Otaet.Laed Hat Dievr ki. Owuwt clause Aid. RM' r-Mailer was hpt rttoac sea. carried. Montgomery tatoKDii aFAsmssNTs, srttn. MiSt. held TAkE 50TICE tbat tbe PtrtSt at ln l,me i:nvcr iicy sway. dissenting' Estimates Furnished Frse. aaOt a rf . Raat f tba Sau Untiled, af Vancoater, B. C atcaptu B. C UNDERTAKERS iThe sergeant Is a traveller. Jour. baa baa rd4 V SO ml. palp tad paper ataktra, laleod W trad Jnalist, explorer and soldier and Nt aad altaa. d Jaalt ar for permittion la partbat tb fowta HALIBUT ARRIVALS (g iecture B,lould be Wfll worth tl. Will lalail t tH laal. detcrtbed lutdli-CotMaenctaf ll t pox unsbal DiacoToas am sav The schofiner Commonwealth, hearing. It will be Illustrated BCIT TNIM IN TOWN fOO) TMI plaated II Um aowlbeatl Corner af Lot Ml BALntS SATISACTIOM SUM' OMIT. a tba wetl tbor af Coatlat Inlet, tbeatt of the lloolh Fisheries fleet, ar- and lhcre wm aUo b5 a mu,fn DENTISTRY urtrre orsw day and ataxr weti 40 CbtlBt. ibeeca aoaUl to cUiai. rived ii7 aao street phone at this morning with 8,000 nrnirram. Admi.inn u frr. with tbrnre eiti to tbcre, Uwoc aortVi"'J pounds of halibut and t.000 of , eiiuiUmt in nil f th- ntnrne.t W aifli Bra. Intaraac.Ubcral rrpr lion abort to point at coautarfKeawak oaoava mo aaioai won mouui wUjr ttroav, com black cod. The American schooner HoldJers Fund, STKOUU.TY raniaa. roouinlnf it tcret, mora ar lett. Sitka had 20,000. Kidding at noon ' Var aaalaaaa l tlllt. fACinC MILLS UMI1EO. was around 12H cents. DR. J. S. BROWN; Mart 4m.br, ileal, THE CRADLE OCMTIST M. C. HELfltJSN, LTD baled Ml I lib. A. !. llll. " m FURS! RAW FOBS! Horn to Mr. and Mrs. J. CL 0tl aailia aUk. Tlra At Mid-winter sahj at Oeo. Tile's. Havigan, a daughter, at the general rMNCS MUrBMT LAMB DISTWIOT Complete home furnishings at hospital yesterday afternoon. THICT C4 COAST, M)t Ml. The Edmitii Fur cost. tf. LAND ACT TAkE ilMTICK tbal racis Millt, Umite, IKIINA LAND OI0TRIOT OISTSIOT Of of Vtnewater. BrtUtb Columbia, occurtuoa. COAST, BUUNia THRCS pulp and paper tntkert. round to trrf Ltd. The Oddfellows will give a TAkE aouc tbat 1, rraoett ioaapb for perinlttlon to pnrcbaf lb toUoalM Exckange, whist drive and dance In K. of P. Pmce Rupert Dairy AKERBERGi THOMSON baalt, aciint at tttnl for tb Empirt detcrtbed Undi. Cotuibeoclni it I P01 rl'er, Hall, Tuesday, Feb. Cth. Tickets fulp and l't(wr Mill. Ltd. of Sattuoo Uotrd oo u nortb bank of lot) Is open for business and offers UNDSJt NSW MANAaaMSCNT COMPANY tijr, H. C. occupttion lotttr. lauod to tboul oo-quirttr of a aU hp '"1 expert service to trappers, 50 cents. 2-3 0-1 ouo4 tb apply for prtnlttUn to la tba follow. frwa lb tbor of nii llaiH traders and buyers of - - Areata for ' Int Oatrnbrd Undtr north iwtntr cBaint. tbac tttt iW PURE HOL8TIEN MILK furs. This Exchange is the tbenrt -rat-atta." rbaint, Ibenca toutb to fleer! bank, raitco laarsiiiAL." Cuntinanrlnt at a poat planted en to largest in Canada. It carries Headaches CREAM -risHSJtaUH.- -rtaao- and tvuib tiwr of lb Uroon at tb cod ot tlonf tbor la a weturly direction M out a plan of open, competitive BUTTERMILK OLAV OAS KNSINSS. Mi !al Arm of MuimI lalat, about one point of cwnmeoccmcnt and coaitiaitl selling. It Is made up tnd bair mlltt forty (li; icret. more or lett. In dirUon on a weilrrlr of solid business men and come mostly from disorders of PHONE sas. Piled June lotb. llll. api' b or frwii n.w. corner T, U 44114. III. stands for the stomach, liver and bowels. PMONS 2S7 r. o. box 114041 lhet.f toutb to cbttnt, ibrnc PAOrlC MILLS. UMITEP. RESPONSIBILITY RELIABILITY Regulate these organs and keep wttl 40 rbaint, Ibenre nortb to cbaioa by "Mirk imtby," Ateat All ONm Attan- T. RESULTS free from headaches by using rrmtly MINERAL ACT more or lett to tbor line, I banc follow Kxchauge sales are adver. lor tbor Him In an taturly direction to HAVIOABLI WATSRS PK0TICTI0N ACT. tised widely. They reach the R. McKay, Proprietor. Certincats of Improvements )lnt uf rt-uinMnremenl. R. 0. O. OA. IIS. big buyers. The Exchange BEECHAM'S NOTIOI r HAN CIS iOIKPH ll CALK, ArpUratl. PACIHC MILLS, LIMIT tl, hereby fl employs none but experts. HMtir Lani District 4lalrlct l aitaar Bu MlDtrai ClaUn. tlluaia In tn (UloUr 1 1 lb, llll. Ml aotlr that ll btt, under Section of l Its warehouses are safe Dlrltlon of Caitlar UlithcU tld Art. tlrpotlled wtib tb Minitler of OomI, SUnf S. Ikraoa Mlninc against fire, Vermin, or other PILLS TAKE NOTICE tut Arcbi Birnet Martin. whara iiaiadt At tba bad of a braurb Public Worn it Otuai. and la tba oArt damaging contact.central The Exchange In occupation mill mtntstr, of tb city t if Urn Crrrk about four miitt from tn r to lieilitnr Oenertl of Till l Vie at offices are Vkneoufcr. Prorlac of Urllltb ColumLli; brtcb oo tb tou lb tldt of Allrt Arm. PHONE 83 P, O. BOX 31 trrta. Priutb Colunibli, a dttcripuon Edmonton. Bend next Sal t Amf Ma&la 1 tfca WdV your ttructurei Intend to apply for pcnnlfilon to purJ TAKE NOTICE ioal I. Oaorra B. tJan, Iba tilt tod tba plant of reruin shipment to SU Var7kar. Ubaaa,Ua. tbM tb folluwtnir dcirrlbcd Uodst r. Ulnar'a Car tl Brit No. OtOflB. actlDI PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD., ta h t reeled In front or Lot Tbirty oo Comiucocinr at a pol pltaud on tb tt stent for Tbot. McRottlt, fr Mlrwr-t (II . Htor Three (I), Coat I putrid. The EfaiMti Fur toutb ibor of Couilnt lolal about 0 CariiOrtM to. COItIB, ana jamt u iitirn, Urllltb Columbli, ll tba head of Coutlot rbalo writ of tb loulbwtil curnr of rrr Mloer's Crtiacte Wo. STf4B, In. loltt Ltd. Lot it, lunr 1, Coait butrleii tbene i.n.4 r ., il.iv ilavi.- from lb dlt btr6f. to Transfer and Storage AflD TAkE K.OTICE Ibtl ifltr lh Exchange, Mutb to cntlas. tbror watt 4 cbalni, toply to tb MiDtnr Btcordtr for a Cartio plritlon of ta uioatb from tb dtt at thene nortn to ciwini. tbcoc writ tat of laiprovtmantt, ror ut purpot ui BKST LUMP A NUT COAL iha II..1 n.iMlr.tlnn nl Itila NoUf. M' ADAMS BUILDING rbaint, tbrnr nortb tl.l cbaln mora be clitalalnc. t crown unm ot in aoua cina Mlllt, Limited, will, voder Srctiun 1 Telephone MM, Edmonton 5Sw3r ! to II, W, M. or Coutlos lalat. tbnc Malm. of th itid Atl, aj.ply to tba Oornor-lO' Alberta. lolklnr lb II. W. M. to tbl pot I and And furtbtr Ukt uutit mti anion, NO LONQ WAITS Council tor approtil of the mo ' coouiMinr on buDdred and ltoty-fla andar aactloa II, mutt b eoniroencad b NO SHORT WEIGHTS P'"- . . ... RAW FURS! RAW FURS1 (III) arret mora or Uu. for lh lnut of turh Car lid rt I of Dited al Vtooour. Brttltb coiunu"-. IUTID at Vanojuvtr, B. C, tbti i( prormttott. When You Order from Us. Ihii 14th-dtr of April. A. D. IIH aiy or notnuer, a. u. it it. DtUd IIUI Itw ar -artn, a.ii. ii, BODWELL, LAWIOJ1 fcAita. J. St. AHCHIK BAIl.ttS MAIlTIH OEUMUS K. NASEN. tel Bollcltori tor Pacini Mlllt, LluUttd.